Economic Problems and Legal Practice

Bimonthly peer-review research journal.


Publishing house "Yur-VAK"


The Publishing house "Yur-VAK" presents the specialized journal about effective mechanisms of protection of business in Russia, laws and right application in business, economic aspects in commercial activity.

Leading russian lawyers and economists  provide scientifically grounded solutions of the actual legal and economic problems arising in practical activities of small, big and medium businesses.

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The journal included in the list of Russian peer-reviewed scientific periodicals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for the publication of key research findings from dissertations for the candidates and doctoral degrees.


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Том 20, № 3 (2024)


Бүкіл шығарылым

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Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді
Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат ақылы немесе тек жазылушылар үшін

Theoretical and Historical Legal Sciences

Models of State-Religious Relations Legal Regulation in Russia in Historical Retrospect
Zudov Y.

The purpose of the research. The article examines various models of state-religious relations legal regulation in Russia from the 9th century to the present day. The Church played an important role in the political life of the country, and the state supported and protected the church. In the XVIII century, secularization took place, and the state gradually moved away from the symphony model. In the 19th century, the Russian Orthodox Church gained a privileged position in the Russian Empire, but remained under state control. In the 20th century, the Soviet government came to power, which proclaimed secularism and separated the church from the state. The Church was persecuted and its influence on society was significantly reduced. After the collapse of the USSR, relations between the state and the church gradually improved. In 1997, a law was passed that ensured freedom of religion and equality of all religions before the law. Results. The author discovers that throughout the history of Russia, these relations have been diverse and subject to change depending on political, social and cultural factors. In the period from the IX to the XVII century in Russia there was a model of a symphony of power and religion, where the state and the church were closely connected, but maintained a certain independence. Currently, the relationship between the state and the church is of a partnership nature, but the Russian Orthodox Church continues to have a significant impact on the political life of the country.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(3):14-19
pages 14-19 views
Criteria for Assessing the Level of Legal and Communicative Competence in Conciliation Procedures for Resolving Legal Disputes and Conflicts
Khudoikina T., Usmanova E., Adaeva O.

Purpose of the study. In order to resolve the problem of measuring communicative competence, it is necessary to determine and analyze the set of its criteria in conciliation procedures when resolving legal disputes and conflicts. Based on the identified criteria of legal and communicative competence, designate a system of indicators for generalizing and measuring the state of the mediator’s level of readiness for practical activities in resolving legal conflicts through conciliation procedures. The study aims to establish the relationship between the motives of a lawyer’s professional activity and life values in order to analyze the value-semantic professional position of a lawyer in the alternative resolution of legal disputes. Conclusions. A detailed consideration and analysis of the professional competence of lawyers is of fundamental importance and high methodological value, since it is motivation that acts as the driving force of behavior and activity in general. Establishing criteria and indicators of a lawyer’s communicative competence in resolving legal disputes represents a single interconnected mechanism that ultimately allows one to form an idea of the mediator’s readiness to carry out professional activities.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(3):20-24
pages 20-24 views

Public Law (State and Legal Sciences)

Digital Literacy: Results of a Public Policy Analysis Illustrated (By an Example of Asian Countries)
Yakovleva A., Konyukhovskiy P.

Digital literacy under conditions of global transformation of the economy and society has become the most important factor for socio-economic growth. The development of technology has fundamentally changed the speed of information exchange, which has led to profound changes in social relations. The labor market conditions have undergone qualitative changes. Digital skills and competencies have come to the fore. In this context, digital literacy becomes a key factor in personal development. Currently, the research into the results of government measures aimed at increasing digital literacy, both in the field of law and in the socio-economic sphere, increased in relevance. This article is about the methods for analyzing the fundamental results of public policy. The regulatory documents of India (Right to Digital Literacy Bill, December 2022), Indonesia (National Digital Literacy Program, 2021) and Singapore (Digital Readiness Blueprint, 2018). The study results allow to identify the role of government measures in the field of law, the leading factors in the population digital literacy evolution processes, as well as the country-specific characteristics of these processes.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(3):25-39
pages 25-39 views
Extrajudicial Procedure for Exercising the Constitutional Right to Appeal Against Actions and Decisions of Officials in a Constituent Entity of the Russian Federation
Gizyatova S., Kurochkin A.

