Vol 24, No 2 (2022)


Technology of Using Starpat In the Professional Training of Pedagogical University Students

Avetisyan V.R., Grabozdin Y.P., Semenov A.A.


In the conditions of modernization and informatization of the educational system, many different approaches, technologies and practices appear in the pedagogical environment that contribute to improving the quality of modern education and reflect the needs of modern society. One of such innovative technologies is the technology of using a startup. This technology is aimed not only at developing financial literacy among students, but also contributes to the formation of many vital personal qualities in future specialists. Among them it should be noted: the development of creative abilities, critical thinking, skills of working with information sources. The startup in the educational environment has been used relatively recently. Startups are especially rarely used in pedagogical universities.

However, recently they have increasingly attracted the attention of university management, teachers, students, as well as business. This article provides information reflecting the possibility of using the technology of startups with students of the pedagogical University, created using information and communication technologies. Student startups can be carried out by them as preparation of final qualifying works (diplomas, bachelor's works and master's theses).

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2022;24(2):3-9
pages 3-9 views

Application of Virtual Reality Technologies in the Training Process

Voronin A.D., Danilova A.M., Savelyevа O.V.


The article is devoted to discussing the possibilities of using virtual reality technologies in organizing the training process and conducting training sessions. The authors consider training with the use of virtual reality technologies as one of the most effective means for maintaining physical performance and technical and tactical readiness during remote training sessions. This paper presents both the advantages, which lie in the fact that a number of restrictions imposed by real sports conditions are removed, and the disadvantages of using virtual reality technologies in sports, including elite sports, to which the authors include problems associated with technologies and equipment. The article also discusses a number of requirements for virtual environments and equipment, the observance of which ensures the creation of a realistic immersive environment. The authors concluded that the training process using virtual reality technologies is an effective way to train an athlete along with other methods.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2022;24(2):10-14
pages 10-14 views

Application of Digital Technologies During Remote Training Lessons

Danilova A.M., Filushkina E.V., Voronin A.D.


The article is devoted to the discussion of the issues of using information and communication technologies in organizing a remote training process and conducting online training sessions. The authors consider the use of information and communication technologies as one of the effective and affordable means to maintain physical performance and technical and tactical readiness during distance training sessions. The paper identifies the features of online training, their focus, as well as the difficulties of the widespread introduction of this form of training. The authors reviewed various platforms and applications for online training sessions and analyzed their advantages and disadvantages. It is noted that within the framework of the current situation, it is necessary to use the principles and various methods of distance training, which will allow the introduction of unique technologies aimed at developing the educational and training process. The authors concluded that the training process using information and communication technologies is an effective way to train an athlete along with other methods.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2022;24(2):15-19
pages 15-19 views

Study of Forest Communities on The Territory of The Samara Region with Students and Pupils to Improve Their Environmental Culture

Ilyina V.N., Kozlovskaya O.V.


The modern education system includes fundamental components, including the greening of the educational process using leading forms, methods and teaching aids. Despite a variety of environmental campaigns, environmental education activities, the ecological culture of the population still remains at an insufficiently high level. Often this happens due to the “isolation” of a person from the ecological situation of a particular region. In this regard, the question of the need to introduce local history information into the learning process and the mandatory personal acquaintance with natural objects and phenomena has been repeatedly raised. The participation of students in the development and implementation of social and environmental projects forms the assimilation of knowledge, value and patriotic attitudes in the activity. The development of methods and means of training and education should be interconnected with the achievement of other sciences, including digital technologies. In connection with the foregoing, we consider it relevant to effectively train a teacher whose activities will be aimed at the formation of an ecological culture of students using original materials about forest complexes obtained in the course of their own research in nature. A necessary condition for the formation of the necessary competencies among students should be called an activity approach in teaching biology and ecology.

The article presents some results of educational, research and research work of students and schoolchildren of the Samara region, the purpose of which was to assess the current state of forest ecosystems in the Samara region. An example of the use of modern digital resources to study the occurrence and development of fires is given. Recommendations for the implementation of field research are given.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2022;24(2):20-28
pages 20-28 views

Improving the Effectiveness of Mastering Combat Techniques of Fighting by FSIN Cadets

Kaznazcheev V.A.


