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Volume 11, Nº 5 (2021)


Family Memory of the Russia’s Citizens in the Context of Actual Social Challenges

Barash R.


Applying to the sociological data, the author examines the Russians’ perception of the family memory as a source of historical knowledge and proves that the memory about relatives and friends who have become participants and witnesses of the state’s key events seriously “feeds” the emotional citizens’ attitude towards symbols of the state identity and national pride. The actuality of the article is determinated by the global development of digital communication that seriously influences on the interest towards the reconstruction of family history and allows persons today to lift the veil of secrecy over the history of many families. Contemporary internet resources give wide opportunities for many modernized citizens to receive objective historical knowledge about their families. The purpose of this article is to study the specifics of the preservation and reproduction of family memory by the Russia’s citizens. In order to achieve this goal the author implement some research tasks. The author study as the place of the family memory among a number of various historical sources as the demand for family historical knowledge that the persons from different socio-demographic groups has. The special attention is paid to the study of the social media mechanisms that are using in order to reconstruct and reproduce the family memory.
Sociopolitical Sciences. 2021;11(5):13-26
pages 13-26 views

Development of the China-Russia-Mongolia Corridor: Cross-Border Dimension

Wan J., Vovenda A., Luybina D., Mushenko E.


Purpose. The article deals with the development of China-Russia-Mongolia economic corridor in the context of “One Belt, One Road” initiative, namely the projects of Silk Road economic belt and Steppe Route projects. The purpose of the research is to specify the peculiarities of cross-border cooperation between China, namely Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Russia and Mongolia. The China-Russia-Mongolia economic corridor is one of the six main economic corridors of “One Belt, One Road” initiative. The initiative is aimed at both effective economic cooperation of the three countries and the regional development in general. Results. The improvement of the mechanisms of cross-border cooperation is considered one of the key issues. Thus, the development of the transportation infrastructure facility, in particular, land transport ports, alignment of customs procedures, increasing the effectiveness of cooperation between urban agglomerations and between cross-border regions will allow comprehensive development of China-Russia-Mongolia economic corridor as well as the other projects of “One Belt, One Road” Initiative.
Sociopolitical Sciences. 2021;11(5):27-33
pages 27-33 views

Judicial Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms as a Legal Institution: Current State and Prospects of Development in the Russian Federation

Umnova-Konyukhova I., Kostyleva E.


Purpose. To analyze the legal institution of judicial protection of human rights and freedoms, its current state and prospects for development in the RF. Objectives. To consider the complex right to judicial protection as the main element of a legal institution. To reveal the content of the elements of the institute for the protection of human rights. Formulate a definition of the concept of judicial protection. Conclusions. Among the many systems of ensuring human rights and freedoms, judicial protection is the most important element of state protection in the Russian Federation. When identifying the protection of human rights as a system, it is more appropriate to use a broader theoretical structure, namely, to adhere to the concept of “institution for the protection of human rights”, the deemed pat of which impulse the introduction is certain mechanisms, include means and procedures is protection. In the domestic legal literature, the concreting of a mechanism for the protection of human rights has been introduced to reveal the dynamic characteristics of the human rights function of the state. From the poet of view role is individual haunches and bodies of power in the protection of rights and freedoms, it is advisable to distinguish the following composite types of human rights protection: law-making (legislative) protection; administrative (executive and administrative) protection; judicial protection. The right to judicial protection is a complex constitutional right of an integrated type. Judicial protection of rights and freedoms is a multidimensional legal concept that can at least be considered, firstly, as a type of state-legal protection of rights and freedoms; secondly, as a public-legal, interpectoral institution within which the public and private interests of legal subjects are protected through the judiciary; thirdly, as a function of the roles is law that guaranteeing the realization is rights through access to justice and fair trial, fourth, as a key element of the mechanism for the realization of rights and freedoms; fifth, as the most universal and authoritative means of legal protection, applied in combination with other procedures used at the initial stage of dispute resolution or legal conflict (pre-trial settlement of a dispute within the framework of administrative procedures, mediation and reconciliation of the parties).
Sociopolitical Sciences. 2021;11(5):34-40
pages 34-40 views

Youth Public Organizations as a Political Actor

Garipov R., Igonin D.


