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Volume 29, Nº 10 (2022)



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Pharmateca. 2022;29(10):6-9
pages 6-9 views

To the issue of the relevance of the development of new anti-tuberculosis drugs

Savchenko A., Ramenskaya G., Kukes V., Burenkov M.


In order to overcome multidrug-resistant, extensively drug-resistant and complete drug-resistant TB (MDR-TB, XDR-TB and CDR-TB, respectively), a number of new tuberculosis drugs are being studied and introduced around the world. The group of diarylquinolines is defined as one of the most promising in terms of anti-tuberculosis activity. Along with foreign ones (bedaquiline, delamanid), domestic developments (perchlozone) are being introduced into the practice of M/XDR-TB treatment. At the same time, there are reports of identified resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to bedaquiline, which is relatively recently used to treat patients with M/XDR-TB. These prerequisites underlie the relevance of the development and introduction of new tuberculosis drugs in Russia, in particular, a new drug from the group of diarylquinolines with the working name thiozonide is at the stage of studying the tolerability, efficacy and safety.
Pharmateca. 2022;29(10):10-15
pages 10-15 views

Acute bronchitis: how to treat?

Belotserkovskaya Y., Sinopalnikov A.


The management of patients with acute bronchitis (AB) still presents significant difficulties. The main problems lie in the field of differential diagnosis, the choice of rational drug therapy. The excess of antibiotic therapy is still associated with the diagnosis of AB, and the variety of medicines for the treatment of cough creates difficulties in the choice of antitussive and mucoactive drugs. An indispensable diagnostic component in patients with suspected AB is the exclusion of more serious causes of cough, such as bronchial asthma, exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, heart failure or pneumonia. Exclusion of community-acquired pneumonia seems to be the most important step., and various tools can be useful for this, including assessment of symptoms and physical findings, radiological imaging, laboratory biomarkers (such as C-reactive protein, procalcitonin). At least 90% of AB cases are caused by a viral infection. This means that the vast majority of patients do not need antibiotics. Cough relief seems to be the most important treatment for patients with OB. The course of OB is often accompanied by a productive cough, so the main task is related to the rational choice of drugs to control cough through a change in the volume and properties of bronchial secretions. In real clinical practice, phytopreparations are the most frequently prescribed drugs for acute respiratory viral infections and are used with the same frequency for all types of cough in adults and children. Bronchipret®, which has anti-inflammatory, secretolytic and broncholytic effects, is one of the actively used phytopreparations with proven efficacy.
Pharmateca. 2022;29(10):16-24
pages 16-24 views

Experience with the use of baricitinib in the treatment of atopic dermatitis in HIV-infected patients

Evdokimov E., Ponezheva Z., Svechnikova E., Gruzdev B.


Background. Among HIV-infected patients, atopic dermatitis (AD) occurs more frequently by 30% than in patients without HIV infection, and is characterized by severe dermatological symptoms and severe skin itch. For this reason, the treatment of AD and pruritus in HIV-infected patients remains relevant. Objective. Evaluation of the possibility of using the baricitinib in HIV-infected patients with AD. Methods. 6 HIV-infected patients with AD were followed-up; all patients received antiretroviral therapy (ART). There were 4 men (66.7%), 2 women (33.3%). The median age was 32.7 years (21-43). The mean duration of AD was 14.5 years (min - 7.1 years, max - 22). SCORAD - 74.8 (min - 28, max - 89). The mean duration of HIV infection was 3.8 years (min - 0.7 years, max - 11 years), the duration of ART averaged 3.4 years (min - 0.5 years, max - 9.6). All patients were examined before prescribing baricitinib. Results. In HIV-infected patients with AD, a pronounced clinical improvement in the general condition, a significant decrease in skin itching, and a decrease in the intensity of dermatological symptoms were noted after 12 weeks. There was no deterioration in the indicators of HIV infection (clinical course, decrease in the number of CD4+ lymphocytes, an increase in the viral load of HIV). Conclusion. Baricitinib in HIV-infected patients can be used for the treatment moderate to severe AD.
Pharmateca. 2022;29(10):26-30
pages 26-30 views

Efficiency of a medical product based on hypertonic sodium chloride (7%) and sodium hyaluronate (0.1%) in experimental pulmonary fibrosis model

Semivelichenko E., Ivkin D., Okovity S., Karev V.