The purpose is to identify the features of the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in regulating extrajudicial procedures for the implementation of the constitutional right to appeal the actions and decisions of regional officials. In the presented article, the authors projected the theory of constitutionalization of the institution of appeal onto an alternative procedure for the implementation of such subjective rights as the right to defense, to appeal to authorities, to appeal the actions and decisions of officials. The authors applied systematic and formal-logical methods to the norms of federal and regional legislation, which allowed them to establish individual legal conflicts. Conclusion—In this article, the authors highlighted the differences in the legal regulation of extrajudicial procedures for appealing the actions and decisions of officials at the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation. This is related to the content of regional constitutional legislation. It provides for the right to independently establish the legal status of their own executive bodies. All of them are subject to both departmental norms and administrative acts. Administrative and legal relations are under the joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. This allows Russian regions to take advantage of gaps in federal legislation and independently overcome them through their own regulatory and legal acts of a by-law nature.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(3):40-44
pages 40-44 views
Problems of Legal Regulation in the Field of Procurement
Konovalova Z.

The article considers the problems of a legal nature that take place during the conduct of procurement activities, which consist in the essence of the legal relations arising in the field of procurement: whether the relations in the field of procurement are public-legal relations or are private-legal. Various points of view of researchers involved in this field are presented to confirm or refute certain relationships in the procurement process. The author's analysis of legal relations in the field of procurement is made, using various research methods. Judicial practice is also provided to resolve legal problems. In addition, the article considers the issues of formation of the conceptual apparatus of the procurement sphere, which are available today and which hinder the further development of procurement activities. The problems of applying the norms governing procurement activities, which are contained directly in legislative acts, have been identified. The shortcomings indicated by the author in the field of procurement for state and municipal needs will serve to further form financial legislation in Russia and the science of financial law in general, as well as the development of a procurement system to meet state and municipal needs, and meet the needs of society.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(3):45-50
pages 45-50 views

Private Law (Civil) Sciences

Some Legal Aspects of Cooperation in the Context of Fragmentation of International Law
Belikova K.

The article analyzes some legal aspects of cooperation (how, with whom and whether to cooperate) in the context of fragmentation of international law. The factors contributing to fragmentation are investigated, and its assessment is given in the context of globalization, deglobalization and the West's proclaimed attempt to replace the system of international law with a rules-based order. Ideas are developed that as some starting points for cooperation in current geopolitical situation, attention should be paid, on the one hand, to the transition to a new technological order, the basis of which is the digital economy, on the other hand, to the development of means of economic interaction in conditions of trade fragmentation, taking into account the need to solve the issue of the degree of tolerance of trade between countries with political differences and the possibility of using well-known mechanisms (e.g., parallel import, etc.) as a result of the development of the BRICS, the EAEU and the SCO. The ideas of foreign scientists about the roots of fragmentation in the context of systemic concepts of a differentiated global society, autonomous private regimes and post-national formations, etc., are highlighted and analyzed, and their viability in the context of thoughts about the future of the state is assessed. Scientific novelty is determined by the subject of the study. Among the conclusions reached by the author is the opinion that the concept of foreign researchers of the late 20th century—early 21st century on the impact of the emergence of a polycentric form of globalization in the form of social systems regulated by a certain «global» law on the fragmentation of law is explained by a number of political motives (e.g., to avoid the term «international law» by asserting the imminent birth of law, unrelated and inconsistent with state, but emanating from post-state formations, for example, «rules-based», etc.), which, however, is not confirmed by the observed decline in globalization.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(3):51-61
pages 51-61 views
Legal Regulation of Relations in the Field of Energy Conservation and Energy Efficiency Improvement: The Experience of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Serbia
Petyukova O., Sitnikov S.

The article examines topical issues of legal regulation of relations in the energy sector in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Serbia within the framework of comparative legal analysis. Statistical data are provided, including in the form of diagrams, based on the State Report on the Situation of Energy Conservation and Energy Efficiency Improvement in the Russian Federation in 2020 and 2022, compiled by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. The purpose of the research is to identify common features and differences in the approaches of the Russian and Serbian legislators, as well as to determine the legal potential for further international cooperation between the two countries regarding improving the efficiency of energy resources use. Saving energy resources leads to a significant reduction in government spending, stabilization of energy supply and further development of the energy sector, contributing to the development of the entire economy. The specificity of energy efficiency legislation consist in its complex, intersectoral nature, multilevel regulation, the presence of many technical and legal norms, a significant array of departmental rulemaking, the importance of ensuring a reasonable balance of public and private law regulation. International cooperation between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Serbia in the energy sector is actively developing, which actualizes scientific and practical interest in studying the problems of energy conservation in the context of the modern climate agenda and sustainable development goals of the countries of the world.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(3):62-69
pages 62-69 views
The Principle of Inviolability of Housing as a Principle of Housing Law of the Russian Federation
Kluychnikova Y.

