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卷 20, 编号 1 (2024)



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Public Law (State and Legal Sciences)

Expanding Powers of Higher Tax Authorities in Tax Process at the Stage of Resolving the Issue of Acceptance of Complaint for Consideration

Berezin M.


Purpose of the study. In the tax process there are no procedural principles of equality of arms and competition, since the tax authority, being an authority, prevails over the taxpayer at all stages. In this regard, in the tax process it is necessary to ensure an increased degree of protection of taxpayers’ rights from the free internal conviction of higher tax authorities at the stages of filing and considering taxpayer complaints. Conclusions. A classification of non-normative legal acts issued by tax authorities and subject to independent appeal is proposed, with the need to exclude from the tax law such an uncertain concept as «acts of tax authorities of a non-normative nature». At the same time, through an amendment to the tax law, it is proposed to oblige the higher tax authority to issue a separate procedural document in the form of a ruling on accepting the complaint for consideration, as well as to provide the named tax authorities with a new authority when deciding on the issue of accepting the complaint for consideration to abandon the complaint without progress.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(1):14-19
pages 14-19 views

The Study of the Genesis of State Mechanisms to Stimulate the Development of the Regional Sector of the Economy of Small and Medium-sized Businesses

Battalova L., Enikeev R.


Purpose of the study. The article examines the genesis and current state of civil law mechanisms aimed at stimulating qualitative and quantitative changes in the structure of regional small businesses participating in the innovative development of the Russian economy. From a critical point of view, the evolution of domestic legislation of the business entities under consideration is analyzed, scientific and practical qualifications of the key stages of transformation of legislative initiatives in the area under study are reasonably proposed, the most significant risks characterizing external threats to the necessary dynamics of small business development are objectively studied. Conclusions. As a result of the research, the author comes to the conclusion that since a distinctive feature of the national economy is its pronounced regional character, the development of the macroeconomics of Russia is possible only if, on the one hand, the balanced and interconnected progression of its regions, on the other, the improvement of federal management processes with the aim of improving the quality and validity of the regulatory environment, capable of taking into account the specifics of both territorial and macroeconomic development of the state. This creates a certain level of requirements for the quality of government mechanisms for federal investment in regional SMB.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(1):20-27
pages 20-27 views

Theoretical and Historical Legal Sciences

The Object Represents Property in Russian Legislation in the Period from the 10 th to the Second Half of the 19 th Century: Historical and Legal Aspect

Kuznetsov I.


The purpose of the research. The article analyzes the evolution of the property tax object in Russian legislation in the period from the 10th to the 20th centuries, and also determines the role of the property tax at certain stages of the historical and legal development of Russia. The purpose of the research is to identify patterns within the framework of the historical and legal evolution of the property tax object in historical retrospect. Сonclusions. The development of Russian legislation on property taxation was significantly influenced by socio-economic, political and other factors. At each stage of development of legislation on property taxation, the state defined the object of the tax and the method of its assessment in different ways. For example, in the 13th—15th centuries, the main object of taxation was land, the valuation of which was significantly influenced by its location. In the second half of the 15th—17th centuries, a system of feeding was used, «elderly» for the use of land by peasants. In the 18th—mid-19th centuries, there was a transition from the land to the per capita principle of taxation, the list of property tax objects expanded to include buildings and structures on land plots, property used in business activities.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(1):28-33
pages 28-33 views

Private Law (Civil) Sciences

The Digital Code of Russia: Current State and Prospects

Belikova K.


The article examines the expediency and timeliness of the creation and adoption of the Digital Code of Russia in the context of the current state of scientific thought and prospects from the point of view of the importance, necessity, need for answers to the questions posed in the article for the development of society, and the need to study some approaches of foreign legal systems to the issue under study and the resolution of controversial legal and ethical questions arising as a result of the development of both new technologies and scientific and technological progress in general. The scientific novelty is due to the subject of the study and a set of legal approaches reflected in already adopted regulations and their projects (for example, the «Digital Administrative Code» of Italy and the Model Information Code for CIS member States and foreign initiatives). Among the conclusions reached by the author, the opinion that, in general, supporting the idea of this codification, we consider it necessary to pay attention to the way of construction of some of its sections and the idea as a whole, and to a number of problems that require urgent solutions.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(1):34-39
pages 34-39 views

Digital Dictatorship as an Actual Socio-Political Discourse: Prospects for Further Research (Lawyer's Opinion)

Belikova K.


