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Vol 6, No 2 (2023)

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Resolution of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “The 7th Senchagov Readings” on the topic “Russia's economic security: responding to new challenge”

Gorodetskiy A.E., Karavaeva I.V.


The resolution was prepared based on the results of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “The 7th Senchagov Readings” on the topic “Russia's economic security: responding to new challenge” for scientists, specialists, academic staff and postgraduates, held in Moscow on March 23-24, 2023 in full–time and ZOOM format on the basis of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences and with the organizational and scientific participation of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, V.Ya. Kikot' Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federatio, St. Petersburg State University of Economics, Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University named after R.E. Alekseev, Section of Problems of Macroeconomics and Social Market Economy of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and the Journal "Economic Security".
Economic Security. 2023;6(2):443-452
pages 443-452 views

Priorities of state regulation of Russia's economic security amidst new global challenges

Karavaeva I.V., Lev M.Y.


The article presents the materials of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “The 7th Senchagov Readings” on the topic “Russia’s economic security: responding to new challenge” for scientists, specialists, academic staff and postgraduates, held in Moscow on March 23-24, 2023 in full-time and ZOOM format on the basis of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences with organizational and scientific participation of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, V.Ya. Kikot' Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federatio, St. Petersburg State University of Economics, Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University named after R.E. Alekseev, Section of Problems of Macroeconomics and Social Market Economy of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and the Journal "Economic Security".The main directions of the forum discussion are highlighted. The resolution of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference is presented. The theoretical positions of the participants characterizing the directions of modern sanctions pressure on the Russian economy are reflected. The methods of countering monetary, financial, trade, economic, social and other measures of forceful pressure on the domestic national market are outlined. Promising areas of research in the field of economic security and the development of anti-sanctions policy are announced. Funding:The article was prepared following the results of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “The 7th Senchagov Readings” on the topic “Russia’s economic security: responding to new challenge”.The article has been prepared in accordance with the topic of the state task Reg. No. RD 121030500096-5; Reg. No. IKRBS "New challenges and threats to socio-economic security: measures of budgetary and financial regulation".
Economic Security. 2023;6(2):453-466
pages 453-466 views

Investments in fixed assets of export-oriented and import-dependent sectors of the Russian economy: before and after the introduction of sanctions

Kazantsev S.V.


The numerous and diverse prohibitions, restrictions and sanctions in force against the Russian Federation since March 2014 are aimed at destroying the financial system of Russia, slowing down the economic, scientific and technological development of the country and weakening a wide range of economic activities. According to the plan of the sanctioners, this will undermine the military and economic power of the Russian Federation and cause social discontent within the country. Hybrid warfare measures against the Russian Federation include isolating the country from global commodity markets. Such isolation affects, first of all, export and import-oriented industries and economic entities. The continuation of their normal functioning and progressive development requires changes in production, management and logistics. This requires time and resources. Among the latter, investment in fixed capital is important.The purpose of the study was to analyze the dynamics of investments in fixed assets of the most sensitive types of economic activity of the Russian Federation to foreign trade restrictions. The author assumed that an increase in the volume of investments in such activities would contribute to increasing their level of resistance to negative impacts on the external and domestic markets. The study showed that in 2017-2021 the investment resource was involved.Funding.The article was prepared according to the research plan of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences in accordance with the topic of the state task Reg. No. RD 121030500096-5; Reg. No. ICRBS "New challenges and threats to socio-economic security: measures of budgetary and financial regulation".
Economic Security. 2023;6(2):467-478
pages 467-478 views

Impact of sanctions on Russia's economic security

Kaygorodtsev A.A.


