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Volume 6, Nº 3 (2023)


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Analytical review of the publication activity of the journal

Lev M.


The analytical review examines the main tasks, goals and competencies of the articles published in the journal "Economic Security". Based on statistical data, the analysis of the dynamics of the journal's publication activity was carried out. The following indicators were used: distribution of publications by academic degrees and titles of authors, distribution of publications by organizations, distribution of publications by year, distribution of publications by the number of co-authors, and distribution of publications by keywords.The journal "Economic Security" was created in order to publish materials of scientific research, articles, reports, the results of round tables, conferences, seminars, and symposiums on a thematic area for familiarization with a wide range of Russian and foreign readers. The journal has become an information platform for many specialists, where it is possible to get information about the current state and trends in the development of the science of economic security and share achievements, experience, discuss common tasks and problems.The results of the study may be in demand in practical activities for authors studying economic security materials as auxiliary material and bibliographic research. FUNDING: The article has been prepared in accordance with the topic of the state task Reg. No. RD 121030500096–5; Reg. No. IKRBS "New challenges and threats to socio-economic security: measures of budgetary and financial regulation".
Economic Security. 2023;6(3):827-848
pages 827-848 views

Empirical analysis of economic security short-term indicators

Mityakov S., Nazarova E.


The analysis of the short-term indicators' dynamics of the country's economic security for the period from January 2020 to December 2022 was carried out. The system of indicators includes four projections: the sphere of the real economy, the social sphere, the monetary and financial sphere, and the foreign economic sphere. In each projection, three indicators were selected. They are characterized by independence from each other and reflect to the greatest extent the properties of the corresponding direction of economic security. When selecting indicators, the recommendations of the current Economic Security Strategy, as well as open access to them in official sources were also taken into account. For the organization of monitoring of economic security, the application of methods of reducing indicators to a dimensionless form with subsequent calculation of synthetic indicators, i.e. integral indices of economic security, is proposed. In this case, the traffic light model is used, which contains three risk zones. If the indicator value is below the critical level, then it falls into the red zone. If the value of the indicator is between the critical and target levels, then it falls into the yellow zone. If it is above the target level, then it falls into the green zone. During this period, the development of two crises was registered. The first of them is related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the second one is associated with the introduction of economic sanctions against Russia in connection with the situation in Ukraine. The dynamic analysis of each of the 12 indicators, generalized projection indices, as well as the integral index of economic security in the context of crises is carried out. In addition, a comparative analysis of the impact of economic crises on the economies of Russia, the United States and the euro zone is given. The proposed indicator systems for operational monitoring of economic security can be effectively used in the practical activities of management bodies to ensure an adequate level of economic security.

Economic Security. 2023;6(3):849-864
pages 849-864 views

Relative assessment of the sensitivity of the russian economy to restrictions on its foreign trade

Kazantsev S.


When choosing measures to inflict damage on an opponent, competitor, adversary and enemy, they usually look for the weakest points of the attacked subject (object). Opponents of the Russian Federation believe that the weakness of the Russian economy is the export-raw material orientation of its development that has developed after the collapse of the USSR. Therefore, numerous anti-Russian sanctions in the field of foreign trade are among the measures to destroy the economy of the Russian Federation. This article presents the results of a study by the author of the question: is the national economy of the Russian Federation more vulnerable in the field of foreign trade than the economies of its main opponents? An analysis of World Bank data suggests that this is far from the case.Статья подготовлена по плану НИР ФГБНУ «Института экономики и организации промышленного производства СО РАН», Проект (0260-2021-0008) «Методы и модели обоснования стратегии развития экономики России в условиях меняющейся макроэкономической реальности».
Economic Security. 2023;6(3):865-876
pages 865-876 views

Evolution of anti-inflationary methods of social sphere regulation amidst mobilization economy in the context of economic security

Lev M.


