
The use of Everolimus as a part of maintenance immunosuppressive therapy in patients with minimal renal transplant dysfunction: results of a prospective observational program (CRAD001ARU01)
Prokopenko E., Stolyarevich E.
The Global Role of Kidney Transplantation
Gul'ermo Garsiya Garsiya -., Pol Kharden -., Dzheremi Chapmen -., Guillermo Garcia Garcia -., Paul Harden -., Jeremy Chapman -.
Immunological matching in renal transplantation: clinical and prognostic significance
Stoliar A., Berdiugina O., Budkar' L., Klimusheva N.
Modern aspects of renal transplantation as a variant of renal replacement therapy
Krstich M., Zul'karnaev A.
New opportunities of donor organ conservation in renal transplantation
Stepanov V., Korshunov K., Yankovoy A.
Renal cell carcinoma in patients receiving hemodialysis treatment
Lubennikov A., Trushkin R., Berezhnaya E., Isaev T., Morozov N., Medvedev P., Kolesnikov N.
Long-term results of coupled plasma filtration adsorption in the treatment of renal transplant ischemia reperfusion injury
Vatazin A., Zulkarnaev A., Shahov N., Krstich M., Kantarija R.
Modification of diet efficacy in renal transplant recipients
Zuglova E.
Papillary renal cell carcinoma of own kidneys associated with acquired cystosis kidney disease in the renal transplant recipient
Yankovoy A., Gurevich L., Bespalova E.
Plasmapheresis in controlling of the severity of ischemia-reperfusion damage of renal transplant
Vatazin A., Siniutin A., Zul'karnaev A., Kantaria R., Krstich M.
Feasibility of renal transplantation in patients older than 55 years
Vatazin A., Shherbakova E., Prokopenko E., Stepanov V.
Prevalence of metabolic syndrome in early perioperative period after renal tranplantation
Zagorodnikova N., Rzhevskaya O., Lazareva K., Shmarina N., Pinchuk A.
The role of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in modern medicine and its prospects in organ donation
Stepanov V., Korshunov K., Jankovoj A.
Metabolic disturbances in the intra-and postoperative period in renal transplantation
Vatazin A., Sinyutin A., Zulkarnayev A., Patyukov K., Kantaria R., Krstic M.
Ischemia-reperfusion injury of kidney transplant: approaches to treatment and prevention
Krstich M., Zul'karnaev A., Gubarev K., Fediunin A.
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