Driving forces in global education policy scenarios

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Introduction. The issues of formation of modern ideas about the actor structure and driving forces of influence in the global educational policy framework are considered. Topic. The understanding of global educational policy is formed in several contexts: as a function of the state; as the activity of non-governmental organizations; as a compromise between multidirectional groups representing the interests of different countries and others. Methods. The application of the multipolarity methodology as the main position for global educational policy is justified. Results. The significance of globalization for the education development is clarified, and its main drivers (political, economic, cultural, technological, and financial) are highlighted. It is shown that establishing the structure of actors is not enough to form a holistic view of global educational policy without specifying in a single methodological structure the reasons for changes in the type and composition of actors and the value of innovations in the future educational agenda. The authors highlight the driving forces that influence global educational policy: scientific and technological progress, transformation of the world economic system, and development of communications; dynamism of foreign policy strategies, which makes it possible to implement the concept of“competition through cooperation”. It is proved that the set of possible actions of actors is realized through a sequence of scenarios (economic, institutional, and social scenarios) that lead to the formation of a globalizing scenario as an integral one. Discussion. The presented proposals to clarify the actor approach allow us to get away from the declarative nature and subjectivity of the justification of actors, combining the assessment of possible actions, policies and scenarios to obtain a methodologically significant identification of actors within the available set of knowledge in the chosen field-education.

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About the authors

Ekaterina A. Antyukhova

Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University)

Email: e.antyukhova@gmail.com
PhD (Pol. Sci.); senior lecturer, Comparative Politics Department Moscow, Russian Federation


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