The purpose of the article was to study the impact of Western sanctions on Russia's economic security and to develop recommendations for countering these sanctions. The essence of sanctions is revealed. The characteristic of the sanctions policy of the West in the period 2012-2022 is given. The most significant directions of sanctions pressure from the point of view of damage have been identified. The characteristic of Russia's response to sanctions is given. The sanctions did not ensure the achievement of the political and economic goals of their initiators. The Russian economy turned out to be quite stress-resistant. The rate of its slowdown and the inflation rate turned out to be significantly lower than predicted by foreign and domestic experts. At the same time, the sanctions have exacerbated the existing problems of the Russian economy. They are as follows: irrational structure, dependence on the export of raw materials and technology imports, insufficient diversification of commodity exports, capital exports, etc. The conclusion about the long-term nature of sanctions is made. Recommendations for developing the real sector at the expense of internal sources of investment are given.
Economic Security. 2023;6(2):479-496
pages 479-496 views

Strategic planning as a key tool for ensuring Russia's economic security in the face of grand challenges

Naumov S.N., Gumerov R.R., Guseva N.V.


The economy of the 21st century is developing in the conditions of grand challenges. Grand challenges are a complex of problems on a global scale. Thus, their solution is impossible by traditional methods and requires non-trivial solutions from the state. Grand challenges not only create significant risks of threat to society, the economy, public administration and the political system, but at the same time open up new opportunities. Significant reserves of intensive growth are laid down in the sphere of strategic planning aimed at solving the tasks of sustainable socio-economic development and ensuring the national security of the country. The main principles of the grand challenge model with domestic specifics are as follows: the decisive role of strategic goal setting, project financing, subordination of budget policy to strategic interests and goals of socio-economic development, as well as economic security of the country, work with large amounts of information and point risk management of the implementation of state programs and national or federal projects.
Economic Security. 2023;6(2):497-508
pages 497-508 views

Challenges for socio-economic security in the sphere of labor and their features in modern Russia

Soboleva I.V.


Today, the field of challenges for the reproduction of national human potential is expanding, many of which lie in the sphere of labor. They make themselves felt not only at the level of macroeconomic proportions, but also at the micro level, characterizing the situation in the sphere of labor from the point of view of individuals or certain segments of the population. The article discusses the possibilities of applying the concept of socio-economic security of workers, developed by the International Labor Organization, to the study of the micro-level of the system of challenges in the world of work, which have emerged at the present stage of development of the economy and society. The advantage of this approach that it focuses on identifying vulnerabilities and problems faced by the majority of the working population not just the poorest. Seven aspects singled out that comprehensively characterize the socio-economic security of workers based on a combination of sociological and factual indicators. The study showed that currently available information on the state and dynamics of the social and economic security of workers is fragmentary and allows, to one degree or another, to assess only a part of these key aspects. It established that over the past year, in the changed economic realities, there has been an increase in the stability of the position of workers in terms of guarantees of employment and retention of employment. At the same time, the aspect of socio-economic security associated with the preservation and development of the professional and qualification potential of the working population continues to be among the most vulnerable. Ambiguous changes are taking place in the aspect of labor safety. To quickly identify vulnerable areas that require investment and measures to support the economically active population, it advisable to revive the monitoring of socio-economic security in the labor sphere.The article was prepared as part of participation in the International Scientific and Practical Conference «VII Senchagov Readings» on the topic: «The economic security of Russia: a response to new challenges», Moscow: Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, March 23-24, 2023.
Economic Security. 2023;6(2):509-528
pages 509-528 views

Consequences of Russia's suspension in the FATF

Semerukha S.A.


The author considers the current and potential problems of suspending Russia's membership in the Financial Action Task Force (on Money Laundering) (FATF). The opinions of leading experts in this field are being studied; and three scenarios (optimistic, conservative and pessimistic) have been developed. They describe the possible consequences for the Russian Federation in connection with this decision.There are no prerequisites for an increase in dirty money in our country due to strong national anti-money laundering regulations.
Economic Security. 2023;6(2):529-540
pages 529-540 views

The place of the gas industry in the energy security system of Russia on foreign markets

Urazgaliev V.S., Agashin A.V., Novikov A.V.


