Urban construction and architecture


  • Samara State Technical University.


  • Aleksander K. Strelkov, PhD, Professor (Samara, Russian Federation)


The journal is included in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) database with its full-text electronic version hosted in the Scientific Electronic Library (www.elibrary.ru). Each paper in the journal is given a digital object identifier (DOI), which serves as a unique electronic identification tag for that paper.

Articles selection process

All submitted manuscripts undergo official independent peer-review by either the members of the Editorial Board and or by Russian leading scientists working in the field of scientific issues of the journal.


The journal is published once a quarter (four times a year) in Open Access and covers the following fields: «Architecture and Civil Engineering» and «Energy Engineering».

Research topics

The topics and sections of the journal are as follows:

  • Architecture and Civil Engineering:
    • 05.23.01 – Building structures, buildings and constructions
    • 05.23.03 – Heat Supply, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, Gas Supply and Lighting
    • 05.23.04 – Water Supply, Sewage, Construction Systems for Protection of Water Resources
    • 05.23.05 – Building Materials and Products
    • 05.23.07 – Hydraulic Engineering
    • 05.23.08 – Technology and Organization of Construction
    • 05.23.19 – Ecological Safety of Construction and Urban Economics
    • 05.23.20 – Theory and history of architecture, restoration and reconstruction of architectural heritage
    • 05.23.21 – Architecture of Buildings and Constructions. Creative Concepts of Architectural Activity
    • 05.23.22 – Urban Planning, Planning of Rural Settlements
  • Energy Engineering:
    • 05.14.02 – Electric Power Stations, Networks, and Grids
    • 05.14.04 – Industrial Thermal Power

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Current Issue

Vol 14, No 2 (2024)


On one method for determining the porosity and filtration coefficient of soil in situ
Bukhman N.S., Bukhman L.M.

A simple and cheap field method for determining the porosity of the soil and its filtration coefficient is considered. Graphs are presented for the direct determination of these parameters by the depth of a puddle of liquid on the surface of dry soil, the time of complete absorption of this liquid into the soil and the time of half absorption, during which the depth of the puddle decreases by 2 times. Simplified techniques are presented that allow us to limit ourselves to measuring the initial depth of the puddle and the time of its complete absorption and allow us to obtain an approximate estimate of the filtration coefficient with an accuracy of factor 2.

Urban construction and architecture. 2024;14(2):4-8
pages 4-8 views
Technology for purification of acid mine water using the complexation-ultrafiltration method
Naschetnikova O.B., Sokolkina A.S., Shabunin A.F., Nikiforov A.F.

The problem of purification of metal-containing acidic mine waters is extremely relevant for the Ural region. It noted 5 mines that have a significant impact on the ecological state of the water basin of the Sverdlovsk Region. Among them is the Levikhinsky copper mine near Kirovgrad, the conditionally purified mine waters of which flow into the Tagil River. Results of monitoring the state of the river. Tagil showed the ineffectiveness of the current treatment system. As a result of our research, a fundamental integrated technological scheme for the purification of mine waters was developed using the complexation-ultrafiltration method and the use of an accessible, cost-effective reagent produced in the Russian Federation ▪ potassium humate. The effectiveness of the technological scheme has been confirmed by laboratory tests.

Urban construction and architecture. 2024;14(2):9-14
pages 9-14 views
Testing of magnesium complexates of nitrilotrimethylene phosphonic acid to prevent metal corrosion and salt deposits
Driker B.N., Protazanov A.A.

The work is devoted to testing magnesium complexonate nitrilotrimethylenophosphonic (NTP) acid as a reagent that reduces the corrosion rate and the amount of mineral deposits formed. The corrosion rate was controlled by measuring the polarization resistance of water using the Expert-004 device. In the course of the work done, a high efficiency of inhibition of scale deposits and corrosion was established in the boiler house of the city of Polevsky, operating on the water of the city pond. A complex scale and corrosion inhibitor Mg-NTF was proposed and tested under production conditions in the technological systems of URAL-Sakhar 1 LLC, which made it possible to significantly reduce operating and capital costs.

