卷 3, 编号 3 (2021)


Towards the Creation of a Unified State: the Experience of the Yugoslav Peoples

Polovchenko K., Klochko E., Insarov A.


More than thirty years have passed since the beginning of the collapse of the Yugoslav state, and this process has received considerable attention in the scientific literature. At the same time, there are practically no studies that would analyze the origins and causes that caused the formation of Yugoslavia as a state of the Yugoslav peoples. The purpose of the research carried out in the article was to analyze the causes and the initial stage of the transformation of the ideas of the common historical fate of the Yugoslav peoples into creative processes leading to their political and legal unification in one state. The historical method was used as the main one, which allowed the author to trace the process of crystallization of the ideas of Yugoslavism with all the contradictions. In addition, the author used a comparative method, which allowed him to study the specifics of each next stage of this process in a comparative way. According to the results of the study, the author came to the conclusion that, despite the general aspiration of the Yugoslav peoples to unite, nevertheless, each of the Yugoslav peoples sought to solve their problems during the unification process, which in some cases contradicted the interests of other peoples. All this created all those «cracks» in relations, which later, seventy years after the creation of a single Yugoslav state, led to the complete disintegration of Yugoslavia and the separation of the Yugoslav peoples.
History and Modern Perspectives. 2021;3(3):12-21
pages 12-21 views

Historical Roots of the Xinjiang Problem as an Obstacle to the Development of Sino-Turkish Relations

Tao J.


Within the framework of relations between China and Turkey, connections between Turkey and the Xinjiang Region of China occupy a special place. Sympathy and support from Turkey for the Islamic Movement of East Turkestan (hereinafter - ETIM) became an obstacle to the development of Sino-Turkish relations after the establishment of diplomatic relations between Turkey and China in 1971. In the Qing Dynasty (1636-1912), almost no trace of connections existed between the Ottoman Empire and Xinjiang. The Ottoman Empire began its political and religious penetration into Xinjiang with the help of the propaganda of the ideology of pan-Islamism during the uprising of Yakub-bek (1865-1878). Since the end of the XIX century the Ottoman Empire also began to spread its Pan-Turkism ideology to Xinjiang. Gradually, such a policy led to the growth of separatist sentiments in the region, and the Xinjiang problem has become an integral part of Sino-Turkish relations. This article examines the process of the emergence and spread of the ideology and practice of Pan-Islamism and Pan-Turkism in Xinjiang in the 1860s - 1930s.
History and Modern Perspectives. 2021;3(3):22-27
pages 22-27 views

Japan and the EU: Transnational Cooperation in the XXI Century

Karenin D., Kuzmin V.


Up to the present day only a few historic studies of current relations between the European Union and Japan have been carried out. Most of them are focused on events that took place during the first decade of the 21st century. Up to now the theme in question has mainly been researched by journalists and political scientists. At the same time, the massive integration processes initiated by Brussels and Tokyo pose and interest to historians involved in studies of international relations. The aim set by the authors of the current article is to study and analyze the development of contemporary relations between Japan and the nations of Western Europe. The authors resorted to the complex systems approach, as it is the best way to describe the multidimensional nature of ties between Europe and Japan. Among the main sources of information used for the research in question are foreign periodicals, bilateral and multilateral agreements between Japan and the EU, statistical reports of the European Commission and the Government of Japan as well as a number of earlier studies carried out by Russian, Japanese and Western scientists. The conclusion made by the authors of the article is that in spite of the trends towards strengthening of national egoism and protectionism, which have been on the rise since the 2009 global financial crisis, Japan and the European Union continue to build up their cooperation based on the principles of neoliberalism thereby proving the viability of this model of international relations.
History and Modern Perspectives. 2021;3(3):28-37
pages 28-37 views

Preventing the Threat of Biological Weapons: Emigration to the United States of Kazakh Microbiologist Ken Alibek

Alexandrov S.


