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编号 2 (2015)


Perspektivy primeneniya ingibitora protonnoy pompy novogo pokoleniya - dekslansoprazola v terapii gastroezofageal'noy reflyuksnoy bolezni

Maev I., Samsonov A., Andreev D.


Current clinical guidelines recommend proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) as the treatment of choice and the most effective pharmacotherapy for treating acid-related disorders, specifically for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERR). A novel PPI formulation dexlansoprazole is an R-enantiomer of lansoprazole. Currently marketed as Dexilant® modified release capsules, formulation capsules it has two distinct drug release periods with two peaks of T max (1-2 and 4-5 hours after meal) and, therefore, prolongs the plasma dexlansoprazole concentration. Evidence from several randomized clinical trials confirmed efficacy of dexlansoprazole in the treatment of different forms of GERD.
Pharmateca. 2015;(2):6-11
pages 6-11 views

Gastroparez:etiologiya, patogenez, diagnostika i terapiya

Maev I., Samsonov A., Bordin D., Andreev D.


The article reflects the current state of the question about the diagnosis and treatment of such common, but rarely diagnosed functional disorders of gastric motility as gastroparesis. The main etiopathogenic types of the disease and algorithm for the management of patients with clinical signs of this disease are discussed.
Pharmateca. 2015;(2):12-20
pages 12-20 views

Funktsional'naya dispepsiya i infektsiya Helicobacter pylori: naskol'ko ochevidna vzaimosvyaz'?

Andreev D., Samsonov A.


The article reflects the modern aspects of pathogenesis and clinical correlation of functional dyspepsia (FD) and Helicobacterpylori infection. Based on the accumulated to date data, it was concluded that H. pylori infection is not absolute etiological factor for FD. However, based on a series of meta-analyzes showing a small but statistically significant positive effect in relieving symptoms after eradication of infection, eradication therapy may be justified, especially in regions with high H. pylori infectivity, which include Russia.
Pharmateca. 2015;(2):21-25
pages 21-25 views

Rezistentnost' Helicobacter pylori k komponentam eradikatsionnoy terapii i puti ee preodoleniya

Samsonov A., Andreev D., Grechushnikov V., Ayvazova R.


The article reflects the current situation of growth of resistance of H. pylori to the main drugs included in the scheme of eradication therapy and, therefore, reduction of the effectiveness of treatment. The authors examine in detail the mechanisms of microbial resistance to antibiotics and provide ways to its overcoming.
Pharmateca. 2015;(2):26-30
pages 26-30 views

Osobennosti mikronutrientnogo statusa patsientov s khronicheskim pankreatitom

Kucheryavyy Y.


The article considers the importance of micronutrient status in chronic pancreatitis (CP). It is emphasized that exocrine pancreatic insufficiency in patients with CP contributes to the micronutrient deficiencies with formation of trophological (nutritional, protein-energy) deficiency, or malnutrition. The clinical significance deficiency of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K), B vitamins and folic acid, zinc, and other trace elements in CP is discussed. Potentials for the nutritional correction in CP, especially enteral tube feeding, are considered. Prospects for the use of antioxidants in CP are critically discussed.
Pharmateca. 2015;(2):31-38
pages 31-38 views

Mikrobiota kishechnika i vozmozhnosti probioticheskoy terapii pri vospalitel'nykh zabolevaniyakh kishechnika

Kornienko E.


Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) - Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis (UC) - are characterized by a violation of the interaction of the immune system of the intestine with external factors, primarily the intestinal microbiota. Modern molecular genetic studies of the composition of the intestinal microbiota confirm that IBD are always associated with dysbiosis. Treatment with correction of intestinal microbiota is pathogenetically justified. Probiotics enhance intestinal barrier and affect the local immune system. Research on the effectiveness of probiotics in IBD show mixed results, due to the different design of studies, variety of strains used, and heterogeneous groups of patients. The efficacy of probiotics in UC is more convincing, so they entered the Russian and international recommendations as a drugs for maintaining and achieving remission in mild to moderate disease activity. Probiotics have proven effectiveness in pouchitis. However, probiotic therapy should take into account the possible risk of bacterial translocation in severe forms of IBD, the different effectiveness of probiotic species and strains, and should be based on the results of previous clinical studies on each drug.
Pharmateca. 2015;(2):39-43
pages 39-43 views

Effektivnost' primeneniya rabeprazola (Bereta) v lechenii bol'nykh gastroezofageal'noy reflyuksnoy bolezn'yu

Bordin D., Yanova O., Kim V.


