
Development of a Procedure for Controlled Withdrawal of Industrial Enterprises from Equilibrium for Transition to a Higher-Level Innovative Development
Aliev A., Baldin K., Bobryshev A., Pudov A.
Support for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in the Sphere of Digital Innovations and Technologies
Gromova E.
Adaptation and Development of the Territory's Innovative Infrastructure in the Digital Environment Methodology
Gileva T., Galimova M., Khussamov R.
Econometric Analysis of the Development of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the Field of Innovation and Innovative Technologies of the Russian Federation
Tashnichenko V., Tregub I.
The Content of Innovation and Innovation Activity in the Russian Federation. The Role of Civil Science in the Development of the Phenomenon of Innovation
Neznamova A., Kozubenko V.
A Problem-Based Project Approach to Teaching Private Law Disciplines
Pavlov V.
The State of Development of the Construction Industry in an Unstable Economic Situation
Tingaev A., Levitskaya I.
The Role of ICO Legal Regulation for Tech-startups’ Development within the Innovation Economy (Comparative Legal Analysis of Russia and Singapore)
Pavlyuk A., Zhuchkov D., Batyukhnova E.
Basic trends and problems of technological development of the Russian industry
Lebedeva N.
Shchennikova E., Shchennikova V.
Special legal regimes in the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union: legal problems and prospects
Shaydullina V.
Legal Regulation of Design Objects in Metaverse
Dzhendubaeva S.
Specifics of the network model of innovation in pharmaceuticals in the context of intellectual property protection
Belikova K.
Republic of Mordovia: analysis of image positioning attributes
Zaitseva L., Napalkova I.
Goodwill in Relation to Objects of Design Creativity: Legal and Financial Aspects
Dzhendubaeva S., Sviridova E.
Currency substitution, financial innovation and monetary policy effectiveness in Nigeria
Ofem L.
Trends, problems and prospects of modernization and development of agricultural engineering in Russia
Solodovnikova N.
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