The subject-matter of this article is to identify the prospects for further research of digital dictatorship in order to substantiate on the basis of understanding and analyzing the ideas of socio-political discourse around this topic of real and fictional, imaginary threats to digitalization in the context of the level of legal awareness of the public and political circles of a number of countries and those innovations and/or trends that are perceived as manifested or potential threats to compliance human rights, and set out a modern vision of the development of digitalization of society and law based on ethics, which is able to help shape the image of Russia as an ethical state of the future of a new type, based on Russian values and value constants of Russian civilization and a special socio-political ethos, which is the result of the synergy of the identity and community of the peoples of Russia.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(1):40-46
pages 40-46 views

Current problems of women's employment in the Russian Federation

Afanasyev M., Golubeva T., Glukhova M., Filippova M.


The article considers some issues of equality and discrimination in the employment of women. The peculiarities of regulation of women's labor are analyzed and defined. Examples from judicial practice revealing problems in the employment of women are given. Proposals on improvement of normative regulation of their labor are represented.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(1):47-52
pages 47-52 views

Support for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in the Sphere of Digital Innovations and Technologies

Gromova E.


The creation of competitive digital innovations and technologies is one of the national interests of the Russian state, in this regard, today it is extremely important to stimulate their development. That is why the study of the peculiarities of supporting small and medium-sized enterprises in the field of digital innovation and technology is one of the conditions for achieving the goal. The purpose of the study was to identify the main problems of supporting small and medium-sized businesses in the field of digital innovation and technology. Applying the formal-legal method, as well as the method of comparative legal analysis and systematization, the author described the state of development of small and medium-sized entrepreneurship in the field of digital innovation and technology, as well as its regulation. In addition, the author identified the main problems in the field of support for small and medium-sized enterprises in the field of digital innovations and technologies: the lack of criteria for classifying such entities as small and medium-sized enterprises in the field of digital innovations and technologies; insufficient awareness of these entities about possible measures of state support; inefficiency of financial support measures, including in the context of sanctions; the lack of special support measures in the field of creating import-substituting digital innovations and technologies; the lack of special support measures in the field of import-substituting digital innovations and technologies. The ways of solving the identified problems are proposed.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(1):53-58
pages 53-58 views

A Problem-Based Project Approach to Teaching Private Law Disciplines

Pavlov V.


The purpose of the study. To substantiate the need to intensify the development of a problem-based project approach to teaching private law disciplines. It is proved that the traditional amount of knowledge acquired by students in the process of legal specialization does not contribute to their active inclusion in the assessment of the consistency of current legislation and the effectiveness of draft laws. The ways of improving the content of private law disciplines in the context of the introduction of digital technologies into educational and legislative processes are proposed. The conducted research allows us to draw attention to the conceptual foundations of the formation of a system of training specialists in the field of legal regulation of economic activity, including current trends in the transformation of its regulatory legal regulation in line with international agreements in this area, as well as to critically assess some areas of modern lawmaking. In the process of writing the article, the following methods were used: analysis, synthesis, systematic approach, formal legal, statistical.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(1):59-63
pages 59-63 views

Subject Composition of Participants in Legal Relations Arising when Using Innovative (Unmanned) Vehicles in Business Activities

Sergeev A., Demchenkob M.


The subject of research is the composition of the participants in the legal relationship on the use of an unmanned vehicle. The article breaks off with a general overview of attempts to settle these legal relations, which are fundamentally new both for the Russian legal system and the economy as a whole. At the same time, central attention is paid to their subject composition. The study states that the legal regulation of relations on the use of unmanned vehicles is haphazard. A single regulatory legal act has not yet been adopted, and by-laws have an extremely heterogeneous subject of legal regulation, including civil, administrative and other aspects. This leads to significant problems of legal technique, the result of which in the future will be difficulties in law enforcement practice. An analysis of the civil component of the use of unmanned vehicles shows that the potential of the current civil legislation to regulate relevant relations is far from exhausted. The range of subjects for the use of an unmanned vehicle coincides with the subjects of classical relations for the transportation or rental of vehicles. In this regard, changes to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, its additions by new subjects of legal relations or new contractual structures are undesirable at the current stage.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(1):64-69
pages 64-69 views

On the Legality of the Use of Works in the Application of Artificial Intelligence Technologies

Sviridova E.


The article analyzes the regulatory regulation of foreign countries in the field of intellectual property and artificial intelligence in order to develop recommendations and proposals for improving legal regulation in the field of protecting the intellectual rights of authors to works using neural networks. It is concluded that the processing of a work using artificial intelligence technology should be recognized as a way of using the work. A work created by a neural network can be considered as a derivative based on original works extracted during data analysis, provided that it contains significant and recognizable features of the original work, which indicates a violation of copyright to the original work. It is proved that when creating works by artificial intelligence, there is no reproduction if the work is used to create a new work in an altered and unrecognizable form. A proposal has been formulated to recognize the use of the results of creative activity by artificial intelligence as a violation of copyright holders if the work generated by the neural network contains recognizable elements of such results.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(1):70-75
pages 70-75 views

Sustainable Corporate Governance of American Social Enterprises under the Pressure of New Trends

Petrova A.


