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卷 10, 编号 6 (2023)



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The phenomenon of social partnership as a tool to protect employees' labour rights in Russia

Agarycheva A., Starokozheva V.


The development of social partnership as a mechanism contributing to the improvement of the rights of all parties to the labor process was gradual. It arose in the process of formation and development of labor processes in the country, taking into account country specifics; and with each passing year, it became more significant. The article examines social partnership in a historical context. The authors analyze the current practice of concluding and implementing sectoral agreements in Russia as one of the tools for implementing social partnership using specific examples. The purpose of this article was to study the current Russian practice of implementing social partnership through the prism of industry agreements, more precisely through the wage standards and the experience of the social partnership system development in Russia. The practical significance of this research lies in concrete proposals to change the current situation in social partnership (the conclusion and operation of sectoral agreements). As a result, this will lead to strengthening the current provisions of labor legislation and giving sectoral agreements more weight in the implementation of employees\' rights. The proposed article gives the subjects of social partnership an algorithm of actions to find positive ways to solve objective contradictions that have developed in the social and labor sphere.
Russian Journal of Labor Economics. 2023;10(6):803-822
pages 803-822 views

Occupational health and safety in the categories of the simple compensatory homeostat model

Samarskaya N.


The author proposes a new approach to understanding and describing the options for the interaction of occupational health and safety elements as a system object based on a categorical-system methodology. The author has proposed a simple model of compensatory homeostat. This model is based on the concept of contradiction between the components of the occupational health and safety system such as planning, execution, management, control and analysis of the results of planning and implementation of occupational health and safety measures, as well as improvement of the occupational health and safety system. The model makes it possible to identify the modes of occupational health and safety system based on possible combinations of cross-feedback of components and to establish a correspondence between the directions of development of the occupational health and safety system and the types of component interaction modes. This makes it possible to determine the optimal mode where the occupational health and safety system works stably; and contradictions between the components of the system are resolved. The results obtained can be used in the development of activities, programs and projects at the meso and micro levels that stimulate the development of occupational health and safety in the conditions of a modern knowledge-based economy.
Russian Journal of Labor Economics. 2023;10(6):823-842
pages 823-842 views

Russian practice in the realization of labor and employment rights of persons with disabilities

Kuraeva L., Mirzabalaeva F.


The article is devoted to the study of the practice of implementing Article 27 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in the Russian labor market. The research purpose was to identify typical violations of mandatory requirements of legislation on job quotas for hiring disabled people and to identify the main measures for their prevention of violations of mandatory requirements in the field of quotas. The object of the study was the labor market of disabled people. The subject of the study was the practice in the realization of labor and employment rights of persons with disabilities in accordance with Article 27 of the UN Convention. Normative legal acts on quotas of jobs for the disabled, works of Russian and foreign researchers devoted to the practice in the realization of labor and employment rights of persons with disabilities and the information and legal portal Garant data were used as the theoretical basis. The results of the study can contribute to the development of comprehensive measures aimed at the employment of disabled people.
Russian Journal of Labor Economics. 2023;10(6):843-858
pages 843-858 views

Social orientation of the state family and demographic policy in the Russian Federation

Molchanov I., Otarova K.


The article presents the authors' approach to the study of family and demographic policy pursued by the Russian state. The scientific problem of the study was to substantiate the relationship between the measures taken by the state in the family and demographic policy and the socio-economic situation of households. The purpose of the study was to identify the features of the family and demographic policy pursued by the state and substantiate recommendations for improving the effectiveness of the mechanism for economic regulation of relations in the sphere of family and demography. The measures and tools used by the state to implement the main provisions of the family and demographic policy are systematized. It has been established that the actions taken by the authorities and administration have a tactical orientation and are predominantly economic in nature. The purpose of family and demographic policy is to save the people and increase human potential. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the application of a systematic approach when considering the problems of the family as the most important sphere of society. Within the framework of comparative and content analysis, a comparison of various opinions of domestic and foreign researchers on the essential content and structural elements of family and demographic policy was made. Statistical information about the demographic and economic situation of families has been systematized. Factors counteracting the increase in the effectiveness of the social policy pursued in Russia have been identified. Based on an analysis of the opinions of scientists and the expert community, selective measures have been identified. The implementation of these measures will help improve the economic situation of Russian families in the medium term. The results of the study will be of interest to specialists in social and demographic development management and international cooperation.
Russian Journal of Labor Economics. 2023;10(6):859-878
pages 859-878 views

Reproduction of labor resources: the role of the employment and career center in providing specialized employment for university graduates

Borisova A., Rostovtsev K., Dikhterenko A.


Approaches to the study of labor resources reproduction are indicated. The methods of studying complexly organized and multicomponent processes of formation, distribution, actualization of professional and personal potentials of labor carriers are shown. The problems of the imbalance of labor market conditions and significant losses of resource support for labor resources reproduction are revealed. Losses are recorded due to the low conversion of activities and results of activities implemented by the centers for employment promotion and career management in educational institutions. The results of the authors' research characterizing the practice of university employment centers are presented; and the key problems and opportunities to improve the activities of employment centers and career management at universities are identified. The zone of possible specialization and segmentation of university employment centers associated with work on the labor market allocated to the profile university is indicated. Conducting and coordinating work within the framework of the profile specialization will allow achieving the aggregated effect of the university in cooperation with partner companies.