The purpose of this scientific article is to determine the characteristics of youth socio-political organizations that act as an actor in public policy. The authors established the arachaism of the approach that differentiates youth associations according to the territorial criterion. The article analyzes such a significant feature as the influence of youth organizations on political processes, including the processes of making government decisions. Conclusions. In the political science sense, a youth organization as a participant in political relations at the domestic or international levels has certain properties. The authors refer to them as: representing the interests of youth groups; availability of a resource base; participation in political communication; the desire to influence government decisions. But the differences between youth organizations are limited to the scale of influence and to the subject of political relations. The authors state that the presence or absence of resources is not a determining criterion for the recognition of a public organization as an actor of public policy. In this interpretation, the ability of a public association to formulate and express its own interests, and not the implementation of the will of another political actor (for example, a political party or state), acquires significance.
Sociopolitical Sciences. 2021;11(5):41-45
pages 41-45 views

European Arrest Warrant Issued by Public Prosecutor’s Offices in the Light of the Case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Union

Klimek L.


A set of cases of the Court of Justice of the European Union have been adopted, supplementing the Framework Decision 2002/584/JHA on the European arrest warrant and the surrender procedures between Member States. The question repeatedly analysed in its case-law is whether the European arrest warrant can be issued by Public Prosecutor’s Offices. The contribution deals with the case-law of the Court of Justice dealing with this question. In seven sections the paper analyses relevant cases. In each case at the outset a reference for a preliminary ruling is mentioned. Further, dispute in the main proceedings and the question(s) referred for a preliminary ruling are analysed. The most important parts of analyses are considerations by the Court of Justice and its rulings.
Sociopolitical Sciences. 2021;11(5):46-72
pages 46-72 views

The Legal Doctrine of John William Salmond as the Evolution of the Anglo-American Legal Positivist Tradition

Korzhenyak A., Mikhailov A.


The purpose of the research. This article examines the key ideas underlying the legal teachings of the New Zealand lawyer, civil servant and judge John William Salmond (1862-1924), who, as the authors of this study demonstrate, was one of the first critics of the “command theory of law” of the founder of the school of analytical jurisprudence John Austin (1790-1859). By analyzing and interpreting Salmond’s legal doctrine the authors refute the view, entrenched in Russian jurisprudence, that the central representative of the 20th century neo-positivism Herbert Lionel Adolphus Hart (1907-1992) is considered a pioneer in this field who initiated the criticism of Austin’s legal understanding. The authors advocate the position that Hart’s critique of the command conception and understanding of law in his teachings is largely based on Salmond’s ideas. As a result of this study the authors conclude that there are certain similarities between J.W. Salmond’s idea of “ultimate legal principles” and H.L.A. Hart’s legal doctrine on the “rule of recognition”.
Sociopolitical Sciences. 2021;11(5):73-78
pages 73-78 views

P.A. Kropotkin’s Views on State Power and its Fate (Socio-Philosophical Analysis)

Ksenofontov V.


In the article, based on the principle of unity of historical and logical, the socio-philosophical views of P.A. Kropotkin on the essence and evolution of state power are considered. Its provisions on the specifics of the functioning of the legislative, judicial and executive branches of government in a capitalist state are disclosed. The content of his idea that the system of power of the capitalist state does not meet the needs of workers is characterized. The views of the scientist are analyzed, claiming that the state is being destroyed by revolution and the society of the future based on mutual assistance and equality of people is being realized. The purpose of the study is to reveal P.A. Kropotkin’s socio-philosophical views on the state as an instrument of violence against workers and the need to eliminate it in the name of building a humane and just society of the future. Conclusions. The article proves: 1) the views of P.A. Kropotkin reveal the need for the destruction of state power under capitalism, which meets the interests of only the ruling class; 2) through the social revolution, relying on the ideas of anarchist communism, workers will achieve a free and just society.
Sociopolitical Sciences. 2021;11(5):79-83
pages 79-83 views

Civilization Transformations of Russia in Foreign Social Philosophy

Malchenkov S.