Background. The pathogenesis of pulmonary fibrosis (both idiopathic and SARS-Cov-2-associated) is based on microdamages of the alveolar epithelium with impaired mechanisms of its regeneration. This leads to pathological re-epithelialization, fibroblast proliferation, and excess synthesis of extracellular matrix. As a result, the normal lung parenchyma is gradually replaced by fibrous tissue [1, 2]. The prevalence of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in the Russian Federation is about 8-12 cases per 100,000 population, and the incidence is 4-7 cases per 100,000 population [3]. Pulmonary fibrosis after COVID-19 may affect about a third of patients hospitalized with SARS-COV-2 [4-8]. Pirfenidone and nintedanib are the leading drugs considered as potentially effective in both idiopathic and post-COVID-19 pulmonary fibrosis. Pirfenidone is currently being studied as an antifibrotic agent after COVID-19 in an RCT [8]. However, nintedanib is produced only abroad, and both drugs are quite expensive, and their use may be associated with potential hepatotoxicity, which is especially undesirable, given the fact that liver dysfunction is common in patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 [9, 10]. Under these conditions, the search for new highly effective and safe compounds capable of preventing or resolving the development of pulmonary fibrosis is an urgent task. Thus, the use of hypertonic sodium solution in combination with hyaluronic acid, given its nonspecific antibacterial and antiviral properties, may be promising in the complex treatment of patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection. Objective. Evaluation of the effectiveness of a medical product based on hypertonic sodium chloride (7%) and sodium hyaluronate (0.1%) [Ingasalin® forte] on a model of bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis. Methods. An experimental study was carried out on outbred male rats weighing 180-200 g (n=30). An experimental model of pulmonary fibrosis was created by a single intratracheal administration of bleomycin at a dose of 5 mg/kg [11]. A hypertonic sodium chloride (7%) and sodium hyaluronate (0.1%) [Inagasalin® forte 7%] was administered to animals daily (2 times a day) by inhalation using a Delphinus F1000 compressor nebulizer (Flaem Nuova, Italy) for 28 days. This route of administration corresponds to the route of administration of the test product in humans. Throughout the experiment, body weight was recorded weekly and clinical examination of animals was carried out in an open area. On the 30th day, blood samples were taken from animals of all groups for hematological analysis, followed by euthanasia and autopsy in order to register signs of changes in internal organs. The organs were fixed in 10% buffered formalin for histological examination. Results. It was found that the incidence of interstitial pneumonia was 3.3 times less common, the incidence of desquamative pneumonia was 2.5 less common, and the incidence of pulmonary fibrosis was 8 times less common in the group of therapy with the medical product Ingasalin® forte compared with the group without treatment. Conclusion. The medical product Ingasalin® forte minimizes the severity of interstitial-desquamative and fibrotic changes in the lungs, it can be recommended for further study as a mean for prevention and treatment of pulmonary fibrosis.
Pharmateca. 2022;29(10):31-36
pages 31-36 views

Preferences of Belgorod primary care phycisians in the treatment of a new coronavirus infection

Bontsevich R., Vovk Y., Vinyukov V., Dubonosova D.


