Vol 22, No 6 (2023)

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Effectiveness of Sanatorium Treatment Programs for Women with Chronic Endometritis: a Prospective Randomized Study

Konchugova T.V., Kotenko N.V., Yurova O.V., Borisevich O.O.


INTRODUCTION. The problem of recurrent antibiotic-resistant urogenital infections is increasing, and standard therapy is becoming ineffective. Sanatorium-resort treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs in women allows us to solve these problems with the help of natural and preformed physical factors.

AIM. To study the clinical effectiveness of comprehensive sanatorium treatment programs in patients with chronic endometritis.

MATERIALS AND METHODS. A prospective randomized trial included 73 patients, aged 35 ± 10 years, diagnosed with chronic endometritis. The control group (n = 25) received «basic» therapy with amplipulstherapy, sodium chloride baths. The comparison group (n = 24) received «basic» therapy and manual therapy. The main group (n = 24) received «basic» therapy, high-intensity pulsed magnetic field and manual therapy. Diagnostic criteria: immunohistochemical examination of the endometrium, echographic examination, dopplerometry of pelvic vessels, laser Doppler flowmetry.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. After treatment, an increase in the uterine arterial perfusion index was noted in all groups compared with baseline values. The median indicator increased in the study groups by 2.36 times, 2.4 times, and 2.6 times, respectively (p < 0.05). The decrease in the maximum peak speed in the comparison group and the main group exceeded the indicators of the control group (p < 0.001). The systolic-diastolic ratio decreased in the comparison group and the main group (p < 0.05). A decrease in stagnation in the venular microcirculation, a normotonic type of microcirculation, improvement in endothelial function (p < 0.01) were revealed in the main group.

CONCLUSION. An algorithm has been developed. In case of endometrial hypoplasia, decreased uterine perfusion, increased uterine artery resistance index, «basic» therapy is recommended, including sodium chloride baths and amplipulstherapy. With an increase in the maximum peak blood flow rate, an increase in the systolic-diastolic ratio, it is necessary to add a course of manual therapy to the «basic» therapy. When detecting violations of venous outflow, it is recommended to include high-intensity pulsed magnetic therapy.

Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2023;22(6):8-20
pages 8-20 views

Biofeedback Endurance Training for Gait Rehabilitation in Parkinson’s Disease: a Non-Randomized Controlled Study

Guseva O.V., Zhukova N.G.


INTRODUCTION. Parkinson’s disease is a disease with the highest rates of disability growth in the neurodegenerative pathology group, with the leading motor symptom — impaired walking and an increased risk of falling. There is evidence that Parkinson’s disease preserves stability for cycling. The issue of extending the effects of cycling training to daily activity, including walking, remains unclear.

AIM. To evaluate the effect of a course of endurance training on a cycle ergometer with biofeedback (BFB) on a walking ability of a patient with Parkinson’s disease.

MATERIALS AND METHODS. A total of 69 patients with stages 2–3 Parkinson’s disease according to the Hoehn and Yahr Rating Scale were included in the study, group 1: 34 people (60.05 ± 7.07 years) and group 2: 35 patients (61.75 ± 7.53 years). The patients were examined — anamnesis collection: duration of Parkinson disease, presence of arterial hypertension (AH), sports history, medication, assessment of systolic and diastolic blood pressure (SBP and DBP), body mass index (BMI), “6-minute walk” test (6MWT), motor function according to the MDS UPDRS scale — part III. The patients of group 1 had daily exercises on a digital bicycle ergometer with BOS for 10 days, the patients of group 2 — therapeutic gymnastics. The therapy was assessed by repeated 6MWT.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. The Parkinson’s disease duration was longer in the patients of group 1. Concomitant hypertension was in 20 (57 %) patients of group 1 and 16 (47 %) patients of group 2 (p > 0.05). 11 people of group 1 and 5 of group 2 had a sports history (p = 0.07). The indicators of SBP and DBP of groups 1 and 2 had normal values during the examination. BMI in both groups corresponded to excess body weight. Patients had risk factors of the modern world: hypertension and overweight. Motor disorders according to the MDS UPDRS — Part III scale were greater in group 1. Despite having serious motor impairments in group 1, after the therapy, the patients demonstrated an increase in the distance traveled in 6 minutes (392.18 ± 96.3 m vs. 476.43 ± 108.08 m; p < 0.05), while no changes were found in group 2.

CONCLUSION. BOS endurance training on a cycle ergometer is effective for walking rehabilitation of Parkinson’s disease patients.

Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2023;22(6):21-27
pages 21-27 views

Improvement of Functional State of Patients after Spinal Cord Injury During Epidural Electrical Stimulation: Prospective Study

Shchurova E.N., Prudnikova O.G., Kachesova A.A., Saifutdinov M.S., Tertyshnaya M.S.


the lack of convincing evidence of a therapeutic effect.

AIM. To evaluate the effect of complex rehabilitation using EPS and activation of the proprioceptive apparatus on the indicators of the functional state of patients with long-term consequences of spinal cord injury with partial spinal cord injury.

MATERIALS AND METHODS. A prospective study was conducted with the participation of 29 patients with long-term consequences of spinal cord injury with partial spinal cord injury. The catamnesis of the disease was 3.7 ± 0.5 years. Comprehensive rehabilitation included epidural electrical stimulation by implantable electrode and activation of the proprioceptive apparatus. The neurological (ASIA scale) and functional (CSIM III scale) status of the patient was analyzed. Motor function was evaluated using 10-meter Walk test; M-responses of limb muscles — using electromyography, temperature and pain sensitivity — using esthesiometry.

RESULTS. An increase in muscle strength and M-response of the muscles of the extremities, normalization of the motor deficit index, reduction of the walking test time, increase in movement speed and the patient’s independence index were revealed. There is an improvement in temperature and pain sensitivity at the level of damage and in the dermatomes located distally. The effect decreases in dermatomes far from the level of the electrode installation; but with increase in the number of courses the effect increases.

DISCUSSION. The results obtained indicate that this rehabilitation complex, including UES, has a positive effect on the functioning of both the motor and sensitive spheres.

CONCLUSION. Application of EES and activation of the proprioceptive apparatus improves the functional condition of sensorimotor sphere in the long-term consequences of spinal cord injury with partial spinal cord damage. Repeated rehabilitation courses have cumulative effect.

Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2023;22(6):28-41
pages 28-41 views

Features of Mental Disorders in Right- and Left-Hemisphere Localization of Stroke on the Background of Motor Rehabilitation: Comparative Study

Kuzyukova A.A., Belyaeva I.A., Pekhova Y.G., Yurova O.V., Fesyun A.D.


INTRODUCTION. In post-stroke patients have a high incidence of cognitive and emotional pathology, it is very important to take into account the particular features of mental state in order to achieve significant results of rehabilitation. The data on brain asymmetry indicate a certain lateralization of some mental functions (speech, emotional and cognitive functions).

AIM. To study cognitive, emotional disorders and quality of life in patients with ischemic stroke depending on the localization of the lesion in the right or left cerebral hemisphere and their dynamics on the background of motor rehabilitation.

MATERIALS AND METHODS. 39 patients with localization of an ischemic focus in the middle cerebral artery territory (group 1 (n = 19) — right hemisphere, and group 2 (n = 20) — left hemisphere) in the recovery period after an ischemic stroke, underwent an inpatient course of motor rehabilitation. Conditions of the patients were assessed at the beginning and at the end of hospitalization using the 6-point muscular strength scale, the modified Ashfort scale, a TUG test, the FIM and Berg balance scales, MMSE, MoCA, the Schulte Table methods, he Beck Depression Inventory, the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (Spielberger-Khanin) and the Quality of Life at stroke.

RESULTS. Attention disorders were found in patients of groups 1 and 2 in 84.6 and 75 %, respectively. Emotional disorders were diagnosed in almost half of post-stroke patients, anxiety disorders prevailed over depressive ones. In group 2 patients scoring ≤ 23 points on the MMSE were found 5 times more frequently. In group 1 depression was 4 times more frequent. However, the obtained intergroup differences were not statistically significant. At the end of the rehabilitation, both groups demonstrated a significant decrease in the level of trait anxiety, and in group 1 an increase in the attentional stability.

DISCUSSION. The observed prevalence of more severe cognitive impairments in the LMCA group and emotional impairments in the RMCA group are consistent with the data on brain asymmetry.

CONCLUSION. Motor rehabilitation has a positive effect on the emotional state of patients after a stroke, and insignificantly on their cognitive functions, which, along with a high incidence of cognitive impairments, necessitates consideration of the transition from motor to cognitive-motor rehabilitation in order to improve the effectiveness of the treatment.

Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2023;22(6):42-54
pages 42-54 views

Efficiency of Remote Monitoring of Rehabilitation of Patients after Myocardial Infarction

Elfimov D.A., Elfimova I.V., Kosterin M.D., Golubeva A.A., Andreeva O.V.


