卷 4, 编号 2 (2022)



Zapariy V.
History and Modern Perspectives. 2022;4(2):11
pages 11 views

To the problem of new industrialization and evolution of technological modes in the Urals. Part 1. Primary Practices

Litovskiy V.


The article studies the practices of regional industrialization, signs of transition to the next technological order and key parameters of its activation based on ideas about energy production cycles and historical analysis of technological shifts in the basic branches of the Ural industry. The factor of spatial approaches to its placement is also investigated. The possibilities of actualization of historical practices in modern conditions are verified. The possibilities of actualization of historical practices in modern conditions are verified. Two platforms for accelerating the transition to higher technological modes are highlighted: (a) the first platform relies on internal capacity; b) The second platform is focused on external extraterritorial technological borrowing and importation. The relationship between the evolution of the administrative formations of the region and industrial complexes with the prevailing technological modes was studied in order to understand the features of the historical territory of the Urals. The influence of changes in the size of the territory has been studied in the formation of branches of the regional economy and industrialization, its relationship with territorial rent and sectoral differentiation has also been studied. It is shown that the size of administrative entities and industrial complexes of the territory is associated with the evolution of production energy cycles. This predetermines the status, as well as the historical perspective of the territory, its readiness for new industrialization.
History and Modern Perspectives. 2022;4(2):12-19
pages 12-19 views

Transformation of Individual Peasant Farms in the Ural Region on the Eve and in the Initial Period of Collectivization

Filatov V.


The article is devoted to an important problem for historical science, the situation of individual peasant farms in the pre-kolkhoz village and at the beginning of mass collectivization. The analysis of Russian and foreign historiography shows that scientists mainly study the issues of collectivization and dispossession. Less attention is paid to the state of individual farms during the socialist reconstruction of the village. Based on the materials of one of the largest regions of the USSR, an attempt has been made to fill this gap in historical science. The purpose of the article is to reveal the results of the state policy on the elimination of the private sector of the rural economy, first of all, the prosperous peasantry, the forced transformation of these rural residents into a special category of superfluous people in the construction of socialism. The object of the study was individual peasant farms, and the subject of their study was the dispossession: deprivation of political rights, non-economic impact, dispossession, repression of villagers. The article uses both general scientific methods and historical-genetic, comparative, statistical and other methods of historical research. Analysis of sources revealed a reduction in individual peasant farms in the Ural region, a sharp drop in their role in agricultural production, voluntary and forced entry of peasants into collective farms, dispossession, forced transfer of villagers to other social groups.
History and Modern Perspectives. 2022;4(2):20-31
pages 20-31 views

Chess Sport in the First Years of Soviet Power: From Amateur Hobbies to the Organized Movement of Intellectuals

Demchik E., Gorovoy A.


Chess as a special kind of intellectual activity and sport, which received an additional impetus for development in the conditions of Soviet reality, became one of the ways of forming a new type of society. Since the first years of Soviet power, the state's support for the mass development of chess sports was aimed at the formation of creative and analytical abilities of citizens who at the same time possessed certain social qualities that demonstrated the intellectual superiority of the Soviet person. The article considers chess sport is considered as a historical and cultural phenomenon of Soviet reality. The peculiarities of the chess structure organization, its internal mechanisms, functioning and development of chess institutions in new historical conditions are revealed. There is the characteristic of the chess`s role in the formation of the Soviet intellectual social environment. Based on the cause-and-effect relationships` identification of the process of the formation of chess sport as one of the institutions of the spiritual life of society, an assessment of its development in the first years of Soviet power is given.
History and Modern Perspectives. 2022;4(2):32-38
pages 32-38 views

The State of Labor Protection at Defense Enterprises in Wartime Conditions (1941-1945)

Potemkina M., Zharkynbayeva R.


