卷 26, 编号 1 (2024)


Professional reliability as a key characteristic in the personality model of a modern specialist

Belov D.


The post-industrial and digital development of society is characterized by conditions of high variability, uncertainty and chaos. The entry of network technologies and resources into all spheres of life, the technologization of production and management processes create the prerequisites for the emergence of risks of a different nature in all types of professional activities and social relations. This situation complicates the requirements for a modern specialist, requiring them not only to have subject knowledge and professionally oriented competencies, but also to have developed abilities for the active and transformative development of new techniques and technological solutions, a predictive assessment of possible risks and personal responsibility for the consequences of their choice in non-standard situations. The entry of the digital component is changing the organizational and technological aspects in the field of vocational education, significantly expanding the boundaries of traditional forms of education. The new psychological and pedagogical conditions of the open educational space have an impact on the quality of the educational process and the results of professional training, producing the negative effects of informatization of the education sector and developing the problem of educational risks (vital, psychological, social). The inclusion of the concept of "professional reliability" in the categorical space of pedagogical science is due to its content, which determines the correspondence of the qualities of the subject of professional activity with rapidly changing conditions for the implementation of professional activity. Professional reliability is a key and integrative characteristic in the model of a digital specialist, the content and structural content of which is determined by the specifics and features of a particular professional activity. The structure of professional reliability of specialists in railway transport is represented by a set of motivational-value, activity-technological and reflexive components. Experimental work proved the effectiveness of the developed didactic system for the formation of professional reliability of specialists in railway transport.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2024;26(1):6-11
pages 6-11 views

To the question of the effectiveness of the cumulative system of assessing individual achievements of students

Gumennikova Y., Zolkin A., Chernitsyna R.


The article describes one of the possible ways to solve the most important problem of modern higher education in Russia – the low motivation of students to acquire the knowledge, skills and abilities they need in their future professional activities. According to the author, the implementation of a cumulative system for evaluating individual achievements of students in the educational process can contribute to the solution of this problem. Such an assessment system makes it possible to transform the student's desire to get a high grade into an awareness of the need for conscientious and systematic work throughout the semester, increases the objectivity of the teacher's assessment, improves the quality of training and the level of formation of professional competencies. The paper provides a conditional example of the distribution of points of the current and final control in one semester of studying mathematics by students of construction specialties at the Samara State University of Railways. To identify the students' opinion on the effectiveness of the applied cumulative assessment system, the author developed a questionnaire. The survey was conducted anonymously, 243 people took part in it. The analysis of its results suggests that the majority of respondents (about 70%) recognize the effectiveness of the cumulative evaluation system described in the work.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2024;26(1):11-16
pages 11-16 views


Evolution of the epigrammatic genre in french literature: a review of historical traditions

Nedbaylik S., Kalinina L.


This article regards main trends of epigrammatic style evolution in French literature of different periods. In this connection a diachronic review of the genre specific features and manifestations is carried out with accentuating close genetic links of the epigram with other small literary forms such as: epitaphs, fabliaux, elegies, madrigals, feuilletons, pamphlets, etc. Speaking about the significance of ancient Greco-Roman literary traditions in French epigrammatic style formation, the author pays tribute to the indisputable ethnic originality and uniqueness of ancient small genres: epitaphs and epigrams, the most characteristic features of which were formed in parallel, in rather close interaction and interdependence over many centuries. This is the very factor that stipulates great possibilities for varying the functional features and characteristics of the epigrammatic style in later historical periods: the Middle Ages, Renaissance, Enlightenment, Classicism, Symbolism. The results of vast theoretical and practical material analysis fulfilled in the frame of research give full grounds to assume that the epigrammatic style traditions, laid down by the ancient authors of the Greco-Roman school, have found their worthy continuation in French literature of all historical epochs and have doubtless prospects of further independent development nowadays.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2024;26(1):17-29
pages 17-29 views

Antonymy as the substance of the comic in the works of F.M. Dostoevsky

Khalikov M.