With minimal federal regulation, state legislation and precedent in the United States, the institutional environment for social enterprises, the development of social responsibility of business and sustainable corporate governance has generally been formed. It is distinguished by active support for social initiatives of business, a minimum of administrative barriers and interference in matters of their internal management, and the presence of special legal regimes. At the same time, the economic effectiveness of sustainable corporate governance is not known; its principles are also not enshrined at the federal level, but are implemented through the charters of corporations and social entrepreneurship organizations. The type and specifics of sustainable management depend on the type of organization. They are fully implemented in the organizational and legal forms of SPC and BC. The main problem in implementing the principles of sustainable management by the owners and management of social corporations remains the search for a balance between profit and social interests, including an objective assessment of the level of achievement of the latter. This balance is achieved not by the application of corporate law, which varies from state to state, but by the application of the business judgment rule, based on precedent, which implies a high degree of discretion and the difficulty or even impossibility of an objective assessment. Sustainable corporate governance is under increasing pressure from multidirectional non-economic trends leading to socialization, greening and politicization of business to the detriment of its traditional goals. The American federal, decentralized model of legal regulation of social entrepreneurship does not correspond to the development trends of the Russian legal system, where the trends of centralization of regulation dominate. The American legal model of sustainable corporate governance is implemented mainly in large international corporations, which no longer exist in Russia, which significantly reduces the relevance of the experience.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(1):76-83
pages 76-83 views

International Sports Federationsand Their Place in the System of Subjects of Law

Asadullin M.


The purpose of the study. The article is devoted to the legal status of international sports federations that carry out the functions of organizing a particular sport, as well as the problem of determining their place in the system of subjects of law. The dialectic of including international federations among the components of the Olympic Movement is obvious only at first glance, since this also emphasizes their autonomy, which does not allow mixing the IOC itself and sports federations, the nature of which is even more connected with those patterns, traditions, customs of specific territories and nationalities that once gave rise to the corresponding species sports. The content of the regulatory provisions of sports federations can be conditionally divided into a) introduced in the form of mandatory borrowing and b) related to the exclusive normative creativity of the federation itself (however, some other persons may be initiators (interested parties)). From the point of view of the regulatory effect, the provisions of federations can be divided into a) acting directly and b) requiring some kind of adaptation. Conclusions. International sports federations, on the one hand, form part of the unified Olympic movement, and, on the other, are clearly identified as a special body of organizations responsible for regulatory activities in specific sports. The main function of international sports federations, which ensures legal selforganization in the relevant sport, contributes to the preservation of ethno-cultural values. In this context, it is appropriate to return to the thoroughness of granting the all-Russian sports federations the right to independently approve the relevant rules of sports.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(1):84-88
pages 84-88 views

Criminal Law

How the Joint Work of the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus in the Field of Search Activities is Organized

Tarasov M., Stupachenko E.


The article shows the prerequisites for cooperation in the field of investigative activities of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus, reveals specific forms of interaction in cooperation in the field of investigative activities, including: the exchange of operational reference, search, fingerprinting, forensic and other information that helps to establish the location wanted persons, detention of criminals; joint participation in search activities; sending employees of the internal affairs bodies of the state initiating the search to the state on whose territory the wanted person may be located to exchange information and be present during operational search activities; and others. A conclusion is drawn about significant prospects for the considered area in the fight against crime.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(1):89-93
pages 89-93 views

About Some Features of the Criminalistic Characteristics of Crimes Committed Using Cryptocurrency

Vilskayaа N., Malakhova V.


The article examines the features of the elements of the criminalistic characteristics of crimes committed using cryptocurrency. Attention is paid to crime indicators, statistical data on crimes committed using information and telecommunication technologies. The current legislation on the topic under study, materials of judicial practice are analyzed. At the end of the work, reasonable conclusions were drawn on the problems identified in the work.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(1):94-101
pages 94-101 views

Responsibility of the Organizer of the Crime: Problems of Qualification of Criminal Actions

Chinyakov O., Perepelkin V.