Labor productivity directly depends on the conditions in which the employee works. In this sense, it is relevant to study the historical experience of the influence of external and internal factors on the level of labor safety. This article attempts to analyze the state of labor protection, the specifics of industrial injuries and cases of occupational diseases during the Great Patriotic War on the example of a number of large defense industry enterprises of the USSR. The methodological basis of the study is the theoretical concept of «working history», elements of the institutional approach are also applied. The research problem is solved by introducing into scientific circulation and analyzing a new set of historical sources extracted from the archives of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan. An increase in the discrepancy between the real state of the working conditions of workers and the legislatively fixed norms of labor protection was noted. The conclusion is made about the growth of injuries and accidents in extreme conditions of war. The reasons for such a negative trend were identified: the arrival of evacuated enterprises to unprepared sites, a decrease in the financing of labor protection measures in the context of a general shortage of resources, a change in the qualitative composition of the workforce, intensification of labor, weakening control over ensuring labor safety, a decrease in the value of human life in the public opinion of military society . It is shown that inspection checks and punishments for violations of safety rules during the labor process did not introduce qualitative changes in the working conditions of workers during the war years.
History and Modern Perspectives. 2022;4(2):39-46
pages 39-46 views

The Sverdlovsk Railway in 1941-1945: Transition to Military Rails

Speransky A.


The paper analyzes the importance of the USSR railway transport, which managed to maintain its main network despite the difficulties of the Great Patriotic War and provide unprecedented volume of military, industrial and evacuation transportation in the world. The main emphasis in the paper is on the military reorganisation of the Sverdlovsk railway, divided during the war into two routes - one named after L.M. Kaganovich (since 1943 - Sverdlovsk Railway again) and Perm Railway. They provided train traffic to the European part of Russia, covering the territories of the Middle Urals, Kama Region and Western Siberia. The paper shows ideological solidarity and comradely cohesion of the Ural railway workers, manifested at rallies, during mobilization events and in combat operations at the front. The author draws attention to the replacement of men who left for the active army and the introduction of a personnel reserve in the face of women and teenagers into industrial production. The paper notes that women successfully mastered male professions and a significant part of female workers directly ensured the movement of trains, delivering everything necessary to the front. The paper describes involvement of graduates of technical schools, pupils of vocational schools and schoolchildren in the labour activity. The paper also demonstrates the forms and methods of their industrial training and contribution to the development of railway transport. The paper concludes that despite all hardships of the war, the Ural railways continued to operate smoothly, thanks to the mobilization of all organizational resources and dedication of personnel.
History and Modern Perspectives. 2022;4(2):47-53
pages 47-53 views

Creating a Food Base around the Industrial Centers of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War

Motrevich V.


The article examines the process of creating a suburban agricultural zone around the industrial centers of the Soviet Union at the final stage of the Great Patriotic War, based on the materials of declassified resolutions of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR. It is shown that the purpose of this direction of the agrarian policy of the USSR was to provide the population of industrial centers with potatoes, vegetables and dairy products. This required a change in the specialization of agricultural enterprises assigned to the suburban zone, which in those conditions it was not possible to do without the help of the state. Therefore, in 1944-1945 by the resolutions of the Soviet government, in a number of industrially developed republics and regions of the country, the mobilization of labor from collective farms to industry, construction and transport was prohibited, the debt of previous years on mandatory supplies was written off from agricultural enterprises, part of the land unsuitable for economic use was excluded from taxation, etc. Since 1945 in order to stimulate the production of potatoes, vegetables and root crops for the collective farms of the suburban zone, it was allowed to reduce the norms of mandatory grain supplies. As a result, milk production has significantly increased in a number of industrialized republics and regions of the country, such as the Bashkir ASSR, Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk and Chkalov regions, potato and vegetable crops have grown, which has improved the nutrition of the urban population.
History and Modern Perspectives. 2022;4(2):54-58
pages 54-58 views

The Press as a Source of Studying the Visual Heritage of Soviet Everyday Life

Klinova M., Trofimov A.


The purpose of the study. The article undertakes a historiographical and source-based analysis of the potential of the Soviet periodical press as a source of studying the visual heritage of Soviet everyday life. Conclusions. Magazine and newspaper periodicals in the USSR were an important part of the media space, defined and updated the information agenda, broadcast normative meanings and images, performed propaganda and educational functions, formed public tastes and requests, conducted a dialogue with the readership. In modern historiography, the idea of the political and ideological bias of the Soviet periodical press and the limited possibilities of using this historical source is widespread. As a source of research on visual subjects of the Soviet period, periodicals can be in demand in the context of studying «correct» and deviant labor practices, standards of material consumption, leisure activities of Soviet citizens. Based on the established historiographical and source-based approaches to the analysis of the content of journal periodicals, the article records a high degree of relevance of this type of source in the context of studying the visual heritage of Soviet everyday life.
History and Modern Perspectives. 2022;4(2):59-64
pages 59-64 views

The Results of Reforms in the Field of Training Highly Qualified Personnel in the Late XX- Early XXI Century: Scientific Personnel

Zaitseva E., Zapariy V., Asryan G.