The relevance of the topic of the presented article is due to the fact that the life of employees of institutions of the penitentiary system can often depend on the level of their possession of the skills of combat techniques of struggle. Practice shows that this level is not high enough. In this regard, in the course of this study, ways are proposed to solve the existing problems arising from the unimproved methodology for teaching wrestling techniques in higher educational institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia. The author of the article comes to the following conclusions: in order to improve the quality of training in combat techniques for cadets, it is necessary to increase the number of hours allotted for their study. At the same time, it would be more effective to conduct regular training sessions in different places (gym, outdoor activities on asphalt, in the forest, in various buildings), in different clothes, with different partners. It is necessary to leave in the curriculum only those techniques that really allow in the event of an attack to cope with it, forming a sufficiently high level of self-defense skill, as well as approximately the same effectiveness of countering an armed and unarmed attack. It is advisable to learn the technique “by divisions” under the score. As soon as the reception is successfully performed in this rhythm, it should be performed “together”, without pauses. It is advisable to teach both hands at once. After the technique is mastered, you can proceed to its improvement.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2022;24(2):29-32
pages 29-32 views

Training of Biathlon Athletes on the Basis of Institutes of the FSIN of Russia

Kaznazcheev V.A.


As part of this work, the training of biathletes in the training facilities of the institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service (hereinafter - FSIN) will be considered. The purpose of the presented work is to propose measures aimed at improving the physical level of biathletes at the training bases of the Federal Penitentiary Service. The authors propose a solution to the problems faced by young biathletes (fear of weapons in general, excitement at the turn, the desire to overcome the swing of weapons): creating athletes' ideas about the correct movements of their bodies and the order of such movements, the presence of strong-willed effort when aiming weapons accurately on target. The authors come to the conclusion that the growth of sports results depends on the degree of readiness of biathletes (physical and fire). Special qualities, abilities and skills obtained as a result of training camps at the training bases of the Federal Penitentiary Service are formed primarily during comprehensive training aimed at developing both physical and fire fitness. The development of two directions at the same time will lead to an increase in the performance of biathletes. The educational and training process on the basis of the institutes of the Federal Penitentiary Service in the preparation of biathletes should include the following areas: the training process in order to take part in competitions, a course of training sessions that allow assessing the effectiveness of the skills acquired as a result of the training process.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2022;24(2):33-35
pages 33-35 views

Transformation of Personality in The Conditions of Information and Digital Environment of Professional Education

Krasilnikov A.N., Abzalova A.K.


The COVID-19 pandemic has become a catalyst for the process of global digitalization in many countries due to the full transition to online learning. This is both a forced and preventive measure for the education system of many states. At present, it can be stated that the pedagogical community is faced with the fact that the formation of instrumental values ​​and education of young people takes place in a virtual environment, and this is a new challenge in pedagogical practice, which required immediate reflection. The article deals with the phenomenon of personality transformation in the information and digital environment of vocational education, which is an integral element of the process of digital transformation of the modern world. It should be added that digital transformation is not only modern technologies, but also the evolution of the individual's thinking in the changing conditions of the new digital-technological environment. The data of the analysis of the phenomenon of digital transformation of personality in the network space were presented. Theoretically, the characteristic features and features of the process of such a personality transformation are singled out. The positive and negative factors of the global digitalization of education are highlighted. Also, the psychological problems of the personality that arise in the conditions of digital transformation, the common feature of which is fear, are revealed. An analysis of these factors allows us to draw the following conclusions: the DH process is neither strictly positive nor strictly negative. This speaks of its naturalness, conformity to nature, i.e. this process, as we undertake to assert, organically fits into the evolution of man.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2022;24(2):36-41
pages 36-41 views

The Role of Functional Systems in the Process of Adaptation to Physical Exertion

Krasilnikov A.N., Turbina E.G.


This article reveals such an important problem as human adaptation to physical activity and its impact on the functional state of the body. Adaptation is the basis of evolution, the result of which is genetically fixed and inherited. The adaptation process includes urgent and long-term processes. The mechanisms of these processes must be considered from the standpoint of G.K. Anokhin. In the process of sports activities, the increase in working capacity is ensured by activating the relaxation mechanism of urgent adaptation. The high intensity of energy exchange under conditions of extreme physical exertion causes a progressive increase in aundose and the accumulation of metabolic intermediates in the body of an athlete. It has been shown that under conditions of physical stress, a multiple increase in the content of the main stress hormones in the blood and urine is observed. In relation to the process of adaptation to physical loads, the functional approach received an original interpretation in our studies regarding the concept of the locomotor (motor) functional system (LFS), which combines as components most of the systems classified according to anatomical and functional characteristics: central nervous, autonomic, neuroendocrine, cardiovascular, respiratory, neuromuscular and others. As a result of our research, it was found that the effect of an explosive increase in working capacity is provided by increasing this working capacity, by activating the relaxation mechanism of urgent mobilization of protection, the essence of which is to activate the inhibitory systems of the central nervous system, normalize the process of relaxation of skeletal muscles and significantly increase its speed during the interaction of the body with various adaptogenic factors. It was also found that under conditions of physical stress, there is a multiple increase in the blood and urine of the main stress hormones.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2022;24(2):42-46
pages 42-46 views

Internet Space as a Means of Organizing Extra-Course Activities of Students in the Disciplines of the Natural Science Cycle

Lizunova E.V., Kolyvanova L.A., Dudina E.V.