Objective. The main goal of this work is to analyze the most important conceptual approaches that were formulated by foreign scientists on the mechanisms and directions of civilizational transformations in Russia. This problem has occupied a significant place in the discourse of the socio-political philosophy of the West for a long time. In recent years, an important contribution to research on this topic has been made by J. Arnason, M. Koivisto, A. Przeworski, M.M. Rahman, A. Segrillo and others. Conclusions: The historical path of Russia, which has gone through many socio-cultural transformations, has long attracted the attention of authors dealing with the problems of local civilizations. The Russian civilization was singled out as an independent one by the classics of this trend O. Spengler and A. Toynbee. A number of foreign authors continue to develop this approach, based on the study of the spiritual sphere of life. At the same time, works in which the civilizational essence of Russia is considered from the standpoint of a geopolitical approach, which considers territory as a key factor in its development, is of great interest. Modern foreign researchers successfully combine these approaches, making a significant contribution to the comprehension of Russian civilization. Originality/value: The work carried out a systematic analysis of the concepts of foreign thinkers related to various scientific trends and applying various methodological approaches to the study of civilizational transformations in Russia. Considerable attention is paid to the possibility of combining the concepts formulated in the framework of the philosophical and geopolitical sciences. Within the framework of this work, the results of the latest research, which have not yet been translated into Russian, have been included in the scientific circulation.
Sociopolitical Sciences. 2021;11(5):84-89
pages 84-89 views

Enlightened Feminism: Ideology, Political Practice

Olifir I.


This article clarifies the social essence of the ideology of enlightened feminism by analyzing its ideological, historical and political dynamics. The author focuses on the feminism of the first and second waves, which is generally devoid of many excessively bizarre and absurd forms inherent in modern radical feminism. The dialectical nature of the dynamics of feminism is noted - the achievement of specific political goals at the previous stage forced its ideologists to form new tasks, mainly on a more expansive scale and under the influence of a changing situation. At the same time, sometimes, we were talking about measures concerning the fundamental rethinking of the female essence itself, getting rid of patriarchal cultural stereotypes, which prepared the ground for legitimizing the situation characteristic of modern radical feminism, which is talking about the actual social domination of the fairer sex. The author emphasizes the importance of the subjective preferences of the developers of feminist ideas, as well as the fallacy of the key thesis of the theory of feminism about the social conditionality of gender differences. This largely serves as a prerequisite for the radicalization of modern forms of feminism, the inconsistency and paradoxical nature of its practice.
Sociopolitical Sciences. 2021;11(5):90-97
pages 90-97 views

Romanian Students in the Soviet Union (1948-1964)

Bajora A.


Student exchanges have a long history since the Middle Ages. After the Second World War, they became even more popular, aiming to increase education, tolerance of different cultures, improve language skills and broaden social horizons. Like other socialist countries, Romania intensified student exchanges with the USSR because the country needed specialists and staff for the national economy and the new communist government. At that time, Russian became the first foreign language taught in Romanian schools. The quality of studies in the USSR was good, and later, many graduate students became significant political leaders and held important positions in the state. Starting with the 1960s, Romania gradually began to distance itself from the USSR, eventually leading to a significant reduction in student exchanges. Currently, the international student exchanges between Romania and the Russian Federation are pretty low, and it would be a pity not to continue the established tradition.
Sociopolitical Sciences. 2021;11(5):98-103
pages 98-103 views

Methodological Facets of the Evaluation of Scientific Theories

Yakovleva E.


The purpose of the study is to consider the main range of issues related to the problem of choice in the framework of the research process. The article deals with the problem of the practice of scientific cognition which involves a continuous process of eliminating or adopting certain theoretical positions, approaches, models. This problem embraces both the need to choose among the already existing approaches one that reflects the studied object more effectively and to the significance of the criteria for evaluating hypotheses formed by the researcher himself. The article is focused on identifying the specifics of plurality of ideas in modern studies. The differences in theoretical approaches to the study of a certain object are indicated. We can talk about various theoretical accents. The same object of real world can be considered from the point of view of its biological, chemical, and physical characteristics (while each of the types of characteristics contains a number of features and properties by which the object is determined). It is difficult to judge what aspect of the object under consideration is essential for cognition and what is unessential. Conclusions. The choice of a priority in direction of research can be determined by utility factors - such as the practical purpose of the study or the initial hypothesis. The individual states (properties) of the object can be determined by a system of scientific measurements or values and, therefore, be predetermined by theoretical and methodological frameworks of various disciplines.
Sociopolitical Sciences. 2021;11(5):104-109
pages 104-109 views

Communicative-Digital Technologies of Educational Values Deanthropologization

Tsepenshchikov V., Kosicin F.