The article examines the phenomenon of the comic in the works of F.M. Dostoevsky in a particular aspect of its instrumental support – as a phenomenon based on various methods and angles of contextual actualization of the general linguistic category of semantic opposition (lexical antonymy). In the writer's work, the comic acts as the antithesis of the tragic and in the plot-narrative interaction with it. The special constructive role of antonymy in the organization of the semantic space of the writer's works is noted. It is shown that within the framework of the task of forming a text of an innovative type, the writer gives preference to contextual antonymy and phenomena of syntactic irregularity when creating a comic type. The thesis of the comic as a complex multifunctional pragmatic sign is substantiated. The productive role of linguistic connotations in comic contexts built on the category of semantic opposition is revealed. As a special method of structuring the comic, the possibility of antonymic substitution as part of a usual idiomatic syntactic group is demonstrated. As a separate structural variant of the comic, the technique of antonymization of actual linguistic semantics and presuppositions is singled out. In conclusion, the author concludes that it is legitimate and justified to single out and scientifically discursively actualize this particular aspect of the functioning of antonymy in the works of F.M. Dostoevsky as a research task within the framework of the fundamental traditional problem of "the language and style of the writer".

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2024;26(1):30-39
pages 30-39 views


Oscillography of the metamodern situation

Afanasyeva A.


Artikel tersebut mengkaji fenomena osilografi sebagai salah satu ciri utama dari situasi metamodern pada tahap perkembangan budaya masyarakat saat ini. Artikel tersebut mencoba untuk menentukan peran dan tempat metamodern dalam sistem "modern-postmodern-metamodern". Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah karena kebutuhan untuk memahami transisi peradaban ke dimensi budaya yang baru. Pemikiran filosofis merasakan pergeseran sosial dari munculnya paradigma budaya baru, yang menentukan peluang untuk mengkarakterisasi situasi metamodern dan mendefinisikan prinsip osilografi sebagai salah satu penanda utamanya. Artikel tersebut mengungkapkan ciri khas metamodern dari situasi sebelumnya-modern dan postmodern. Menganalisis osilografi sebagai komponen penting dari paradigma baru, penulis berfokus pada fakta bahwa sifat dari situasi yang dijelaskan disamakan dengan osilasi abadi, mirip dengan aksi osiloskop. Metamodern tidak menyiratkan konsep realitas yang pada dasarnya baru, tetapi menghidupkan kembali ide-ide dan estetika modernitas sedemikian rupa sehingga tidak mengesampingkan postmodernisme, tetapi menciptakan sintesis yang harmonis dengannya. Metamodern tidak berusaha meninggalkan ekstrem dari dua arah ini, tetapi mewujudkan elemen tradisi dan inovasi. Osilasi antara cita-cita modernitas dan postmodernitas disebabkan oleh prinsip osilografi yang dibahas dalam artikel tersebut.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2024;26(1):40-45
pages 40-45 views

The historical significance of the song “Djurjevdan”: on the problem of selection of musical material for studies

Vucenovic A.


The author touches upon the issue of justification and logic of musical material (folk and/or original) used in the process of directing performances or student sketches. This aspect is emphasized in the context of the problem of upbringing and education of future directors and actors. Emphasis is placed on the need for a more careful selection of any, including world-famous, musical material in order to avoid harmful mistakes when preparing performances. Freedom of creativity does not give theater workers the right to distort history. In this article, the object of study was the song “Djurdjevdan”, the historical roots of which, according to one version, go back to the “death trains” during the Second World War, the Serbian genocide, but which is now interpreted as a song about love conflicts, out of ignorance it is performed in the territory of the former Yugoslavia “both at weddings and funerals.” The song “Djurdjevdan” became popular in Yugoslavia in 1942 after it was sung by one of the Bosnian Serbs transported to the Jasenovac concentration camp. Then other, no less tragic events from the history of Serbia were layered. The song became world famous thanks to the film by E. Kusturica “House for Hanging” (“Time of the Gypsies”), in which the key scene is the celebration of St. George’s Day (St. George’s Day), Djurdjevdan in Serbian or, in the language of the Gypsies, Ederlezi.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2024;26(1):46-60
pages 46-60 views

Modern global transformations of the socio-political space under the influence of digital information and communication technologies

Grigorieva M.


