Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат  Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді  Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат ақылы немесе тек жазылушылар үшін

Том 13, № 4 (2023)


Бүкіл шығарылым

Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат
Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді
Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат ақылы немесе тек жазылушылар үшін


Principles of forming a pool of digital entrepreneurial ecosystem actors

Zavyalov D., Zavyalova N., Saginova O.


The study of commodity circulation sphere development in the digital economy has revealed several trends. The most significant trends are as follows: networking and the formation of digital entrepreneurial ecosystems. The growing competition forces entrepreneurs to improve efficiency through cooperation with other companies. This cooperation and coordination of the value activities largely depends on the approaches to the formation of a pool of ecosystem participants and the organization of their interaction. The algorithm proposed in the article makes it possible to make a ranking of potential ecosystem actors using a mechanism to assess companies capabilities and their compliance with the ecosystem approach to implementing the principles of sustainable development.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(4):967-982
pages 967-982 views

Interaction of participants in the pharmaceutical supply chain

Matosov M., Larin O.


The article deals with the urgent tasks of ensuring the sustainability of the pharmaceutical supply chain. Unsustainable work of supply chain participants negatively affects the availability of medicines for the population, as well as the costs of budgets at all levels for health care. The irrational spending of all types of resources for the production, and subsequently for the distribution of pharmaceutical products, creates a threat to the socio-economic well-being of future generations. Therefore, existing pharmaceutical supply chains must be carefully analyzed and optimized. To improve the sustainability of supply chains, it is recommended to apply the concept of integrated business planning. For the high efficiency of business planning, it is advisable to apply innovative digital technological solutions. Digitalization of production and distribution functions increases the coordination of supply chain participants based on reliable information about demand, minimizes the consequences of disruptions in the processes of production and delivery of medicines. This makes a significant contribution to ensuring the sustainability of the pharmaceutical supply chain. These methodological provisions are planned to be used to develop a model for the sustainability of the pharmaceutical supply chain.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(4):983-994
pages 983-994 views

The management consulting market in an unstable environment

Sorokin A., Saginova O.


The article discusses the key problems of the management consulting services market in Russia in the changed economic and geopolitical situation. The main services provided by consulting companies and the necessity and importance of these services for companies in Russia are examined. The article considers the current changes in the consulting services market, the promising directions for the development of the consulting market and the possible difficulties in the process of utilizing of the recommendations of consulting companies based on the open sources.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(4):995-1006
pages 995-1006 views

Managing the development of transport mobility

Zavyalov D.


Sustainable development of megacities is an urgent task of our time. The development of the citizen mobility in this process plays a dominant role. Urban transport should create safe, comfortable and accessible travel conditions and promote the development of public transport, reducing the demand for personal cars when moving in an urban environment. The basis of urban mobility is the effective management of the transport system objects, taking into account urban planning policy, historical features of the metropolis, the expectations of citizens and business requirements. The article deals with the problems of managing the development of transport mobility based on the improvement of such management processes as planning, procurement, updating of the regulatory framework and the organization of stakeholders' interaction in making management decisions.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(4):1007-1022
pages 1007-1022 views

Transport considerations in quality of life assessment

Tinkov S.


The article discusses the problem of the virtually complete absence of indicators reflecting the state and development of transport and transport infrastructure in methods for assessing the quality of life. Approaches related to the inclusion of transport aspects in the existing methods for assessing the quality of life are proposed. The role of transport and transport infrastructure for the population is shown. The importance of considering the transport aspects of urban agglomerations in assessing the quality of life is particularized.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(4):1023-1040
pages 1023-1040 views

Digital ecosystem of automobility as a service

Saginov Y.


The transformation of automobility as a result of the sharing services and mobility as a service concept has changed the supply chains of automotive companies and their role in the emerging automobility ecosystems. The article explains the need to expand the value proposition of the Russian automotive companies to embrace the opportunities of the sharing economy. The concept of automotive companies participation in the digital ecosystem of automobility as a service is suggested. The proposals are based on the study of government statistics, reports and reviews of consulting and research agencies, documents of international organizations, data and documents of car manufacturers, the author's own research.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(4):1041-1056
pages 1041-1056 views

A set of hybrid models for forecasting socio-economic indicators of the Russian Federation and their implementation in the intelligent Horizon system

Kitova O., Dyakonova L., Savinova V.


Currently, there is an increasing need for the application of models, methods and tools for forecasting the development of the country's economy, allowing to calculate the trajectories of socio-economic development. The construction of such forecasts is possible based on both econometric and intelligent models for the aggregate system of indicators. The article describes the constructed hierarchical structure of models of socio-economic indicators of Russia, the methodology and technology of their forecasting by means of the authors' hybrid intellectual system "Horizon". In accordance with the authors' methodology, a system of interrelated regression equations is developed for the selected scenario, determined by the scenario forecasts of the Bank of Russia; and then the results are verified. For indicators with unsatisfactory forecast results, intelligent predictive models are built. The models are based on neural networks and decision trees. The results of the hybrid model application for the entire set of indicators of the social sphere demonstrate the high quality and accuracy of the forecasts obtained.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(4):1057-1084
pages 1057-1084 views

Building a system of indicators on entrepreneurship in the Russian Federation and their forecasting based on the intelligent hybrid system Horizon

Dyakonova L., Savinova V., Shomkin A.