In legal doctrine and practice, the principle of inviolability of the home guarantees everyone the protection of rights and interests, preventing unjustified and arbitrary interference in his private life and ensuring respect for his home. Any actions that may violate this principle must be clearly justified on legitimate grounds, such as the need to protect public order, and must be authorized by the competent authorities. It is necessary to include in Article 3 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation a decoding of the concept of «housing», with an accurate list of objects that are understood by this concept. In addition, it is proposed to develop legally established rules for the owner and the right of the employer from illegal intrusion of the owner.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(3):70-74
pages 70-74 views
Features of the Low-rise Housing Stock Legal Regime: Statutory Definition and Goal of the Regime
Dmitrieva A., Rabetz A.

Purpose of the study. The legal regime of low-rise housing stock is still understudied, despite a large number of studies in the field of legal regime. In many ways, this is due to the non-allocation of low-rise housing stock as a separate object of research. This article aims to fill this gap by highlighting the features of the legal regime of low-rise housing stock. Within the framework of the article, it is proposed to focus on such features of the legal regime as statutory definition and the goal of the regime. Conclusions. The analysis has shown that the normative consolidation of the legal regime of low-rise housing stock in Russia is highly variable due to the principle of analogy of the law. Moreover, there is a «normative» consistency of the legal regime, expressed in a gradual and consistent differentiation of the nature of emerging legal relations: «from» housing law towards other branches of law.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(3):75-81
pages 75-81 views
The Problem of Avoidance of Bankruptcy Trustee from the State Registration of the Debtor's Ownership of Real Estate
Yulova E.

The purpose of the study is to analyze the problems of avoidance of bankruptcy trustee from taking measures aimed at state registration of the right and transfer of ownership of a bankrupt to real estate, the legal consequences of the absence of the obligation of such managers to make timely changes to the State Register of real estate, as well as to consider possible ways to overcome them. Conclusions. In the procedures «bankruptcy proceedings» and «the sale of a debtor's property», the obligation to take the actions necessary to register the debtor's ownership of real estate lies with the relevant bankruptcy trustee as a person performing public law functions and obliged to act in the interests of not only the debtor, but also his creditors, not to cause damage to other members of society. The bankrupt himself in these procedures is deprived by law of the authority to do this on his own. In order to protect the public interests, as well as the rights of creditors, the debtor and buyers of his property at auctions during bankruptcy, it is necessary to legislate the obligation of bankruptcy trustee to take measures for the state registration of the debtor's rights within a reasonable time, except in cases when the bankruptcy trustee did not know and could not know about the existence of grounds for registration. It should be fixed in the law that their identification of new objects that meet the characteristics of real estate owned by the debtor and the commission of actions aimed at registering the debtor's ownership of these objects are grounds for postponing the completion of the inventory, re-inventory, postponing bidding, to extend the terms of the relevant bankruptcy procedure.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(3):82-87
pages 82-87 views
Problematic Legal Issues of Forcing to Conclude Contracts for Water Supply and (or) Diversion by Means of State Melioration Systems or Hydraulic Structures: The Purpose of Legal Regulation and the Principle of State Efficiency
Sedova Z.

Objective. The reason for writing this article is that electric power generating companies have faced coercion by federal state budgetary institutions operating melioration systems to conclude contracts for water supply and (or) water diversion services using state melioration systems and (or) separately located hydraulic structures attributed to state ownership (hereinafter—«water supply contract») in accordance with Federal Law No. 539-FZ dated 19.12.2022 «On Amendments to the Federal Law on Land Reclamation and the Water Code of the Russian Federation». The purpose of the article is to formulate a legal position on which entities are subject to the obligation to conclude a water supply contract under the law; to predict the consequences of obliging electric power companies to conclude a contract and to assess whether the principle of effective behavior of the state (principle of efficiency) is not violated as a result. Model. Methodological basis of the article—comparative legal analysis of the Russian legislation in the sphere of melioration with regulation of water use by subjects of electric power industry according to the Water Code of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law «On electric power industry» from 26.03.2003 № 35-FZ; synthesis and analysis in the form of allocation of general and special norms; formation of legal position on the issue of water use by subjects of electric utility. Conclusions. Obliging power generating companies to conclude contracts for water supply has a number of economic and legal consequences: it will increase heat tariffs for the population; it will make the business of a number of power plants unprofitable; it will violate the principle of balancing public and private interests; it will violate the principle of efficiency (effective behavior of the state). Scope of research / possibility of further use of scientific work results. The results of the study are part of the study of the principle of effective behavior of the state (principle of efficiency), the inadmissibility of violation of which refers to one of the types of negation of bad faith behavior as a method of legal regulation based on good faith. Practical importance. The conclusions of the article will be useful when courts consider cases on compulsion to conclude contracts on water supply by means of state melioration systems. Originality/value. The article is addressed to the legal scientific community, legal practitioners, may be useful for students of law faculties at universities.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(3):88-94
pages 88-94 views
Investing in the Arctic: Legal Aspects
Battakhov P.