Background. COVID-19 is a disease with rapidly increasing morbidity and mortality, resulting in a significant increase in the workload placed on healthcare. In order to achieve high quality care for patients with this infection, it is necessary to apply modern approaches to the treatment of COVID-19. Objective. Assessment of the preferences of Belgorod doctors in choosing treatment regimens for a new coronavirus infection and their compliance with official recommendations. Methods. In this study, 156 clinical cases of treatment of patients with suspected or confirmed novel coronavirus infection were analyzed. All clinical cases were divided into two groups: patients who received therapy before confirmation of COVID-19, or with a negative PCR test (group «COVID-19 (-)»), and patients who received therapy after confirmation of COVID-19 (group « COVID-19 (+)"). The following groups of drugs were analyzed: «Antiviral drugs», «Immunomodulatory drugs», «Antibacterial drugs», «Anticoagulants and antiaggregants», «Mucolitics and antitussive drugs», «Vitamins», «Glucocorticosteroids», «Other drugs». Results. In the COVID-19 (-) grouP., antivirals (89%) and the “Other drugs" (69.5%) were most frequently prescribed. Immunomodulatory drugs (58.5%), vitamins (50%), mucolytics and antitussive drugs (41.5%), as well as antibacterial agents (34.1%) were prescribed less frequently. The proportion of anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents accounted for only 7.3% of prescriptions. In the COVID-19 (+) grouP., immunomodulating agents (88.4%) and vitamins (78.3%) were prescribed much more frequently. Antivirals were prescribed as often as in the COVID-19 (-) group (89.9%), the role of the “Other drugs" grup decreased to 47.8%, and the group of mucolytics and antitussives - to 23.2%. Antibacterial agents were prescribed in 31.9% of cases, glucocorticosteroids - in 14.5%, and anticoagulants and antiaggregants - in 13%. Conclusion. According to the analysis of study results, we concluded that at the time of the survey, primary care physicians did not have a sufficiently clear idea of the current rational approaches to the treatment of a new coronavirus infection.
Pharmateca. 2022;29(10):37-42
pages 37-42 views

New approaches to the diagnosis of HIV infection

Sabanchieva Z., Shmeleva S., Zavarzina O., Bonkalo T., Dubrovinskaya E., Tuzov I.


Background. The development of new laboratory methods for the diagnosis of HIV infection and the assessment of the dynamics of the disease is relevant. Objective. The purpose of the study is a comprehensive analysis of the processes of lipid peroxidation, the state of the antioxidant system and the content of medium-weight molecules in blood plasma (SMP) in HIV-infected people. Methods. 76 respondents participated in the study (18 HIV-positive women and 58 men aged 16 to 43 years). Antiretroviral therapy of patients consisted of immunocorrection and detoxification. To determine the processes of POL and total antioxidant activity (AOA) in blood plasma, the method of determining the antioxidant parameters of blood (Chevari S. et al.) and thiobarbituric acid (Ushiama M. et al.). Results. When studying the parameters of the oxidative status in HIV-infected, changes in indicators were revealed. At the onset of the disease, when the first symptoms appear in HIV-infected people, the parameters of peroxidation increase, reaching maximum values during the onset of opportunistic infections due to severe immune deficiency in AIDS. Conclusion. Unidirectional changes in the content of SMP were revealed in patients with HIV infection in stage III-IV. At the same time, there is a significant decrease in the total antioxidant activity of the final POL products due to accumulation in blood plasma. During the therapy, a positive dynamics of changes in the free radical status was revealed, which, nevertheless, does not lead to the restoration of the body’s systems. To assess the severity of endogenous intoxication, we recommend the proposed research methods.
Pharmateca. 2022;29(10):43-46
pages 43-46 views

Targeted therapy in patients with cystic fibrosis in the Astrakhan region: first experience

Sergienko D., Bashkina O., Kuznetsova T.


Background. Cystic fibrosis is a typical genetic exocrinopathy with underlying mutation of the gene that controls the structure and function of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator (CFTR). The genetic variability of the CFTR gene can be associated with both a reduced amount and a complete absence of a transmembrane protein that provides the transport of electrolytes, namely chloride and sodium ions, in the cells of the exocrine glands, leading to a violation of the electrical potential of the cells, dehydration of the secretion, and changes in its viscosity. Until recently, the treatment of patients with cystic fibrosis was exclusively symptomatic; however, with the advent of targeted therapy for these patients, new prospects are opening up in terms of duration and quality of life. In the Russian Federation, targeted therapy for patients with cystic fibrosis has become available since the beginning of 2021, when the drug ivacaftor/ lumacaftor (Orkambi) was registered in our country. This article describes the experience of 12-week use of ivacaftor/lumacaftor in 3 children with cystic fibrosis in the Astrakhan region. Methods. The pre-start diagnostic protocol included measurement of sweat fluid chlorides, assessment of external respiration function, determination of body mass index, biochemical blood test parameters, and pancreatic elastase levels. Monitoring of these indicators was carried out at the decreed time: on the 14th day, 4 and 12 weeks after the start of therapy. Results. Against the background of the therapy, two patients showed an improvement in the parameters of the external respiration function and a decrease in the level of sweat fluid chlorides. In the third patient, adverse events against the background of the use of ivacaftor/lumacaftor in the form of an increase in the level of hepatic transaminases were noted, which was an indication for discontinuation of therapy. Conclusion. The study showed the mixed results of ivacaftor/lumacaftor therapy. On the one hand, there are favorable prospects for influencing the course and prognosis of the disease by normalizing the work of the chloride channel and improving the clinical status of patients; on the other hand, the development of serious adverse events may lead to the rejection of the chosen therapy. All of the above indicates the need to increase the duration of follow-up with the involvement of new patients for objectification and evaluation of long-term results.
Pharmateca. 2022;29(10):47-52
pages 47-52 views