Urban construction and architecture. 2024;14(2):15-22
pages 15-22 views
On the practical implementation of the requirements of article 55.24 of the urban planning code of the Russian Federation when calculating water supply systems of apartment buildings
Strelkov A.K., Zotov Y.N., Mikhailova I.Y.

The article is devoted to topical issues of assessing the compliance of the federal level regulatory and technical base, which defines the main requirements for water supply systems of apartment buildings, with the requirements of Article 55.24 of the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation. The existing judicial practice on the provision of utilities and the amount of their payment and the methodology of regulatory and technical documents of the federal level in the field of construction were considered. Based on the analysis of judicial practice and the methodology of regulatory and technical documents, their relationship revealed the main cause of problems in the operation of apartment buildings. Recommendations are provided that provide legitimate design solutions in the presence of legislative gaps in federal regulatory and technical documents.

Urban construction and architecture. 2024;14(2):23-27
pages 23-27 views
Assessment of the impact of the adopted norm of specific water consumption on the efficiency of operation of pumping stations
Teplyh S.Y., Kotovskaya E.E., Kotovsky A.E.

The paper considers a sample of the actual specific water consumption of several closed hydraulic circuits accumulated over a long-term observation period. Using standard statistical methods, the types of distribution density function were determined and analytical expressions were obtained for the specific water consumption of the corresponding neighborhoods, followed by drawing on a summary graph and quantifying falling into the normalized range of specific water consumption in accordance with SP 31.13330.2021. The influence of the actual specific water consumption on the performance of pumping equipment, pumping water pumping stations is shown.

Urban construction and architecture. 2024;14(2):28-37
pages 28-37 views
Purification of highly concentrated wastewater from tanneries
Kalaeva S.Z., Khatyushin S.V., Zharov M.A.

The relevance of the study is due to the need to purify industrial wastewater generated from the treatment of animal skin to the MPC indicators that allow such water to be taken into the city’s general sewage network. In recent years, the technology of the production processes of tanneries has undergone significant changes, which has led to the formation of wastewater with higher concentrations of pollutants, including chromium. The purpose of the study is to determine the effectiveness of methods and technology of wastewater treatment of leather production. The paper studies the methods and processes of cleaning, allowing to provide regulatory results, as well as the experience of operating treatment facilities of tanneries. A variant of separation of effluents from the process of ashing, followed by oxidation of sulfides before discharge into the CNS, is considered. Data collection was carried out at a tannery in Yaroslavl. The production technology was studied, wastewater sampling was carried out and laboratory tests were carried out at various stages of the leather processing process. The scheme of treatment facilities is considered, sampling of incoming wastewater for treatment and wastewater of treated waters is carried out. The analysis of the results of wastewater treatment is carried out, the research data are presented, on their basis conclusions are formed on the effectiveness of the applied method of wastewater treatment of leather production.

Urban construction and architecture. 2024;14(2):38-45
pages 38-45 views


Influence of aggregate on the structure and properties of concrete
Murtazaev S.Y., Salamanova M.S.

The dominant role of the binder system and the water-cement ratio has been proven by many studies, but the importance of the aggregate should also be noted, because a large share in the volume of the material belongs to it. By forming a rigid skeleton, the filler participates in the formation of the structure of the composite, and it is it that is responsible for the contact strength with the cement matrix. A study of the physical and mechanical properties and granulometric composition of the filler is necessary to determine the material’s compliance with the requirements of GOST 8267–93. The work carried out on designing the composition of concrete using coarse aggregate from the North Caucasus Federal District made it possible to evaluate the contribution of this component to the process of formation of the structure and strength of concrete stone. Occupying the predominant volume in the mass of concrete, coarse aggregate affects the technical performance, durability and cost of the final product. The study of physical and mechanical properties and granulometric composition of the aggregate will make it possible to correctly design concrete formulations, which is a crucial point in obtaining specified classes of concrete, and will subsequently affect the operational reliability and durability of objects under construction.