The evaluation of the efficacy of rabeprazole (Bereta, Veropharm) in the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) was performed. Twenty-five patients with GERD, including 15 patients with erosive reflux esophagitis (RE), have received rabeprazole at daily dose of 20 mg for 21 days. At the 14th day of treatment, heartburn was arrested in 100%, regurgitation - in 91.7%, belching air - in 76.5% of patients. At the 21st day of treatment, epithelialization of erosions was achieved in 100% of patients with erosive RE. Relief of symptoms was accompanied by a significant improvement in well-being and quality of life of patients.
Pharmateca. 2015;(2):44-48
pages 44-48 views

Nekotorye voprosy diagnostiki, lecheniya i profilaktiki nealkogol'noy zhirovoy bolezni pecheni

Seliverstov P., Prikhod'ko E., Dobritsa V., Radchenko V.


Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is an urgent problem of global healthcare service. Despite numerous new methods of diagnostics and drugs, introduced in medicine in recent years, there are still many unresolved issues of etiopathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of NAFLD. On the one hand, NAFLD is independent nosological unit; on the other hand, it is a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. Thus, prevention of progression of liver disease and reduction of risk of cardiovascular complications should be a main goal of therapy. In this context, search for new means of treatment of NAFLD is relevant, and our study was aimed to resolve these problems.
Pharmateca. 2015;(2):49-55
pages 49-55 views

Sostoyanie verkhnikh otdelov pishchevaritel'nogo trakta i ratsional'nyy vybor antisekretornoy terapii u patsientov starcheskogo vozrasta

Burkov S., Kasimtseva E., Agafonova L., Yurenev G., Samsonov A.


Complaints, medical history, data for physical examination and endoscopy of the upper gastrointestinal tract in 356 elderly patients were analyzed. The analysis has revealed the prevalence of erosive and ulcerative lesions of the upper gastrointestinal tract as general pathology, an imbalance between the severity of clinical manifestations and endoscopic changes, and the use of large amounts of drugs due to the presence of concomitant pathology of internal organs, especially coronary artery disease and arterial hypertension. The main group of drugs used to treat acid-related diseases is the proton pump inhibitors (PPIs). As in the older age groups, long-term regular PPI therapy is usually required, it is desirable to use the drug with the least amount of drug-drug interactions. Pantoprazole meets this requirement and surpass other PPIs on in this property.
Pharmateca. 2015;(2):56-61
pages 56-61 views

Opyt dlitel'noy terapii patsientov s pishchevodom Barretta

Tsukanov V., Onuchina E., Kasparov E., Vasyutin A., Tonkikh Y.


A 5-year prospective randomized trial on the efficacy of treatment of Barrett's esophagus in elderly patients was carried out. 31 patients (mean age 66,8 years) and 30 patients (mean age 66,2 years) were assigned to group A and B, respectively. Patients of group A were treated with omeprazole (20 mg twice a day) and Urosan (10mg/kg/day), while patients of group B received omeprazole (20 mg twice a day) for 5 years. At the end of the follow-up period metaplasia of the lower third of esophagus was not found in 32,3% patients of group A and 6,7% of patients of group B (р=0,03). After 5 years of treatment, esophagitis was diagnosed in 12,9% patients of group A and 53,3% patients of group B (р=0,002). In conclusion, combination of omeprazole and ursodeoxycholic acid (Urosan) as a means of treatment for Barrett's esophagus in elderly patients was superior to omeprazole monotherapy.
Pharmateca. 2015;(2):62-65
pages 62-65 views

Effektivnost' antibakterial'noy terapii v kompleksnom lechenii yazvennogo kolita s proyavleniyami sindroma razdrazhennogo kishechnika

Belous S., Khalif I., Golovenko O., Korneva T.