INTRODUCTION. Rehabilitation of cardiac patients is based on a set of measures of a rehabilitation nature (medical, physical, social, psychological and pedagogical). The purpose of this type of activity is aimed at restoring health as much as possible in a particular case, as well as psychological status. Despite widespread urbanization, the share of rural residents still remains significant and amounts to 25.1 %. They face limited access to health care more often than urban populations. This is especially true for the population of remote areas.

AIM. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of remote technologies during rehabilitation measures in patients who have suffered an acute myocardial infarction.

MATERIALS AND METHODS. The study included 200 patients who had suffered acute myocardial infarction, receiving outpatient rehabilitation at the City Clinic No. 17, living in the city of Tyumen. The patients were divided into two equal groups of 100 people. The average duration of treatment in both groups was 21 days. The rehabilitation program included a therapeutic and physical training complex, which took place in a face-to-face group as part of joint classes, and in a remote group — at home using video instructions, previously sent by email.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. Rehabilitation with the use of remote technologies showed a result comparable to the full-time program. In both groups, there is a statistically significant improvement in the indicators of the Rankin, and rehabilitation routing scales. However, according to the Aronov scale, positive changes are present only in the remote group.

CONCLUSION. Based on the results of the study, a conclusion was made about the comparable effectiveness of cardiac rehabilitation in full-time and remote groups. This suggests that biomedical technologies can be used in the implementation of cardiac rehabilitation programs in areas remote from large settlements.

Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2023;22(6):55-66
pages 55-66 views

Coping Strategies and Burnout Among Medical and Social Workers Providing Services to People with Limited Mobility

Khokhlova O.I., Vasilchenko E.M., Versh V.A., Denisova Y.A.


INTRODUCTION. The centerpiece of the development of occupational burnout is the individual’s ability to cope with stressful situations.

AIM. To determine ways to cope with stress among employees of healthcare organizations and social service institutions providing services to low-mobility population groups, as well as to assess the correlations between individual coping strategies and burnout symptoms.

MATERIALS AND METHODS. The study involved 81 employees of healthcare organizations (group 1) and 88 employees of a social service institution (group 2).

We used COPE (Coping Orientation to Problems Experienced Inventory) questionnaire adapted by T.O. Gordeeva et al. to determine ways of coping with stress; Maslach Burnout Questionnaire adapted by N.E. Vodopyanova to determine symptoms of occupational burnout.

RESULTS. Employees of a social service institution more often than the staff of healthcare organizations had high levels of coping strategies: positive reformulation and personal growth (in 80.7 % and 60.5 % respectively, p = 0.002), active coping (in 76.1 % and 58 %, p = 0.012), planning (in 76.1 % and 53.1 %, p = 0.002). At the same time group 1 representatives 2.1 times more often than group 2 representatives had high values of the integral index of occupational burnout: 50.6 % against 23.9 % (χ2 = 12.997, p < 0.001).

DISCUSSION. Ineffective coping-strategies, correlating with the levels of occupational burnout symptoms, appeared to be concentration on emotions and their active expression, mental disengagement from the problem, behavioural disengagement from the problem, and denial. Among the effective ones are active coping, planning, positive reformulation and personal growth.

CONCLUSION. Burnout symptoms were more frequent in the surveyed sample of the healthcare workers than in the workers of social service institutions and were associated with insufficiently active use of effective ways of coping with stress.

Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2023;22(6):67-77
pages 67-77 views

Effectiveness of Sulfide Balneopeloidtherapy in Patients with Hypertension in Comorbid Combinations: Randomized Prospective Study

Vladimirskiy V.E., Vladimirskiy E.V., Hassaballa R.F., Karakulova Y.V., Gulyaeva N.I.


INTRODUCTION. In the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, the use of hydrogen sulfide, which is a universal gas transmitter and performs many physiological functions in the body, is of interest.

AIM. To evaluate the effectiveness of sulfide balneopeloid therapy (SBPT), carried out at the Klyuchi resort (Perm region), in patients with arterial hypertension (AH), as well as their combinations with coronary heart disease (CHD), prediabetes and cerebrovascular disease (CVD) with chronic ischemia brain (CHM).

MATERIALS AND METHODS. A comparative randomized prospective study was conducted at the Klyuchi resort (Perm region), which studied the effectiveness of SBPT in patients with hypertension in various comorbid combinations. General inclusion criteria were the presence of hypertension and age from 40 to 70 years.

