The right of the child to choose (self-realization) in the system of rights under the legislation of the Russian Federation: Achievements, problems, ways of protection

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A task. The author of the article set himself the task of identifying the legal nature of the right of the child to choose, his self- realization in the general system of children’s rights under the legislation of the Russian Federation. Model. To solve such a theoretical problem, it is necessary to study the essence of this right, identify its features, identify the main factors that impede the realization of the child in the family. Findings. Different kinds of factors influence the child’s self-realization, both objective (his living conditions in the family, family relationships) and subjective (his child’s individual abilities, skills, character), which together create the conditions for the realization of such a child’s right. The scope of the study. Limited by relations in the field of family, social law, civil process of the Russian Federation. Practical value. The determination of the nature and purpose of the child’s right to choose and self-fulfillment will make it possible to formulate new measures to protect families with children and families in difficult situations in order to properly implement this child’s right in practice. Social consequences. Identification of social reasons that impede the normal implementation of the child’s choice, elimination of such reasons will contribute to the development of the most effective mechanisms that will allow the child to achieve success in society. Originality, value. Studying the child’s right to choose other rights in the system provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation will determine the factors that prevent the child from exercising such a right, for example, the poverty factor, formulate new protection mechanisms for families in difficult situations, and therefore protect the interests of children living in such families, thereby realizing their right to self-realization.An analysis of the current legislation on measures to support families with children allows us to conclude that the state is ready to combat poverty in our country.

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About the authors

N. V Letova

Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Doctor of Law; leading researcher Moscow, Russian Federation


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