The study was aimed to the evaluation of the efficacy of rifaximin-alpha in the treatment of patients with endoscopic remission of ulcerative colitis and the presence of symptoms similar to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The study included 37 patients with confirmed diagnosis of «ulcerative colitis». Quality of life was assessed by IBS-QOL questionnaire, and Beck’s questionnaire was used to assess the level of depression. All patients underwent feces analyses. As part of obligate microflora, number of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli using swab test method was estimated, as well as the presence of opportunistic pathogens of transient flora using dilution method and ELISA. After therapy with enterosoluble antibiotic rifaximin-alpha 800 mg per day for 9 days, incidence of IBS-like symptoms, quality of life and the composition of the luminal microflora of the colon were estimated. As a result of the therapy, marked improvement was noted: stool frequency decreased from 5.1 to 2.5 times a day; quality of life improved and levels of depression decreased; the frequency of complaints of IBS-like symptoms significantly decreased.
Pharmateca. 2015;(2):66-71
pages 66-71 views

Kletochno-molekulyarnye mekhanizmy formirovaniya vospalitel'nogo komponenta v dykhatel'nykh putyakh pri komorbidnykh sostoyaniyakh: gastroezofageal'noy reflyuksnoy bolezni i bronkhial'noy astme

Lyamina S., Maev I., Yurenev G., Malyshev I.


Diseases accompanied by inflammatory changes in the broncho-pulmonary system often have a different etiology, but the formation of the inflammation is caused by a common pathogenetic component - an imbalance of cellular and humoral Th1- Th2-mediated immunity response with undoubted integration of macrophages in the process. Understanding of the features of the phenotyping of macrophages in bronchial asthma, gastroesophageal reflux disease and their combination on the M1 and M2 phenotype and the role of surfactant protein D in this process can facilitate the individualization of therapy. The data on the cellular and molecular mechanisms of formation of inflammation in the broncho-pulmonary system in comorbid states will allow to identify the one of the promising new approaches to pathogenetic therapy of diseases at the early stages of the inflammatory response and correct the balance of M1/M2 macrophage phenotypes through their microenvironment factors.
Pharmateca. 2015;(2):72-77
pages 72-77 views

Effektivnost' primeneniya probiotikov na fone antibakterial'noy terapii

Uspenskiy Y., Baryshnikova N.


This paper reviews contemporary strategies to improve effectiveness and safety of antibacterial therapy. The authors discuss the evidence from the studies showing beneficial effect of probiotics added to antibacterial therapy in the prevention of excessive intestinal Candida colonization. Preparations based on Bifidobacteria spp., Bacillus subtilis, Lactobacilli spp., Enterococcus faecium and their combinations are noted as the most promising for adjuvant probiotic therapy. The authors describe their experience in the use of a combined preparation Bactistatin based on Bacillus subtilis metabolites. It was shown to be highly effective with regard to improvement of clinical symptoms and patient’s compliance.
Pharmateca. 2015;(2):78-82
pages 78-82 views

Lechenie pankreaticheskimi fermentami

Messner Y.


Treatment with pancreatic enzymes should be based on an understanding of normal physiology and pathophysiology of the exocrine function of the pancreas, as well as diseases that are the cause of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, both structural and functional types. Administration of enzymes is indicated only in case of clinically significant pancreas dysfunction, but sensitive and specific tests for pancreatic function, unfortunately, are not available now. Therefore, it is considered that the treatment with pancreatic enzymes should be started on the basis of actual clinical data, for example, if the patient has diarrhea and weight loss and confirmed presence of the disease, leading to exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. Currently, enteric coated micropellets or mini-tablets with a diameter of 2 mm or less are clinically preferred. The initial dose is 20 000 to 40000 lipase units per meal, with further adjusting the dose as necessary. Dose can be increased and the treatment can be supplemented by taking a proton pump inhibitor. Until now, the application is not possible that drugs enteric coated (micropellets, microspheres and minitablets) one brand have the same or even higher efficiency as compared to other drugs brand. Nevertheless, we have a successful experience of using mini tablet, enteric-coated (trade name Ermital® (Ermytal®) in Russia**).
Pharmateca. 2015;(2):83-88
pages 83-88 views

Abdominal'nye boli: ot patogeneza k lecheniyu

Yakovenko E., Agafonova N., Ivanov A., Yakovenko A., Anikina E.


The article considers the characteristics of the two main types of abdominal pain (neuropathic and visceral) and the mechanisms of their development. The stages of reduction of muscle fibers, as well as central and local mechanisms of their regulation are presented. The role of opioid system and the functional state of interstitial Kayal cells in the regulation of gastrointestinal motility, visceral sensitivity and the formation of a antinoceptive mechanisms of pain control is discussed. It is noted that trimebutin is an effective drug for the treatment of patients with abdominal pain syndrome, it has antispasmodic and prokinetic effects, and reduces visceral hypersensitivity.
Pharmateca. 2015;(2):89-95
pages 89-95 views