Comprehensive Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement from the perspective of International Economic Law


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The purpose and objectives of this article are to analyze the Comprehensive Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement from the point of view of international economic law. The Pacific Partnership Agreement is a comprehensive, detailed international legal instrument that regulates a wide range of economic relations between the participating entities. The norms of the Agreement are part of a large number of institutes of international law and its branch - international economic law; they serve as the basis for the formation of new elements of the system of international law. At the same time, under the influence of the Agreement, a certain international legal economic regime and the Law order have developed; rules for the functioning of free trade zones and free investment zones have been elaborated. As a result of the appearance and operation of the Agreement, along with other acts of a similar scale, there is a transition to a new stage of globalization - the establishment of direct links between the integration blocks. International legal awareness has prepared the necessary justifications and tools for linking various integration associations (partnerships) with each other. Methodological approach. The work uses general scientific methods, as well as the method of legal interpretation. Results and conclusions. The article concludes that within the framework of the law of economic integration, the formation of the main contour of international legal institutions has been completed, the improvement and development of these institutions, the emergence of new types of integration entities-partnerships, the new stage of integration-the stage of strengthening the relationships between the integration associations themselves through various channels, and the significant impact on the balance of power in the international (global) economic system, along with other factors, of the TPP Agreement. The originality and value of the work lies in the consideration of the TPP Agreement as the most important factor influencing the processes of economic integration and the development of international economic law.

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Sobre autores

Vladimir Shumilov

All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation

Dr.Sci.(Law), Professor, Head of the Department of International Law, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation. Moscow, Russia


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