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Volume 13, Nº 6 (2023)


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History and Theory of Politics

Prognostic Component of the Civilizational State Modern Russia and of its Spiritual and Moral Imperatives

Asonov N.


The purpose of the research. Based on the methodology of political science and the associated paradigmatic component of scientific prediction of social phenomena and processes, the author of the article built his own predictive model of civilizational change in Russia and a possible way to restore the lost elements of state identity. The purpose of the research is to determine the current position of Russia within the framework of the established world community and, on its basis, to reveal the specifics of the prognostic component of the political analysis of its civilizational state and of the spiritual and moral imperatives. The nature of this work is based on the combined use of general scientific and private methods used within the framework of political analysis, supplemented by a basic set of research paradigms that allow us to give a more in-depth forecast of the possible civilizational drift of Russia in the 21st century.

Results. In the course of the analysis, the author came to a number of conclusions, according to which the Russian Federation, having lost its civilizational identity in 1986–1993, was integrated into the North Atlantic community as a “granddaughter society.” Thus, Russia returned to the imperialist state of “decaying capitalism,” but as a dependent element of this community, loss of the historical union of generations. Its inherent characteristics, identified in 1916 by V.I. Lenin, preserved their nature and created the conditions for the inevitable death of civilizational diversity and the emergence of a “global human race” leading to the complete degeneration of the world community. Only Russia can stop this process if trends aimed at a real, rather than a declarative return to civilizational identity prevail and service of the historical union of generations.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2023;13(6):13-23
pages 13-23 views

Political Institutions, Processes and Technologies

Modern View of Praxeology as a Political Science

Orlova I., Paveleva T., Sgibneva A.


In recent years – the years of geopolitical instability – the public expects political scientists to understand the upcoming threats and scientifically based political forecasts. Among the existing methods and approaches of political analysis, praxeology mains the most non-theoretical subject of political science. The historical development of praxeology has shown that today it can be applied to a system of hostile actions that are an integral part of international relations. Using the example of K. Boulding’s threat system, a praxeological approach was applied to the EU’s sanctions policy against Russia. The key factors that increase the likelihood of threats and corresponding responses to them were identified. The results of the contextual study of praxeology have shown the prospect for further theoretical developments in the field of political analysis and the development of praxeology as an actual subdiscipline of political science.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2023;13(6):24-30
pages 24-30 views

The Social Contract: History and Modernity

Zubov V.


In this publication the author, using methods of analysis, description, classification, comparative approach, as well as formal-dogmatic and case-oriented methods, conducts a detailed study of the contract theory in its cross-temporal context, which allows us to establish the actual relationship between the theoretical research of thinkers of the past and the implementation of contractual principles in real political practice. It is determined that many of the postulates of the founders of the contract theory over time were favourably received by supporters of limited government power and are just as positively assessed by them now, which is expressed in the development of the idea of social contract. Reviewing the current state of a number of national political systems from the point of view of their constitutional regime, the author shows that the constitutional system of democratic societies has the idea of a social contract as a deep basis. It is noted that, although the constitutions themselves or acts of constitutional significance may not contain a reference to the contractual concept, this idea very profitably expresses the derivative nature of state power from the will, interests and needs of society. In the final section of the main part, a position is put forward according to which it is the democratic regime that is most suitable for implanting the social contract model. It is also postulated that the democratic ideal of modernity is simply unthinkable without the idea of the state as a product of an agreement between civil society and public authorities. At the end of the article it is pointed out that the design of the social contract has undergone a certain evolution since its elaboration by outstanding European thinkers, and if previously the social contract was perceived as a way of transition to the condition of a state in general, now it is interpreted much more broadly. Among other things, the author draws attention to the fact that the construction of a social contract, assumed by its authors as a universal model, is not applicable to some political systems due to their civilizational characteristics.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2023;13(6):31-40
pages 31-40 views

Institutional Models of Social Partnership Policy: Foreign Experience, Russian Practice

Ilyicheva L., Parshina E.


In the article, the authors determined that due to the variety of conditions, types, subjects, etc. of social partnership, the policy of such partnership is multivariate and can be typologized on various grounds, which allows to reveal its diversity and multivariance. At the same time, the typology carried out in the article showed that there is no single, suitable model of social partnership policy for all countries. Each of these models has its advantages and disadvantages and should correspond to a set of conditions reflecting the national characteristics of a particular country. The role of motivation on the part of not only the state, but, first of all, society for the formation and implementation of this policy is also great. In addition to the positive consequences, the policy of social partnership carries risks, such as: the risk of formalization of social partnership relations, the risk of violation of the principles of social partnership, etc.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2023;13(6):41-52
pages 41-52 views

The Welfare State: Genesis, Evolution of Content, Indicators

Belokonev S., Khokonov A., Filonenko M.