The article examines the evolution of anti-inflationary methods of regulating the social sphere amidst pre-mobilization and mobilization economy in the context of socio-economic security. The achievement of specific economic targets directly affects the well-being of the population. At the same time, changes determine the ability of the system to self-preservation. The author of the article draws a parallel between biological and economic evolution using the example of the analysis of economic indicators. The author examines the patterns of events of the new economic reality. Economic indicators are used not only as a product of statistical analysis, but also as a solution in the dynamic movement of a previously existing model of the socio-economic sphere in the process of long-term transformations related to strategic directions of long-term planning in the interests of socio-economic and national security.The author evaluates and analyzes the price factors. On the basis of these factors, the inflation rate is determined from 2014 to 2022, both according to a public survey and based on data from Rosstat and the Bank of Russia. The results of the study showed the need to use a new economic model to increase the incomes of the population, taking into account price factors.The practical significance of the study is contained in the application of the proposals made by legislative and executive authorities in the formation of economic, monetary, and pricing policies amidst the mobilization economy at the present stage.FUNDING: The article has been prepared in accordance with the topic of the state task Reg. No. RD 121030500096–5; Reg. No. IKRBS "New challenges and threats to socio-economic security: measures of budgetary and financial regulation".
Economic Security. 2023;6(3):877-904
pages 877-904 views

Economic security: technological sovereignty in the economic security system in modern Russia

Karavaeva I., Lev M.


The article presents the materials of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “The 7th Senchagov Readings” on the topic “Russia's economic security: responding to new challenge” for scientists, specialists, academic staff and postgraduates, held in Moscow on March 23-24, 2023 in full–time and ZOOM format on the basis of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences and with the organizational and scientific participation of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, V.Ya. Kikot' Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg State University of Economics, Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University named after R.E. Alekseev, Section of Problems of Macroeconomics and Social Market Economy of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and the Journal "Economic Security". The main directions of the forum discussion on the sectional direction "Technological sovereignty in the system of economic security of modern Russia" are highlighted. Promising areas of research in the field of economic security and the development of anti-sanctions policy are particularized. The article is based on the results of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “The 7th Senchagov Readings” on the topic “Russia's economic security: responding to new challenge”.The article has been prepared in accordance with the topic of the state task Reg. No. RD 121030500096-5; Reg. No. ICRBS "New challenges and threats to socio-economic security: measures of budgetary and financial regulation".
Economic Security. 2023;6(3):905-924
pages 905-924 views

Transformation of the domestic economic model to ensure technological sovereignty

Shushunova T., Sitnikov E., .


The results of scientific research aimed at ensuring Russia's technological sovereignty during the period of digital transformation and large-scale economic sanctions are given. The analysis of external challenges and threats to the economic security of Russian companies associated with their low susceptibility to innovation was conducted. The assessment of the liberal economic model and its negative impact on the destruction of the potential of the industrial complex is presented. The most important tasks of the new scientific, technical and industrial policy to ensure the competitive advantages of Russian companies amidst technological blockade are identified. As the basic direction of the radical modernization of the Russian economy with a change in its structure and transition to new technological and world economic patterns as a result of the fourth technological revolution, the new industrialization of Russia is considered. This should ensure the economic sovereignty of the country and increase the efficiency of material production to increase the level and quality of life. Within the framework of the current socio-economic system, taking into account the conditions of interaction with other countries, the implementation of the planned promising directions of the new industrialization of the country is carried out. To assess the opportunities and threats in the implementation of the tasks of new industrialization that affect its effectiveness, the analysis of technical and economic factors that ensure the planned development in combination with the classical political economic methodological approach linking the development of productive forces with the necessary transformation of the system of public relations is used. To achieve economic security based on the implementation of new industrialization, it is necessary to improve the management of the scientific and technological complex and plan its development, adjust the industrial strategy, carry out personnel training measures in advance and accelerate long-term RD, as well as strengthen raw materials, provide financial support and improve infrastructure, taking into account the necessary requirements amidst a new world order.
Economic Security. 2023;6(3):925-940
pages 925-940 views

Analysis of threats to Russia's economic security related to the problems of public administration of scientific and technological development

Selezneva I., Klochkov V.


The article examines the impact of the problems of public administration of the scientific and technological complex of Russia on its economic security. Alternative innovative development management policies have been formalized. These are the policies of legalism and utilitarianism. The author proposes a model for evaluating the effectiveness of choosing a policy for managing scientific and technological development, depending on the likelihood of creating a new technology, the costs of research and development, their duration in comparison with the life cycle of the new technology being created, and cost savings during its implementation.The expected effect of the new technology introduction over the entire life cycle for various combinations of model parameter values is calculated.The conditions of economic efficiency of the choice of a particular management policy in the development and implementation of new technology are determined. The proposed approach is illustrated by the example of the Russian Post lighthouse project for cargo delivery using unmanned aircraft.
Economic Security. 2023;6(3):941-962
pages 941-962 views

World experience of import substitution policies and food provision

Yushkova Y.