Aim - to study the last 25 yeas dynamics in the system of Russian postgraduate education. The research is based on institutional analysis of the system of postgraduate education, as well as the resource approach in assessing the human potential of scientific personnel, postgraduate students and doctoral students. A comparative approach allowed us to analyze the dynamics of changes in the numbers, gender, age characteristics of researchers, doctoral students and graduate students for the last decades. Other methods used include analysis and systematization of statistical data, periodization method, analysis of theoretical sources, secondary analysis of sociological data. Results: the article presents the overview of Russian postgraduate education system evolution and analyses characteristics of its present state. The authors introduce their own periodization of the postgraduate education system development. The study presents human capacity, age and gender profiles of scientific personnel. The study reveals the trend in reducing the number of organizations providing postgraduate studies, as well as the decrease in the number of postgraduate and doctoral students and researchers. The authors came to the conclusion that the present situation is characterized by the contradiction between government regulation to the system of postgraduate education and its possibilities to ensure these requirements. The crisis in the system of Russian postgraduate education is evident. The presented results evaluate the process of training highly qualified educational personnel, the effectiveness of the institute of postgraduate and doctoral studies, as well as the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of scientific personnel in Russia. The data presented in the article will contribute to the development of the state educational policy and bring the process of training highly qualified educational personnel in accordance with the requirements and demand for highly qualified specialists in modern industry and science.
History and Modern Perspectives. 2022;4(2):65-75
pages 65-75 views

On the Issue of the Capacity of Industrial Landscapes (Based on the Material of the Charcoal Metallurgy of the Urals of the Late XIX - Early XX Centuries)

Shumkin G.


The paper attempts to apply the concept of «the capacity of the enclosing landscape» in relation to charcoal metallurgy. The object of the study was the ferrous metallurgy of the Urals in the late XIX - early XX centuries. The statistical reference books of the Mining Scientific Committee served as the source base for this study. The conducted research has shown that the charcoal metallurgy can be considered as an «enclosing landscape». In the late XIX - early XX centuries, the ferrous metallurgy of the Urals reached the limits of the capacity of its main resource - mining forests. On average, in 1882-1911. there were 20.7 workers per 1000 desyatina forests. At the same time, the density of workers gradually increased. If before 1895 there were 18.7 workers per 1000 desyatina forests, then after 1895 it was 21.9, 6% more. This growth was due to going beyond the limits of the production capabilities of the «ecological niche», since at the same time the share of mineral fuel in the energy balance increased by 6%. At the beginning of the XX century, the reduction of the forest area by 25.6% led to a reduction in the number of workers by 25.7%. The influence of the terms of trade (the ratio of prices for metal and bread) on the capacity of the ferrous metallurgy of the Urals was analyzed. The inverse relationship between the prices of bread and the number of workers per 1,000 desyatina of forest has been revealed.
History and Modern Perspectives. 2022;4(2):76-84
pages 76-84 views

Games of the World Behind the Scenes: Views of the Jurist P. S. Romashkin

Sushkova I.


The article examines the institution of monopolies from the point of view of influence on world processes. The prominent Russian jurist P.S. Romashkin characterized the post-war era from the standpoint of strengthening militarism in Western states, expressed in a significant increase in the state budget, a significant part of which was military spending. P. S. Romashkin drew attention to the considerable role of the American-British monopolies in arming Hitler's Germany, which provided loans to create a powerful military industry, arming the Wehrmacht. The researcher argued that Hitler's Germany could not have resisted for so long if a number of cartel agreements between the largest American and German monopolies had not contributed to this. A striking example of the use of war to get out of economic decline was the role of American monopolies in unleashing a war against the Korean people.
History and Modern Perspectives. 2022;4(2):85-94
pages 85-94 views

History of the Scientific Rationale of the «Telemedicine» Concept: Professor K.T. Bird’s Research Group Contribution

Vladzymyrskyy A.