Purpose of the study. The most problematic area of domestic criminal law doctrine and law enforcement practice is considered to be the institution of complicity in general and the place of the organizer of the crime in it, as a central and key figure in planning, coordinating and directing the actions of accomplices, the implementation of a criminal plan. The article deals with the issues of regulatory regulation in the Russian criminal legislation of the institution of complicity in a crime, in relation to the organizer. In the course of the study, an attempt was made to analyze some controversial issues related to the qualification of the actions of the organizer of the crime.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(1):102-107
pages 102-107 views

Criteria Determining the Moments of the Beginning and End of the State of Necessary Defense

Boev D.


The relevance of the study of the issues of legislative establishment and law enforcement of necessary defense is due to the fact that the state, ensuring the implementation of the constitutional right of citizens to protect their rights and freedoms by all legal means, providing such an opportunity, requires its citizens to fulfill the necessary conditions, failure to comply with which will be considered a crime. Failure to comply with the legitimate requirements of the state to comply with the limits of necessary defense entails bringing the defending person to criminal responsibility, and therefore, the person who defended his rights and interests becomes the person who committed the crime. The subjectivity of the definition of «exceeding the limits of necessary defense», the problems that appear in judicial practice when recognizing the behavior of the defender as lawful, the cancellation of judicial acts on the legality of the actions of the defender—all these points require finding solutions to the issues raised, solving the problem of criminal law assessment of the legality of the necessary defense. Despite the centuries-old history of the institute of necessary defense and the vast experience of its application, law enforcement officers have great difficulties in practice when assessing the legality of the behavior of the defender.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(1):108-111
pages 108-111 views

On the Issue of Combating Domestic Violence through Criminal Legal Means

Battalova L., Chernova K.


Purpose of the study. This article, as the title suggests, examines preventive measures in the fight against domestic violence. The authors analyze the legislation of the Russian Federation, considering the preventive measures that were used in the past and what impact they had on current legislation. This work also provides articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, where the unlawful actions of the subject are of a special nature, emphasizing that these actions are domestic violence. The authors indicate how dangerous this group of crimes is and how the commission of crimes in this group will affect society as a whole and its individual subjects in particular. How to combat such crimes of a latent nature is revealed in this article to the extent that domestic legislation currently allows. Foreign measures to combat domestic violence are analyzed, whether they can be successfully implemented into Russian legislation without causing conflicts, and how effective their use will be, taking into account existing social norms.Conclusions. The authors come to the conclusion that improving legal norms aimed at preventing the fight against domestic violence will lead to ensuring the safety of potential victims and the successful development of moral and social norms in society.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(1):112-116
pages 112-116 views

Selected Aspects of Scientific Forensic Analysis of Abuse of Authority in the Banking System

Kostyleva G.


The article examines certain aspects of abuse of authority in the banking system as an object of scientific forensic analysis. The legislation regulating the activities of credit institutions as one of the elements of the banking system, the mechanisms of criminal law protection are analyzed, it is proved that the method of forensic analysis is the most optimal, which allows to identify and systematize abuse of authority in the banking system. This situation is due to the fact that this method of scientific knowledge begins with the study of general and particular elements of banking activity. Then, based on the revealed patterns, a model of the criminal activity of the subject is created, in its statics and dynamics.Conclusion. As a result of the conducted research, the author comes to the conclusion that the scientific criminalistic analysis of the crime in general and the considered illegal act in particular is an important element of the cognitive activity of the authorized subject, which is aimed at obtaining and systematizing information about the committed or impending crime in order to identify criminally significant information about the method of abuse of authority in the banking system and other circumstances of this acts, the identity of the perpetrator and the victim, as well as the mechanism of trace formation, necessary for its investigation and solving other tasks of criminal proceedings.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(1):117-123
pages 117-123 views

International Legal Sciences

International Legal Regulation of Alternative Energy within the Eurasian Economic Union

Lizikova M.


The article deals with the issues of international legal regulation of alternative energy within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union. Based on the analysis of program and strategic documents of this integration association, a trend towards the development of alternative energy within the framework of the EAEU was revealed. It is concluded that the evolution of the paradigm towards the diversification of the energy balance and the development of international legal regulation of alternative energy will contribute to increasing the political, economic, energy stability of the EAEU and its member states.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(1):124-128
pages 124-128 views

Mathematical, Statistical and Instrumental Methods in Economics

Development of a Binary Classification Model Based on Small Data Using Machine Learning Methods

Mikhaylova S., Grineva N.


