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编号 4 (2015)


Modifikatsiya terapii bronkhial'noy astmy. Vozmozhnosti povysheniya effektivnosti lecheniya virus-indutsirovannoy astmy u detey

Bulgakova V.


According to modern notions, bronchial asthma in children is allergic inflammation in the respiratory tract, accompanied by bronchial hyperreactive to different stimuli. Acute respiratory viral infection plays a key role in strengthening the inflammatory process in bronchial asthma in childhood. Repeated episodes of respiratory illnesses accompanied by bronchial obstruction, as a rule, form or exacerbate bronchial hyperreactivity. As an independent clinical phenotype of bronchial asthma in children excrete the virus-induced bronchial asthma. Effective anti-inflammatory drugs for the prevention of exacerbations of virus-induced bronchial asthma at the present stage are presented leukotriene receptor antagonists.
Pharmateca. 2015;(4):6-12
pages 6-12 views

Khronicheskiy tonzillit: predstavlenie o mikrobnom peyzazhe nebnykh mindalin

Karpishchenko S., Kolesnikova O.


The most important problem of conservative treatment of chronic tonsillitis (CT) is the elimination of pathogenic microorganisms localized in the depths of the tonsils. The frequent recurrence of CT and inefficacy of antibacterial therapy may be related to the underestimation of microorganisms that cause worsening of the disease. Currently, Staphylococcus aureus and Haemophilus influenzae have great importance in the pathogenesis of CT. It is found that in case of failure of penicillin antibiotic therapy during the exacerbation of often recurrent CT, administration of II and III generation cephalosporins and fluoroquinolone is reasonable. In the treatment of CT, conservative therapy should include courses of washings of lacunae of tonsils and physiotherapy in addition to systemic antibiotic therapy.
Pharmateca. 2015;(4):13-17
pages 13-17 views

Diagnostika i farmakoterapiya khronicheskoy obstruktivnoy bolezni legkikh: osnovnye polozheniya

Zaytsev A., Bezlepko A., Sinopal'nikov A.


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is characterized by persistent obstructive limitation of ventilatory function which is caused by increased chronic inflammatory response to pathogenic particles or gases. The condition is partially reversible, but usually progresses.The paper reviews the basics of COPD patient clinical evaluation, laboratory tests and diagnostic procedures used for examination in this disease. Differential diagnostic criteria between COPD and asthma are presented and signs that may be helpful in differentiating COPD and other respiratory disorders are described. Current classification of COPD (GOLD 2011/2013) is provided. The paper outlines the basic principles of stable COPD pharmacotherapy including anticholinergics, P2-agonists, inhaled corticosteroids, and some other medications (theophylline, antioxidants, phosphodiesterase-4 inhibitors), as well as their combinations.
Pharmateca. 2015;(4):18-24
pages 18-24 views

25 Rotavirusnaya infektsiya u detey

Martynova G., Solov'eva I., Yuzhakova A.


Rotavirus infection (RVI) is a leader in the structure of acute intestinal infections. High prevalence and contagiousness of RVI, the particular vulnerability of children in the first years of life, lack of drugs for etiotropic treatment, and possibility of adverse outcomes all dictate the need for specific prevention of the infection. The article describes the modern clinical and epidemiological features of RVI and the potentials for the specific prophylaxis with a vaccination.
Pharmateca. 2015;(4):25-30
pages 25-30 views

Aktual'nye voprosy farmakoterapii ostrykh respiratornykh virusnykh infektsiy

Zaytsev A., Vlasova A.


This paper reviews the etiology, diagnosis, and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI). Today there are a number of challenging problems of ARVI pharmacotherapy. Firstly, an effective causative treatment is possible only for influenza infection. Secondly, diversity of clinical manifestations of ARVI (fever, headache, weakness, runny nose, cough, etc.) requires concurrent administration of multiple medications of different pharmacological groups. And finally, difficulties in differentiating viral and bacterial infections have led to excessive administration of antibacterial drugs thus giving rise to emergence and ongoing spread of antimicrobial-resistant pathogens. An attractive alternative for ARVI patient presenting with several symptoms is the use of combined drugs. The ability to simultaneously relieve multiple symptoms of viral infection has brought about extraordinary popularity of these drugs.
Pharmateca. 2015;(4):31-35
pages 31-35 views

Diagnostika i lechenie tuberkuleza u VICh-infitsirovannykh

Barkanova O., Gagarina S., Kaluzhenina A., Popkova N.


Currently, tuberculosis and HIV are considered as obligate satellites. This article describes the issues of diagnosis of tuberculosis in HIV-infected patients in detail. The features of the treatment of tuberculosis in HIV-infected people (antituberculous treatment, surgery) are discussed. Particular attention is paid to the antiretroviral therapy of co-infected patients.
Pharmateca. 2015;(4):36-41
pages 36-41 views

Terapiya bronkhial'noy astmy soglasno sovremennym natsional'nym i mezhdunarodnym rukovodstvam

Nenasheva N.


This article is devoted to the treatment of bronchial asthma in adults and adolescents according to current federal clinical guidelines and international GINA 2014 guideline. Goals of asthma therapy, criteria for disease control, categories of drugs for the treatment, and stepped pharmacotherapy of bronchial asthma are presented.
Pharmateca. 2015;(4):42-48
pages 42-48 views

Algoritm mukoliticheskoy terapii: chto dolzhen uchityvat' pediatr

Simonova O., Gorinova Y.