The modern information society defines the goals for young people not only to obtain information, but also to determine the special competencies necessary to perform certain professional tasks. The learning process has received a new character: there is a change in learning technology from the usual, habitual assimilation of knowledge that is transferred by the teacher to the formation of students' creative abilities, the ability to use solutions, and personal responsibility. The comprehensive penetration of informatization into all spheres of modern life requires the teacher to use innovative forms of education and upbringing, the use of which contributes to the development of students' cognitive activity, the development of their communicative competence and creative abilities. The article highlights the problem of the Internet space as a means of organizing extracurricular activities of students in the natural sciences on the example of the author's program "The World of the Living". The experiment included the following stages: 1. Ascertaining, the main task of which was to identify the attitude of students to the organization and various forms of extracurricular activities in the courses of the natural science cycle. 2. Formative, where it was envisaged to conduct various forms of extracurricular activities of students using elements of the Internet space within the framework of the developed program. 3. Control. The authors came to the conclusion that the use of the Internet space in the process of extracurricular activities contributes to the effective training of future specialists in the field of information competence of the disciplines of the natural science cycle.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2022;24(2):47-52
pages 47-52 views

Problems of Formation of Speech Competencies in the Implementation of Distance Learning in a Technical University

Marchenkova L.A.


Subject of the article: distance learning at a technical university. Object of the article: problems of the formation of speech competencies in the implementation of distance learning. The author analyzes the problems of the formation of speech competence and speech competence of students in the process of their professional training at the university. The results of the work contain a theoretical and methodological substantiation of the significance of the formation of a system of practical skills in the learning process, the ability to apply the acquired knowledge, students' mastery of the ability to communicate, analyze, reflect, critical thinking, including speech competencies. The area of application of the results of the work is the training of competitive technical specialists in the process of distance learning and the implementation of modern requirements in the educational process of the university. Conclusion: in the modern labor market, the skills and abilities of effective verbal communication are an indispensable quality of competitive technical specialists. In this regard, the formation of professional speech competence is a task that should be solved at the university in the process of teaching the disciplines of the humanities and professional cycles. The prospect for solving this problem is opened up by the formation of significant competencies and professional and personal qualities in students, which will allow them to effectively solve actual problems in their work, to model the trajectory of self-development, self-realization and competitiveness, taking into account the modern requirements of the employer. An effective tool for implementing these mechanisms in the learning process is the development of a set of various theoretical, reference and practical definitions and learning tasks.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2022;24(2):53-58
pages 53-58 views

Development of Technical Students’ Motivation for Innovative Professional Activity

Mikhel’kevich V.N., Ovchinnikova L.P.


Preparing technical students for innovative professional activity is considered a pressing issue. The community’s burning interest in technical specialists lies in the fact that this activity provides innovative knowledge-intensive, high-tech, and internationally competitive facilities and production technologies recognized as intellectual property. From the ontogenesis standpoint, the motives of technical students’ innovative activity are divided into four groups: material and professional ones, as well as self-assertion, and self-realization. Material motivation has objective nature-aligned pragmatic origins. Launching an ambitious innovative engineering project, many technical specialists wish to benefit from it pragmatically. The source of self-assertion/prestige is the specialist’s nature-aligned desire and willingness to confirm the status of his/her qualification and competence through the results of the innovative engineering activity. Technical specialists’ professional motivation for innovative activity is inseparable from their natural aspiration and desire to use acquired professional knowledge and skills for solving both career and vocational tasks to the best advantage. Self-realization reflects the objective and nature-aligned aspiration of an individual to achieve personal professional self-development.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2022;24(2):59-66
pages 59-66 views

Digital Education at The Present Stage: Difficulties and Prospects

Muller О.Y.