Forecasting the development of small and medium-sized businesses is an important task for large market economy entities. The purpose of the study was to develop a short-term forecast of entrepreneurship indicators in the Russian Federation based on a comprehensive forecast model implemented in the intelligent hybrid system Horizon. The large country econometric model of the Russian Federation is based on the authors' methodology for constructing a distributed system for calculating short-term and medium-term forecasts of socio-economic development indicators, including blocks of indicators of macroeconomics, financial, innovation and social activity.This article describes the structure of a new block of the model – a block of entrepreneurship indicators. The results of predictive calculations using an econometric model, neural network models and a random forest are presented. The application of a set of models made it possible to obtain high-quality forecasts for all entrepreneurship indicators.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(4):1085-1104
pages 1085-1104 views

Theoretical foundations of the enterprise economic security concept in digital transformation

Dokukina A.


The business architecture of modern enterprises requires considering the factors of total digital transformation, supporting the technology of the industrial Internet of things and integrating production with computer applications. A significant amount of research has focused on the benefits of digitalization. At the same time, the number of reasonable recommendations to ensure the economic security of the enterprise in the implementation of innovative development strategies is very limited. This is largely due to the insufficient elaboration of the theoretical foundations, the lack of a conceptual platform for the categories of innovative development of the organization and the associated threats to economic security as the most relevant objects of management. The author attempts to comprehend the modern concept of economic security and the possibility of its application for management purposes in the focus of the digital transformation of the enterprise. The main conclusion is related to the assumption of the perspective development of enterprise management as an information and cognitive complex. Its economic security is supported by the science of threats.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(4):1105-1124
pages 1105-1124 views

Entrepreneurship in Russia through public, statistical and entrepreneurial eyes

Mukhacheva A., Zaretskaya A.


The article is devoted to the consideration of entrepreneurial activity and its role in the economy, society, innovative development, assessment through public, statistical and entrepreneurial eyes (based on sociological surveys and disclosure of the motivational profile of entrepreneurial activity). The authors analyzed the development of entrepreneurship in Russia on the basis of open objective data (statistics, data from public organizations).The article presents the evolution of approaches to the definition and evaluation of entrepreneurial activity, characteristics of the most successful entrepreneurs and differences in the motivational profile of the head-owner from the profile of the hired manager based on their own research. The authors' classification of managers-owners based on the prevailing motives of activity is given.The open sources of data on the development of entrepreneurship in Russia are analyzed. They are as follows: statistical data, the public organization "Support of Russia", the SME platform, etc. The results of a statistical analysis of the development of entrepreneurship in Russia are presented. This allows to conclude that the number of enterprises is decreasing. The share of unprofitable organizations is growing. Modern statistical indicators are insufficient for a comprehensive assessment of entrepreneurial activity. Small business development indicators are excluded from a number of statistical collections. Retrospective data on the support measures provided in quantitative and monetary terms are excluded from the portals of funds and support centers entrepreneurship.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(4):1125-1142
pages 1125-1142 views

Socially oriented non-profit organizations in times of crisis

Semina K.


The article discusses the specific activities and sources of funding for socially oriented non-profit organizations. The author presents the differences between the concepts of non-profit, socially oriented non-profit, charitable organizations and social entrepreneurship in terms of their legal status and activities. Particular attention is paid to the study of changes in charitable organizations' income in the current economic and geo-political situation. To preserve the activities of such organizations, the ways of fundraising strategic reformatting are proposed.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(4):1143-1152
pages 1143-1152 views

International transport corridors and their impact on national economic development

Sharova I., Golova D.


The article discusses the concept, goals of creation and general characteristics of international transport corridors. The authors provide a brief description of the prerequisites for the formation and development of international transport corridors. From the point of view of micro and macro economic indicators, the contribution of international transport corridors to the development of the national economy of the member states of the transport system is considered. Conclusions about the importance of international transport corridors for the economy of the state can be used in the future to assess the need for the development of transport and logistics infrastructure within the framework of already functioning international transport corridors, to identify new strategic directions for the formation of new international transport corridors in the context of changing macroeconomic prerequisites and the redistribution of transport flows amidst sanctions, as well as to assess the prospects for the formation of new transport corridors. The article may be of interest to researchers of global and regional economics, transport and logistics, international entrepreneurship and public administration.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(4):1153-1164
pages 1153-1164 views

Parcel terminals in last mile logistics

Kireeva N.