The article is devoted to the study of the world experience in the implementation of the import substitution policy and food supply strategies in various territories. Various approaches and their effectiveness were considered on the example of specific countries, such as China, India, Argentina, the USA, the EU countries and Canada. The author analyzes both successful and unsuccessful attempts at import substitution and food security, identifying key success factors and the main reasons for failure. Based on the data collected, recommendations to improve approaches and strategies in these areas were given.
Economic Security. 2023;6(3):963-974
pages 963-974 views

State regulation of Russia's environmental security in the context of the global agenda

Shekhova N.


The article describes the main strategic directions advisable to carry out state regulation of environmental safety in order to achieve sustainable development. It is proved that the most important strategic goals here are the implementation of ESG strategies, the introduction of the principles of corporate social responsibility, the optimization of the energy sector, the assessment of the feasibility of energy transfer and the greening of consumption. Ensuring environmental safety is possible through the practical implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by most countries of the world. SFGs have found their programmatic formalization in the relevant national strategies. Achieving sustainable development in order to ensure environmental safety is possible only if state regulatory instruments are developed taking into account environmental and social factors, as well as corporate governance factors. The most important areas of CSR that can ensure sustainable development and environmental safety are as follows: successful business practices and socially responsible investments. The most important areas of optimization of the energy sector in order to ensure environmental safety are energy conservation, energy digitalization and energy transfer. There is the need for a thorough and comprehensive analysis of possible radical changes in the global energy market when deciding on the feasibility of energy transition for modern Russia. Ecologization of consumption in order to ensure environmental safety is advisable in the form of energy saving, sorting of household waste, preference for durable goods, as well as goods that do not require long-distance transportation, rejection of packaging and joint consumption.
Economic Security. 2023;6(3):975-992
pages 975-992 views

Green economy as a factor of regional economic security (on the example of Primorsky Territory)

Levkina E., Lyalina Z., Loksha A.


The development of economic security requires institutional changes and consideration of specific regional, sectoral and country specifics. Despite the considerable interest and contribution of economic scientists to the theory and methodology of economic security, it should be noted that there are certain gaps in methodology and tools for the development of the green economy as an economic security component at the regional level. These arguments determined the choice of the topic, purpose and objectives of the study.To solve the tasks set, general scientific and applied research methods were used. They are as follows: economic-mathematical and economic-statistical methods for analyzing and evaluating trends in the economic and ecological development of the region, bibliometric and content analysis of the National Electronic Library E-library to confirm the research hypothesis.The information base of the research included the regulatory and legislative framework on research issues, materials of international and regional scientific and practical conferences, materials of periodicals, materials of electronic resources and mass media, results of socio-economic research, service and reference information and results of own research.This study is of an applied nature. The research purpose was to substantiate the formalization of the project of the regional cluster Green Ports of Primorye, which will allow companies to embark on the path of transition to a green economy for the collection and disposal of ship waste, which is especially important for the Primorsky Territory.
Economic Security. 2023;6(3):993-1012
pages 993-1012 views

Financial risk management during climate change in the context of economic security

Leshchenko Y., Medvedeva M., Lev M.


The relevance of the study lies in the interpretation of the essence of financial risks associated with climate change. The characteristic features of climate risk classifications are considered. The existing methods for assessing financial risks with the possibility of integrating climate risks into them analyzed. Approaches to scenario analysis and stress testing defined.Based on the results of the study, the following conclusions made:– Financial risks associated with climate change have unique characteristics that require detailed and forward-looking measurement methodologies;– the current measurement of financial risks associated with climate change is focused on matching short-term transition risk factors with counterparty and banking portfolio risks;– Key areas for future analyzes relate to gaps in data and risk classification methods that require assessment of long-term climate events.The conclusions made it possible to formulate proposals for the formation of a roadmap for accounting for climate-related financial risks.Статья подготовлена в соответствие с темой государственного задания Рег. № НИОКТР 121030500096-5; Рег. № ИКРБС «Новые вызовы и угрозы социально-экономической безопасности: меры бюджетно-финансового регулирования».
Economic Security. 2023;6(3):1013-1040
pages 1013-1040 views

State regulation of structural transformations in the Republic of Belarus: evolution of approaches, risk assessment and prospects

Rozhkovskaya E.