The article considers the legal regulation of investment activities in the Arctic. The main economic directions for investment programs from the state and private business are highlighted. A number of regulatory legal acts related to investment on the economic activities of the country were investigated. Attention is paid to investment per person, that is, on an educated young specialist in the Arctic. It was noted that in the Arctic zone, states in tandem with big business to develop the country's economy and solve social problems should invest in the direction of entrepreneurship—small business. It should be done that it is necessary to adopt a comprehensive regulatory act to regulate economic relations in the Russian Arctic.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(3):95-99
pages 95-99 views
Artificial Intelligence and Metaverses: Legal Regulation and Prospects for Integration
Dzhendubaeva S.

The article raises questions related to the disclosure of the features of the formation of legal culture in relation to the metaverse and artificial intelligence in their relationship with the entertainment industry. The author's solutions to the problems posed are given, the existing actual types of metaverses, the stages of their development from a fantastic image to real technological developments, the criteria for the success of metaverses are investigated, and a comparative characteristic of the goals of metaverses and the currency used in the metaverse is given. Early examples of the use of artificial intelligence in game design, moral, ethical and legislative initiatives over the past four years in Europe, the USA, China and Russia are considered. The concepts of legal regulation of metaverses as a result of human creative activity, legal regulation of metaverse resources and intellectual property used for the work of artificial intelligence, including in metaverses, are considered.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(3):100-108
pages 100-108 views
Corporate Culture and Legal (Labor) Custom: The Relationship of Concepts
Vengerovsky E., Vasiliev T.

A task. Corporate culture is an integral part of the existence of any organization. The main issue of the existence of corporate culture from the point of view of legal science is its legal regulation. And if everything is quite clear from the point of view of official sources of its broadcasting, then the corporate culture is regulated by local regulations. Corporate culture in terms of unwritten rules of conduct in an organization is an open question. Model. Legal regulation of corporate culture and general theoretical foundations for the formation of its legal understanding. The article uses a number of scientific research methods, in particular: the method of analysis, comparative legal, formal logical methods and the method of comparative jurisprudence. This will allow us not only to solve modern problems in the field of the correlation of the legal foundations of regulation of civil law relations and corporate culture. The scientific novelty of the research consists in an attempt to understand the relationship between the concepts of corporate culture and legal custom. Also, for the purposes of this work, the concept of «labor custom» is formulated, as well as in the ratio of definitions of corporate culture and legal custom at the theoretical level, supporting the study with arguments from practice. Conclusion. According to the results of the study, it was concluded that corporate culture is essentially a narrower concept than legal (labor) custom, and issues not regulated by civil legislation are part of corporate culture.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(3):109-115
pages 109-115 views
Suspension of Corporate Rights
Sidelnikova S.

The purpose of this article is to study the legal nature of the suspension of corporate rights as a legal means of regulating corporate relations as a response to the actions of unfriendly foreign states, including by comparing it with the restriction of corporate rights. The author analyzes the structure of corporate relations involving persons whose rights may be suspended, and notes the need for comprehensive legal regulation within the framework of modern reality. As a result of the application of the comparative analysis method, the author comes to the conclusion that the suspension of corporate rights in the context of retaliatory anti-sanctions measures is their temporary termination.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(3):116-120
pages 116-120 views
On the Issue of Introducing a Legal Definition of «Concessional Lending to Small and Medium-sized Businesses»
Sorokina E.

The relevance of considering this issue is due to the fact that, due to the tightening of monetary policy, subsidized commercial loans are becoming the only available means of financing for small and medium-sized businesses. The study examined in detail the regulations governing loan transactions in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The concepts of loan, commodity loan and commercial loan were highlighted. Special attention was paid to the concept of «bank lending on preferential terms». The purpose of this article is to consider the problem of the legal definition of the concept of «concessional lending to small and medium-sized businesses». Conclusions. Despite the fact that article 17 of the Federal Law «On the Development of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in the Russian Federation» mentions financial support through the provision of subsidies, budget investments, state and municipal guarantees for the obligations of SMEs, it does not include concessional lending as a way of financial support. This means that the legal regulation of lending based solely on subsidizing loans is insufficiently regulated. Despite the widespread use of the term «bank lending on preferential terms», it was revealed that this concept is not defined either in Federal Law No. 209-FZ, nor in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, nor in the relevant by-laws regulating the procedure for granting subsidies to credit organizations. The available definitions in foreign sources, as well as definitions of well-known legal scholars and economists, are analyzed. Based on the identified essential features, a proper definition of this concept is given, describing the specifics of concessional lending, which must be introduced into the new version of the law «On the Development of small and medium-sized Enterprises in the Russian Federation».