Urban construction and architecture. 2024;14(2):46-55
pages 46-55 views


About the operation of wooden floors of residential buildings
Gordeeva T.E., Cheburanov E.V.

Preservation of residential buildings from different periods of construction allows us to preserve the identity of cities. The regulatory regulation of issues of financing repairs and the feasibility of using various methods for restoring the working condition of wooden floors of buildings commissioned in the mid-20th century are analyzed. Various methods of repairing and restoring wooden floors are considered from the point of view of labor intensity and efficiency of the methods.

Urban construction and architecture. 2024;14(2):56-60
pages 56-60 views
Increasing the reliability of organizing logistics for construction
Demidenko O.V.

To increase the reliability of the organization of material and technical supply and reduce the total costs of construction, an algorithm for enumerating supplies using dynamic programming logic has been developed, allowing to reduce the volume of computational operations. The presented methodology for organizing the distribution of supplies over time allows us to solve the problem of optimizing the delivery schedule of material resources, increasing the uniformity of supplying construction flows with material resources, and reducing the size of working capital in construction. The materials of the article make it possible to plan the organization of supplies of material resources in construction and are the basis for further research.

Urban construction and architecture. 2024;14(2):61-66
pages 61-66 views


Modern techniques of using materials in architecture and design
Zaslavskaya A.Y., Tabaeva E.V.

The article discusses a brief history of the use of selected materials in architecture and interior design. A typology of modern architectural materials is given. Examples of the use of unusual and innovative materials to solve complex plastic problems are considered. Unconventional views on the use of familiar materials to achieve optimal visual or tactile effect are highlighted. Methods of unique processing of natural materials, and effective visual solutions for the use of synthetic, composite materials in architecture and interior design are shown.

Urban construction and architecture. 2024;14(2):67-74
pages 67-74 views
Small and medium towns of nizhegorodskoe povolzhie region: in search of the lost harmony. Part 2
Lisitsyna A.V.

The second part of the article highlights the processes of historical and architectural environment transformation in small and medium-sized towns of the Nizhegorodskoe Povolzhie region during the Soviet and post-Soviet periods. The author analyzes the factors that led to the loss of architectural landscapes visual harmony that had developed by the beginning of the 20th century. The historical and architectural environment is interpreted as a phenomenon of the region architectural and urban culture. It is considered in the context of topical historical and theoretical problems of architecture and urban planning: problem of traditions and innovations; problem of mass and unique; problem of style and image; problem of global and identical. The general regularities of the historical and architectural environment formation and development throughout the life cycle of the New and Newest times are investigated.

Urban construction and architecture. 2024;14(2):75-83
pages 75-83 views
The architectural and construction features as a criteria of identity of the Orthodox Churches
Vavilonskaya T.V., Lyzina A.G.

The article discusses the architectural and constructional solutions of Orthodox churches in the region, including techniques for supporting the completion tier on the lower tier and types of vaults. It considers the origins of these solutions and evaluates the importance of their architectural and constructional aspects as criteria for identity, as well as their role in shaping the temple. At each stage of development, the article highlights typical, unique, and specific characteristics. Using examples, it analyzes the use of wall-mounted corner supports and their organization, as well as the connection between construction techniques and temple dimensions.

Urban construction and architecture. 2024;14(2):84-93
pages 84-93 views
Problems of reconstruction and preservation of historical and architectural appearance of redbrick buildings of educational institution of the end of XIX – beginning of XX centuries of the city of Voronezh
Tankeev A.S., Popov P.A., Chernysheva E.A.

This article identifies emergence and development of «brick» style, its influence on architecture of buildings. The reasons for which this style got its popularity and was used in the mass construction of buildings and structures have been determined. As an example, the buildings of objects of cultural heritage of the city of Voronezh, belonging to educational institutions, some of which still retain their original function of an educational institution. The research concluded that the buildings, made in «brick» style, should be preserved, their value in the architectural and planning structure of the city and the historical and cultural significance of buildings in the formation of the architectural appearance of streets was determined. Conclusions were made about the problems of reconstruction of the urban area in the historical development and preservation of cultural heritage objects in the conditions of changing the street space during the construction of modern buildings. Brief recommendations are given, which will avoid a number of problems when designing new buildings in the conditions of historical urban development.