RESULTS. The results of a study of the effectiveness of different durations of SBPT in patients with hypertension showed that when a course of SBPT was carried out for 14 days, the hypotensive effect was less significant, while mid-term observation revealed that the hypotensive effect after a 21-day course of SBPT persisted for up to 6 months, and after 14-day course — 3 months. In patients with hypertension and prediabetes, complex therapy, including 14 days of SBPT, helps reduce the severity of clinical manifestations and improve quality of life; causes redistribution of fat deposits, improvement of blood pressure profile, aortic compliance, endothelial and neurogenic circuit of skin microcurrent regulation; reduces the serum concentration of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), leptin, and also increases the serum concentration of transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-β1). When treating patients with hypertension and coronary artery disease using SBPT, an increase in the activity of the parasympathetic part of the nervous system, a lipid-correcting effect, improvement of endothelium-dependent vasodilation and exercise tolerance. The results of a study of patients with hypertension with CVD and MS showed that patients who received a course of SBRT had a significant improvement in cognitive functions.

DISCUSSION. The effects that develop during SBPT are associated with the polymodal effect of the H2S molecule on the main metabolic signaling pathways and regulatory mechanisms of the body’s hormonal-humoral systems, which leads to optimal regulation of micro- and macrohemodynamics, favorable changes in lipid metabolism, trophological status and trophic factors.

CONCLUSION. SBPT, carried out at the Klyuchi resort (Perm Region), is effective in patients with hypertension, including various comorbid combinations — hypertension and prediabetes, hypertension and ischemic heart disease, CCI.

Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2023;22(6):78-90
pages 78-90 views

Osteoporotic Vertebral Compression Fractures: Medical, Social Aspects, Clinical Picture, Treatment and Medical Rehabilitation. A Review

Marchenkova L.A.


INTRODUCTION. Osteoporosis is one of the most common metabolic skeletal diseases in the world, which is characterized by a decrease in bone tissue strength and an increased risk of fractures with minimal trauma, including pathological vertebral compression fractures (VCFs). VCFs are accompanied by a decrease in the quality of life of patients with osteoporosis due to a pronounced pain syndrome, sleep problems, decreased motor and social activity, a high risk of falls and fractures, the development of pathological spinal deformities, decreased lung capacity and increased number of comorbid diseases. In this regard, timely treatment and medical rehabilitation in patients with osteoporosis and VCFs are of particular importance to restore functionality, reduce the risk of developing new fractures, disability and death.

MAIN CONTENT OF THE REVIEW. The literature review is the analysis of 7 domestic and 49 foreign literary sources, which was used to describe the prevalence, medical and social significance and clinical picture of osteoporotic VCFs. It provides data on modern methods of drug and non-drug treatment of patients with VCFs. The effectiveness and limitations of the use of physical therapy methods in the rehabilitation of patients with pathological spinal fractures are described in detail.

CONCLUSION. It is concluded that VCFs pose a significant healthcare burden due to their high prevalence and negative impact on the quality of life of older patients with osteoporosis. Osteoporotic VCFs lead to the development of severe back pain, limited mobility, spinal deformities, loss of height and permanent disability. An effective strategy for the treatment and rehabilitation of patients with osteoporotic VCFs should include the use analgesics, orthotics, correction of nutritional deficiency, elimination of vitamin D and calcium deficiency, modern methods of physical therapy, fall prevention and timely prescription of effective drugs for pathogenetic therapy of osteoporosis to reduce the risk of pathological fractures in the future and ensure a high level of functioning and of the quality of life.

Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2023;22(6):91-99
pages 91-99 views

Rehabilitation of Patients with Post-Stroke Dysarthria in the Russia and Abroad: a Literature Review

Loginova O.V., Bovtyuk D.I.


INTRODUCTION. Post-stroke speech disorders are one of the important reasons for the decline in the functioning of patients. According to statistics, the incidence of dysarthria among patients after stroke varies from 24 to 64 %.

AIM. To evaluate existing methods of rehabilitation of post-stroke dysarthria, attempt to create a classification of methods, assess the possibility of use in modern conditions and the effectiveness of these methods.

MATERIALS AND METHODS. A literature review was conducted using the eLibrary, PubMed, and Google Scholar databases over the past 5 years (2019–2023). Key words used for the search: “stroke” (stroke in foreign databases), “rehabilitation”, “dysarthria”. The criteria for inclusion of articles in the review were as follows: year of publication of the scientific work from 2019 to 2023, full-text articles, works that include the author’s methodology or its modification, meta-analyses, descriptions of clinical cases. Exclusion criteria: descriptive articles, works based on statistics of post-stroke dysarthria, works describing the organization of speech therapy support without specifying methods, coincidence of identical works in different databases.