This paper critically discusses the problem of the treatment of cough, which is a common symptom of respiratory diseases in children. The primary focus is placed on the use of ambroxol hydrochloride preparations, widely and effectively used in pediatric practice. One of these preparations Lasolvan is a strong mucolytic and surfactant synthesis stimulating agent with pronounced expectorant, antiinflammatory and antioxidant effects.Lasolvan has a variety of formulations and can be used in children, particularly in young children. The preparation is well tolerated and essentially has no side effects.
Pharmateca. 2015;(4):49-54
pages 49-54 views

Profilaktika i terapiya bronkholegochnoy displazii: na chem osnovany dokazatel'stva effektivnosti?

Ovsyannikov D., Bolibok A.


Improvement of methods for nursing of infants with very low and extremely low birth weight leads to an increase in their survival and the emergence of a growing number of children with bronchopulmonary dysplasia. The article presents the current recommendations for the prevention and treatment of bronchopulmonary dysplasia based on the results of randomized clinical trials.
Pharmateca. 2015;(4):55-60
pages 55-60 views

Glyukokortikosteroidnye gormony - «zolotoy» standart v lechenii bol'nykh bronkhial'noy astmoy

Trofimov V.


This paper reviews the role of glucocorticoids in the treatment of patients with bronchial asthma. Cellular and molecular mechanisms of anti-inflammatory action of glucocorticoids are discussed. Systemic and inhaled corticosteroids are presented as a means of achieving and maintaining asthma control. A variety of corticosteroid medications for asthma, as well as devices for delivery of inhaled corticosteroid formulations are compared. Efficient regimens of systemic and inhaled corticosteroids administration are presented.
Pharmateca. 2015;(4):61-64
pages 61-64 views

MRSA pri infektsii protezirovannogo sustava: mishen' dlya antibakterial'noy terapii

Bozhkova S., Polyakova E., Borisov A., Rukina A.


The article presents the results of the monitoring of antibiotic resistance of 815 strains of Staphylococcus aureus, the leading causative agents of infectious complications after endoprosthesis replacement of hip and knee joints during 2010-2013. A comparative analysis of the activity of antibiotics depending on the resistance of Staphylococcus aureus isolates to methicillin was performed. The data on the distribution of strains of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) according to the minimum inhibitory concentration of vancomycin, daptomycin and ceftaroline are presented. Based on the own authors’ research and scientific literature data, analysis of potentials for the application of various antibacterial drugs for the treatment of prosthetic joint infection was performed, and the most active antibiotics against MRSA were identified.
Pharmateca. 2015;(4):65-69
pages 65-69 views

Diffuzionnaya sposobnost' legkikh u bol'nykh revmatoidnym artritom s interstitsial'nym porazheniem legkikh

Bestaev D.


The evaluation of lung diffusion capacity (LDC) in 75 patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and interstitial lung disease was performed. The results showed that the definition of LDC in RA patients might contribute to the early detection of interstitial lung changes. The features of the changes of LDC indicate the presence of different pathogenetic mechanisms of its decline in different stages of RA.
Pharmateca. 2015;(4):70-72
pages 70-72 views

Tsitokinovyy status i effektivnost' tsitokinoterapii rotavirusnoy infektsii u detey

Mazankova L., Chebotareva T., Maykova I., Gorbunov S.


The article describes the changes in the cellular and humoral immunity in acute intestinal infections of various etiologies, including rotavirus, detected during examination of 145 children aged 5 months to 14 years; the correlation between the degree of immunological disorders and clinical features of the disease in childhood is shown. The most significant changes in cytokine status are associated with increased interleukin-10 levels, which is a marker of intoxication. Additionally, children with rotavirus infection have reduced levels of induced interferon-а and-y, that justifies the application of interferon-a-2b, which is contained in the drug Viferon. Inclusion of Viferon and probiotic Bifiform Kids along with basic therapy in complex treatment for children with rotavirus allows to improve the dynamics of clinical and immunological parameters, and reduce the number of cases of SARS during the 6 months follow-up after the acute period of the disease by 1.5 times.
Pharmateca. 2015;(4):73-77
pages 73-77 views

Patogeneticheskoe obosnovanie immunoterapii khronicheskogo tonzillita

Savlevich E.


The problem of the treatment of chronic tonsillitis (CT) remains the most complex and challenging in otolaryngology. The ineffectiveness of antibiotics has identified the particular importance of immunotherapy in CT. Septilin plus is a herbal medicines with anti-inflammatory action. Septilin plus can be recommended for the complex treatment of CT.
Pharmateca. 2015;(4):78-81
pages 78-81 views

Mesto ingalyatsionnykh glyukokortikosteroidov v terapii bronkhial'noy astmy u detey raznogo vozrasta

Geppe N., Ozerskaya I.


Optimal pharmacotherapy of bronchial asthma (BA) in children allows to control the symptoms and reduce risk of exacerbations. Main group of drugs used for the treatment of asthma include inhaled glucocorticosteroids (IGCS). Use of IGCC as background therapy in children of different ages is supported by international and national guidelines. Due to high anti-inflammatory activity, IGCC are justified as the first stage of background therapy of BA. Inhaled corticosteroids may also be effective in the treatment of acute exacerbations of BA in children. One of the most studied and widely used inhaled corticosteroids is budesonide. Due to excellent safety profile and the possibility of using of different inhaled forms, budesonide can be effectively used in the treatment of BA in children.
Pharmateca. 2015;(4):82-87
pages 82-87 views