Vol 22, No 2 (2021)

Section 1. Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Management

Statement of the problem of optimization of the structure information processing computer appliances for real-time control systems

Efimov S.N., Terskov V.A., Serikova O.Y., Popova A.V.


The article presents the problem of optimizing the structure of information processing computer appliances for real-time control systems used, among other things, in the rocket and space industry. In addition, the features of this problem that affect the choice of optimization methods are studied. Its concluded that this problem can be effectively solved using evolutionary optimization methods.

Existing performance models allow you to determine the minimum hardware configuration of a multiprocessor computing system. The approach proposed in this article allows us to find configurations that have hardware redundancy (compared to the minimum configuration), but, due to this, have a greater probability of being in states that provide performance sufficient to achieve the goals of functioning of the designed real-time control system. The described approach is more flexible than simply duplicating all hardware components of the minimum configuration, which can be used to reduce the cost of creating and operating the designed control system.

The proposed model can be used to optimize the performance of multiprocessor hardware and software complexes of real-time control systems. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the resources allocated for the creation and operation of the hardware and software complex are always limited. Therefore, it is advisable to consider the problem of performance optimization as a multi-criterion: one criterion will be performance, and the other-the cost of creating a hardware and software complex.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2021;22(2):218-226
pages 218-226 views

Development of an effective system of information support for management decision-making at the enterprisesof the rocket and space industry

Kartamyshev A.S., Chernysh B.A.


The article examines the role of information technology at industrial enterprises of the rocket and space industry, provides the results of the analysis of scientific sources on the organization of information support systems for making management decisions, an analysis of existing methods for constructing management accounting at enterprises and methods of its automation. Conclusions are made about the insufficient elaboration of the studied solutions, both from the point of view of the logic of the organization of accounting, and from a technical point of view. The main tasks of the information support system, methods of forming effective management accounting and the goals of its implementation are determined. An approach to creating an information support system in the form of a built-in control database in the form of an OLAP solution is proposed, through which functional information systems are integrated, and detailed management accounting related to accounting and tax accounting is built into a single system in a single information space. The article describes the advantages of implementing the proposed system, which allows for a comprehensive retrospective and operational analysis of the current state of the processes occurring at the enterprise with a monetary value using SQL tools with a high degree of confidence in the data. The principles of creating elements of the information system for the subsequent effective plan-fact analysis and development of management decisions are discussed. A diagram of the organization of a single information space and a system that provides information support for enterprise management processes is given, the main information flows are considered. The logic of maintaining the process of forming a structured data warehouse is described, while automating the financial and economic part of the automated control system based on the presented method of organizing data, which allows you to link management, accounting and tax accounting with one source of relevant data, while creating an effective OLAP solution. An illustrative example of the organization of data in the form of linking the reflections of primary documents by means of a database using the proposed method, which provides the possibility of operational analysis of receivables and payables and the implementation of preliminary financial controlling, is given. Examples of user interfaces from the developed information support system based on the described methods of data organization are given. Conclusions are made about the effectiveness of the proposed solution.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2021;22(2):227-243
pages 227-243 views

The method of fictitious discrete models in calculations bodies with an inhomogeneous regular structure

Matveev A.D.


In calculations for the strength of elastic composite structures (plates, beams, shells), which are widely used in aviation and rocket and space technology, using the finite element method (FEM), it is important to know the error of the solution. To analyze the error of the solution, it is necessary to use a sequence of approximate solutions constructed according to the FEM using the grinding procedure for discrete basic models (BM), which take into account the inhomogeneous, micro-inhomogeneous structure of structures (bodies) within the micro-approach. Discrete models obtained by grinding BM have a high dimension, which makes it difficult for them to use FEM. In addition, there are BM of composite bodies (CB), for example, BM of bodies with a micro-inhomogeneous structure, which have such a high dimensionality that the implementation of FEM for such BM, due to the limited computer resources, is almost impossible. To solve these problems, it is proposed to use fictitious discrete models in the calculations of the CB according to the FEM.