The purpose of the study. In 1992, microbiologist Ken Alibek migrated to the US, where he soon began to testify to CIA representatives about the top-secret biological weapons program in the USSR. The scientist saw his mission to the United States as countering the threat posed by biological weapons. This publication considers materials from 1992-2005 devoted to the public activities of Ken Alibek in the US as a popularizer of the idea of countering biological weapons and bioterrorism. Despite the acquired public fame, the image of Ken Alibek since the mid-2000-s began to acquire the features of a person who not only exaggerated the threat of biological weapons, but also was also involved in dubious stories. As a result, the author of the article attempted critically think the statements made by Ken Alibek in the US, including questioning the fact the USSR had a biological weapons program. This study focuses on the personal contribution of a scientist to the fight against the threat of biological weapons. Results. The author concluded that some of Ken Alibek public statements were not actually confirm. Nevertheless, a number of documents and actions of the American authorities confirm the existence of a biological weapons program in the USSR. Also after the events of September 18, 2001, the world community became convinced of the reality of the threat of bioterrorism. Ken Alibek identified the problem of biological weapons in the public field; with this activity, he made a personal contribution to preventing the threat of biological weapons.
History and Modern Perspectives. 2021;3(3):38-52
pages 38-52 views

Historian Renato Risaliti in Search of «a Country of Happiness»

Mikhaylenko V.


Renato Risaliti (1935-2020) is one of the outstanding modern Italian researchers of Soviet and Russian history, literature, public and political life, and culture. His approach to the history of Russia is distinguished by the uniqueness of the concept, which was formed on the basis of a comparative analysis of Russian and Italian history, a thorough study of archival sources, and personal experience of staying in Russia. His research on Russian-Italian relations is particularly valuable. For example, it is reflected in the monograph «Russians in Florence and Tuscany», translated into Russian. In his younger years, Risaliti was an active functionary of the Italian Communist Party, headed the chapter of the society Italy-USSR, was elected mayor of the city of Agliana (Tuscany). In the interview offered to the reader, Risaliti shares his personal experience of becoming interested in the study of Russian history and very warmly and thoroughly describes his communication with Russian scientists, primarily with those who professionally studied Russian-Italian relations and the history of Italy. He sets out the basics of his unique concept of the history of Russia and the USSR, the reasons for the collapse of the USSR. The interview illustrates the political process within Italy, which led to the departure of 40-year-old communist activists, to whom he himself belonged, to marginal positions. The recruitment of young people to leadership positions by E. Berlinguer, the head of the PCI, led to the renewal of the party's political course (the concept of Eurocommunism). Perhaps the break in tradition was one of the reasons for the democratic transformation of the PCI and the subsequent dissolution. The title of the article «In search of a country of happiness» is the title of his book about the USSR. What he was not disappointed in was his sincere sympathy and respect for the Russian people and his colleagues in the professional community.
History and Modern Perspectives. 2021;3(3):53-61
pages 53-61 views

La Resistenza a Roma durante l’occupazione nazista. Il ruolo dei socialisti e il martirio di Bruno Buozzi

Neglie P.


In this essay we want to reconsider the role of the socialists in the Resistance in Rome, showing that their role was by no means marginal. Of course, the centrality of the Garibaldi Brigades in Italy occupied by the Nazis cannot be denied, compared to them, the action of the Matteotti Brigades was actually negligible, but in Rome the socialists were protagonists. During the Nazi occupation, in conditions of grave danger, the socialist Bruno Buozzi, secretary of the General Confederation of Labor when Fascism took power, entered into delicate negotiations to reconstitute the union, committing himself so that it was unitary and therefore included communists, socialists and Christian Democrats. In Rome occupied by the Nazis, every form of disobedience acquired the characteristics of an opposition, a real resistance which, among other things, was organized by the military apparatuses of the Socialist and Communist parties. Sabotage and disturbance actions were organized daily to make life impossible for the enemy, who reacted with tremendous reprisals. Thanks to spies, the leaders of the opposition were arrested and among them also Bruno Buozzi whose arrest and death are still not clear in all their complex dynamics. Immediately after the arrival of the Allies in Rome, the union was reconstituted but the agreement, the result of mediation and the long work of Buozzi in the first place, was backdated in homage to his commitment and sacrifice.
History and Modern Perspectives. 2021;3(3):62-69
pages 62-69 views

Fabulous Folklore of Mordva as a Reflection of the Historical Memory of Ethnos

Mokshina E., Narvatova M.