Scientific development of the problems of using telecommunications for medical purposes covers the period from the second half of the 19th century to the present day. The progress of technical and methodological aspects proceeded in parallel. After decades of scientific knowledge’s evolution, in the 1970s the concept and the term «telemedicine» appeared. The purpose of the article is to reconstruct the history of the scientific rationale of the «telemedicine» concept and term, also as to study the activities of the scientific group that played a key role in this process. In 1968-1976 at the Massachusetts General Hospital (USA), a scientific group of Professor Kenneth Bird functioned; they carried out two scientific projects to create a «telemedicine network». The group made consistent research, which resulted in the substantiation the «telemedicine» as the distant medical care using telecommunication technologies; the corresponding term was introduce into scientific circulation. The necessity of an integrated approach is substantiated. «Telemedicine» is perceived as a set of electrical communications, diagnostic devices, and methods of translation and interpretation of medical data. The scientific group for the first time evaluated the accuracy of distant diagnostic decisions made using two-way television communication. The special design for this scientific study created. Now, it become a classic.
History and Modern Perspectives. 2022;4(2):95-103
pages 95-103 views

Motrevich Vladimir Pavlovich: A Historiographical Portrait. To the 70th Anniversary of his Birth

Kamynin V.


The article is devoted to the scientific research of the famous Ural historian V.P. Motrevich. It briefly shows the formation of V.P. Motrevich as a researcher, characterizes the results of his early work in the field of agrarian history of the Urals. The article focuses on the analysis of the author's publications in the post-Soviet period, describes in detail the scientific results obtained by him and their practical use.
History and Modern Perspectives. 2022;4(2):104-110
pages 104-110 views

Anglo-American Historiography on the Legal Basis of the Activities of British Companies in Russia in 1892-1914

Bobrova I.


The article is an attempt to demonstrate a number of viewpoints held by British and American scholars on Russian legislation that governed British companies operating in the Russian Empire at the end of the 19th - early 20thcentury. The article identifies the main aspects of the problem that academics tend to focus on. Predominantly experts seek to establish the extent and severity of arbitrariness of the Russian legal system, the scale of discrimination and injustice faced by British subjects and British companies. It is apparent today that this approach is unproductive due to its inability to aid in understanding of the legal differences between the Russian companies and British companies operating in the Russian Empire - they are still considered as identical. Moreover, it is underestimated that the vast country at the time presented a conglomerate of contrasting in juridical terms zones. Each one often had its own legal system under which companies and workers exercised significantly different rights. Latest attempts of the scholars to shed light on economic history of the Russian Empire of its latest decades of existence seem to suggest a sign of an emergence of a more constructive approach in investigation of British companies and the legal basis for their work in Russia.
History and Modern Perspectives. 2022;4(2):111-118
pages 111-118 views

Attitude of the US Congress to the Nuclear Disarmament of Kazakhstan (1991-2001)

Alexandrov S.


The collapse of the USSR entailed a large number of problems and uncertainties for millions of people around the world. One of the potential dangers posed by the consequences of the Belovezhsky agreements was the threat of nuclear proliferation. Kazakhstan was one of the four republics that inherited part of the Soviet nuclear arsenal. For many reasons, the US administration expressed a direct interest in nuclear disarmament of the young Central Asian republic and was ready to take a direct part in the process of nuclear disarmament of this country, which was also true of Ukraine and Belarus. Such determined intent and consistent action distinguished the White House's approach to disarmament of Kazakhstan from that of a number of other non-nuclear club countries, such as Israel and Pakistan. The legislative branch - represented by the US Congress - supported the administration in this matter, despite the traditional confrontation between the branches of government and the era of divided government under the administration of W. Clinton. The disarmament of Kazakhstan was a task for the United States that went beyond the interest of national security in its direct meaning. The purpose of the study is to identify the attitude of American congressional representatives to the topic of nuclear disarmament of Kazakhstan. Conclusions. The author concluded that the US Congress supported the presidential administration's efforts to nuclear disarmament Kazakhstan, but only in cases where the solution to this issue did not depend on American parliamentarians. Otherwise, there was no absolute consensus in Congress.
History and Modern Perspectives. 2022;4(2):119-131
pages 119-131 views

The Influence of Ostalgia and the Existence of the GDR on the Political and Social Agenda of Germany

Bardin G.


