卷 8, 编号 3-4 (2014)


Adjusted method of solving the contact problem for an annular layer taking into account the friction forces. Statement 2. A solution of functional equations defining the mathematical model of the contact problem

Bozhkova L., Noritsina G., Ryabev V.


The authors consider two methods of solving a system of two functional equations defining the mathematical model of the contact problem for an elastic layer, taking into account the friction forces in the contact area. The first method is based on replacing the system of functional equations by paired system of linear algebraic equations. The second is based on the orthogonalization of systems of functions. The numerical solution of the problem is also shown in the article.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2014;8(3-4):5-9
pages 5-9 views

Tribological characteristics of lubricating oil with nanodispersed phase

Bolotov A., Novikov B., Novikova O., Rachishkin A., Gorlov D.


In this work we adduce the research of influence of the disperse particles, which are a part of magnetic oil, on friction and deterioration, occurring in a contact zone of tribocouplings.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2014;8(3-4):10-13
pages 10-13 views

Theory of plasticity without loading surface and associated flow law

Bondar V.


Based on the analysis of a hysteresis loop (circular diagram), three areas were highlighted which characterize the different behavior of the stresses, i.e. three types of stress are revealed. For each type of stress corresponding evolution equations are formulated which describe the anisotropic hardening. To describe the isotropic hardening the author introduces an evolution equation for the fourth type stresses. A stress deviator is defined as the sum of the stresses of four types. To describe the non-linear process of stress accumulation there is introduced a kinetic damage equation, based on the energy principle where the energy consumed to create damage in material considers as energy equal to the work of the second type stresses on the total strain space. The material functions are shown, the basic experiment and the method of identification of material functions are formulated.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2014;8(3-4):14-21
pages 14-21 views

Flow of thin layer of plastically anisotropic material on face of elastic parallelepiped

Bodunov M., Borodin I., Kiyko L.


The paper presents the statement and study of the problem of the flow of a thin layer of plastically anisotropic material on a face of an elastic parallelepiped formulated in the framework of the theory of flow in a thin layer generalized to the case of anisotropy.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2014;8(3-4):22-28
pages 22-28 views

Review of methods to combat clutter in radar systems

Velikanova E., Rogozhnikov E., Voroshilin E.


The article provides an overview of existing methods of combating a clutter considering modern domestic and foreign sources. The authors examined the methods of combating a clutter in transmission path, antenna path, and intermediate frequency path as well as in blocks of primary and secondary radar data processing. The paper presents statistical and spectral methods.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2014;8(3-4):29-37
pages 29-37 views

Identification of polyfunctional cyclic ketals

Gnevasheva L., Gnevashev D.


Cyclic derivatives of ketosulfides -1,3- dioxolanes are active reagents. Polyfunctional cyclic derivatives of ketosulfides are identified by physicochemical methods and spectral properties.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2014;8(3-4):38-41
pages 38-41 views

Bending and oscillations of plates

Kiyko I.


The author suggests a variant of the linear theory of thin plates, based on the assumption that the integral equations of dynamic equilibrium can be written for any volume in the undeformed state. Rigorous study of these equations, after the introduction of the concepts of kinematically equivalent displacements, are separated initial-boundary problems of stress-strain and bending. The attention is focused on the problem of bending. A theorem on the uniqueness of the solution is proved. Examples of test problems of bending, natural oscillations and panel flutter are given. A substantial dependence on the Poisson's ratio is revealed.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2014;8(3-4):42-76
pages 42-76 views

Variational problem of economic dynamics model of Harrod-Domar with variable capital-output ratio of income gain consumption optimization

Meerson A., Chernyaev A.


The paper studies variational formulation of the optimal control problem of consumption by classical macroeconomic Harrod-Domar model capital-output ratio of income gain is not constant and depends on time as a function of arbitrary nature.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2014;8(3-4):77-79
pages 77-79 views

Increasing the range of passive radar systems, operating on signals of telecommunications sources

Rogozhnikov E., Velikanova E., Shipelgut A., Voroshilin E.


The article discusses the features of the application of coherent accumulation in passive radar systems, operating on signals of telecommunication sources. A technique for coherent accumulation is developed. Factors limiting signals time accumulation are discussed. The dependences of range of the system and signal/noise ratio of the received signal from accumulation time are shown. The conclusions about the effectiveness of coherent accumulation in passive radar systems are made.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2014;8(3-4):80-84
pages 80-84 views

Limit forming of fixed on the contour round steel plate in two-stage forming process using spherical punches of small radius

Mikhaylova V., Sukhomlinov L.


Paper shows the results of axially symmetric rigid-plastic finite element membrane model application to the study of limiting forming parameters of fixed on the contour round steel plate in two-stage forming process using spherical punches of small radius. Molded shell gap is predicted using computational model for moment of strain localization.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2014;8(3-4):85-90
pages 85-90 views

Methods for identification and optimization in intelligent systems

Kryzhanovskaya T., Pupkov K.


The paper presents several algorithms for identification, describing complex objects or control system, including: an algorithm for identification of linear time-varying control systems, multi-row algorithm for decision-making by the method of group record of arguments and neuropackage to solve the problem of functions approximation
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2014;8(3-4):91-94
pages 91-94 views