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(3):121-127
pages 121-127 views

Criminal Law

Using the Capabilities of Robotics and Hardware and Software in Forensic Practice and in the Production of Individual Investigative Actions
Lozinsky O.

The purpose of the study. The article analyzes the use of the capabilities of robotics and hardware and software in forensic practice and in the production of individual investigative actions in order to increase their effectiveness in the fight against crime. Conclusions. Criminology continues to be a dynamically developing science, actively enriching its methodological and technical potential through innovations in various fields of science and technology. The development of criminology associated with scientific and technological progress has significantly expanded the possibilities of preliminary investigation in solving the tasks of countering criminal manifestations. The further positive development of criminology is largely due to the constant improvement of its methodological and logistical base, the training of the necessary number of qualified specialists in its innovative fields in the expert community.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(3):128-134
pages 128-134 views
The Prohibition of Certain Actions as a Reflection of the Humanistic Principles of Criminal Proceedings
Volosova N.

Modern approaches to the selection and application of preventive measures have undergone significant changes, which have also affected legislative prescriptions providing for quite a variety of types of such measures. A significant influence on the development and evolution of preventive measures was exerted by a change in the legislator's approach to the construction of this system and the significant impact of humanization on criminal procedural activities. The author notes in the article that the prohibition of certain actions is an alternative to the use of detention and house arrest. However, the prohibitions contained in the law require clarification of the procedure, as well as exceptions in their application, and the system of prohibitions themselves requires expansion.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(3):135-139
pages 135-139 views

Mathematical, Statistical and Instrumental Methods in Economics

Interest Rate as a Key Parameter in Decentralized Financial Systems
Kolobanov N., Tregub I.

Decentralized lending is one of the key services in the field of decentralized finance. Due to its specifics, DeFi attracts participants all over the world, allowing you to fully take advantage of blockchain technologies. This article presents arguments emphasizing the key importance of interest rates in shaping the behavior of participants, allocating resources, and balancing supply and demand of financial products and services. The article also examines the impact of interest rates on the stability and efficiency of decentralized financial systems. In addition, it examines various approaches to setting interest rates in these ecosystems, including market mechanisms and algorithmic models.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(3):140-145
pages 140-145 views
The Study of the Impact of the Environmental Situation on the Migration of the Region
Kontsevaya N.

The paper presents an analysis of the causes of the negative trend in the outflow of population from the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The factors that significantly affect migration have been identified. An econometric multifactorial model is proposed that allows us to assess the causes of outflow, rank the impact of environmental and economic causes, assess relative changes in the structure of outflow, and obtain interval forecast estimates of the migration process. The analysis of responses to the author's development of a6 questionnaire for residents of the Krasnoyarsk Territory for reasons of departure is carried out. The correlation of the causes of migration identified as a result of the survey with the causes identified during econometric modeling is shown. The degree of influence of the environmental situation on the motivation of the population when leaving the Krasnoyarsk Territory is substantiated. Recommendations are formulated to change the current negative trend with population migration.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(3):146-151
pages 146-151 views
Investment Strategies of Russian Investors under the Exposure to News Shocks: Event Study Methodology
Yastrebova S.

In this paper an issue of assessing the reactions of Russian investors in the stock market to news shocks in an industry context is considered. The problem of studying investors' reactions to news shocks is related to the difficulty of tracking the effect of publishing news that can announce the probability of an event. In order to determine the reactions in the form of investors’ actions stimulated by news publications, it is necessary to consider a short period of time both before and after the occurrence of a news event. This effect can be clearly determined in a stock market, where it is important for investors to make fast decisions on buying and selling shares after the news publication. The purpose of this paper is to explain the impact of news shocks on investors’ behavior strategies. Within the framework of this paper, solutions to the following tasks are presented:

- Specific characteristics of investors’ behavior in the stock market are determined;

- The impact of news shocks on investors’ behavior has been determined;

- An intersectoral analysis of changes in investment strategies on the Moscow Stock Exchange under the influence of news shocks was carried out;

- Investment strategies of Russian investors under the influence of shocks are characterized.