Urban construction and architecture. 2024;14(2):94-102
pages 94-102 views


Conceptual strategies in the works of Rem Koolhaas
Danilova E.V.

The article is devoted to the key concepts in Koolhaas’s work. The article discusses the concepts implemented by the architect when developing a functional program, spatial structure, and architectural form. Various objects created by applying these concepts are analyzed. Many examples are given to illustrate Koolhaas’s original method. Features of the application of concepts that ensure the uniqueness of the design solution in each object are revealed, when using similar design tools. Particular attention is paid to the evolutionary development of concepts ▪ from their theoretical basis and experimentation in early projects to their consolidation in symbolic patents as architectural inventions.

Urban construction and architecture. 2024;14(2):103-114
pages 103-114 views
Ecological practices in the design industry
Repina E.A., Bekaryukova A.S.

The article analyses actual “green” solutions and practices applied in the design industry. Modern technologies of design-projecting from the point of view of observing the principle of environmental friendliness are considered. The ideological and practical importance of the ecological issue is emphasised and the universal concern about it is asserted. A number of advantages of incorporating environmental practices into design are identified, as well as related problems and challenges.

Urban construction and architecture. 2024;14(2):115-121
pages 115-121 views


The basic principles of urban planning transformation of the megapolis greater Samara suburban area. Part two
Gud’ I.D., Akhmedova E.A.

Today the suburbanization phenomenon in the course of intensive suburban areas transformation of megapolises has reached a mature phase. The suburbs, formerly consisted only of residential areas, have been overgrown with new powerful types of neo-industrial production. Multihubs with the places of attraction of local tourism, sports, rural culture and handicrafts have endowed with identification markers suburban zones and suburban belts of megapolis urban agglomerations with multihub characteristics. The author’s article is based on the scientific works of specialists studying urban processes related to international and russian interest in the phenomenon of transformation of megapolis suburban areas. Using the example of the Volga megapolis Greater Samara, there are considered: Spatial structure of multihub systems; long-wave cycles of the sequence of the technological structure of the world community.

Urban construction and architecture. 2024;14(2):122-132
pages 122-132 views
Fourth wave technologies in construction and architecture: from idea to realization (Part 1: Basic understanding, definition and historical events)
Kashiripoor M.M.

The Industrial Revolution is the restructuring of society under the influence of innovations in technology and technique, which is accompanied by a jump in productivity. Today, the 4th revolution is taking place, which is rapidly changing the landscape of various areas of life, including architecture and the construction industry. The Industry 4.0 revolution connects technologies used in organizations and people’s daily lives. It combines physical and digital technologies. But it doesn’t develop as a daily simple life in architecture and construction industry like many other industries like as automotive, aircraft, electronic etc. The relevance of the study is to study and analyze the stage of the historical event on the industrial revolutions (specially fourth industrial revolution) and his realization in today’s construction and architecture industry.

Purpose of study: a comprehensive review of contemporary and historical literature related to fourth industrial revolution, and his realization level in the industry with specific focus on construction and architecture industry.

Thus, the main tasks of the study can be distinguished as follows: review of historical literature and basic understanding of the industrial revolutions; understanding of Industry 4.0 and its principles and benefits; reveal and introduce Industry 4.0 in construction and architecture industry; some samples about using Industry 4.0 in construction and architecture industry.The first part of the study is devoted to the basic concept, definition, and historical events of the fourth wave technology. In conclusion, the advantages and main problems of this technology are described. The research used the method of analysis of scientific and historical literature and documents related to the Industrial Revolution (specially fourth industrial revolution) and his achievement in the construction and architecture industry to achieve and formulate conclusions.