The article analyzes the main prerequisites and stages of the formation of the welfare state. The issues of interrelation of the functions of the state and its social purpose are considered, the importance of social policy for the stable development of society and the state is determined. A number of parameters and indicators of the functioning and effectiveness of the modern welfare state have been identified. It is proved that the list of such indicators should change in accordance with changes in the direction and content of social processes, an objective expansion of the range of goods consumed by modern man. The conclusion is made about the need to include in the functionality of the welfare state the function of creating conditions for self-organization of citizens to solve individual problems, the actualization of which the state is not able to respond in time and adequately.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2023;13(6):53-60
pages 53-60 views

The State and Civil Society: Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to the Study of Interaction

Lapin A., Ilyichev M., Khmelev V.


In the article, the authors address the multifaceted phenomenon of the state and civil society and do not have an unambiguous interpretation. In this regard, the authors identify basic theoretical and methodological approaches to their study and substantiate the heuristic potential of each of them. The article analyzes the established models of the state in the global political space. At the same time, despite the new configuration of interaction between the state and society, there remain problems of effective participation of citizens and civil society institutions in political decision-making processes

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2023;13(6):61-69
pages 61-69 views

Public Administration and Sectoral Policies

Application of the “Economic Theory of Crimes and Punishments” in the Study of the Phenomenon of Economic Crime in the Soviet Economy of the Mobilization Type in 1941–1945

Pass A., Skorobogatov A., Klemin A., Sabitov R., Mayorov A.


The conceptual approaches formed within the framework of neo-institutional theory are analyzed, which make it possible to understand the motivation of persons prone to committing economic crimes. The role of various factors that determined both the delinquent behavior of subjects and the response to it from the side of the state and society in conditions of total war is clarified. The emphasis is on the views of the representatives of this theory, their applicability for the interpretation of the destructive processes that took place in the economic sphere in 1941–1945. Such problems as the volume and implementation of the powers of law enforcement structures, the nature of punishment, the impact of rational consumption on the methods of production and distribution of material goods are considered.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2023;13(6):70-76
pages 70-76 views

International Relations, Global and Regional Studies

Interaction of the Indian Ocean RIM Association Members in Ensuring Marine Security

Zeleneva I.


The purpose of the research. This article aims to study cooperation within the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) in regards to maritime security. The Indian Ocean region, playing the role of a bridge between Asia and Europe, has become a new global strategic and economic center. In 1997, the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) was formed. Results. As a result of the research, the author comes to the conclusion that the priority activity areas for IORA are: security, including maritime security; fisheries regulation; academic, scientific and technological cooperation; trade and investment facilitation; disaster risk management; tourism and cultural exchanges; “blue economy” and women’s economic empowerment. IORA places particular emphasis on the “blue economy,” which aims to preserve and use oceans, seas and marine resources in the framework of sustainable development. Several programs in the field of the “blue economy” were implemented: “Fisheries and aquaculture”, “Safety and quality of products”, “Sustainable management and development of fishery resources”, “Future of the ocean”. India, which was at the forefront of ARSIO’s creation, plays a large role in maritime security. The signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between ASEAN and ARSIO in 2023 provides significant opportunities for cooperation in the field of digital and “blue economy”.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2023;13(6):77-83
pages 77-83 views

Taiwan Question in Sino-American Relations at the Beginning of the 21st century

Kamynin V., Shengkun Z.


The purpose of the article is to analyze the Taiwan issue as a key one for the foreign policy of China and the United States at the present time. Since the Second World War, relations between mainland China and Taiwan have been tense, and the United States has played an important role in aggravating the Taiwan issue. The authors consider the development of Sino-American relations in Northeast Asia at the beginning of the XXI century, their impact on the Taiwan issue. Such issues as the modernization of Taiwan’s industry, the strategy of Taiwan’s liberation by China, the problem of Taiwan’s “independence”, the unrest in Hong Kong, the crisis in the Taiwan Strait associated with Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan are analyzed. The similarity of the Taiwan crisis and the Special Military Operation in Ukraine is shown. It is concluded that the solution of the Taiwan issue is in a stage of uncertainty, and this uncertainty is caused by US interference in China’s internal affairs. The Taiwan issue must be resolved peacefully, this requires not only the joint efforts of the Chinese government and Taiwan, but also the cessation of US interference in the Taiwan issue.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2023;13(6):84-93
pages 84-93 views

Economic Sociology

Key Drivers of Increasing the Entrepreneurial Potential of Military Personnel Being Discharged Into the Reserve

Wolf K., Bubnov A.