Purpose of the research: the article deals with the influence of the phenomenon of ostalgia on the modern politics of Germany. There is an analysis of differences in foreign policy and electoral opinions between West and East Germans. The purpose of the study is to identify the degree of impact of the historical division of Germany into the FRG and the GDR and the subsequent ostalgia after the unification of the country on the modern political and social agenda within the country. Results: The phenomenon of ostalgia affects the population of eastern Germany quite widely in several areas. Socially and culturally, East Germans feel offended because the legacy of the GDR and all the good that is associated with it is being erased from history. Ostalgia has recently been an important factor in the framework of national elections, the participation of Germany in various regional organizations, as well as in the context of increasing dissatisfaction among residents with some decisions of political elites. After the reunification of Germany, the lands of the former GDR became a direct participant in the Western regional and political system. More than 30 years later, a united Germany became a «home state» for the East Germans, but still there is support among them for the opinion that in some matters the GDR was much more preferable than the modern FRG. The author concludes that ostalgia and the very fact of the existence of the GDR clearly influence and will continue to influence German policy in various fields.
History and Modern Perspectives. 2022;4(2):132-140
pages 132-140 views

Turkism in the Building of the Turkish Nation and its Influence on Sino-Turkish Relations

Tao J.


The purpose of the research. The article discusses the process of nation building in Turkey. The influence of nation-building on the transition of the Ottoman Empire to a modern nation-state is analyzed. The purpose of the research is to identify the influence of Turkism in the construction of the Turkish nation, emerging in the second half of the 19th century, and its influence on Chinese-Turkish relations. As grounds, the influence of foreign Turkic intellectuals and Turkish intelligentsia on the construction of the Turkish nation is highlighted. Results. As a result of the study, the author comes to the conclusion that Turkism does not fundamentally differ from Western ideas about nation building. It should be noted that the genesis of Turkism became entirely possible thanks to the borrowing of the methods of Western social science and the adoption of the principle of language as the most important. In the conditions of development, Turkism tries to use the principles of Orientalism and linguistics. However, in modern Turkey, Turkism/Pan-Turkism has always shown a tendency towards extremism that transcends the boundaries of the nation-state. The author concludes that dissatisfaction with the nation-state and self-identification makes pan-Turkism the desire of many people in Turkey to go beyond the territorial nation-state. A number of examples from the history of foreign policy have emerged and Ankara's repeated gross interference in China's internal affairs for diplomatic purposes.
History and Modern Perspectives. 2022;4(2):141-147
pages 141-147 views

Genesis and Transformation of the Elite of the Moscow State. Review of the Monograph: Benetsianov M. M. the Service Elites of the Moscow State. Formation, Status, Integration. XV-XVI Centuries - Moscow: Tsentrpoligraf, 2021. - 254 p. - (The Latest Research on the History of Russia)

Shishkin I., Shishkina S.


This publication shows the results of the analysis of Benetsianov's monograph and characterizes the content devoted to the formation of the service class and its elites in Russia in the XV-XVI centuries. It emphasizes that the sources used by Benetsianov signify his competence of the problem under study. The author systematizes the existing approaches to the study of the service class of medieval Russia. He recreates the process of formation of the service elite in general and shows the aspects of that development. This paper highlights the advantages and omissions in the Benetsianov’s study with the reflection of the reviewer’s positions.
History and Modern Perspectives. 2022;4(2):148-152
pages 148-152 views

Review of the publication Boris Vasilyevich Lichman (1946-2020). Biobibliographic reference book. // Compiled by V.V. Zapariy, V.D. Kamynin, L.N. Martyushov, V.P. Motrevich, S.A. Nefedov, A.V. Speransky, G.N. Shaposhnikov. -Yekaterinburg. 2022. -56 p

Zaitseva E.


In a short review, a description is given of a biobibliographic reference book dedicated to Professor B.V. Lichman. Boris Vasilievich Lichman belongs to the generation of Russian historians who worked for a long time at the Ural Polytechnic Institute, now UrFU. He made a great contribution to the industrial history of the Urals, developing a new methodology - a multi-conceptual history of Russia, which was implemented in a series of textbooks, methodological publications and articles. The review contains a description of his publications.
History and Modern Perspectives. 2022;4(2):153-155
pages 153-155 views