The article is devoted to the problems of state regulation of structural transformations in the Republic of Belarus. The main methodological approaches to the state regulation of structural changes are considered; the basic principles of their practical application are substantiated. Based on the empirical data, periods that differ in terms of approaches to state regulation of structural transformations of the Belarusian economy, the tools used and the direction of economic policy are particularized. Within the framework of the proposed periodization, an assessment of the intensity of structural shifts under various types of economic policy was carried out. With the strengthening of administrative methods of state regulation, the speed and intensity of structural shifts decreased. Even while maintaining a significant role of the state in the economy, the strengthening of market mechanisms, primarily free pricing, contributes to progressive structural changes due to the convergence of price proportions in the national economy and the economic systems of developed countries. The challenges and threats of the current stage of structural transformation in the conditions of increasing sanctions pressure and external restrictions are considered. These challenges and threats include the risk of simplifying the structure of the economy and reducing economic complexity, increasing dependence on traditional industries with low added value, and the collapse of fast-growing promising sectors. The features and limitations of state regulation of structural changes at the present stage are analyzed.
Economic Security. 2023;6(3):1041-1064
pages 1041-1064 views

Assessment of economic security threats in the demographic sphere of the Russian Federation

Senkov V., Domnichev D.


Demographic problems are closely related to the situation in the economy of any state. They have a global impact on economic security, manifesting problems in the economy, causing the importance of solving them with the key role of the state.The article provides a review of statistical materials on the assessment of demographic security in the concept of economic security of the Russian Federation.The assessment of threats in the demographic sphere was carried out; and their impact on the economic security system of the Russian Federation was determined.

Economic Security. 2023;6(3):1065-1084
pages 1065-1084 views

The role of information space in regional economic security

Nikolaev M., Peryshkin M.


Increasing the role of information and knowledge in the modern economy updates the research of complex problems of the regional information space. The research purpose was to analyze the role of the information space in ensuring the regional economic security. The conducted research allowed to identify the following methodological aspects of the information space: the nature, purpose, objectives, principles and a system of indicators. Within the framework of a systematic approach, the information space is considered as a set of information carriers and this information itself. Global goals and objectives of the information space development are aimed at ensuring sustainable development. Local goals and objectives are aimed at increasing the level of informatization of social sectors, as well as public and municipal administration. The principle of security is considered as the leading principle of the information space creation. The information space plays a special role in the digital economy, in which knowledge and information are the main production factors. A model of the influence of the information space quality on the regional economic security is presented. For its evaluation, indicators characterizing the current state, development prospects, competitiveness, standard of living, labor market, as well as the state of medicine and health of the regional population are proposed.Based on the indicators of the development of the digital economy in the region, the state of the information space is characterized. Modeling has shown a significant impact of the information space quality on the regional economic security.FUNDING. The publication was prepared with the financial support of a grant from Pskov State University for the event "Conducting fundamental scientific research and exploratory scientific research by small scientific groups under the leadership of a leading scientist"; Application No. science2022_2-8561-6522.
Economic Security. 2023;6(3):1085-1102
pages 1085-1102 views

Transformation of regional economic sustainability parameters in the context of economic security development

Miller A.


The article is devoted to the study of ensuring the regional economy stability amidst modern challenges. It is theoretically proved that in the practice of the regional economy, a special place is given to the study of the parameters of its stability in the context of the development of economic security. The concentration of efforts in a certain direction depends on the specifics of the regional actors' activities and the problems they face. For this reason, an exceptional role is assigned to the system of ensuring the regional economic security, which is faced with the need to solve the problems of sustainable technological transition. In order to ensure the economic security of the regional economy, the processes of transforming its stabilizing parameters are studied.The subjects of the regional economy carefully approach the development of a strategy for their sustainable technological development. Trends in the transformation of sustainability parameters that determine promising areas of economic security for the development of the regional economy are revealed. The conducted research made it possible to substantiate the scientific and institutional prerequisites for the transformation of the parameters of the regional economy sustainability and to link them with the tools for ensuring economic security. The method of formation of regional economic security indicators is proposed.FUNDING. This research was performed within the framework of the state assignment of the Omsk Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Project No. 121022000112-2).
Economic Security. 2023;6(3):1103-1120
pages 1103-1120 views

State regulation of the modern financial and payment system and economic security: etudes

Polishchuk S.


At present, our country and virtually all the BRICS countries and the Global South are facing unprecedented economic pressures from the Western Paradigm. The author conducts a detailed analysis of the countries' financial situation and current trends. The primary goal of public policy in the development of the financial and payment system is defined. A rationale for the need and a proposal for unified international or block rules for settlements and payments is given.