In this work, both qualitative and quantitative research methods were used. The first ones include the synthesis and analysis of scientific literature, comparative and statistical analysis. The second is to conduct an Event Study analysis based on data obtained from open sources. Statistical data analysis was carried out using the R programming language and the Gretl program.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(3):152-161
pages 152-161 views

Regional and Sectoral Economics

Structure and Functions of Elements of Innovation Infrastructure of Dual-use Scientific and Industrial Cluster
Bobryshev A., Chekadanova M., Artyukhov V.

The purpose of the study is to develop a methodological apparatus for the formation of dual-use scientific and industrial clusters—a form recognized at the highest level of management of the military-industrial complex to help diversify defense enterprises and organizations. Based on the results of the work, the following main conclusions were obtained. The few dual-use scientific and industrial clusters created in recent years are still not much different from the well-known vary-ants of the organization of industrial and innovative clusters and it is not entirely clear how they will fulfill their main purpose—to facilitate the transfer of defense technologies to the civilian sector. First of all, this concerns the issues of removing the regime of secrecy from military technologies that can be used to produce civilian products. Experts call this problem the main obstacle to the transfer of such technologies. At the same time, starting in 2022, the list of dual-use goods and technologies that can be used in the creation of weapons and military equipment and for which export control is carried out is approved and updated. This list contains unambiguous exceptions allowing the use of dual-use goods and technologies for civilian purposes. The second problem—the choice of an anchor company for the cluster—is being addressed ambiguously today. The article shows that the most forest-like solution is the formation of a cluster around a reputable scientific and industrial company in the field of cluster specialization. Given the competitive nature of the activities of defense organizations in the civilian market, it is also necessary to provide options for organizing relations between its developers and manufacturers. The article describes organizational solutions of this plan, involving the creation of consortia, joint ventures, as well as the release of products within the framework of contract production and franchise.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(3):162-173
pages 162-173 views
Assessment of the State of Sustainability of Industrial Production Development in Order to Increase the Economic Potential of the Country
Aliev A., Baldin K.

The necessity of analyzing and shaping sustainable economic development in the country in accordance with the goals and objectives set in the May Decree of the President of the Russian Federation is considered. One of the ways to solve them is the technological renewal of the domestic machine-building industry, which meets the modern requirements of creating an innovative economic model to ensure technological independence. As a basis for such an update, it is proposed to use the development of a mechanism for building the technological sovereignty of modern basic and supporting industries. The success of the implementation of the program of modern technological renewal of the Russian economy is largely determined by the availability of highly qualified personnel, reliable financing, as well as the creation of a research environment.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(3):174-178
pages 174-178 views
A Review of the Current Trends in Economic Issues Affecting the Textile Industry
Kushnir A.

The objective of this study is to examine the current trends in the development of the textile industry. An analysis of the Russian Science Citation Index and Scopus revealed the specific characteristics of research conducted by domestic and foreign authors. The following conclusions were drawn: firstly, the textile industry remains a significant area of scientific research in Russia and abroad; secondly, the quantitative indicators of publication activity in the industry remain at a high level, but the qualitative ones are at a low level. Thirdly, the works analysing the environmental agenda in the textile industry are most in demand. This reflects the competitive struggle of the largest producers. It has been established that high indicators of scientific activity in Russia are not converted into economic results of textile industry enterprises. It has been shown that Russia has an excessive share of publications in conference collections compared to journals. The study revealed the insufficient demand for Russian research in the field of textile industry. The main reason for this is the language barrier.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(3):179-185
pages 179-185 views
Impact of Macroprudential Supervisory Tools on Banking Decision-making
Podolyako D., Ishchenko M.

The goal of the article is to identify the regularity of the influence of customers ‘financial indicators, such as the level of credit history and the size of the down payment on the banks’ decision to grant a loan. The author analyses how an increase in credit risk and a lower down payment require banks to hold more capital reserves to secure credit. In the study, what makes credit less attractive to banks and what reduces the likelihood of approval of applications are identified. The paper also examines possible strategies for risk management and optimization of credit terms to improve banking efficiency. The research methods consist of analysis, systematization of risks and synthesis of sources that help to better understand banking mechanisms in the current realities. The results achieved by the study are as follows: the application of macroprudential supervision tools (differentiated capital and risk ratio surcharges) ensures financial stability and helps to manage risks in the banking system and the economy.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(3):186-190
pages 186-190 views
Food Sharing as a Mechanism for Increasing Food Availability: World Experience and Russian Practice
Bochanov M.