In this paper, special attention paid to the leading position of the gas industry in the system of economic and energy security of Russia. The system-forming role of the gas industry for the Russian economy considered the main problems of the gas sector and its development trends identified in order to increase the competitiveness of the domestic fuel and energy complex and develop the gas market. Based on the results of the study, conclusions drawn about the instability of export prices for natural gas and the tendency to increase the volatility of natural gas exports over previous years, with a relatively stable domestic consumption of "blue fuel" at the level of 2% of Russia's GDP. The volume of natural gas exports to the FSU countries in 2015-2021 tended to decrease with the growth of demand in non-CIS countries, at the same time, the average gas sales price for the FSU countries turned out to be less volatile with the non-stationarity of average gas sales prices from Russia to other countries. Thus, the gas industry for Russia not only of strategic importance, the creation of a single gas market between the Russian Federation and the FSU countries a priority at the present stage in order to increase the protection of the Russian economy from internal and external threats, which will also ensure a stable demand for gas in the participating countries regional natural gas market, followed by an increase in natural gas consumption and a reorientation of Russian gas exports towards more stable and reliable supplies.

Economic Security. 2023;6(2):541-554
pages 541-554 views

State loans to the population as a source of financing for the defense industry: Soviet experience and its applicability in modern conditions

Brodskiy G.M.


The article deals with the problems of determining extra-budgetary funding for companies of the military-industrial complex of Russia. Bank lending is the main extra-budgetary source of funding. The main problems of corporate lending at the present stage are listed. The debt market is considered as an alternative source of funding for the military-industrial complex to bank lending. The factors preventing the issue of own debt obligations by military-industrial companies are analyzed. The Soviet experience with state loans to finance the defense industry was studied. The advantages of such government loans are given in comparison with both the issue of bonds by individual companies and federal loan bonds. On the basis of the theoretical model for calculating the amount of savings and actual data on household savings of the Bank of Russia, the calculation of the potential amount of funds that can be raised by issuing similar government loans in modern conditions is made.
Economic Security. 2023;6(2):555-568
pages 555-568 views

Conditions for improving food security as a factor of ensuring the economic security of the region

Dolganova Y.A.


The article discusses approaches to assessing the regional economic security, including food security indicators. A variant of grouping indicators is proposed. It is is a projection of indicators from the national level to the regional one. The analysis of regional economic security indicators of the Volga Federal District for the period from 2006 to 2021 was carried out. As the main evaluation method, the ranking method was chosen. Despite the different typical affiliation of regions during the study period, all subjects of the Russian Federation are characterized by significant changes in food security indicators; and there are no clear growth or decline trends in dynamics. First of all, this is explained by the influence of objective negative impacts – climatic conditions. Indicators characterizing other groups of economic security show clearer trends of decline or growth associated with crisis phenomena. Therefore, it was concluded that food security is one of the most vulnerable and at the same time the most important factor in ensuring the economic security of the region.
Economic Security. 2023;6(2):569-594
pages 569-594 views

Social policy priorities in the labor sphere

Sobolev E.N.


The article examines the main directions of social policy in the labor sphere, such as employment, remuneration and social and labor relations. In the field of employment, the necessity of transition to a new employment policy, including a course for effective employment with a modern system of support for the unemployed, is justified. Special attention is paid to the active policy of retraining and employment conducted by employment services. It is concluded that it is necessary to change the ratio between active and passive measures to combat unemployment in favor of the active ones. In the wage policy, it is proposed to abandon the focus on cheap labor as a factor hindering the development of the human and labor potential. In this regard, it is proposed to update the concept of minimum wage. It should provide the basic needs necessary for the normal reproduction of the employee. A certain guaranteed minimum wage should be set for all categories of employees, not just unskilled ones. In the field of social and labor relations, social stability should be ensured not so much by reducing strike activity (as it is already low), but through the resolution of hidden labor conflicts through social partnership mechanisms.FUNDING:The article was prepared as part of participation in the International Scientific and Practical Conference "The 7th Senchagov Readings. Economic security of Russia: response to new challenges", Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, March 23–24, 2023.
Economic Security. 2023;6(2):595-610
pages 595-610 views

Increasing the efficiency of national priority projects based on monitoring as a tool for ensuring the economic security of the state

Borisov S.A., Somenkova N.S.