The article is devoted to the issues of Russian youth education in the conditions of the modern information society development. The purpose of the study is to analyze the communicative and digital technologies that have a destructive impact on the individual in the context of the development of the project “non-figurative education” in Russia. The article substantiates the position that “non-figurative education” is aimed at deanthropologization, which is designed to revise the ideals of humanism, subject the personality to spiritual and moral degradation, by primitivizing the value bases and orientations of the individual. Conclusions. Today, mankind as a specific way of existence is turning into a transforming force on a planetary scale. Understanding of a person in this way reveals the urgent need for interdisciplinary research focused both on the analysis of existing socio-humanitarian theories of human existence, and the search for new forms of his interaction with the multitude of all structures in reality.
Sociopolitical Sciences. 2021;11(5):110-114
pages 110-114 views

Research on the Balance of Regional Higher Education Ecosystem in China

Lian S.


The balance of higher education ecosystem plays an important role in the sustainable development of regional higher education. Therefore, from the perspective of ecology of education, this paper intends to discuss the balance of regional higher education ecosystem in China and how to construct effective cooperation between universities and other subjects in the region. In order to solve the above problem, this research adopts literature study method and historical method, combed the domestic and foreign about higher education in education ecology and ecosystem research, summarized the development trend of China’s higher education and the development mode, and based on the symbiosis theory analyzed how universities and other main body to construct the effective cooperation. Through the above research, the following findings are obtained: 1) China’s higher education has moved from the elite stage and the popular stage to the universal stage; 2) Under the strong leadership of the government, China’s higher education has changed from extensional to connotative development mode; 3) The value orientation of cooperation between universities and government, enterprises, communities, other universities or research institutions is high-quality integration; 4) The cooperation path based on the symbiosis theory of regional higher education can provide a strong guarantee for the construction of a balanced higher education ecosystem.
Sociopolitical Sciences. 2021;11(5):115-129
pages 115-129 views

Creation of an Educational Community Along “One Belt, One Road” Based on the Concept of “Community with Shared Future for Mankind”

Liang Y., Zhang X.


In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is increasingly challenging to maintain openness and cooperation in the field of education in various countries. However, the changes brought about by the pandemic provide us with opportunities to explore new ways of international cooperation in education, help reform the way of international exchange and cooperation, and find ways to make international cooperation ready for risks. In response to the volatility of the situation, educational institutions in the countries along the Belt and Road initiative should strengthen mutual understanding, anticipate the upcoming changes and adapt to the quickly changing environment, guided by the concept of “Community with shared future for mankind”. In addition, it is essentially important to cooperate on creation of an open, equal and mutually beneficial Belt and Road educational community. The creation of the Belt and Road educational community meets the current needs of cooperation in the field of international education. It possesses advanced scientific ideas, relies on the existing mechanisms of cooperation, promotes innovation and modernization of cooperation methods, reveals new models of cooperation and integrates educational resources for countries located along the Belt and Road Initiative. In addition, this community enhances the educational system’s ability to withstand risk, thus playing a vital role.
Sociopolitical Sciences. 2021;11(5):130-137
pages 130-137 views

Insight on China’s International Higher Education Cooperation in the Context of us New Immigration Policy Toward International Students

Junhong Y., Zhang X.


This study explores how China seek international cooperation opportunities in higher education. Due to the change of U.S. new immigration policy toward international students, it is more difficult for Chinese students in some STEM fields to have further study in the United States. Besides, the greatly increased tuition fees, as well as the worry about personal safety distract Chinese students’ willingness to study in the United States. Chinese colleges and universities take this opportunity to actively explore high-quality overseas higher education resources in Belt and Road countries to meet the great needs of Chinese students’ studying abroad. At the same time, China speeds up the process of internationalization of higher education by recruiting scholars all over the world and initiating research and training projects specialized in STEM fields with top universities in the world. Furthermore, Chinese universities strive to contribute intellectual support in global governance and work together with universities from the SCO member States under the framework of SCO University to provide more options for Chinese students to receive high quality international education and training as well.
Sociopolitical Sciences. 2021;11(5):138-147
pages 138-147 views

“Ideological and Political Teaching”: A New Direction of Higher Education in China

Mu A.


“Ideological and political teaching” is a new concept and an innovative initiative for the reform of higher education in China. It requires that all courses in colleges and universities play the role of ideological and political education in order to achieve the educational goal of “preparing socialist builders and successors” for China. This article analyzes the background of this concept, its difference and connection with ideological and political theoretical courses, as well as the way of its implementation.
Sociopolitical Sciences. 2021;11(5):148-153
pages 148-153 views

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