Today, solutions to the problem of binary classification using machine learning find applications in a huge number of spheres of life, such as medicine, energy, marketing, agriculture, financial analytics, etc. This is a great opportunity for companies to gain new sources of profit and improve existing processes. Therefore, new solution methods are being actively developed, existing ones are being improved, and research is being conducted on the possibility of using machine learning to solve classification problems in various fields. The study of the effectiveness of using various machine learning methods, taking into account the existing problems of small data in solving the problem of binary classification, is very relevant due to the significant preponderance of developments towards Big Data. For small data, possible problems that affect the effectiveness of the trained model have been identified, and various options for solving these problems have been proposed. To assess the impact of small data problems on the quality of the trained model, a comparative analysis of the quality metrics of models trained on different variations of data processing was carried out. It is concluded that correct work with small data requires timely elimination of such data defects as class imbalance, outliers, etc. In the course of the study, the most significant quality metrics were selected to obtain a model for analyzing medical parameters. A comparative analysis of diabetes detection models based on preprocessed small data has been carried out. For the task under consideration, the stacking model was chosen as the best option for medical use. The results of the analysis showed that machine learning is able to show high efficiency in solving real problems of binary classification.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(1):129-140
pages 129-140 views

Optimization of Shopping Strategy in Cryptocurrency Markets Based on Artificial Neural Networks

Savostyanov A., Grineva N.


This study is relevant in the context of modern finance, where neural networks play a key role in the analysis and forecasting of price dynamics. The research focuses on identifying buy signals for the BTCUSDT and ETHUSDT trading pairs in the cryptocurrency market. To construct a neural network model that can automate the identification of moments beneficial for purchasing selected assets, various technical analysis indicators and convolutional neural networks (CNN) were used. The research includes an analysis of scientific literature, data collection, indicator selection, signal algorithm development, and the construction of neural network models. The main contribution of this work lies in the development and testing of models capable of predicting buy signals with a high accuracy, confirmed by accuracy indicators of over 92%. The findings of this study can be useful for private investors and financial institutions in forming investment strategies based on machine learning.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(1):141-147
pages 141-147 views

Analysis of E-Commerce Platforms as a Rationale for the Relevance of Developing Uniform Recommendations for Sellers

Pekhterev D.


The relevance of developing recommendations for sellers (small and medium-sized businesses) is due to the dynamic development of the e-commerce market, the requirements of platforms for sellers and the growing interest in the topic of more and more sellers entering e-commerce platforms in the Russian Federation. Thus, the work on developing a virtual assistant for recommendations to sellers on electronic platforms is important in the context of modern challenges and needs in the field of e-commerce. The purpose of the work is to analyze the marketplace market, the pain of sellers when working with them, and to substantiate the relevance of developing a unified recommendation system when sellers work on marketplaces. To do this, the study solved the following problems: presented an understanding of marketplaces, their evolution and future, and also identified the problems of sellers when working with electronic platforms. Research methods: system analysis, analysis of data from publicly available sources and international studies. Results: Analysis of the marketplace market in the Russian Federation showed that the market is growing strongly (in orders 6 times when comparing 2019 and 2022) and there are differences between foreign players focused on sales around the world and Russian ones, who focus more on sales within the Russian Federation. The growth of marketplaces is due to the increased digitalization of the population, the transition of consumers from conventional retail to online, and extensive investments in infrastructure by e-commerce platforms (warehouses, logistics) in recent years. The presence of a large number of tools does not allow sellers who work on marketplaces to respond to changes in a timely manner or to launch advertising campaigns correctly. These factors confirm the relevance of developing a unified recommendation system for sellers on e-commerce sites.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(1):148-158
pages 148-158 views

Regional and Sectoral Economics

On Approaches to the Management of Anthropogenic Risks of Foreign Work Force on the Example of the City of Moscow

Alekseev V., Kotovich O., Kushnin B.


The article continues the cycle of research on the management of anthropogenic risks in various areas of the implementation and development of human capital. This article focuses on a very relevant component of human capital—foreign labor (IRS) in the economy of Moscow and the Russian Federation. The purpose of the study is to form adequate approaches to the analysis and assessment of anthropogenic risks of the IRS using the example of the city of Moscow and proposals for tools for managing these risks.The object of the study is anthropogenic risks of IRS. The subject is tools for analysis, forecasting and management of anthropogenic risks of IRS. Objectives: to identify key factors of anthropogenic risks, to analyze the existing system for reducing anthropogenic risks of the IRS of Moscow, to propose a proven system for managing anthropogenic risks of the IRS. The practical significance lies in the fact that the automated system of assessment, forecasting of anthropogenic risks will allow to manage (measure, reduce, stop, etc.) them and more effectively use IRS taking into account the specifics of this component of the human capital.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(1):159-173
pages 159-173 views

Features of Intra-Firm Communications of Industrial Enterprises in Turbulent Conditions

Kushnir A.