Algorithms for preventive counseling, prenosological diagnostics and self-diagnosis in the practice of a general practitioner at a Health Center

Tarantsova A.


Background. The article deals with the urgent medical and social problem of preserving the health of young and working-age people against the backdrop of a high prevalence of modifiable risk factors (RF) for chronic non-communicable diseases (CNCD) due to low adherence to a healthy lifestyle (HLS) and the lack of proper effectiveness of state preventive programs. Objective. Analysis of the dynamics of the prevalence of RF for CNCD in patients examined at the Regional Health Center (2010-2022) and development of the universal algorithms for prenosological screening diagnostics (questionnaire self-diagnosis) and preventive counseling (non-drug and drug correction of the main RF for CNCD). Methods. The comparative results of the screening assessment of the health status of 1347 people (examined in 2010-2022 at the Regional Health Center, City Polyclinic № 10, Rostov-on-Don), as well as the experience and results of introducing of additional multifactorial questionnaires, including general questions, questions about nutrition (including DEBQ), physical activity (IPAQ-SF test), smoking (Fagerstrom, J. Lagrue, D. Horn tests), mental disorders - assessment of social adaptation (T. Holmes, R. Rhea), the HADS scale, the level of stress according to the Reeder test (and the scale of O.S. Kopina et al., 1989), the severity of autonomic disorders (according to A.M. Wein), sleep disorders (Ya.I. Levin questionnaire, Epworth scale) in the practice of therapist of the Health Center were analyzed. Results. During the 2010-2022 years analyzed, the prevalence of modifiable risk factors for CNCD remains high among people of different ages (including young people) examined in the Health Center: deviations in body mass index (BMI) in 50.6-56.4% (preobesity in 20.6-32.9%, obesity - in 20.6-25.5%), arterial hypertension in 34.7-38.2% (excluding young people under 30); about a quarter of patients have dyslipidemia, hyperglycemia. 66.3% of people do not keep to diet and 33.3% have physical inactivity (IPAQ-SF). Disorders of the autonomic nervous system were detected in 36.4-92% of the patients (according to the A.M. Vein questionnaire - in 76.6%), reduced adaptive reserves (according to R.M. Baevsky and A.P. Berseneva) were detected in 31,1-35.8%, increased stress level - in 35% (according to Holmes-Ray), and in 64.4% (according to Reeder), anxiety - in 45% and depression - in 27.2% (according to the HADS scale), night sleep disturbances - in 52.2% (according to Ya.I. Levin). The number of active smokers has decreased by 7%, but 35% of respondents are exposed to passive smoking. Almost 58% do not visit a doctor for preventive purposes, 82% have never visited a health center before, and 74.5% of respondents have not undergone medical examinations. Detailed author’s algorithms (schemes) of individual preventive counseling (healthy lifestyles, diets, physical activity, consultations and additional examinations with specialized specialists, drugs for drug correction of risk factors for CNCDs), the Internet sources and social networks for group preventive counseling are given. Conclusion. The use of multifactorial questionnaires compiled by the author at medical appointments expands the possibilities of prenosological screening by self-diagnosis to identify additional risk factors in young people and the working population. Structured algorithms for preventive counseling (non-drug and drug correction of the main RF for CNCDs) will accelerate the provision of planned preventive medical care. Working with patients through social networks and the Internet contributes to raising the awareness of the population about Health Centers and the formation of adherence to a healthy lifestyle.
Pharmateca. 2022;29(10):53-62
pages 53-62 views

Pravila dlya avtorov

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Pharmateca. 2022;29(10):62-62
pages 62-62 views

The role of systemic inflammation in HIV-infected patients with moderate and severe psoriasis

Evdokimov E., Ponezheva Z., Svechnikova E., Gruzdev B., Meshkov A., Pykhtina V.