Economic Security. 2023;6(3):1121-1132
pages 1121-1132 views

Assessing the economic security of a hotel business

Glebova O., Mitrofanova M.


The article discusses various aspects of assessing the hotel facilities' economic security. To assess the economic security of a hotel facility, it is proposed to use a resource-functional method. Based on the analysis of economic security indicators of economic entities, taking into account the specific performance indicators of hotel facilities, a system of indicators for assessing the hotel facilities' economic security is proposed. As a result of the analysis of the existing classifications of risks affecting the economic security and classifications of specific risks affecting the hotel facilities' activities, the main risk factors of the economic security are identified.Based on the analysis of existing methods of complex assessment of the level of economic security of economic entities, a method of complex assessment of the hotel facilities' economic security based on the calculation of the aggregate criterion using the distance method is proposed. This technique allow to take into account the features that characterize the aspects and risk factors of the hotel facilities' economic security, to assess the level of economic security both in general for the company and for its individual functional components.
Economic Security. 2023;6(3):1133-1152
pages 1133-1152 views

Occupational safety culture in the integrated safety management system of industrial companies

Lyskova I.


In combination with industrial safety management, quality management, environmental management, occupational safety and health management, an essential component of the integrated industrial safety management system is the management of industrial safety culture. Together with the culture of industrial safety, the culture of quality, the ecological culture of industrial processes of industrial companies, occupational safety culture is an integral part of the integrated system of industrial safety culture. The study of theoretical and practical aspects of occupational safety culture is necessary for the development of corporate programs and standards of industrial safety culture as one of the modules of the integrated safety management system of industrial companies.
Economic Security. 2023;6(3):1153-1174
pages 1153-1174 views

Electronic budget in the system of strategic planning and economic security

Belova S., Vladimirova O., Grishmanovskiy D.


The article examines the main elements of the state integrated information system "Electronic Budget" (GIIS EB). Based on the analysis of strategic planning documents, it is concluded that it plays a significant role in the transition to a digital economy and the achievement of targets, as well as in ensuring the economic security of the region and the state in in general. The issue of efficient use of budgetary funds is becoming increasingly relevant due to the increasing role of the state in solving socio-economic issues and digitalization of management processes. In modern conditions, characterized by the transformation of world economic relations, the presence of a significant amount of sanctions, the intensification of work on the introduction of digital assets and currencies into circulation, the relevance of further development and improvement of the Electronic Budget system seems obvious. Based on a practice-oriented approach, the authors identified problematic issues of an organizational nature, personnel, financial, software and information support. Measures to improve activities in the area under study are proposed.
Economic Security. 2023;6(3):1175-1194
pages 1175-1194 views

The ability of large corporations to form revenues of the budget system in the new geopolitical realities (on the example of iron and steel industry)

Malyshev M.


A huge number of sanctions imposed by the collective West against the Russian Federation since February 24, 2022 has affected almost all areas of the economy. At the same time, the steel industry took a heavy blow. In 2021, all Russian metallurgists received windfall profits and huge dividends and largely filled the budget system with tax deductions. However, in 2022, the holders of controlling stakes in steel companies were trying to mitigate the consequences of the sanctions. They have transferred their authorized capital to Russia, looked for new markets, and discussed with the government of the Russian Federation the reduction of the tax burden. The instability of the geopolitical situation leaves an imprint on the ability of iron and steel industry corporations to form revenues of the budget system. To support the industry, the state and metallurgists should develop joint projects and increase domestic steel consumption. The results of the analysis of tax calculations of steel companies with a budget system showed a reduction in taxes due to a drop in profits and the closure of trade at PJSC Severstal and PJSC MMK. However, the Novolipetsk Combine, which was initially not subject to sanctions, retained export trade, as evidenced by the VAT refund increased by 60% from the federal budget. In addition, excises introduced in 2022 to further support the budget system. This study may be of interest to participants in the educational process, as well as to those who are interested in the peculiarities of the economic development of individual sectors of industrial production. Acknowledgments:The article was prepared in accordance with the state task for the Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the topic of research No. FMGZ-2022-0012 "Factors and methods of sustainable socio-economic development of territorial systems in changing conditions of the external and internal environment".
Economic Security. 2023;6(3):1195-1214
pages 1195-1214 views

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