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卷 7, 编号 1 (2020)


Endangered health - opportunity with efficient innovations

Hubert J., Rakhimov R., Peter J., Yermakov V.


Thanks to the achievements of modern science, in particular, functional ceramic materials, valuable and practical solutions have appeared for energy-efficient technologies using Photonics. The development of special functional ceramics for absorbing light and converting it to other spectral ranges is transmitted as IR radiation.X with high pulse energy on various objects like people, animals, plants, microorganisms, solids, liquids, or gases. Some of these solutions are IR.X has already been tested and shown high efficiency. However, many studies are still in the early stages of development. The purpose of this article is to show the possibilities of using this kind of energy in comparison with traditional methods.
Computational nanotechnology. 2020;7(1):11-14
pages 11-14 views

Endangered health - opportunity with efficient innovations

Jäger H., Rakhimov R., Peter J., Yermakov V.


Thanks to the achievements of modern science, in particular, functional ceramic materials, valuable and practical solutions have appeared for energy-efficient technologies using Photonics. The development of special functional ceramics for absorbing light and converting it to other spectral ranges is transmitted as IR radiation.X with high pulse energy on various objects like people, animals, plants, microorganisms, solids, liquids, or gases. Some of these solutions are IR.X has already been tested and shown high efficiency. However, many studies are still in the early stages of development. The purpose of this article is to show the possibilities of using this kind of energy in comparison with traditional methods.
Computational nanotechnology. 2020;7(1):15-18
pages 15-18 views

Study of functional coatings based on polyvinyl butyral and silver nanoparticles for solar cells

Korchagin V., Sysoev I.


The high cost of solar cells prevents the widespread use of solar energy in the world. The work is devoted to the problems of obtaining and studying the properties of thin films applicable as antireflection coatings in the manufacture of solar cells. In this work, coatings of polyvinyl butyral with silver nanoparticles on the surface of α-Si:H solar cells were obtained. The method of extracting the solution from the cuvette used in the work is simple and does not require highly qualified specialists. Using optical spectroscopy, it was found that the introduction of Ag nanoparticles into polyvinyl butyral films leads to the appearance of an absorption band in the region of 420-450 nm, associated with plasmon resonance of nanosilver. Using infrared spectroscopy, it was determined that with an increase in the concentration of silver nanoparticles in coatings, the valence peaks - CO decrease. The main characteristics of solar cells before and after application are measured. It was found that solar cells with deposited polyvinyl butyral films with silver nanoparticles at a concentration of 12 mmol/l have a short circuit current value of 10% more on average than similar solar cells without deposited films.The results of this work may have some practical value for single, polycrystalline, cascade solar cells. It is known that an increase in the efficiency of all solar cells available in the world, at least by 1%, can give an additional 5 GW of power and more than 10 MW for Russia.
Computational nanotechnology. 2020;7(1):19-25
pages 19-25 views

Platinum nanoelectrocatalysts for hydrogen-air energy sources

Lebedeva M., Antropov A., Ragutkin A., Yashtulov N.


The aim of this work was to form new effective electrode materials with platinum nanoparticles on polymer matrix substrates for energy sources. On the basis of atomic force and scanning electron microscopy data the size, shape and distribution of nanoparticles in the polymer matrix had been evaluated. The studies of composites in the reaction of hydrogen oxidation and oxygen reduction by voltammetry allowed to estimate the electrocatalytic activity of the electrodes. The obtained nanomaterials can be used for the construction of chemical energy sources with high specific characteristics.
Computational nanotechnology. 2020;7(1):26-29
pages 26-29 views

Magnetic materials synthesized in the solar furnace

Payzullakhanov M.


The process of synthesis of materials in a solar furnace was studied using the example of ferrous barium oxide. It is shown that when BaCO3+ Fe2O3 is exposed to concentrated solar radiation of high (300 W/cm2) density, hexagonal ferrous barium oxide 4(Fe2O3)4(FeO)BaFeO3 - х , cubic Ba3Fe2O6 - х = 2(BaО)FeOBаFeO3 - х, tetragonal BaOFeOBaFeO3 - х modifications
Computational nanotechnology. 2020;7(1):30-34
pages 30-34 views

Influence of thermodynamic and physic-chemical properties of welding electrode coating components on their welding and technological properties

Saidov R., Song Y., Rakhimova F., Abralov M.