The article analyzes the fairy tales of the Mordovians as a source of preserving the historical memory of the ethnos. The aim of the research was to reveal the unique information preserved in this form of oral-poetic creativity of the Mordovian people on pre-Christian deities, names, customs and traditions, family routines, social and domestic life and much more, which is its richest heritage. The research was based on such methods as comparative-historical, historical-genetic, problem-chronological, structural-systemic, included observation, logical, descriptive-narrative, generalization, classification and systematization. The authors use specific examples to show how rich and diverse the fairy tale folklore of the Mordovians. Its peculiarity is poetry, wit, soulfulness and wisdom. When analyzing the historiography of the topic under consideration, it is noted that a significant contribution to the collection and study of Mordva folklore was made by pre-revolutionary ethnographers M. E. Evseviev, V. N. Mainov, P. I. Melnikov-Pechersky, A. P. Smirnov, A. A. Shakhmatov, and of modern researchers we can highlight the works of N. F. Mokshin, G. A. Kornishina, A. S. Luzgin, E. N. Mokshina, Y. N. Sushkova. Conclusions: A fairy tale is an important element of the culture of the Mordovian people, it reflects their historical memory, worldview and life philosophy. Transmitted from generation to generation, fairy tales have conveyed to us a lot of important information, which was difficult to record in other ways and it could simply disappear.
History and Modern Perspectives. 2021;3(3):70-75
pages 70-75 views

«Do not Emphasize this Issue in the First Place...». The Study of Islam in Soviet Historical Science in the 1920s-1930s

Rolskiy A.


The article analyzes the main factors that reveal the specifics of the study of Islam in Soviet historical science in the 1920s-1930s. These include the dialectical-materialist method, which determined the Marxist methodological approach to religious topics, the normative legal acts of the Soviet state, which outlined the framework for the interaction of church and state in the period under review, atheism as a certain historical form of attitude towards religion in society. The sources for the analysis were the texts of scientific and journalistic works of Soviet historians, which traced the influence of these factors in the study of Islam. The aim of the study is to identify the specifics of the interaction between science and politics on the example of studying the scientific heritage of Soviet Islamic scholars in the context of weak institutionalization of Soviet historical science. The history of the study of Islam during this period showed that the approach to religious problems depended, first of all, on the political situation. Changes in the domestic and foreign policy tasks of the Soviet state, which included territories with a significant Muslim population, were reflected in a peculiar way in works on this subject. This, in turn, allows us to speak of the existence of autonomous stages in the study of Islam in the USSR. However, despite the obvious ideological bias and the influence of the state's religious policy on scientific research, works appeared that have not lost their scientific significance today.
History and Modern Perspectives. 2021;3(3):76-84
pages 76-84 views

Features of Historical Education at the Turn of 1960-1970. (Based on the Materials of the Ural State University named after A.M. Gorky)

Kamynin V.


The article analyzes the peculiarities of obtaining historical education in the USSR in the era of the beginning of the transition to «restalinization» at the turn of 1960-1970 on the basis of the use of sources of personal origin. The Ural State University named after A.M. Gorky (USU), the history department of which the author of this article graduated in 1972, was an average regional university of the country. However, in the field of historical education, there were processes in this educational institution that often went beyond the typical peripheral university. The article considers the peculiarities of the organization of the educational process at the faculty of history, describes some teachers, their approach to teaching the subjects being read, the situation that has developed at the faculty. Naturally, the observations of the author of the article are subjective. However, the author allows them to be expressed, given that by now a significant and unique array of sources of personal origin has accumulated, allowing for the reconstruction of the processes that took place at the historical faculty of USU. The essence of these processes, in our opinion, was that the change in the policy of the ruling party at the turn of 1960-1970 was directly embodied in the teaching of social and historical disciplines at the «ideological» faculty. Students who received a historical education at USU during these years saw with their own eyes the struggle between the old and the new in teaching.
History and Modern Perspectives. 2021;3(3):85-95
pages 85-95 views

Modern Historiography of Problems of Metallurgy Development in Russia in the Second Half of the XIX Century and Industrial Policy

Tarasov R., Zapariy V.