This study examines the current problem of food waste and hunger in the world, with an emphasis on the situation in Russia. Food shortages have been identified in many countries due to various factors such as conflict, climate change and pandemic. The article highlights the importance of sustainable food management to reduce food waste and fight hunger. The study showed that each person throws away a huge amount of food every year, which negatively affects both the people themselves and the environment. Provides evidence of how rising food waste is impacting climate change and threatening ecosystems. An overview of various food sharing models is given, showing examples of platforms and organizations involved in the exchange of food on a commercial, charitable and public basis. The author notes the significant potential of food sharing not only in reducing food waste, but also in solving problems of food availability for those in need. The need to revise tax policy to stimulate the participation of companies in charitable programs, including food sharing, is pointed out.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(3):191-196
pages 191-196 views
An Ecosystem Approach to the Interaction of Organizations Providing Medical Care in the Context of Digitalization
Klochko M.

The aim of the research is to explore the ecosystem approach to the interaction of organizations providing medical care in the context of digitalization. An assessment of implemented information solutions in healthcare is conducted, examining their role in addressing industry challenges. Foundational principles of ecosystem interaction among organizations are formulated. The study aims to define the feasibility and common principles of ecosystem interaction with medical organizations in the context of digitalization. Conclusions. The author concludes that in the current socio-economic and technological stage of societal development, the healthcare sector needs to reconsider the principles of interaction between medical organizations and all participants directly or indirectly involved in providing medical care. The ecosystem approach, as a feasible and promising form of such interaction, can contribute to the realization of the concept of «life cycle medicine.»

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(3):197-203
pages 197-203 views


Topical Aspects of the Organization of Inter-budgetary Relations in Russia
Makashina O.

The purpose of the study. The article examines the problems of relations between public legal entities of the Russian Federation. The current aspects of the organization of inter-budgetary relations and the changes that have occurred over the past almost twenty years are analyzed. The purpose of the study is to identify the features of inter-budgetary relations at the present stage. This is necessary to determine the further development of inter-budgetary relations and their reorientation to new instruments. Conclusions. Because of the conducted research, the author concludes that inter-budgetary relations in the modern budgetary system of the country are undergoing significant changes. Some of these changes are positive and should be continued. Some of the changes raise doubts about their necessity. The budget system of the Russian Federation has a complex structure from the point of view of management. The differentiation of revenue receipts and expenditure powers between public legal entities is the basis of inter-budgetary relations. The provision of subsidies over a long period (since 1994) does not have a significant positive effect on the subjects receiving them. Despite efforts to reduce the number of targeted transfers, their fragmentation remains at a high level. Budget loans have fully become an instrument of inter-budgetary relations. In conclusion, the author defines the directions for improving the organization of inter-budgetary relations in the Russian Federation.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(3):204-211
pages 204-211 views
Objective of Expanding Tax Risk Criteria in a Preliminary Analysis
Smirnova E.

The article is considered current issues of pre-test analysis, which is an important stage in the control work of tax authorities and affects the increase in the effectiveness of tax control by improving the quality of the selection of taxpayers for inclusion in the plan of on-site tax audits. The criteria applied are considered, how tax risks are assessed. The article also analyzes the possibilities of expanding the list of publicly available criteria for different categories of audited entities. Purposes of writing a research paper: to identify the main issues, Pre-audit analysis of taxpayers, provide additional criteria for assessing tax risks. Conclusions, obtained in the course of the study: directions for improving the quality of pre-test analysis in order to improve the control work of tax authorities.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(3):212-216
pages 212-216 views
Logistics Cost Accounting
Karabasheva M.

Task. The article considers topical issues of logistics cost accounting in the Russian Federation, identifies the main problems and suggests ways to solve them on the basis of the latest research. Modern accounting methods, the role of information technology, the influence of external factors and the need for government support are considered. The purpose of this article is to consider topical issues of logistics cost accounting in the Russian Federation, identify the main problems and propose ways to solve them on the basis of the latest research. Model. The article analyzes examples of successful practices and suggests directions for further development. Conclusions. To solve the problems, it is necessary to introduce modern methods of accounting and analyzing logistics costs, to develop information systems and technologies, to improve personnel qualification, to monitor and adapt to external conditions, as well as to develop state standards. Practical significance. The practical significance of the article lies in the fact that the findings and proposed aspects of the implementation of measures to improve logistics cost accounting in the Russian Federation will allow enterprises to manage their logistics costs more effectively, which, in turn, will contribute to their sustainable development and competitiveness in the global market. Originality. The investigated area of accounting is not fully researched and presented for practical application, but it is the accounting of logistics costs that makes it possible to fully assess the activities of economic entities and their financial results.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(3):217-221
pages 217-221 views
Analysis of Government Measures Aimed at Combating Crimes Committed Using Information and Telecommunication Technologies
Eltsin A.