At this article presented the results of researches on studying of influence of thermodynamic and physico-chemical properties of the chemical compounds (SiO2, TiO2, CaCO3, Al2O3, MgO and Fe2O3) on the welding-technological properties of welding electrodes and the influence of these properties on properties of the welding electrode as the breaking length of the arc, forming a weld metal and the formation of the visor at the end of the electrode. According to the results of the research, the requirements for thermodynamic and physical-chemical properties of oxides used for welding electrode coatings have been identified, which can be used in the development of electrode coating compositions for their effective impact on the welding and technological properties of welding electrodes.
Computational nanotechnology. 2020;7(1):35-43
pages 35-43 views

A new method for drying and calcining welding electrodes using emitters made of functional ceramic

Saidov R., Rakhimov R., Yusupov B., Kholdorov M.


This article presents the results of research on the influence of acid-type welding electrode calcination methods by standard technology in electric furnaces and a new method of calcination in furnaces using functional ceramics radiation on the welding and technological properties of welding electrodes and determining the optimal modes of calcination when exposed to radiation on electrode coatings. The influence of exposure time T exp of radiation exposure on such welding and technological properties of welding electrodes as the breaking length of the arc L bla, the formation of the deposited metal ødp, the formation of a visor at the end of the electrode h v and pores in the deposited metal N pors, as well as the coefficients of melting αm, surfacing αs and loss of carbon and spattering Ψ was studied. According to the results of the research, the improvement of welding and technological properties during the piercing of welding electrodes by a new method, which consists in processing the coatings with an electrode in a furnace using radiation with functional ceramics at the optimal exposure time T exp. This method of calcining welding electrodes using functional ceramic radiation allows you to obtain high-quality welding and technological properties of coatings, while saving energy consumption and reducing the time of calcination compared to standard technology.
Computational nanotechnology. 2020;7(1):44-51
pages 44-51 views

Synthesis methods for controlling multiscale processes with predictive models with incomplete information

Nguyen K., Zhilenkov A., Dang B.


Methods for the synthesis of control of multi-scale processes with predictive models for linear and non-linear systems, as well as with various restrictions on the target functional of the system, including the case with terminal restrictions, are considered. This problem is relevant in the modeling and control of technological processes for growing nanoscale structures. A description is given of a control scheme in which the current control action is obtained by solving at each instant of the sample the optimal control problem with a finite horizon without feedback and using the current state of the object as the initial state. An optimization problem is described that gives an optimal control sequence when the control obtained for the first step of the subsequent sequence is applied to the object. The main differences from traditional control schemes that use a pre-computed control law are described.
Computational nanotechnology. 2020;7(1):52-56
pages 52-56 views

Determination of the weight of audit evidence by the method of point ratings in the information security audit

Voevodin V., Markina M., Markin P.


Information systems of high-tech enterprises that develop and produce high-tech products, including products and services based on nanotechnology, are characterized by large volumes of dynamic information flows and require protection of confidentiality, availability and integrity of information circulating in them. To protect information, an appropriate resource is allocated, which is distributed by tasks and time according to the decision of the appropriate management body. Making such a decision requires information about the current information security environment - a reliable and complete audit report. An information security audit is organized and conducted to formulate a conclusion.To study the problem, a retrospective analysis of the development of goal-setting in the management of the audit program was conducted. The appearance of the reference model of the audit object as a set of interrelated properties of the audit object was developed, and a scientific hypothesis was put forward about the expediency of taking into account the weight of each audit certificate and the cost of obtaining it, mathematical models for processing expert judgments are given. To prove the hypothesis, an experiment was planned and conducted, which resulted in data confirming the hypothesis. A practical example of using the method to determine the weight of audit evidence, taking into account their cost, is given. The direction of further research is indicated.
Computational nanotechnology. 2020;7(1):57-62
pages 57-62 views

Conceptual model of choice of hardware and software protection

Prokushev Y., Maliy J.


The need to protect information in organizations of any level is absolutely obvious today. The development of new information technologies and universal computerization have led to the fact that information protection and information security become one of the main tasks of the organization and characteristics of the information system. With the development and complexity of technical means, methods and forms of automation of information processing processes, the vulnerability of information protection increases. The main factors contributing to this are: high growth in the volume of processed information using various automation tools; expansion of the circle of users who have direct access to the resources of the computer system and the data stored in it; complication of the modes of operation of technical means [Schneier, 2003].Software and hardware protection measures are based on the use of modern technical electronic devices and special programs that are part of the organization’s automated system and are performed independently or in conjunction with other security features [Schneier, 2003; Mitnick, Simon, 2005; Konheim, 2007].This article deals with the problem of choosing information security tools when developing an information security system and the formulated model can be used in most systems of hardware and software protection of information in a local computer system.The comparative analysis reveals some significant operational features from the authors point of view of the two information security systems, each of which has its own strengths and, if applied correctly, can provide a high level of information security.
Computational nanotechnology. 2020;7(1):63-71
pages 63-71 views

Improved five-factor Altman evaluation model credit about the enterprise with economic indicators as fuzzy numbers

Shatalova A., Shevchenko I., Bamadio B., Lebedev K.