The historiography of ferrous metallurgy is almost three hundred years old. The issues of historiography devoted to this topic, which is quite extensive, are considered. Serious scientific research was carried out, revealing both general aspects of the history of the development of the metallurgical industry in Russia, and private ones, concerning the history of individual metallurgical centers, enterprises, analysis of factors affecting domestic production. It is shown that most of the literature is devoted to the Ural metallurgy. The authors dwell on the fact that the problems were generalized in a number of works published in the last decades of the 21st century. One of the first reviews of the historiography of metallurgy is the work of prof. V.V. Zaparia, contained in his monograph on the 300th Ural metallurgy and a number of his articles. In the future, it was presented in a more substantiated manner in the work of Academician V.V. Alekseev and prof. D.V. Garilov, where there are several sections concerning the historiography of the issue. The authors of the article review the largest historical, historical and technical works of the beginning of this century, concerning the second half of the 19th century. However, they only consider those that are relevant to the formation of industrial policy in the field of metallurgy. When reviewing works, they place emphasis on regional publications.
History and Modern Perspectives. 2021;3(3):96-102
pages 96-102 views

State Legal Tender Without Restrictions in Russia: on the Issue of Periodization

Alyamkin A.


The article deals with the issues of periodization of paper banknotes as an instrument of the financial policy of the state. The purpose of the work is to identify the stages of development and improve the system of paper money circulation from the point of view of institutional theory and chronological approach. For the first time, periodization covers the entire period of the existence of paper money from their appearance under Catherine II to the present day. A feature of this work is that it lists all the issues of paper money carried out on the territory of our state. The features of paper money circulation at each stage of its existence (imperial, transitional, emergency money circulation, Soviet monetary system, modern) are given. The article provides a brief analysis of historiography, indicating a number of works devoted to the problem of research. The connection between the form of existence of paper money and the tasks facing monetary circulation from the point of view of state interests is shown. Some of the author's statements are controversial.
History and Modern Perspectives. 2021;3(3):103-113
pages 103-113 views

Military Development and Military Formations in the Territory of Perm Province During the First World War: to the Historiography of the Problem

Emelyanov A.


The article is devoted to the history of the study of such an important aspect of all-Russian and regional history as the question of the formation, deployment and functioning of military units in such a deep rear region of Russia as the Ural (Perm province) during the First World War. Both general works and studies carried out on local material are considered. As an integral part of the Kazan military district, Perm province became during this period one of the main mobilization bases and arsenals of the Russian army. The purpose of the article is to show how issues related to the mobilization and deployment of military units on the territory of the Perm province, its role in replenishing the army in the field, were reflected in domestic historical and popular literature. Despite the extensive historiography of the First World War, these issues were not fully reflected in Soviet and modern Russian historiography.
History and Modern Perspectives. 2021;3(3):114-118
pages 114-118 views

«From One Metal a Medal for Battle is Poured, Medal for Labor...» (Review of the Book: Shunyakov D.V. Awarded System of the USSR in the Years of the Great Patriotic war (1941-1945) / Scientific Editor V.V. Zapariy. Ekaterinburg: «Bank of Cultural Information», 2021. - 196 p.)

Trofimov A.


In his review, Professor A.V. Trofimov gives a detailed picture of a new study by the young historian D. Shunyakov, dedicated to the award system of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War. The difference between this monograph and many of the works written earlier is emphasized. Firstly, this is the first comprehensive study, where award production is considered, as a system aimed at initiating the soldiers and commanders of the Red Army, as well as civilians, to achieve a speedy victory over the enemy. Secondly. The work provides a complete picture of all types of awards from government awards, banners, signs, etc. to monetary and material incentives for those who have distinguished themselves. And, thirdly, a description of the stages of development and improvement of this system for the entire period of the war is given.
History and Modern Perspectives. 2021;3(3):119-122
pages 119-122 views

The History of Science in the Continuity of Generations: a Review of a Scientific Publication, the Encyclopedia «Scientific Schools of the Ural Federal University»

Zaitseva E.


The presented publication provides a review of the publication that has appeared in print - an anniversary encyclopedia dedicated to the currently existing scientific schools of the country's leading university, the Ural Federal University. The characteristic of this work, published for the centenary of this university, is given. It shows both the role of prominent scientists in the formation of scientific schools, and the university's personnel potential in the formation of scientific directions, the development of which made it possible to make breakthrough discoveries in not only regional, but also world science. Attention is paid to the implementation of this project by the team of authors.
History and Modern Perspectives. 2021;3(3):123-125
pages 123-125 views