
Institutional conditions for digital integration in Russian industry
Obolenskaya L., Bekulova S., Abdikeev N.
Determinants of the commission of property crimes using information and communication technologies
Ryazanova E.
Waqf in Partnership Financing: Key Features of Using the Tool
Iskhakova G., Ildarkhanova A.
Features of Legal Regulation of Contractual Legal Relations in the Field of Bank Lending to Small and Medium-sized Businesses
Sorokina E.
Drivers of Changes in the Interest Rate Environment in the United States
Medzhidov M.
Activities of non-state pension funds in the field of early non-state pension provision
Yudina E.
Independent Assessment of the Quality of Social Services in the Development of the Social Sphere: Economic and Management Aspects
Petrova S., Grigor'yants G., Aleksentseva Y.
Application of the Results of the Assessment of Working Conditions to Legal Relations on Compulsory Social Insurance: Some Controversial Issues
Galaeva L.
The main reasons and conditions generating corruption offences in the educational environment
Dgamalova B., Akhmedkhanova S.
Determinants of law violations committed by traffic police staff
Gorodnichev I., Chernyavsky V.
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