Today, the project management methodology is one of the key management tools. The project approach is widely used not only in the activities of enterprises and corporations, but also in public administration to improve the quality of life. The authors of the article consider the monitoring procedure as the most important stage of monitoring the national priority projects' effectiveness. The necessity of monitoring procedures as an element of ensuring the economic security of individual regions and the country as a whole is substantiated. The monitoring procedure makes it possible to determine the expediency of spending funds, track the directions of their use, identify inappropriate expenditures, thereby preventing the incorrect use of funds allocated for national projects, contributing to improving the effectiveness of national projects at the regional and federal levels. On the example of the Safe High-quality Roads National Project, the indicators of national projects are considered. The procedure for comparing these indicators with target values as a monitoring tool is shown. Reasonable conclusions on the directions of improving the implementation of national projects based on monitoring are presented.
Economic Security. 2023;6(2):611-626
pages 611-626 views

Russia's economic security and economic system integrity: theoretical and methodological aspects

Anishchenko A.V.


In the modern conditions of the monopolar world crisis and the formation of the fundamental principles of a new multipolar world order, Russia's safety is connected with the need to find effective ways to solve the problems of ensuring its economic security. One of the new directions in the development of economic thought in this area is an approach based on the provisions of network theory. In network theory, economic systems are considered as network structures. The implementation of this approach allows to get answers to the following fundamental questions of economic reality, which were not previously considered.In what state of connections and relations between economic entities is the economic security of the economic system in the process of its development ensured?At what state of connections and relations between economic entities the economic system sustainability is destroyed and the economic crisis occurs?
Economic Security. 2023;6(2):627-646
pages 627-646 views

Analysis of the use of «controlled chaos» technologies as an information weapon carried out by «democratic» countries in order to prevent the independent development of states

Gorodnov A.V.


The article is devoted to the applied technologies of controlled chaos as a new type of information weapon of mass destruction, created to destroy states in order to further integrate into the «new world order». The main emphasis is on the mechanisms used to destroy the subjectivity of the country´s development. An analysis made of the technologies of «controlled chaos» applied both to the Russian Federation and other states of the post-Soviet space, the results of which should be the destruction of statehood and the loss of the possibility of independent development.
Economic Security. 2023;6(2):647-674
pages 647-674 views

Changing Russia's technological development strategy in response to Western self-isolation

Knyazev Y.K.


The article draws attention to the inevitable adjustment of Russia's economic and technological development strategy after the beginning of a special military operation in Ukraine. Situation in the country as a result of the harsh sanctions imposed by the West and its desire to achieve a military defeat of Russia has dramatically changed. In these extraordinary conditions, the emphasis was placed on maintaining the functioning of the economy and the social sphere, on import substitution and the development of production of critical products, albeit not of the highest quality, but with the prospect of becoming competitive. Russia temporarily had to abandon the Euro 5 and 4 standards in the automotive and transport industries and introduce administrative breaks for business. The tasks of selective avant-garde technological development have receded into the background compared to the need for survival and the creation of an independent national economic complex that does not depend on Western investments and technology. The self-isolation of the West from Russia has not led to the closure of our economy, which has preserved and expanded trade and production ties with the rest of the world and can use them to modernize and increase scientific, technological and all economic potential. Our country is currently placed in a situation in which it is forced to urgently strengthen its economic and technological sovereignty; and this task becomes central to ensuring its security in every sense of the word.
Economic Security. 2023;6(2):675-688
pages 675-688 views

Tax impact on consumption inequality in the context of ensuring Russia's economic security

Pugachev A.A.