In this paper, we propose a method of fictitious discrete models (MFDM) for calculating the strength of elastic bodies with an inhomogeneous, micro-inhomogeneous regular structure. MFDM is implemented using FEM with the use of adjusted strength conditions that take into account the error of approximate solutions. The method is based on the following statement. We believe that BM CB generates solutions that differ little from the exact ones. Due to the convergence of the FEM, such BM for CB always exist. The calculation of CB according to MFDM is reduced to the construction and calculation of the strength of fictitious discrete models (FM), the dimension of which is less than the dimension of the BM. FM reflects: the shape, characteristic dimensions, attachment, loading, and appearance of the heterogeneous structure of the CB, and the distribution of elastic modulus corresponding to the BM of the CB. The sequence consisting of the FM converges to the BM, i.e. the limiting FM coincides with the BM. The convergence of such a sequence ensures uniform convergence of the FM stresses to the corresponding BM stresses. The implementation of FEM for FM with the use of multigrid finite elements leads to a large saving of computer resources, which allows the use of MFDM for strength calculations of bodies with a micro-inhomogeneous regular structure. The calculation of the strength of CB according to MFDM requires 103÷106 less computer memory than a similar calculation using BM CB, and does not contain a procedure for grinding BM. The given example of calculating the strength of a beam with an inhomogeneous regular fiber structure according to the MFDM shows its high efficiency. The use of adjusted strength conditions allows us to use approximate solutions with a large error in the calculations of CB for strength, which leads to an increase in the efficiency of MFDM.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2021;22(2):244-260
pages 244-260 views

Software system for mathematical simulation of the electronic beam welding process

Murygin A.V., Tynchenko V.S., Kurashkin S.O., Bocharov A.N., Petrenko V.E.


Within the framework of this study, a software system for modeling the distribution of the temperature field in the steady-state mode of the electron-beam welding process for thin-walled aerospace structures is proposed. The purpose of creating such a software system is to improve the quality of control of the electron-beam welding process and, accordingly, to reduce the number of defects in welded joints of thinwalled structures. The software system has a model structure and implements the energy distribution models proposed earlier by the authors. The MySQL database management system and the Embarcadero RAD Studio programming system were chosen as the means of implementing the program. The central link of the system is a database that allows you to store and process information both on mathematical modeling and on the results of simulation and field experiments. The article describes the structure of the developed software system, and also presents algorithms for the operation of its constituent modules. The system provides the user with the opportunity not only to carry out simulation according to the specified technological parameters (welding speed, accelerating voltage, beam current, boundary conditions, simulation time, product material), but also to visualize the results and save them in a single database. The use of the proposed system allows not only to minimize the costs of the enterprise for the development of technological parameters of the steady state for the electron-beam welding process, but also to create a flexible information base for collecting experimental information with the aim of further automating and intellectualizing the technological process of creating permanent joints in the framework of Industry 4.0.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2021;22(2):261-274
pages 261-274 views

Centralized adaptive algorithm for the procedure of optimal conditional search for the place of failure of dynamic systems

Podkopaev A.V., Podkopaev I.A.


Modern and promising dynamic systems of aviation weapon systems of the Aerospace Forces (hereinafter for brevity in the textthe system) are characterized by a more complex structure and increased requirements for reliability and efficiency of functioning. Moreover, systems of generation 4 ++ and 5 are quite unique and (or) small-scale, and their constituent elements are basically miniature and expensive, therefore, a prerequisite for fulfilling the requirements for traceability to systems and constituent elements is the maximum possible preservation of the quality of the initial basis with the inevitable new interpretation of additional information. Further introduction of artificial intelligence technologies into the practice of solving problems of technical diagnostics makes it possible to obtain adequate results with almost any accuracy. The reliability of the results will be determined solely by the punctuality of the data assignment and the completeness of the mathematical description of systems, processes and events in the subject area under consideration. Therefore, it should be expected that the further development of the theory and practice of technical diagnostics will follow the path of a deeper study of the physical processes occurring in systems, and a more accurate mathematical specification of procedures for finding the place of failure of systems. The aim of the work is to establish the development of an interconnected set of mathematical and logical block diagrams for obtaining and applying diagnostic knowledge in the software and mathematical support of modern and advanced onboard means of monitoring the technical state of systems. The priority direction in such studies is the differentiated selection of approved methods of technical diagnostics with the choice of the appropriate mathematical and algorithmic apparatus for direct probabilistic modeling of systems. A block diagram is presented and a variant of the practical application of the developed algorithm for sequential recognition of system failures (hereinafter referred to as an algorithm, if it is clear from the context of the presentation of the material that it is the developed algorithm) is considered. By using the algorithm, there is no need for decomposition of systems, and the potential for multiple repetitions of the results of a random process of changing the technical states of systems predetermines the possibility of obtaining large samples with high accuracy of software compilation.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2021;22(2):275-287
pages 275-287 views

Anomalies in IGS ephemeris and clock products and their impact on the solution of navigation problems

Pustoshilov A.S., Ushakov Y.Y., Tsarev S.P., Ovchinnikova E.V.