The purpose of this researchis to study the modern specificity of intra-firm communications of industrial enterprises. On the basis of a comprehensive analysis of approaches of various sciences to the phenomenon of intra-firm communications, the following conclusions were formulated in the paper. It has been established that intra-company communications at various levels (vertical links with management and subordinates, symmetrical and supportive communications with colleagues) significantly affect the psychological well-being of employees in conditions of high turbulence of the external environment. It is shown that trust in the organisation mediates the impact on employees' psychological well-being. This study deepens the understanding of psychological well-being of employees in industrial enterprises by examining the impact of internal communication on financial and economic performance.The results of the studycan become the basis for practical recommendations on how to promote the psychological well-being of employees by creating an effective intra-company communication environment, both at the level of the whole organisation and at the level of colleagues by increasing the trustworthiness of relationships.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(1):174-181
pages 174-181 views

Features of Offshore Operations in the Field of Offshoring of Financial Flows in the Country in the Context of Economic Security

Gaponenko V.


The purpose of this articleis to conduct a study of the functioning of offshore companies in the field of offshoring of financial flows in the country in the context of economic security. The theoretical significance of this article is the analysis and systematization of scientific research related to the mechanism of functioning of offshore companies as an instrument of international tax planning in the field of countering the offshoring of financial flows from the country by law enforcement agencies in the context of economic security. The practical significance of the presented research is that the main reasons and conditions for the functioning of offshore companies in the field of offshoring of financial flows in the country in the context of economic security have been established, as a tool for international tax planning in the field of countering offshoring of financial flows in Russia by law enforcement agencies, providing such an opportunity, and can be used in a variety of fields of activity.The conclusions obtained in the course of the study are as follows: scientific research related to the mechanism of functioning of offshore companies as an instrument of international tax planning in the field of countering offshoring of financial flows from the country by law enforcement agencies in the context of economic security is systematized, the features of its development in modern conditions are revealed.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(1):182-188
pages 182-188 views

Topical Issues of the Use of Capital Investments in the Development of Polymer Industries

Koryakov A., Zakharova M.


Innovative technologies and sustainable development play a key role in the modern Russian economy. At the same time, the relevance of capital investments in the development of polymer industries is becoming undeniable. The article considers a range of aspects of investing in this industry, ranging from strategic planning to operational asset management. The current trends and forecasts of the polymer industry are analyzed, methodological solutions for the effective use of capital investments are proposed.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(1):189-195
pages 189-195 views

Tax Incentives as a Tool of Development of PPP Projects for Emergency Management: Experience of PRC Regions

Gao T., Turgel I.


The purpose of the research. The article discusses the public-private partnership (PPP) projects as an important tool for attracting private sector resources to enhance the efficiency and quality of emergency response. It analyzes the extent to which tax incentives influence the financial decisions of corporations and investment returns in the context of regions in China. The purpose of the research is to identify the role of tax benefits in stimulating the use of PPP projects for managing emergencies. It presents specific cases where tax incentives were utilized to recover participating in PPP projects enterprises during the pandemic. Results. The research revealed that the provision of tax incentives has had a positive impact on PPP projects. This is achieved through the reduction of financial burdens on enterprises, lowering costs for PPP projects implementation, and increasing investment returns. These measures provide critical support for the successful implementation of PPP projects and contribute to sustainable national economic development. PRC’s experience demonstrated that even during social crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic, tax incentives effectively promote private sector participation in infrastructure construction and the provision of public services to harmonize the economic and social goals in public policy.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(1):196-202
pages 196-202 views


Taxation of the IT Industry: Features, Problems and Directions of Development

Moroz V., Yakovleva E.


The purpose of the study is to analyze the unique features of taxation in the industry, in particular, to identify problems and determine the prospects for its development in Russia at the present time. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set: analysis of the procedure and the procedure itself in relation to tax benefits provided to IT companies, consideration of these benefits, highlighting the main problems in terms of taxation of the IT sector, as well as determining the direction of development of taxation of the IT industry. Research methodology. The following methods were used in this study: comparison, dynamic analysis, system analysis, induction, classification.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(1):203-210
pages 203-210 views

Evaluation of Tax Efficiency for Organizations: Regional Aspect

Smirnova E., Kadykova V.


