Constitutional and legal experience of interaction of bicameral parliaments of the CIS countries in the sphere of food security

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The article presents the author’s analysis of constitutional texts, regulations and analytical materials of the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States in order to consolidate in them the consolidated powers of the chambers of parliaments associated with the implementation of food security. Analysis of legal acts of the studied group of states showed that the sphere of food security (as part of the agrarian and food sphere/function) is one of the eventual spheres of interaction between the chambers of parliament. In the course of the study, two approaches of states to the formalization of provisions related to food security in constitutional texts were identified. The first approach is to consolidate norms that indirectly affect the field of food security (Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia); the second - in the absence of such provisions (Tajikistan and Uzbekistan). It has been established that the interaction of the chambers of parliaments in the field of food security is implemented through the adoption of laws, as well as through various parliamentary events (parliamentary hearings, round tables, seminars, meetings, etc.). It is concluded that the available options for interaction between the chambers of parliaments of states in the field of food security reflect their independent approaches, which are developed on the basis of legal doctrine and practice.

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About the authors

Marina V. Markhgeym

Law Institute of the National Research University “BelSU”, Belgorod State National Research University

Dr. Sci. (Law), Professor; Head at the Department of Constitutional and International Law of the Law Institute of the National Research University “BelSU” Belgorod, Russian Federation

Anna A. Bezuglaya

Law Institute of the National Research University “BelSU”, Belgorod State National Research University

Cand. Sci. (Law); associate professor at the Department of Constitutional and International Law of the Law Institute of the National Research University “BelSU” Belgorod, Russian Federation


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