In this work, we used the Altman model, the apparatus of the theory of fuzzy sets and mathematical simulation in conditions of high uncertainty, in order to give more information to the decision maker about the creditworthiness of the enterprise, as well as the possible impact of the error on the conclusion of bankruptcy of the enterprise when calculating economic indicators.The improved Altman model, developed initially in two respects (the rms integral approximation is used to accurately calculate a quantitative credit rating and the apparatus of fuzzy sets in order to order sets according to the degree of confidence in the obtained probability), expanded by presenting the input data as triangular fuzzy numbers .As a result of the work done, it was possible to construct an algorithm for assessing the creditworthiness of a particular enterprise, which is based on the continuous dependence of the probability of bankruptcy on the value of the Altman function. The coefficients of the model can be triangular numbers with additional criteria for pre-reading at critical points of the classical Altman model.The work carried out a simulation of the assessment of creditworthiness for incoming fuzzy economic indicators in the form of α-sections of a fuzzy set to predict the impact of errors in the assessment of economic indicators on the conclusion of bankruptcy of an enterprise. The described improved Altman mathematical model with the procedure of a computational experiment (where the probability of bankruptcy of an enterprise is calculated 1000 times), supplemented by fuzzy indicators, allows you to find leftside and right-side sets of α-levels of the fuzzy set k i and calculate the effect of small changes in Altman coefficients on the estimate of the probability (its stability) of bankruptcy enterprises.This approach helps not only to adequately assess the creditworthiness of the enterprise, but also to enable it to predict the change in the result of the model due to a possible error in the input data.
Computational nanotechnology. 2020;7(1):72-83
pages 72-83 views

Improving the relationships between the subjects of forming a head enterprise portfolio project

Volochienko V., Sorokina L.


Purpose of research: show that the practice of functioning of industrial branches indicates the relevance of improving intra- and inter-industry relationships in order to more effectively solve organizational and production problems; get the features that affect the planning of production of high-tech products in the long term identify; to conduct the analysis of existing organizational relationships in the industry; to propose models of relationships between the subjects of forming a head enterprise portfolio project.The results. The interrelations of the producer of high-tech products with customers and performers are considered and systematized. A matrix of relationships between the subjects of forming the head enterprise portfolio project has been developed. Models of relationships between objects and subjects in the form of operators of direct and reverse organizational and control actions are proposed. An approach is proposed to improve the relationships between the entities of forming head enterprise portfolio project by changing the levels of centralization-decentralization, changing the concept of the production cooperation management system and organizing special controlling or analytical services at different levels of management.The practical significance of the approach is shown by the example of improving KPI performance indicators (for medium-and long-term planning and project portfolio formation).
Computational nanotechnology. 2020;7(1):84-91
pages 84-91 views

To the issue of functional efficiency of CCTV systems

Lendel E., Ratushnyak V.


The article considers the issue of ensuring the functional effectiveness of video surveillance systems. Indicators are proposed to evaluate the effectiveness of solving the main tasks of video surveillance. A description of Russian recommendations and European regulatory requirements for the detection, recognition and identification tasks is given, and a study is conducted to examine the objectivity of these requirements and recommendations. The results of the study indicate that the application of regulatory requirements does not guarantee an effective solution to the problems of detection, recognition and identification. To ensure the functional effectiveness of video surveillance systems, the authors of the article suggest designing the resolution characteristics of video cameras when designing. In the future, the authors plan to analyze methods for determining the resolution of video cameras.
Computational nanotechnology. 2020;7(1):92-98
pages 92-98 views

Mathematical modeling of the spread of COVID-19 in Moscow

Koltsova E., Kurkina E., Vasetsky A.


To model the spread of COVID-19 coronavirus in Moscow, a discrete logistic equation describing the increase in the number of cases was used. To verify the adequacy of the mathematical model, the simulation results were compared with the spread of coronavirus in China. The parameters of the logistics equation for Moscow on the interval [01.03-08.04] were defined. A comparison of growth rates of the number of infected COVID-19 for a number of European, Asian countries and the USA is given. Four scenarios of the spread of COVID-19 in Moscow were considered. For each scenario, curves of the increase in the number of infected people and graphs of the increase in the total number of cases were obtained, and the dynamics of infection spread by day was studied. Peak times, epidemic periods, the number of infected people at the peak and their growth were determined.
Computational nanotechnology. 2020;7(1):99-105
pages 99-105 views