Russian Journal of Labor Economics. 2023;10(6):879-892
pages 879-892 views

Youth in the regional labor markets of the Russian Arctic

Korchak E.


The use of the resource base of the Russian Arctic is the modern vector of Russian Arctic policy. Obviously, the development of the Arctic territories is inextricably linked to the need to regulate the processes of labor potential development. Its basis for the formation is young people. Thus, the problems of youth employment and unemployment are part of the strategic objectives in the implementation of Russia's state policy vector in the Arctic. The analysis of the situation of young people in the regional labor markets of the Yamal-Nenets, Chukotka and Nenets Autonomous Okrugs and the Murmansk region was the aim of this study. The research methods included a statistical analysis of the situation of young people in the labor markets in the regions of the Russian Arctic and an analysis of normative legal documents regulating certain issues of relations in the field of labor and employment. The study identified the main problems in the sphere of employment and youth employment that limit the promising opportunities for the development of labor potential in the Russian Arctic. The results of the study are focused on their practical use in the sphere of state employment policy and labor potential development management in the regions of the Russian Arctic. The practical significance and prospects of further research are due to the need to update scientific and practical recommendations for labor potential management in the regions of the Russian ArcticAcknowledgement.The publication is based on the results of RD "Scientific foundations of social development management of the Russian Arctic regions in the context of new global challenges", No. 123012500053.
Russian Journal of Labor Economics. 2023;10(6):893-908
pages 893-908 views

Staffing of agribusiness technological security in the Perm Territory

Yarkova T.


The current economic situation requires constant attention to security at both micro and macro levels. At present, one of the priority areas of the national economy is the agricultural sector. In recent years, the agricultural sector has definitely improved its results, strengthening food security. One of the significant issues for a modern agricultural company is technological safety, which, at first glance, is formed due to the technical and technological state. However, the availability of modern equipment and technology requires the main and irreplaceable resource. It is a person as a qualified specialist of the appropriate agricultural profile. Currently, there is a significant staff shortage in agriculture both in Russia and in the regions, including in the Perm Territory. This problem has been identified for a long time and has worsened under the influence of difficult-to-regulate negative factors of the present time. The article examines the educational resource as the main source of training specialists. The positive and negative sides of higher agricultural education in the region are revealed. Recommendations to improve the staffing process for agricultural organizations in the region that require both operational solutions and strategic planning for the sustainable development are given.
Russian Journal of Labor Economics. 2023;10(6):909-922
pages 909-922 views

Study of the relationship between the density of communication space and working conditions of employees in the hospitality and catering industry

Ilyin S., Samarskaya N., Simanovich S.


This article is devoted to the study of the causes and consequences of occupational injuries in the hotel industry and catering. The authors develop recommendations to reduce risks. One of the causes of occupational injuries in these areas are the human factor and the psycho-emotional state of the staff, causing psycho-emotional overstrain and the risk of uncontrolled conflict situations. It is proposed to use criteria that allow an objective assessment of the level of organization and management of a hotel facility, as well as the use of the indicator of the density of the communicative space in assessing the working conditions. Timely assessment will allow to manage the relevant risks more fully. As a result, it can lead to a decrease in the level of injuries, lead to an improvement in economic indicators and increase customer satisfaction with the hotel services.
Russian Journal of Labor Economics. 2023;10(6):923-936
pages 923-936 views

The shadow remuneration sector: specifics, scale, motivation and solutions

Bogomolova I., Korolev M., Khorev A., Vasilenko I., Shaykin D.


Wages are the most important criterion for the well-being of society and socio-political stability. Today, there is a prevalence of gray wage schemes and hidden incomes. These illegal actions lead to the fact that the state cannot fully implement a high-quality social policy. All this proves the relevance of the research topic. The following results were achieved. The main qualitative features and trends in the development of the shadow sector of wages in the Russian Federation were determined. Statistical data on the scale of gray wage schemes and the volume of hidden incomes are presented. The main reasons for the prevalence of backdoor salary are formulated. The main positive and negative aspects of shadow earnings for the employee and the employer are analyzed. The example of EU member states is discussed.The most significant and effective measures implemented at the federal and regional levels to combat shadow wages are suggested.On the example of catering and cleaning services, successful models of business legalization are considered. The prospects of activating sociological research in the monitoring mode are substantiated. The results of scientific article can be useful to scientists who are engaged in this topic for conducting deeper and more detailed research, to businessmen in order to prevent offenses in the field of labor organization, to government authorities in order to conduct clearer control. Research results mat be implemented to develop corrective measures of an adaptive type.
Russian Journal of Labor Economics. 2023;10(6):937-950
pages 937-950 views

Employment as a critical factor in poverty reduction in Uzbekistan

Mukhammedov M., Iskhakova S.


This article examines the relationship between employment and poverty reduction in Uzbekistan. In the introduction, the authors emphasize the importance of poverty reduction as the main goal and the main criterion for the effectiveness of the country's social policy. The main part of the article substantiates the possibilities and prospects for improving the well-being of the general population on the basis of achieving productive employment of hired personnel as the most important direction of poverty reduction in the New Uzbekistan. In conclusion, the authors propose recommendations for improving the social policy of overcoming poverty in the country.
Russian Journal of Labor Economics. 2023;10(6):951-965
pages 951-965 views