Background. Systemic inflammation is an important indicator of the immune response in chronic diseases. At the same time, it can act as a link between the mutual influence of various diseases among themselves. A convenient, simple indicator of the activity of systemic inflammation is the proportions of blood cells in a complete blood count. Evaluation of the indicators allows to estimate the intensity of inflammation and the mutual influence of chronic diseases. Objective. Evaluation of the role of systemic inflammation in the combination of HIV infection and psoriasis before and after the use of genetically engineered biological therapy (GIBT) and antiretroviral therapy (ART). Methods. 30 patients (10 patients with HIV infection+ psoriasis, 10 HIV-infected patients and 10 patients with psoriasis) were examined at the Infectious Clinical Hospital № 2 of the Moscow Healthcare Department, Polyclinic № 1 of the Administrative Department of the President of the Russian Federation and Pirogov Russian Gerontological Research and Clinical Center. PASI values in all patients corresponded to the moderate and severe dermatosis. HIV-infected patients began to receive ART, patients with psoriasis additionally received GIBT. PLR and NLR parameters were assessed in all patients; in HIV-infected patients, the viral load and the number of CD4+ lymphocytes were assessed before the start of treatment and 8 weeks after in dynamics. Results. Over 8 weeks, in HIV-infected patients with psoriasis the median PLR values shifted from 496.5 to 225.3 (P<0.05), in HIV-infected patients without psoriasis - from 406.3 to 348.6, respectively (P≤0.1). Median NLR values at week 0 in patients with HIV-infection + psoriasis was 2.3, at week 8 - 1.5; in the HIV-infected group - 2.2 and 1.5, respectively. Viral load of HIV RNA copies (log10) in patients with HIV+ psoriasis at week 0 was 5.8±1.6, and decreased to 3.1±0.7 at week 8 (P<0.05); in HIV-infected patients without psoriasis at week 0 - 5.7±1.1, and at week 8 - 4.2±0.9. The number of CD4+ cells/ml in partients with HIV+psoriasis was 307.5±12.7 and 336.3±14.2, respectively (P<0.05), in HIV-infected patients - 298.2±13.2 and 312.6±10.7. The Psoriasis Severity Scale in HIV-infected patients with psoriasis before treatment was 18.7±4.2, after 8 weeks - 5.3±2.1. Initially, joint pain according to the VAS was 71.2±6.3 points, after 8 weeks - 9.7±4.7. Conclusion. Systemic inflammation indicators, PLR and NLR, are directly related to PASI values in HIV-infected patients with psoriasis. A higher viral load and a decrease in the number of CD4+ lymphocytes correspond to increased PLR and NLR values. The combination of an IL-17 inhibitor (netakimab) and ART has a beneficial effect on indicators of systemic inflammation in HIV-infected patients with psoriasis.
Pharmateca. 2022;29(10):63-67
pages 63-67 views

A comparative, randomized, uncontrolled study of the effectiveness of two regimens for the treatment of clinical manifestations of laryngopharyngeal reflux without esophageal symptoms

Angotoeva I., Loranskaya I., Kosyakov S.


