NATO’s Eastward advance is a threat to Russia’s security as the main subject of the Russian world

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Based on a systematic approach, the article considers the socio-philosophical problem of NATO’s military and political activities. The author justifi and analyzed the main approaches to assessing the activities of NATO. Specifi , the historical approach genetically reveals the failure of the creation of the North Atlantic Alliance in 1949, when the Western countries, the USSR did not pose any threat in military terms. The military-strategic approach justifi the danger of the modern military strategy of NATO, associated with the entry into it of various countries of Eastern Europe, as well as Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, the deployment of modern means of armed struggle on their territory and the creation of military bases. The military-political approach justifi the falseness of the statements declared by the Alliance about the successful conduct of peacekeeping, including counter-terrorist operations in various regions of the world. The author proves the danger to the world and Russia of the ideological concept of NATO, based on the theory of “Global strike” and the possibility of using nuclear weapons. The purpose of the study is to reveal the fact of NATO’s military potential building up and substantiate the North Atlantic Alliance’s eastward advances as a threat to Russia’s security, as the main subject of the Russian world. Conclusions . 1. The article proves that in the late 40s of the twentieth century, there was no objective need to create a military bloc of NATO. 2. Our country, both in the historical past and now, conducts a predictable foreign policy in the world aimed at stabilizing international relations. 3. In modern conditions, the advance of NATO to the East is a threat to Russia as the main subject of the Russian world.

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About the authors

Vladimir V. Ksenofontov

Military University of the Ministry of Defence of Russia

Cand. Sci. (Philos.); lecturer at the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies Moscow, Russian Federation


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