Inequality of Russian citizens is one of the threats to economic security. Since the 1990s, no significant progress has been made in reducing inequality in Russia. The Gini coefficient for income inequality consistently exceeds 0.4, and it reaches 0.9 for inequality in the distribution of wealth. The results of a sociological survey conducted in the summer of 2022 show that Russians perceive income inequality to be weaker than it actually is. Within the framework of the consumption economy, the inequality of citizens' consumption is most pronounced. In 2021, the final consumption expenses of the tenth decile group (55.3 thousand rubles) exceeded the expenses of the first group (6.9 thousand rubles) by 8 times, while it is important that the marginal propensity to consume among the poor is higher than among the rich. Indirect taxation in Russia has no effect on smoothing the citizens' inequality. The potential of VAT rates' differentiation in reducing inequality has not been realized. Proposals to improve VAT to smooth out consumption inequality in order to ensure the economic security of the state have been formed. Funding. The article was prepared with the financial support of the grant of the President of the Russian Federation for young Russian scientists No. MK-2397.2022.2.
Economic Security. 2023;6(2):689-702
pages 689-702 views

Development of human potential as a factor of ensuring the regional economic security

Kurepina N.L., Berikova N.B.


At the present stage of economic development, the country's power is determined by human potential and opportunities for its development. The purpose of the article was to assess the factors affecting human development. Investments in human capital are the most important factor of economic development and modernization of the economy.The authors systematized the positive and destructive factors affecting human potential. The data of a comparative analysis of the indices of human potential development and its components, such as income, longevity, education in European countries, the Russian Federation, the Southern Federal District and the Republic of Kalmykia, are presented.When assessing human development, the authors considered not only HDI indicators, but also indicators for assessing economic security. A comparative analysis of the actual values with the threshold values of economic security is carried out. The main negative factors affecting the development of human potential in the region and the main tasks to overcome them are identified.
Economic Security. 2023;6(2):703-716
pages 703-716 views

Sustainable development of Russian regions: from strategy to tactics

Chiliev B.M.


The quality of socio-economic development of both regions and Russia as a whole depends on many factors, including:– increase in own incomes of subjects;– improvement of the mechanism of interaction between federal authorities, regional authorities, local governments.Some of the strategic goals for the development of regions are identical, but under certain circumstances and conditions they drastic differences. The article describes an actual academic discussion that touches upon the issues of sustainable development of regions by means of changes in a number of areas, such as how to improve the mechanism of interconnection of the federal center with the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the purposes of socio-economic development; economic inequality as a deterrent to socio-economic development; problems of achievement of target indicators of «national projects».The interrelation of these issues with the sustainable development of Russian regions shown and analyzed, and deterrent factors that increase over time identified. The ways of their solution are determined.
Economic Security. 2023;6(2):717-728
pages 717-728 views

The experience economy and tourism: post-covid reboot in the context of the country's socio-economic security

Lebedeva S.A.


Tourism is an economic segment. Its development contributes to sustainable economic growth and ensures the socio-economic security of destinations, regions and the state. In this article, tourism considered in the context of the “experience economy”, which began to develop at the end of the last century and received a wide response around the scientific world. The coronavirus infection and the lockdown brought a lot of changes in the experience paradigm development and gave a push to sphere-transforming trends in tourism. In addition to new tourism activities, the focus of tourism companies in the current context should shift from the goods and services they produce to the personality of the consumer.Moreover, the personification of the tourist offer comes to the fore both at the level of relationships with consumers and at earlier stages of creating a tourist product, for example, pricing. The activities of recreation and tourism organizations operating within the framework of the “emotional” paradigm are already undergoing significant modifications, that is evidenced by scientific research in tourism industry. The full implementation of the experience economy postulates in the Russian tourism will increase the competitiveness of domestic tourism companies. It will also contribute to the development of the Russian non-resource sector and strengthen interregional ties between the territories of the Russian Federation. This novation will reduce the disproportions in the spatial development of Russian regions and the differentiation of the population in terms of income due to multiplier effects from tourism activities. Ultimately, the modified sphere of recreation, tourism and hospitality can become a guarantee of the domestic economy security. The research results can be useful to scientists involved in the study and development of tourism, hospitality and economic security.
Economic Security. 2023;6(2):729-748
pages 729-748 views

The driving forces behind the anti-Russian coalition: challenges to contemporary international security

Lev M.Y., Leshchenko Y.G.


