Film Reconstruction of the Past as a Method of Understanding Reality





The article deals with the method of cine-reconstruction of the past in the film space. Basing on analysis of the means used cinematic language in B. Bertolucci’s The Conformist the author traces visualization of the inner world of the personage through the reconstruction of his past as well as the mechanism of transformation of the current system of images into a new form of socio-cultural paradigms. The system of tools employed allows one to freely converse with the viewer using both the structure and imagery of the film, and the possibility of using the image to convey the deep essence of the author's message. Artistic and temporal characteristics of the screen text are inscribed into the viewer as elements of creation a direction of reflection on the material presented, often as a mythical code, which appeals to the collective unconscious. Reality surround is the result of an interaction between two forces, that is consciously-the unconscious movement of society toward a certain goal, and the base starting this movement. It is possible that this new goal is the continuation of existing, and perhaps vice versa. These works show that screen art, having a direct conversation with the viewer, has the opportunity to implement a new concept of collective consciousness.


Vyacheslav Marusenkov



PhD (Arts), Senior lecturer of the Department of Cinema Science, VGIK.


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版权所有 © Marusenkov V.V., 2017