The conclusion of study is about today’s stage of realization of fourth industrial revolution in the construction and architecture industry and his point of view to next industrial revolution which start from 2017. The author believes that the development of the construction and architecture industry now and in the future depends on the attention and use of new industries and professionals in this industry specially IT specialists and technology. The conclusion of the first part of the study outlines the advantages and problems associated with fourth wave technologies.

The scientific novelty of the study is to study, analysis, identify main factors of Industry 4.0, and collection of some samples of realization of this technology (fourth wave technologies) in construction and architecture industry.

Urban construction and architecture. 2024;14(2):133-142
pages 133-142 views
Gis-based analysis of building density in the territories of large cities and megapolises of the Volga region
Shcherbina E.V., Kuznetsov I.V.

The current urban planning situation is characterised by the need to justify the reorganisation, integrated development and renovation of the territories of the large cities and megapolises of the Volga region, which requires the development of new methodological approaches to their solution. In this aspect, the analysis of building density distribution, as one of the significant urban planning indicators, makes it possible to create a systematic approach to solving the identified urban planning problems. Using the proposed methodology, based on the application of geographic information systems tools, we have assessed the distribution of building density of such cities of the Volga region as Yaroslavl, Nizhny Novgorod, Cheboksary, Kazan, Ulyanovsk, Togliatti, Samara, Saratov, Volgograd and Astrakhan, illustrated by the mosaic distribution of this parameter. Comparison of the data with the results available in open sources and previously obtained by other methods showed that the proposed methodology allows achieving the necessary measurement accuracy and level of data verification.

Urban construction and architecture. 2024;14(2):143-148
pages 143-148 views
Image of the city. Code of cultural identity of the megacity on the basis of architectural heritage
Samogorov V.A., Zubkova I.I.

The preservation of entire blocks of historical buildings in the city centre makes Samara a unique city and creates the phenomenon of “architectural identity” - recognisability, identification of images. The aim of the article is to identify the system of priority identification features of Samara architecture. The research formulates criteria and principles of Samara’s architectural identity, identifies the most typical architectural images that characterise the code of the city’s cultural identity.

Urban construction and architecture. 2024;14(2):149-154
pages 149-154 views
Development of science in the space of russian capitals: The beginning of the Way
Frezinskaya N.R., Sergeev K.I.

The article examines the processes of the formation of science in the space of Russian capitals. The features of the formation of networks of scientific objects in capital cities are noted: established (Moscow) and new (St. Petersburg). The formation of each network is considered against the background of the development of the city’s planning structure. The influence of production process technology on the selection of sites suitable for scientific research is shown. The reasons for the concentration of scientists in the Moscow territorial area “Kremlin ▪ Kitai-Gorod” and St. Petersburg “Vasilievsky Island” are determined. Materials are presented that characterize the development of communication between scientific institutions and educational institutions, manufacturing enterprises and other urban facilities that use the results of research work in their activities. Attention is paid to the problem of resettlement of scientists, production workers, teachers and students, organization of relatively independent towns within urban areas. The changes that the spatial organization of science underwent in the cities under consideration during the 17th and 18th centuries are analyzed.

Urban construction and architecture. 2024;14(2):155-164
pages 155-164 views
Diversification as a direction of spatial development megacities and its impact on the regional systems formation
Yushkova N.G., Dontsov D.G., Nikiforova D.N., Ovcharova T.P.

The modern territorial planning as its methodological bases uses the formed scientific provisions, the current legislative framework, progressive pioneer developments from urban planning practice. This system is constantly updated, responding to the leading trends in the socio-economic structure of society, which receive appropriate spatial projections. The trend of the formation of innovative infrastructure has been distinguished in recent years among many sources of innovation of vital activity space. When planning an innovative infrastructure, it is important to determine the principles of its formation, the types of its components, and rational spatial schemes of their location. As a result of this approach, the objectivity of the content of the developed strategies increases. Thanks to this, high accuracy of regulation of territorial systems, constant monitoring of changes in their condition, as well as prompt adjustment of planned urban development activities are ensured.

Urban construction and architecture. 2024;14(2):165-174
pages 165-174 views

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