Within the framework of this article, aspects related to the identification of relevant areas for increasing the entrepreneurial potential of military personnel being discharged into the reserve are studied. The key elements of the entrepreneurial potential of individuals were identified and the features of this phenomenon within the framework of the activities of military personnel were described. Recommendations have been put forward that relate to individuals who have recently been discharged from military service. Among them, measures are noted to increase the awareness of individuals about the possibilities of professional adaptation after retirement, psychological counseling and support for entrepreneurial initiatives. In addition, the direction related to the formation of skills for developing competencies and gaining knowledge by military personnel during re-socialization is of particular importance. Proposals were also put forward for those persons who have already started doing business. Among these proposals, aspects related to establishing interaction between military personnel in the role of entrepreneurs, providing consulting support and creating centers for attracting and integrating individuals with the same professional roles are highlighted. In the final part of the work, options were proposed for solving the problems faced by military personnel after being discharged into the reserve, as well as difficulties arising within the framework of entrepreneurial activities of representatives of the studied group. Based on this, a conclusion was formed about the presence of similar points among the identified groups of problems. In addition, the article also described possible prospects for increasing the entrepreneurial potential of individuals who are able to have a positive impact on certain aspects of the socio-economic environment.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2023;13(6):94-99
pages 94-99 views

Characteristics of Entrepreneurial Potential of Military Servicemen Released to the Reserve

Yurasov I., Drokonova K.


The article examines aspects that relate to the characteristics of the entrepreneurial potential of military personnel being transferred to the reserve. An analysis of the key elements that make up entrepreneurial potential was carried out, and the main characteristics reflecting the characteristics of the behavior and attitudes of military personnel were described. Based on the results of an empirical study, an assessment was made of the readiness and desire of reserve military personnel to be associated with entrepreneurial activity. Based on the data obtained, the prospects of military personnel in the field of entrepreneurship were determined.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2023;13(6):100-105
pages 100-105 views

Growth Prospects of the Entrepreneurial Activity of Military Personnel Discharged into the Reserve

Denikina Z., Andrushchenko A.


Within the framework of this work, the issue related to the assessment of the success of the entrepreneurial activity of military personnel discharged into the reserve is considered. The authors studied the peculiarities of the entrepreneurial activity of military personnel discharged into the reserve, and also described the typical characteristics of the representatives of the group under consideration. Among the most important qualities of the servicemen who were transferred to the reserve, coolness, stress tolerance, and a moderate attitude to risk were highlighted. An important place in this article is occupied by the analysis of the results of an empirical study conducted by a questionnaire survey. The authors studied the opinion of reserve servicemen who are engaged in entrepreneurial activities regarding the assessment of their own results within the framework of direct activities. In addition, the results concerning the degree of satisfaction with specific aspects of the respondents’ entrepreneurial experience were studied. Special attention was paid to the analysis of the problems faced by military entrepreneurs in the framework of their activities. interesting results were obtained in the aspect of the respondents’ expectations regarding the further development of enterprises run by retired military personnel. In the final part of the work, the key conclusions on the issue under study were described and recommendations were formed regarding increasing the success of the entrepreneurial activity of military personnel discharged into the reserve.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2023;13(6):106-111
pages 106-111 views

Current Issues of Digital Employment for University Students

Serbina N.


Digital employment and related issues in modern economic conditions are under the close attention of representatives of various areas of humanitarian knowledge. The article reveals the issues related to the employment of full-time university students and describes the possibilities and limitations of the digital format of work combined with study. The difficulties encountered by this target group in the process of mastering digital professions, identified by means of a questionnaire, are analyzed. Recommendations are offered on how to overcome them with the participation of the university.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2023;13(6):112-118
pages 112-118 views


The Legal Status of a Large Family in the Russian Federation: The Current State and Conceptual Proposals from the Perspective of Maximizing the Effectiveness of Family and Demographic Policy and Integrating Best Practices

Saifullin G.


Among the subjects of the Russian Federation, there are 18 different approaches to determining the legal status of a large family. In this regard, there are many problems with the use of family support measures, including those fixed at the federal level. Based on the analysis of more than 200 normative legal acts, the article presents a comprehensive and specific proposal for establishing the legal status of a large family at the federal level from the perspective of the life situations of large families, achieving the effectiveness of family and demographic policy of the state, taking into account the integration of all regional practices.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2023;13(6):119-129
pages 119-129 views

Social Structure Social Institutions and Processes

Peculiarities of the Social Services Market and Problems of Their Quality Assessment

Smirnov V., Basharina (Suntsova) S., Basharina A.


