
Rational pharmacotherapy of hypertension. Urapidil potential
Morozova T., Andruschishina T., Shmarova D.
Fixed combination of highly selective β-adrenoblocker bisoprolol and calcium antagonist amlodipine (Concor® AM) for arterial hypertension treatment in metabolic disorder patients
Zhernakova Y., Martyniuk T., Arkhipova O., Azimova M., Rogoza A., Chazova I.
Treatment of patients with high cardiovascular risk: a modern view on combined therapy
Blankova Z., Aslanian N., Smolianinova N., Ageev F.
The possibilities of angiotensin receptor blocker azilsartan medoxomil and its combination with chlortalidone in cardiovascular risk decrease in patients with obesity, metabolic syndrome and diabetes mellitus
Zhernakova J., Chazova I., Blinova N.
Features of antihypertensive and vasoprotective efficiency of combination of valsartan and amlodipine in patients with obesity under different polymorphic variants of CYP2C9 and CYP11B2 genes
Kovalenko F., Skibitsky V., Fendrikova A.
The results of the international clinical study VICTORY: efficacy and safety of antihypertensive monotherapy with valsartan (Valsacor®) and its fixed combination with hydrochlorothiazide (Valsacor® H) in routine clinical practice in patients with grade 1 and grade 2 hypertension
Chazova I., Martynyuk T., Accetto R., Sirenko Y., Vincelj J., JWidimsky J., Barbič-Žagar B., Arhipov M., Grinshtein Y., Ostroumova O., Galjavich A., Rotar' O., Haisheva L., Nedogoda S.
Combined pharmacotherapy of arterial hypertension. Overview fixed combination antihypertensive drugs
Morozova T., Andrushchishina T., Yudina I.
The first results of an international clinical trial VICTORY:the efficacy and safety of antihypertensive valsartan monotherapy and the fixed combination of valsartan and hydrochlorothiazide usingdifferent dosage regimens in patients with 1-2 degree arterial hypertension
Chazova E., Martyniuk T.
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