Background. Drug treatment of clinical manifestations of laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) without esophageal symptoms is an actual unsolved problem. Questions about the choice of the optimal treatment regimen, the choice of drugs, the use of proton pump inhibitors, their dosage and timing of treatment remain. Objective. Comparison of the results of treatment of LPR clinical manifestations without esophageal symptoms with two antireflux therapy regimens. Methods. TTwo study groups were randomly selected from patients with LPR symptoms without esophageal symptoms. The first group received monotherapy with omeprazole 20 mg 30 minutes before meals in the morning, Patients of the 2nd group received omeprazole 20 mg 30 minutes before meals in the morning, Gaviscon suspension 10 ml after meals and 1 time at night, nasal douche 2 times a day with saline NaCl solution 0.9%. Results. The quantitative assessment of symptoms according to the RSI questionnaire when prescribing the 2nd treatment regimen as early as 2 weeks after the start of treatment was statistically significantly lower than when prescribing the 1st treatment regimen. After 6 weeks, the quantitative assessment of symptoms according to the RSI questionnaire for both treatment regimens did not differ statistically significantly, but was statistically significantly less than at study entry. Changes during an objective examination of the ENT organs occured no earlier than the 6th week of antireflux therapy with both treatment regimens. Conclusion. Symptoms of LPR decreased statistically significantly faster with the use of the 2nd treatment regimen (omeprazole 20 mg in the morning 30 minutes before meals, gaviscon suspension 10 ml 3 times a day after meals and 1 time at night, nasal douche 2 times a day). A statistically significant improvement in the results of an objective examination of the ENT organs occurred by the 6th week when both treatment regimens were prescribed. Therefore, the minimum duration of antireflux therapy is 6 weeks.
Pharmateca. 2022;29(10):68-72
pages 68-72 views

Features of adaptation of medical students to the conditions of online education during the COVID-19 pandemic

Bonkalo T., Shmeleva S., Kachalov S., Eremin M., Ivashkova E.


Background. The article is devoted to the problem of finding effective ways to optimize online study modes and e-learning in medical education. Objective. Identification of the features of adaptation of medical students to the online education during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods. The study was conducted online in 2021, and included 600 junior and senior students who studied at modern medical universities. As a diagnostic tool, three methods focused on assessing the degree of neuropsychic stress of students in a situation of changed conditions for their educational activities and life in general, as well as identifying the characteristics of their reactions to such situations were chosen. Results. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that in a situation of forced transition of higher medical education to online study modes, it is necessary to organize special classes to help students adapt to the new conditions of their educational activities. Conclusion. The main directions of such work should be not only teaching the methods of self-regulation of the emotional state and activity, but also the formation of the need for self-education and self-development.
Pharmateca. 2022;29(10):73-77
pages 73-77 views

Optimization of the differential diagnostic department in the structure of a modern tuberculosis dispensary

Samorodov N., Bonkalo T., Rubushkova L., Sabanchieva Z., Romanova A., Dubrovinskaya E.


Background. The article is devoted to the problem of optimization of the differential diagnostic department (DDD) of tuberculosis dispensary. Objective. Analysis and search for ways to optimize the scientific and practical activities of DDD in the structure of the tuberculosis dispensary. Methods. Microbiological research methods were used, such as fluorescent microscopy, cultural method (inoculation of biological material in liquid and solid nutrient media), polymerase chain reaction to detect DNA of mycobacterium tuberculosis and histological examination. Results. From 2016 to 2020, 1566 patients with suspected respiratory tuberculosis were examined at the DDD of the Tuberculous Dispensary of the Ministry of Health of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic; the diagnosis was verified etiologically in 1246 (79.6%) patients, 296 (18.9%) patients refused additional examination for various reasons and were discharged from the department without clarifying the diagnosis, the etiology of the disease could not be verified in the dispensary in 17 (1.1%) patients, and they were referred to specialized federal centers for additional examination, and 7 (0.4%) patients died from causes unrelated to diagnostic procedures. Conclusion. it is advisable to organize DDD in the structure of the tuberculosis service of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in order to conduct early differential diagnosis of tuberculosis and increase the number of patients with an etiologically confirmed diagnosis.
Pharmateca. 2022;29(10):78-83
pages 78-83 views

Kaposi’s varicelliform eruption

Garayeva Z., Yusupova L., Yunusova E., Mavlyutova G., Khasanova A.


The article reflects data on the etiology and pathogenesis of Kaposi’s varicelliform eruption (KVE), its clinical manifestations, as well as the tactics of managing patients with this pathology. KVE is most often a manifestation of a disseminated herpesvirus infection that develops exclusively against the background of chronic dermatoses, among which atopic dermatitis plays a leading role. In the pathogenesis of KVE against the background of atopic dermatitis, a combination of damage to the skin barrier and immune pathology play an important role that serves as the main predictor of the development of severe forms of herpesvirus infection in this category of patients. The article also describes treatment options for KVE patients.
Pharmateca. 2022;29(10):84-87
pages 84-87 views

Systemic lupus erythematosus in the practice of a pulmonologist

Trofimenko I., Kiseleva A., Tiguntseva O., Blagoveshchenskaya N.


