Delineation problems a single complex and multiple crimes


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The purpose of writing research work. This scientific article aims to identify the signs of isolated complex crimes, allowing them to distinguish from multiple crimes, to develop proposals to improve the criminal law in terms of the issues under study. Findings from the study. In the case of multiple crimes, each of the acts is subject to qualification under a separate article of the criminal law (a separate part of the article). The criminal law provides for two main types of multiple crimes - the totality of crimes and recidivism of crimes, as well as several of their subspecies. For the correct qualification, multiple crimes should be distinguished from single crimes, which recognize socially dangerous acts containing the composition of one crime. Individual crimes can be simple and complex. The latter have similarities with multiple crimes. Although there are a number of rules in criminal law that provide for ongoing and continuing crimes, there are no legislative definitions of their concepts. The paper formulated a proposal to supplement chapter 3 «The concept of crime and types of crimes» of the Criminal code with norms containing definitions of the concepts of a single simple crime, a single complex crime, a continuing crime, a composite crime, crimes with alternative actions. It is also proposed to supplement chapter 10 «Sentencing» of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation with the rules that if a person has been convicted of a continuing or ongoing crime, and then the person continued to commit it after the sentencing, on which he was convicted, but has not yet served a sentence, then in the conviction for a for-ongoing or continued crime and the second sentence, the court must impose less stringent criminal sentencing, than is provided for multiple crimes.

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Sobre autores

Victor Omelin

FKU Research Institute FSIN of Russia


Rustam Bazarov

FKU Research Institute FSIN of Russia



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