The subject of the research is the quality of services in the field of social services for the population. The purpose of the work is to conduct research of social services, to provide an analysis of the market of services in the field of social services and methods for assessing the quality of the services under consideration. The relevance of the research is due to the fact that the methodology for assessing the quality of services has not yet been definitively established. Identifying problems and inaccuracies in quality assessment will allow us to find a more accurate way to assess the dynamics of the market of services provided. The scientific novelty consists in identifying shortcomings and developing proposals to eliminate them when evaluating the quality of services provided by social service institutions. Considering the analysis of social organizations work and methods of assessing the quality of services provided, the author came to the conclusion that it is necessary to consider a new methodology that takes into account the opinions of consumers and experts, as well as the actual data of institutions.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2023;13(6):130-139
pages 130-139 views

Social Services for Orphans and Children Without Parental Care in Organizations for Orphans in Conditions of Deinstitutionalisation

Musin E.


The article examines the application of deinstitutionalisation policies in the field of orphanhood, characterized by prioritizing family-based care for children without parental care over institutional care. The relevance of this topic is driven by the need to reduce the level of social orphanhood and improve the quality of life of children without parental care living in stationary social institutions, and also reducing the time children spend in these organizations. The research objectives include: exploration of the legislative framework for providing social services to orphaned children and children without parental care; examination of the process of reforming organizations for orphaned children and innovations in their functioning; and quality assessment of social services provided in child assistance centers located in Volgograd Oblast. Theoretical research methods are applied in the article, specifically the study and analysis of literature and open sources, as well as deductive method. To evaluate the quality of the services provided, an independent quality assessment of service provision and the results of surveys of social service recipients in Volgograd child assistance centers were considered. The findings of the study can have practical application in the implementation of family-type living arrangements in organizations for orphaned children, including child assistance centers, which will improve the quality of social services provided to children and reduce prevalence of social orphanhood.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2023;13(6):140-147
pages 140-147 views

Sociology of Culture

Research on the Functions of China’s Open University in the Perspective of Lifelong Education

Shuli X.


Open universities are adult colleges and universities engaged in higher specialist and undergraduate qualification education, supported by modern information technology and using modern distance and open education as the main form. Open universities are generally found in county-level cities and above. Students enrolled in the program are generally those with qualifications from ordinary high schools, vocational high schools, amateur high schools, junior colleges, technical schools, vocational schools or equivalent. The programs are comprehensive, with advanced teaching facilities and strong teaching staff. Open education is an important form of lifelong education and an important way to promote the comprehensive quality of all people. Open universities continue to build open, flexible, convenient and efficient learning platforms, break the time, geographical and spatial constraints, make full use of modern long-distance information technology, and improve the “cloud” resources, so that people can learn at any time, any place, independently and conveniently, which plays an important role in the construction of a lifelong learning system and in the improvement of the comprehensive quality of all people. In recent years, the national open university system has adhered to the principles of “people-oriented, community-based, integrated and coordinated, and reform-led”, focusing on co-ordination and collaboration, giving full play to the leading role of the open universities, focusing on policy guidance, focusing on the development of special features, and joining hands with all kinds of educational resources to build open and diversified channels for the supply of academic education, vocational skills training for employment and entrepreneurship, elderly education for effective services, and off-campus education for young people in a multi-dimensional and accurate way, which will surely result in more achievements in the future in the fields of open academic education, vocational education, community education, and elderly education, and so forth.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2023;13(6):148-153
pages 148-153 views

Sociology of management

Preferences of Users of Video Services: Results of a Sociological Study of the Reasons for Watching Videos “Without Plot or Content”

Garaganov A., Razov P.


The article presents empirical results of studying the preferences of video service users, as well as the reasons for millions of video views “without plot and content”. The relevance of the studied problem from the point of view of media content consumption in the daily life of the active part of the population of the Russian Federation is substantiated. The most typical reactions of respondents were studied, the motives and social significance of this phenomenon were analyzed. The article presents the main dominants of the evaluative attitude among the respondents to the viewed content. The results of the study led to the conclusion that video services have become an important source of media and information flow that meets the information needs of young people.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2023;13(6):154-159
pages 154-159 views

Philosophical anthropology, philosophy of culture

The Influence of Ethnic Identity Attributes on the Formation of National Security: The Russian Aspect

Kovalev A.


The purpose of the study. The purpose of the study is to determine the attributes of ethnic identity that influence the formation of national security in the context of the modern development of the Russian Federation, taking into account its multinational composition. Attention is focused on ethnic identity as a key factor of national security, while using the works of anthropologists, ethnologists, philosophers and sociologists. Conclusions. The author analyzes the essence of ethnic identity, highlights its key attributes and emphasizes the relevance of its analysis in the context of national security. The research is based on the works of both domestic and foreign scientists.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2023;13(6):160-167
pages 160-167 views

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