RESULTS. The literature review included 16 full-text articles, based on the results of which it can be said that speech rehabilitation, repeating trends in motor rehabilitation, is moving in the direction of increasing the use of various equipment, and there has been an increase in the use of invasive techniques.

CONCLUSION. This review highlights the current trends in speech rehabilitation in adults.

Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2023;22(6):100-106
pages 100-106 views

The Post-Flight Rehabilitation Program for Astronauts in Health Resort: Case Report Series

Ter-Akopov G.N., Efimenko N.V., Koryagina Y.V., Abutalimova S.M., Lunina N.V.


INTRODUCTION. The prospects for studying deep space are associated with the development of methods and programs for restoring the body of astronauts after flights. In this case, an important role is given to the implementation of aspects of restoring the functions of the nervous system of astronauts at the 2nd stage of post-flight rehabilitation (PFR) in Health Resort.

AIM. To develop a program of rehabilitation for cosmonauts in Health Resort (stage 2 of PFR), aimed at restoring the functions of the nervous system.

MATERIALS AND METHODS. The study involved 5 cosmonauts. Diagnostics included assessment of psychological and psychophysiological parameters and properties of the nervous system, the functional state of the autonomic nervous system. The rehabilitation program included: intake of mineral water “Slavyanovsky”, carbon dioxide-hydrogen sulfide baths, baro-, halo-, inhalation and climate therapy, a course of 5 sessions of neurofeedback on the β-rhythm of the brain. The duration of PFR was 21 days, procedures were carried out every other day.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. An assessment of heart rate variability revealed the predominance of the influence of the parasympathetic division. After the rehabilitation course, there was a decrease in the stiffness index. There was a positive trend towards normalization of indicators: blood saturation, reflection index, a marker of left ventricular function, cardiac output, blood pressure and oxygen absorption from the microcirculatory system. The dynamics of biofeedback training indicators based on the β-rhythm indicated the orderliness and synchronization of the electroencephalogram (EEG) rhythm signal; an increase in the efficiency of mental work was also revealed.

CONCLUSION. The results obtained indicate the positive impact of the developed program of the 2nd stage of PFR, as a result of which a positive dynamics of indicators of autonomic regulation, central hemodynamics, improvement of mental performance, orderliness and synchronization of the EEG rhythm signal.

Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2023;22(6):107-116
pages 107-116 views

Subacromial Impingement Syndrome. A Retrospective Analysis of Long-Term Outcomes of Surgical and Conservative Treatment

Pilipson Z.Y., Ilyin D.O., Logvinov A.N., Frolov A.V., Bessonov D.A., Achkasov E.E., Olchev A.A., Korolev A.V.


INTRODUCTION. Subacromial impingement syndrome (SAIS) is one of the most common reasons that makes patients seek treatment for shoulder pain.

PURPOSE. To assess the effectiveness of surgical and conservative treatment of patients with subacromial impingement syndrome.

MATERIALS AND METHODS. The clinical results of 48 patients with SAIS stage 1, 2 according to Neer, divided into 3 groups, were analyzed: 1) conservative group without rotator cuff tears (16 patients), 2) conservative group with partial rotator cuff tears (16 patients); 3) surgical group (16 patients). The patients of the conservative groups were treated according to the rehabilitation protocol including myofascial release techniques, physiotherapy, manual therapy, exercises. The patients of the surgical group underwent an arthroscopic subacromial decompression. The follow-up period was at least 24 months. The clinical condition of the patients was assessed using ASES, VAS scales and SANE questionnaire.

RESULTS. The study did not reveal a statistically significant difference of the surgical and conservative treatment groups according to VAS and ASES. There was a statistically significant difference in the results of the SANE questionnaire (p = 0.008) with better results in the conservative groups. Longer rehabilitation was noted in patients of the surgical group.

DISCUSSION. Ketola et al. compared clinical results of surgical group of patients who underwent the subacromial decompression and the conservative group who performed the exercises. There was no statistically significant difference found in VAS level results, subjective shoulder function assessment. Paavola et al. have not found statistically significant difference in VAS scale results between surgical group, group of diagnostic arthroscopy and conservative group of patients with rotator cuff tendinopathy.

CONCLUSION. The conservative treatment of subacromial impingement syndrome with physiotherapy and manual therapy let achieve good and excellent results.

Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2023;22(6):117-123
pages 117-123 views

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