The authors study the driving forces of the anti-Russian coalition in the aspect of modern international security. The countries of the anti-Russian coalition have been systematized. The analysis of the key provisions set out in the national security strategies of the USA, China, Russia and the EU is carried out. The actions of the anti-Russian coalition, manifested in the context of unprecedented sanctions against Russia and their consequences for international security, are revealed. The sanctions measures against Russia for the period from February 23, 2022 to February 25, 2023 are analyzed. Their main trends have been identified.Under the circumstances, Russia is invited to actively interact with countries whose economic entities may suffer in the event of a greater expansion of the extraterritorial scope of anti-Russian sanctions.Russia should also develop promising relations with the EAEU and BRICS.Our country needs to challenge economic sanctions at the level of the UN Security Council from the point of view of a key component of diplomatic counteraction to sanctions pressure.The sanctions directed against our state have proved ineffective in terms of the impact of restrictive measures used as a foreign policy tool, since they have not changed Russia's political course. However, global integration has expanded the possibilities of spreading sanctions shocks to international security.
Economic Security. 2023;6(2):749-774
pages 749-774 views

Sanctions policy against Russia at the level of international organisations

Sikachev N.K., Leshchenko Y.G.


The analysis of the current sanctions policy in relation to Russia at the level of international organizations is carried out. The consequences of the sanctions policy in the context of key economic indicators in relation to the basic scenario of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation are analyzed. The analysis was carried out on the basis of the following indicators: net inflow of foreign direct investment into Russia; Russia's international reserves; Russia's exports, imports and trade balance; Russia's GDP.The parameters of relations under sanctions between Russia and international organizations are revealed. The trends hindering the lifting of sanctions against Russia have been identified.It is concluded that the special military operation was the culmination of long degradation of global policy of international organizations and ensuring international security. The sanctions escalation against Russia has not yet exhausted itself; nevertheless, sanctions do not mean the collapse of the Russian economy. Russia has found itself in new conditions that will require adaptation and the search for new opportunities for its development and growth.
Economic Security. 2023;6(2):775-792
pages 775-792 views

Company's financial sustainability in foreign economic activity amidst anti-Russian sanctions as a basis for economic security

Senkov V.A., Domnichev D.Y., Krechetova A.V.


Currently, business in the Russian Federation faces serious economic risks, especially in the current conditions of an ever-increasing economic blockade by Western countries. The article deals with the problems of economic security of an company engaged in foreign economic activity. The development of a system of measures to ensure comprehensive support for such companies is analyzed. This article is of a scientific and applied nature. It can be a guide for companies in the field of ensuring economic security, increasing their financial sustainability in foreign economic activity amidst international economic sanctions and the parallel import policy in the Russian Federation, which is an integral part of the import substitution program and support for Russian export companies.
Economic Security. 2023;6(2):793-806
pages 793-806 views

Factors facilitating and hindering the development of ESG investments in Russia

Aleksey I.B., Kuksov A.S.


Today's discussion about sustainable development has its roots in the 1970-s and evolving along with growing social and environmental crises. For a long time, to integrate non-financial issues into asset management processes, the financial market has experimented with various approaches, using names such as «ethical», «socially responsible» or «sustainable investment». Climate change, as one of the three global problems of mankind creates significant financial problems for the world community. Investors are currently trying to take environmental, social and governance (ESG) into account when making investment decisions. At the same time, market participants are still little aware of the nuances of the ESG integration process, which is sometimes associated with the approach to the withdrawal of individual industries, firms and projects from the portfolio. Investors believe that corporate governance issues are critical as they directly affect profitability and, ultimately, a firm's dividend policy. However, few people are aware of the impact of environmental and social factors on the company's financial performance.

Economic Security. 2023;6(2):807-826
pages 807-826 views

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