This article is devoted to the newest challenges posed to society by the rapid development of digital communication technologies, especially global social media. The relevance of the topic lies in the fact that social media are constantly strengthening their monopoly as channels of information dissemination and communication platforms. At the same time, the commercial nature of social networks and the focus of IT giants on maximizing profits leads to unforeseen consequences that essentially transform socio-political life around the world. The text examines the main problems associated with the specifics of the functioning of social media and significantly influencing the socio-political sphere starting with the so-called “human factors”, such as the deliberate use of the capabilities of social media by certain interest groups and the psychological characteristics of human behavior that influence formatting of the online space, and ending with the built-in mechanisms of social media, such as recommendation algorithms and the collection and analysis of gigantic volumes of personal data for commercial use, which is increasingly turning into use for political purposes.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2024;26(1):61-70
pages 61-70 views

Functional definity of 40-year processes forming 72-year cycle of historical development: fractal-cluster approach

Denisov D.


Prediction of scientific, technical and social development requires understanding the structure of the processes being analyzed. The object of the study is 72-year historical cycles. Within the framework of the ontological approach, the 72-year cycle is represented as a set of five processes, each of which lasts 40 years, with the beginning and completion of each subsequent process occurring in each case after 8 years. The subject of the study is the functional certainty of the five distinguished 40-year processes. The hypothesis is formed on the basis of the functional certainty of the elements of the fractal-cluster model: information, technological, environmental, transport, energy. Based on these clusters, ideological, technological, and ethical 40-year processes, a 40-year process of space expansion, and a 40-year energy process are distinguished, respectively. The author analyzes the initial and final eight years of the corresponding 40-year processes. Based on the results of the study, it is concluded that in each case there is a direct connection between the events that mark the beginning and end of the corresponding 40-year process. The analysis is carried out on materials of the Soviet period of national history.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2024;26(1):71-78
pages 71-78 views

On the question of gastronomic reflection

Ermolaev V.


The article is devoted to culturological gastronomic reflection, which is considered as a state of consciousness in relation to a specific sphere of cognition. The author studies the periodization of the development of reflection, in accordance with the periods of development of cognition methods. Thus, highlighting the stages, starting from the scholastic period and ending with activism, the author agrees with some authors in the naming and content of these periods. However, it is worth pointing out that this is dialectical-materialistic activism, which is based on the corresponding philosophical principles. As a result of the study of the concept and essence of reflection, the author concludes that the present stage of the development of reflection is based on an activity-based approach to the study of the cognition system, which means the implementation of activities for the formation of a certain knowledge. Since scientific reflection at the present stage is increasingly connected with social development and penetrates into its spheres, it is noted that the combination of reflection and dialectical-materialistic approach and worldview makes it possible to reflect not only in the general philosophical sense, but also within the practical application of reflection, in private scientific and everyday consciousness. The result of the application of cultural reflection in the field of gastronomy is the identification of categories of problems of science ("gastrosophy" is a term proposed by some scientists for the name of science) and its content: historical–descriptive, analytical, state and a number of others, which have their own range of private issues involving research and, of course, reflection.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2024;26(1):79-87
pages 79-87 views

Origins of holiday culture of Lugansh region

Oleynikova M.


The article examines the history of the formation of the festive culture of the Lugansk region and gives a brief description of them. The author examines various rituals, traditions and mass celebrations that shaped the festive culture of this region and comes to the conclusion that the festive culture of the current Lugansk People's Republic is the result of a unique cultural and historical experience accumulated by society and has deep spiritual, cultural and patriotic significance. There are many cultures and traditions represented in the Lugansk region due to historical circumstances: the relatively late settlement of the region; cohabitation of different nationalities on the same territory - Russians, Ukrainians, Serbs, Poles, Greeks, Jews and many others; economic, cultural, everyday ties that led to a significant ethnocultural rapprochement of peoples. Examples are given of the fusion of fraternal Serbian culture with the traditions and holidays of the Don Cossacks: the Serbian Bozhich (carol at Christmas), and the general custom of the first guest of Christmas morning, and Easter, and transforming pagan holidays, rituals, such as Ivan Kupala, Maslenitsa; and many other common holidays and traditions. It is emphasized that for many nations, oral and intangible cultural heritage constitutes the main source of identification. One of the main types of intangible heritage is the culture of holidays.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2024;26(1):88-93
pages 88-93 views

Domestic music publishing business of the second half of the XIX – early XX centuries: characteristics and features of the functioning of the industry

Radzetskaya O.