The article analyzes the effectiveness of tax benefits by example Tax on property of organizations in the Amur region. The study includes an assessment of statistical data on tax revenues to the regional budget, as well as the structure of the benefits provided. On the example of individual taxpayers, the problems of applying tax benefits in terms of reducing the tax base due to exclusion from the object of taxation are considered, as well as when applying a reduced tax rate. The regional dimension is taken into account. Features of development of the subject of the Russian Federation in the financing of new projects. The paper presents possible solutions to improve the efficiency of tax benefits.Research writing purposes:determining the main tax benefits, which are applied by taxpayers-organizations on separate taxes and to allocate directions of increase in efficiency taking into account regional features.The conclusionsreceived during the research: assessed the current situation with tax benefits on the property tax of organizations at the regional level and considered ways to improve efficiency.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(1):211-216
pages 211-216 views

Problems and Directions for Improving the Procedure for Calculating and Paying Corporate Income Tax by Tax Agents

Moroz V., Fursikova A.


One of the primary taxes that shapes the budget is the corporate income tax, which establishes its function as a safeguard for governmental operations. The regularity and volume of tax revenues to the budget directly depend on the resolution of a number of issues that arise in tax practice due to imperfections in the process for calculating and paying corporate income tax, including from profits received by tax agents. This establishes the relevance of the research topic. The efficiency of the functioning of the economy directly depends on how harmoniously and systematically the tax system is built in the state. Currently, it is urgent to solve a number of problems regarding the payment of corporate income tax by tax agents. These should include the withdrawal of profits from taxation, the participation of tax agents in illegal schemes, the use of aggressive tax planning methods, etc. These problems lead to significant budget losses, which necessitates their solution. There is also a need to make changes to the definition of permanent representative offices, review the requirements for the content and volume of pricing information that tax agents are required to provide in order to control transfer pricing, establish uniform standards for reporting in which companies would disclose data on income received, expenses incurred, their distribution, as well as the amounts actually taxes paid by this category of taxpayers.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(1):217-224
pages 217-224 views

Modern Approaches to Forecasting Corporate Income Tax Revenues in the Russian Federation

Dekanova D., Khoruzhy V.


The purpose of the study.The purpose of the study is to determine the optimal model for forecasting corporate income tax revenues. The subject of the study is modern methods of forecasting income tax revenues to the budgets of the subjects of the Russian Federation, based on mathematical and statistical, regression and autoregressive models with a moving average. The article identifies the advantages and disadvantages of existing approaches to forecasting tax revenues, as well as defines the conditions for the applicability of the considered models in conditions of high dynamics of changes in market conditions and macroeconomic uncertainty. The results of the study are presented, which make it possible to establish the optimal methodology for forecasting corporate income tax receipts, taking into account the statistical limitations of the planning horizon, as well as to identify a forecasting mechanism available for use in long-term planning.Conclusions. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that it is advisable to combine tax forecasting models to achieve optimal predictive and analytical indicators, as well as to apply this approach only within the framework of short-term planning. The final forecast indicator can be identified on the basis of expert assessments, the average value of the indicators obtained, or through a combination of these approaches: an expert assessment of the weighting coefficients to calculate the weighted average value of the forecast indicator.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(1):225-229
pages 225-229 views

World Economy

Analysis of Foreign Experience in Ensuring the Stability of the National Currency

Anishchenko E., Yanushkina Y.


This article examines the essence of ensuring the stability of the national currency in world practice both at the present stage and in the context of the historical development of foreign exchange markets. It is noted that the main criterion for the stability of the national currency is the ratio of the money supply and GDP of the country, which determines the totality of implemented currency, monetary and other policies in the financial sector of the country. The article describes the development of the problems of the formation of a stable ruble and the introduction of its various forms, including the digital ruble.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(1):230-236
pages 230-236 views


Educational Diplomacy as a Mechanism for Strengthening Russian-Chinese Relations

Fedorov N., Kolesnikova T.


The article aims to identify key areas of educational diplomacy for the development of Russian-Chinese relations. To achieve the goal, the article sets and solves a number of tasks. Firstly, an overview of the legal and regulatory base that ensures bilateral cooperation is provided. The set of international agreements is aimed at ensuring educational and scientific exchanges. Secondly, the key projects realised within the educational diplomacy between the Russian Federation and the China are highlighted. The diversity and increase in the number of projects indicate the mutual interest of the parties in the development of Russian-Chinese relations. Thirdly, the factors constraining the cooperation were identified, including: the lack of a system of equivalent recognition of scientific journals of the Russian Federation and the Chinese People's Republic, difficulties in promoting of the Russian universities on the Chinese market, language barrier. Fourthly, the authors identified perspective directions for the development of educational diplomacy of the Russian Federation and offered recommendations for improving it. In particular, a recommendation to increase the use of marketing tools to enhance the prestige of Russian education among Chinese students was developed. It is suggested to develop the activities of Russian universities on the Internet platforms of the People's Republic of China, to expand the presence in the system of online education in China. In addition, the importance of developing bilingual and multicultural programs is emphasised. In the framework of scientific cooperation, it is proposed to create a joint list of Russian and Chinese scientific journals, publications in which will be taken into account in awarding academic degrees and titles in both countries. The implementation of the proposed measures could help strengthen bilateral relations in the educational, scientific, cultural and humanitarian spheres.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(1):237-243
pages 237-243 views

Teleworking in the Data Economy for Generation Z: Analyzing the Opinions of High School Students

Gumerova G., Shaimieva E.


