The penitentiary system: looking through the century - 1910 - 2010



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in article the Report of the Head Prison Department of the Russian Empire for 1910 state-of-the-art reviews, references, materials of boards of FSIN of Russia (about the organization of the mode and supervision in pre-trial detention centers and prisons, about a condition of the mode and supervision in IK, LIU, MPI of penal correction system), instructions of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation of 2010 are analyzed. A comparative legal analysis is carried out of the results of the activities of the Main Prison Administration of the Russian Empire and the entire Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia for 1910 and 2010, as well as promising measures for subsequent years. As a result of an analytical study of certain areas of activity of prison systems, specific knowledge was obtained about problems and ways to solve them in 1910 and 2010.




Nikolai Shurukhnov

FSIN Academy Russia

Dr Sci (Law), Professor, Chief Research Officer; Professor at Departments of Criminal Procedure and forensic science Moscow, Russia; Ryazan, Russia


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