The main goal of the Concept of the State Information Policy of the Russian Federation is the development and improvement of the education system, as well as professional training of personnel that ensures a full life and effective human activity in the modern information society. This goal involves a fundamental change in the organization and essence of the processes of learning and human development. The process of transforming the content, methods and technologies, changing the requirements for learning and its results is the digitalization of education. The purpose of the study is to consider the essence of the concept of "digital education" and identify factors that allow us to present the advantages and disadvantages of digital education. Methods used in the study: literature review, empirical research, matrix analysis, comparative analysis. Empirical survey data were obtained, reflecting the main factors that make it possible to identify the positive and negative aspects of digital education during a pandemic. The article assesses the prospects for the development of digital education. A matrix of assessments of the existing experience of participation in digital education during the pandemic of teachers and students has been compiled. Based on the results of the analysis of the compiled matrix and the diagram that complements it, a conclusion is drawn about the insufficiently effective digital education at the current stage due to the presence of certain problems in the process of organizing online education. The digitalization of education during the crisis period has accelerated significantly, however, in the future, it will require the introduction of certain measures to integrate it with traditional education, while eliminating the shortcomings of both forms of education.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2022;24(2):67-72
pages 67-72 views

Questions and Prospects of Teaching the Topic "Solar System" in the Textbook "Astronomy"

Plekhanov P.G.


The article deals with the issues of teaching the topic "Solar system" of the discipline "Astronomy". The old textbook "Astronomy" by E.P. Levina and new - B.A. Vorontsova–Velyaminova, E.K. Strout and V.M. Charugin - in which the material about the planetary system is borrowed from publications of the last century. At present, what is stated in the textbook by B.A. Vorontsova-Velyaminov and E.K. Strout, the historically established idea of ​​the formation and structure of the solar system (from planets alone) contradicts new discoveries and the observed harmonious structure of the solar system. The erroneousness of assigning the status of "minor planet" to asteroids of the main belt and many objects of the Kuiper belt is substantiated. this leads students to the misconception that there are many planets in the solar system. To the textbook "Astronomy" V.M. Charugin, the author of this article prepared a textbook "The Solar System of the 21st Century", which provides a model of the structure of the entire Solar System and the cometary hypothesis of its origin. The textbook contains a table "Periodic system of celestial bodies of the entire solar system" for astronomy classrooms, similar in significance to the table "Periodic system of chemical elements of D.I. Mendeleev.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2022;24(2):73-77
pages 73-77 views

Features of the Organization of Physical Education of Students in Higher School

Strygin M.Y., Kolyvanova L.A., Aslanyan G.O.


According to the order of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation No. 364 "On the recognition and inclusion in the All-Russian register of sports of sports disciplines, a sport and amendments to the All-Russian register of sports", dated April 20, 2018, karate is included in the unified state register of sports, which indicates state support for the development of this sport among young people. In addition, "karate has received official recognition from the International Olympic Committee and is a contender for inclusion in the program of the Summer Olympics for its entertainment and mass development." It should be noted that the rapid development of the popularity of karate in our country is primarily due to the efforts of professional athletes positioning this sport. However, the existing methods of physical training of students involved in this sport, previously used by teachers, have now lost their relevance, because. the requirements for its organization have changed, which led to the development of new effective forms of conducting. The purpose of the study was to substantiate the effectiveness of the organization of physical education by a teacher of students in higher education, aimed at preventing a decrease in their working capacity and stress load. The study was conducted in two groups of students involved in karate: the respondents of the control group carried out physical training according to the traditional technical and tactical methodology, characterized by a systemic organization at the initial stage of training, and the students of the experimental group used the author's methodology, which was based on an individual approach, taking into account their psychophysical features.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2022;24(2):78-83
pages 78-83 views


Expressionist Discourse of Wax Figures in the History of Cinema

Radaeva E.A.


In this article, the author examines the influence of expressionism on the film industry in the period 1933-2005. Through the prism of the "donated" expressionist cinema art of the 1920s. stories about wax figures, one can detect the development of the cultural demands of society in the above period. The most significant conclusions of the study: a) after the masterpiece of Paul Leni in 1924, cinema art returns to what it tried to get away from - to “the stories of a mentally ill person, left alone with a hostile world trying to break him”; b) if earlier plots were built around "dolls", the mystery of which is in their visual identity to people, then over time the fantasy of scriptwriters and directors began to demand their more complete identification - this is reflected in the tendency to deepen the demonization of the plot in the "man-doll" paradigm. And if at first a doll was made from a dead person, then in the 2000s it was made from a living person, thereby increasing the tendency towards sadism and cruelty on the screen; c) in almost every film there are codes of expressionism: the antinomy of "us-them", "light-darkness", "chronotope of the loop", a farce (fair, brothel), the motive of all-consuming fire; d) in every decade, the aesthetics, the philosophy of expressionism and the realities contemporary to directors are mutually enriched. The trend towards mutual enrichment also occurs at the level of genres (the sum of expressionist techniques in cinema - and slasher).

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2022;24(2):84-92
pages 84-92 views

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