Background. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a multisystem autoimmune disease with a wide range of pleuropulmonary lesions. Acute lupus pneumonitis (ALP) is one of the rare complications of SLE. Description of the clinical case. A clinical case of ALP after delivery as an initial manifestation of SLE in 24-year-old woman is presented. In the case described, lupus pneumonitis developed against the background of high SLE activity and was characterized by fever, acute onset of respiratory symptoms, accompanied by the development of respiratory failure. Difficulties in diagnosing ALP were associated to the nonspecificity of clinical and radiological manifestations and the lack of an established diagnosis of SLE at the time of development of acute respiratory failure. Conclusion. The high risk of death requires early diagnosis and timely therapy. ALP is a diagnosis of exclusion and needs to be differentiated from infectious and other non-infectious complications of SLE. In the presented case, clinical, radiological and functional improvements were noted after combined pulse therapy.
Pharmateca. 2022;29(10):88-92
pages 88-92 views

Difficult patient with bronchial asthma: a clinical case

Bashkina O., Vyazovaya I., Sergienko D.


Background. In recent years, there has been an understanding that atopic dermatitis (AD) and atopic bronchial asthma (BA) in childhood are diseases associated with T2 inflammation, which determines the development and introduction of pharmacological agents for biological therapy with monoclonal antibodies into clinical practice. However, this therapy is not always successful, which prompts the search for other methods of treatment to control allergic diseases. Description of the clinical case. This article presents a clinical case of the course and treatment options for BA combined with other intercurrent diseases and comorbid conditions. A clinical example of dermatorespiratory syndrome of atopic genesis in a 13-year-old patient is discussed, variants of basic therapy in the context of clinical response are presented, and algorithms for the clinical search for possible causes and conditions that impede the achievement of control over the course of a severe BA in combination with AD are demonstrated. The development of a side effect with the use of dupilumab, which led to the withdrawal of the drug, is described. Conclusion. Despite the developed therapy algorithms, the treatment of combined allergic pathology remains a challenge that requires an individual approach. The issue of prescribing immunobiological therapy for patients with a severe therapy-resistant course of the disease should be raised in a timely manner; however, it is necessary to take into account comorbid conditions and the possibility of adverse side effects that serve as an obstacle to targeted therapy. Thus, the therapy of BA and AD will remain complex and strictly personalized task.
Pharmateca. 2022;29(10):94-97
pages 94-97 views

A clinical case of seborrheic dermatitis and a severe form of HIV infection with features of the patient’s psychological profile

Khryanin A., Sturov V., Shpiks T., Pushkarev E.


An important role in a number of different clinical manifestations of HIV infection is played by the pathology of the skin and mucous membranes. The authors demonstrate an interesting clinical case of the development of seborrheic dermatitis against the background of mixed infection (pneumocystis pneumonia and generalized cytomegalovirus infection) in a patient with HIV infection. The severity of the pathology determined the state close to «near miss», despite adequate etiopathogenetic and symptomatic therapy; progression of the underlying disease against the background of minimal skin syndrome was noted. The described clinical case allows to look at this problem from a different angle and correctly draw up a modern psychological portrait of a dermatological patient with HIV infection. The following features of the patient’s psychological profile were noted: high readiness for risk, impulsiveness in decision making and actions, high level of sociability, positive self-feeling, high resistance to stress, ergopathic type of attitude towards the disease, coping strategies as dissimulation, optimism and distraction, which led to the formation of HIV-dissidence. The authors also discuss possible reasons for the probable development of the immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS) in a young patient against the background of initiated intensive multicomponent antiretroviral therapy (ART). Currently, IRIS can be considered as a set of inflammatory diseases associated with a paradoxical exacerbation of pre-existing infectious processes after the start of ART.
Pharmateca. 2022;29(10):98-103
pages 98-103 views

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