The development of last mile logistics, driven by the development of e-commerce, requires new organizational and technological solutions. In this regard, automated parcel receipt systems (terminals) are becoming increasingly widespread, allowing customers to receive orders from online stores in a convenient place and at a convenient time.The author considers various options for the operation of parcel terminals and evaluates their role in the development of logistics of the last mile, including the importance of parcel terminals in ensuring the sustainability of cities.At the same time, the issue of assessing customer satisfaction by independently receiving orders through parcel terminals remains insufficiently studied. The conclusion about the need for a comprehensive study of this problem is made.The article will be of interest to representatives of science, whose area of interest is the sustainability of cities, and representatives of logistics operators that deliver the last mile.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(4):1165-1174
pages 1165-1174 views

Identifying the strengths of design organizations in the construction sector in order to adapt them to modern conditions

Melnikov M.


The article presents the results of a study of external and internal factors of the design organization in construction, taking into account industry specifics. The author's contribution consists in clarifying and systematizing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the organization for the implementation of design works and engineering surveys in construction. In the article, the key strengths of the organization for the development of opportunities and reduction of threats to its activities are identified. The method of SWOT analysis was applied.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(4):1175-1186
pages 1175-1186 views

Problems of ethnic entrepreneurship in Russia

Runova N.


The concept of ethnic entrepreneurship is often interpreted in different ways.Researchers focus on the problems of either national ethnic entrepreneurship or only migrant entrepreneurship. The article is aimed at identifying the similarity of problems both for national ethnic entrepreneurs and for migrants creating a business in a new country of residence. Based on the author's definition of ethnic entrepreneurship, the article presents the research results of the problems of both groups of ethnic entrepreneurs in Russia. The survey showed that the two groups included in the definition of ethnic entrepreneurship have many similar problems and are specific to Russian business as a whole. This article is of interest to researchers in the field of entrepreneurship, ethnic entrepreneurship and ethnic economics.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(4):1187-1198
pages 1187-1198 views

Problems of delivery of low-alcohol products in modern conditions

Larin O., Novikov A.


The article explores current problems in the work of participants in the supply chain of low-alcohol products. This market segment has industry-specific features that are not fully taken into account by existing methods for developing logistics solutions. For the purposes of the analysis, the considered problems were grouped depending on the nature of the influencing factors - legislative and organizational. To mitigate the influence of negative factors, the following recommendations are proposed: to improve the process of monitoring transactions in all parts of the supply chain based on digital technologies; regulate procedures and criteria for activation of return flows; promptly adjust the business processes of supply chain participants in connection with changes in the requirements for accounting for labeled products. The practical significance of the results obtained is expressed in improving the quality of the process of monitoring the supply of low-alcohol products to retail chains. Up-to-date monitoring data will allow businesses to adjust deliveries in a timely manner when the market situation changes.

Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(4):1199-1210
pages 1199-1210 views

Import substitution in the fashion industry in Russia

Melnikova A.


This article is devoted to the analysis of the process of import substitution in the Russian fashion industry. At the moment, the sanctions imposed on Russia by foreign countries have sharply raised the question of the need for import substitution in most industries. The fashion industry and the light industry are no exception, since the goods of representatives of foreign companies prevail in this sector of the country's economy. The article is devoted to the analysis of completed and planned works on import substitution in the fashion industry. The author analyzed the Russian database of statistics, as well as analytical reports of consulting companies. The analysis of actions by both the state and the private sector is carried out; and the overall result of joint activities is summarized. The main constraining factors and problems are highlighted; ways to solve them are proposed.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(4):1211-1220
pages 1211-1220 views

Methodology for choosing the optimal form of university networking

Evlampieva G.


The article proposes a methodology for choosing a certain form of network interaction depending on the strategic goals set by the higher educational institution. The author identifies the distinctive characteristics of each form of strategic interaction of universities, namely, a strategic alliance, a virtual organization, a consortium, an association and a cluster. Based on the comparison of the distinctive features of forms of network interaction and performance indicators of network interaction, the forms of network interaction are determined. Participating in network interaction, higher educational institutions can significantly improve specific performance indicators. The forms of network interaction that have a minimal impact on a specific performance indicator are indicated.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(4):1221-1234
pages 1221-1234 views

The role of standardisation in higher education

Lokhanova V., Antonov S.


The article discusses the development and implementation of standards in Russian higher education. The concepts of rationing and standard are defined. The necessity of their introduction into the educational environment is justified. The advantages and disadvantages of educational standards are formulated. The following methods were applied: system analysis, the method of analogies, problem approach and system modeling. The existing problems of rationing educational activities and promising areas for improving educational standards are formulated. Measures to stimulate the spread of progressive educational innovations in the field of standardization are proposed. The necessity of close interaction of all stakeholders, such as universities, academic staff, employers, students and government agencies, in the development and implementation of standards is substantiated. The problem of standardization of higher education as an important task that requires additional research is highlighted.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(4):1235-1252
pages 1235-1252 views

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