The article presents the results of the analysis of state measures in the law enforcement sphere aimed at combating crimes committed using information and telecommunication technologies. Special attention is paid to the issues of formation and execution of measures and indicators of state programs of the Russian Federation aimed at countering cybercrime.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(3):222-226
pages 222-226 views


Concept of the Organizational risk Management Square
Turgaeva A.

Task. The development of organizations in the modern world goes through the most difficult stages of uncertainty, primarily in the external environment. The set of factors that require control and timely response on the part of the organization is constantly being supplemented with dangers for successful business. Scientific approaches to risk management make it possible to develop new knowledge about risks, in particular, to combine a number of economic categories into solving one problem. These categories are: organizational management system, economic security system, management and risk management, internal control. The problem is the lack of a unified concept of risk management, taking into account all areas of economic science listed above. Conclusions. The purpose of the study is to form a concept that squares each of the above categories. Model. Based on the study of fundamental management theories, the square of risk management is presented and the concept of combining the best methods and procedures, processes and measures that do not duplicate, but complement each other, is substantiated. The concept of the square allows you to highlight effective actions in each of its parts to achieve the strategic goal of the organization. Practical significance. The proposed and developed measures, actions on the part of the presented economic areas of science are of practical importance for increasing the efficiency of the organization in the conditions of a large set of negative factors in the internal and external environment of the company. Originality. The originality of the work lies in the formation of new knowledge about the actions of each direction associated with risk management in the form of a square concept.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(3):227-232
pages 227-232 views
Managing Risk Factors for an Adverse Event
Turgaeva A.

Task. The article aims to propose a methodology for risk management through internal control of risks that appear in connection with unfavorable events in the activities of the organization. Managing risk factors associated with the occurrence of events that negatively affect the organization's performance is of great importance in achieving business success. The problem is the lack of a detailed methodology for internal control of risks associated with the occurrence of adverse events. The purpose of this article is to reflect the research conducted on the impact of risks associated with the occurrence of adverse events on the financial condition and solvency of the organization. Model. Based on the research conducted, a methodology for internal control of risks associated with the occurrence of unfavorable events for the organization is proposed. Conclusions. The presented methodology gives an idea of the objects, subjects of internal control and its subject within the framework of the study of risks associated with the occurrence of unfavorable events for the organization. The stages and directions of internal control, as well as tools to manage risks associated with uncertainty, have been developed. Practical significance. The methodology for internal control of risks associated with the occurrence of unfavorable events for the organization will allow in practice to manage risks associated with uncertainty. Originality. New knowledge has been generated about internal control of risks associated with the occurrence of unfavorable events for the organization.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(3):233-237
pages 233-237 views
Adaptive Enterprise Management in the Conditions of Formation of Financial and Economic Security: Theoretical Aspects
Alferov V., Meshkova G., Osadchy E.

The stabilization of activities within each individual enterprise largely depends on the effectiveness of managing its economic security, the key role in the system of which is played by the financial component. The difficulty of forecasting changes in the external and internal environment of an enterprise in the conditions of formation of economic security necessitates adherence to the principle of adaptability, that is, the ability to respond in a timely manner to environmental changes based on improving internal processes and adjusting the management system. The purpose of the article is to consistently consider the basic concepts of adaptive management to form the theoretical foundations for the use of adaptive management in the conditions of formation of financial and economic security. The article analyzes the features of applying the concept of adaptive management in ensuring the financial and economic security of enterprises. The essence of the financial and economic security of an enterprise is determined from the point of view of different approaches. The classification of threats to the economic security of an enterprise according to classification criteria is analyzed from the position of adaptability and sources of risk. The tasks of adaptive management in ensuring the economic security of the enterprise are substantiated. By consistently considering such basic concepts as «adaptation», «adaptability», «enterprise adaptation», «adaptive management», the basic principles of applying adaptive management of the financial security of an enterprise are substantiated. It is concluded that adaptive management of the financial and economic security of an enterprise consists in the implementation of management actions in conditions of information restrictions and accelerated and difficult to predict changes in the conditions of the enterprise's activities, which involve the introduction of changes in the organizational structure and methods of managing financial and economic security.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(3):238-243
pages 238-243 views

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