Representatives of generation Z—students of higher education—are active consumers of digital technologies in education and work.The purpose of the study, which is its subject: updating the state of development of teleworking in generation Z by recording responses in the questionnaire process. The object of the study: issues related to the use of teleworking implemented on the basis of information and communication technologies among young people-generation Z—students of higher education during the development of the data economy. Questions (tasks) of the work—a study of the following issues: the prevalence of teleworking among representatives of generation Z-students of higher education: the type of work attractive to respondents; the prevalence of teleworking among the respondents' environment; conditions conducive /hindering the involvement of respondents in the format of teleworking; the essence of « teleworking» for respondents.Research methods: analysis, synthesis, classification, comparative analysis, questionnaire. A survey of youth-generation Z—students of higher education (N=17) was conducted. The questionnaire consists of five parts, seventeen questions: «Characteristics of the student», «For those with and without teleworking experience», «For those with teleworking experience», «For those without teleworking experience», « Teleworking—this is...»The results of the study: the level of distribution of teleworking among generation Z has been confirmed (according to research by the All-Russian Centers for the Study of Public Opinion), research by Russian authors on the threats of teleworking of study and work; the development of the topic of «soft factors» among specialists of future periods. The prospects of teleworking research among generation Z in the form of volunteer activity are highlighted.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(1):244-251
pages 244-251 views

Risk Management in the System of Ensuring Economic Security of Organizations

Turgaeva A.


Task. Risk management, as an independent part of the science of «management», is actively studied by analysts and other researchers. The modern development of risk management is determined by the need for the practical implementation of optimal and effective procedures aimed at managing the risks of the organization. The problem is that risks directly affect the state of economic security of the enterprise, while the enterprise does not always have an understanding of «what risk management is, what is its connection with ensuring the economic security of the organization». The purpose of the study is to form such an understanding and clarify a number of existing statements in this area.Model. The author reveals the essence of the category «risk management» and conducts a study of the close connection with the concept of «economic security of an organization».Conclusions. Risk management seems to be an adaptation toolkit for enterprise risk management, including ensuring balanced and optimal business development in order to ensure a high level of economic security of the organization.Practical significance. Popularizing risk management in organizations as an effective tool in solving problems related to risk management will draw the attention of company management to the practical orientation of risk management procedures to ensure economic security and their effectiveness and efficiency in practice.Originality.The modern directions of development of risk management are clarified in order to ensure the economic security of the organization.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(1):252-255
pages 252-255 views

Correlation of Risk Management Methods and Procedures with Risk Management and Economic Security Systems

Turgaeva A.


Task. Issues devoted to the delimitation of methods and procedures of related scientific areas: risk management, economic security, management and risk management are studied and researched by many authors. This gives rise to thoughts about a single basic basis for the listed scientific movements. So, the author, in order to avoid constant repetition of listing the scientific directions under consideration in the article, calls them directions, economic categories, etc., but the problem raised by the author of the article is the differentiation of the main elements, in particular methods, procedures, goals, objectives, principles between the studied categories, namely risk management, economic security, management and risk management. The purpose of the article is to systematize the listed elements and consider their duplication in the scientific areas under consideration. Model. The author systematizes, on the basis of those reviewed by modern economists and analysts, as well as classic scientific works, the basic elements of risk management, economic security, management and risk management. An attempt was made to find an answer to the question «are there specific developed methods and techniques for risk management of an organization that would distinguish it from the risk management system and other scientific areas?» Conclusions. Economic categories: risk management, economic security, management and risk management are considered as a single process in economic research, and therefore economists do not have a clear opinion and understanding of the differences between these categories. Practical significance. A comparative analysis of the essence of the main elements of risk management, economic security, management and risk management allows us to determine the most appropriate methods and procedures for the practical application of risk management in organizations. Allows you to develop an understanding of the implementation of risk management principles in organizations to achieve their goals. Originality. The list of goals, objectives, procedures and principles of risk management, economic security, management and risk management has been clarified, expanded and systematized.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2024;20(1):256-263
pages 256-263 views