The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the development of the domestic music publishing business in the second half of the XIX – early XX centuries, the structure, organization and functioning of trade activities of large and small enterprises. Strategically important positions that create a holistic view of the mechanisms of obtaining material profit, effective ways of enlarging and optimizing printing production are identified, the system-forming factors influencing the process of individualization of its corporate identity are indicated.

These include: foreign entrepreneurs who headed a number of the largest Russian firms; commercial strategies aimed at monopolizing the market and strengthening its dynamics. An important addition to this context are: the presence or absence of its own music printing, the production and sale of musical instruments, accessories and related products, as well as the experience of patronage and charity, which has no analogues in world practice, allowing us to talk about the exceptional cultural status and phenomenon of domestic music publishing. The work of well-known trademarks after 1917 in Soviet Russia and abroad becomes a great information resource of the declared topic. The totality of the results obtained creates an idea of the various facets of this phenomenon in the space-time dynamics and perspective and forms additional opportunities for its study.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2024;26(1):94-100
pages 94-100 views

Artistic features of Russian vacquery miniature crafts in modern decorative arts and design

Stolyarova E., Knyazeva A., Davydov A.


This article examines the Russian crafts of lacquer miniature painting in the context of the manifestation of their artistic features in modern decorative and applied arts and design. The authors’ goal is to identify stylistic techniques of Russian varnishes and analyze the possibilities of using authentic characteristics of folk art in the author’s design of design objects and decorative arts. The article presents the general and specific in the visual arts and technologies of Fedoskino, Palekh, Kholuy and Mstera. It has been determined that Fedoskino has the artistic features of realistic oil painting, and Palekh, Kholui and Mstera, formed on the basis of icon painting, acquired the features of conventionally decorative painting with tempera paints. The article lists the specific artistic features of each of the declared crafts of lacquer miniatures. The authors come to the conclusion that the original Russian traditions of folk painting have recognizable traditions that have developed over decades, which may represent an “artistic code” of Russian culture. Using the wealth of artistic expressiveness of lacquer miniatures in our country, the opportunity has been formed to create modern works of art with decoding the source of inspiration in the process of designing new products of design and applied creativity.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2024;26(1):101-106
pages 101-106 views

Quranic texts in choral works modern Tatar composers

Shirieva N.


The purpose of this work is to concentrate the reader’s gaze on the choral works of Tatar composers, to show that the creation of these works was inspired directly by a religious idea, and this idea manifested itself at the level of the use of Koranic texts. The research material was partly the work of S. Gabyasha, as well as works by Sh. Sharifullin, R. Kalimullin, M. Shamsutdinova, S. Zoryukova for choir, alto flute, double bass, prepared piano and percussion. The author of the article comes to the conclusion that the appeal to the Koranic texts of modern Tatar composers is not only due to the desire to join Muslim spiritual ethics, but also to comprehend their past from the present, thereby outlining the appropriate vector of musical development into the future.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2024;26(1):107-113
pages 107-113 views


Digital diagnostics of parafunctional disorders of the masticatory muscles with increased tooth abrasion

Tlustenko V.


In the domestic and foreign literature, studies are published on the relationship of a decrease in interalveolar height due to increased tooth abrasion with disorders of chewing muscles (bruxism). The main signs of bruxism are clenching and gnashing of teeth. However, along with their general properties, there is no information about their difference in the state of muscle tone, which was the purpose of the study. The processes were modeled and a comparative assessment of the state of muscle tone in these symptoms was carried out on the basis of a digital research method–electromyography. 2 groups were formed for the analysis: the main (I and II subgroups) and the control. Subgroup I included patients with the main symptom of "clenching teeth", and subgroup II included patients with "gnashing teeth". The results showed higher average values of the amplitude of biopotentials in the masticatory and temporal muscles in subgroup I compared with subgroup II. Digital diagnostics by the EMG method made it possible to establish the presence of parafunctional disorders of the masticatory muscles.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2024;26(1):114-118
pages 114-118 views


The Anti-Metaphysics of Contemporary Society: A review of the monograph by D.G. Plynov "The Syndrome of Belonging: A Diagnosis That Doesn't Exist, Yet Symptoms Are Already Evident"

Dudareva M., Cherdyntseva O.
Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2024;26(1):119-120
pages 119-120 views