The subject of this work is anomalies in the final products of the International GNSS Service (IGS), namely in the orbits and clock shifts of navigation satellites. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of such anomalies on the accuracy of precise point positioning (PPP) problems. As a method for detecting and distinguishing anomalies in the orbits of navigation satellites, the method proposed earlier by the authors (approximation by polynomials of high degrees) is used. For PPP problems we used the solution methodology recommended by IGS. The proposed method for detection of anomalies in orbits is applied to the analysis of anomalies in the orbits of GPS navigation satellites. Examples of anomalies that can be detected using the proposed method are demonstrated. A brief statistical analysis and comparison of the frequencies of anomalies in the orbits of GPS navigation satellites from 2010 to 2018, published by various IGS analytical centers, are presented. It is shown that orbital anomalies at the boundaries of daily intervals are, as a rule, correlated with anomalies in clock shifts and have a partially mutually compensating effect on the solution of navigation problems. Experiments have shown that for PPP problems, anomalies significantly increase the standard deviation of the pseudorange residues of the solution. Two options for mitigating the problem with anomalous orbits are considered: exclusion of satellites with anomalies at the boundaries of daily intervals from the solution process andcorrectionof the anomaly in the orbit. The most natural method of orbit correction (an orbit change to remove large anomalies at the day boundaries) of the published final orbits has been tested. From the point of view of PPP problems the most effective way to mitigate the exposed problems at the day boundaries turned out to be the exclusion of satellites with anomalies in the orbit, since attempts tocorrectthe orbits more often led to an increase in the RMS deviation of pseudo-ranges, which is associated with correlated anomalies in the clocks of the navigation satellite. According to the results of the study, we can conclude: before solving the PPP problems, it is necessary to investigate the orbits and clocks of the navigation satellites for the presence of anomalies by the proposed methods and, if possible, exclude such satellites from the input data before solving the PPP problem. The proposed methods for detection of anomalies in the published orbits and clocks of navigation satellites, in addition to obvious applications to PPP problems, are also applicable to monitoring the quality of functioning of the space and ground segments of GLONASS and GPS systems.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2021;22(2):288-300
pages 288-300 views

Section 2. Aviation and Space Technology

Procedure for determining the acoustic characteristics of combustion chambers of a rocket engine for solid fuel

Astahov S.A., Biruykov V.I., Sizov G.A.


Many developers of new high-thrust solid-propellant rocket engines are faced with the problem of acoustic instability of combustion. The phenomenon of resonant combustion of solid fuel is associated with a number of specific features. The cavities of the combustion chambers of such engines have complex geometric shapes. The gas channel is long enough. Its length usually exceeds five or more calibers. The thickness of the flame front is measured in micrometers and the combustion zone is localized over the open fuel surface. The flame front often turns out to be capable of amplifying pressure perturbations at the frequency of one of the acoustic eigenmodes if the wave antinode falls on a thin combustion zone. The oscillatory process can be regular or sporadic. Resonances of the longitudinal acoustic mode are most often observed. However, there were cases of simultaneous oscillation of two modes. In some cases, during the operation of the engine, the amplitude of the resulting oscillations began to decrease and the combustion process became almost quasi-stationary. Self-oscillatory processes in the combustion chambers of solid propellants have a threshold sensitivity to pressure overshoots. The vibration amplitudes can be several tens of percent, sometimes reaching the nominal working pressure in the chamber. The amplitude-frequency characteristics of the oscillations are sensitive to the composition of the fuel, responding to changes in the chemical composition, as well as to the mechanical properties of the fuel. The regions of unstable regimes are definitely related to the geometry of the gas cavity. Together with pressure fluctuations, the combustion process is influenced by gas-dynamic factors, significant non-uniformity of the gas flow parameters along the length of the channel, its turbulence, and other factors. When designing solid rocket motors, it is necessary to estimate the frequencies of the natural acoustic resonances of the combustion chambers.

The article discusses a technique for determining the frequencies of natural resonances of the first and second tone of the longitudinal mode of acoustic vibrations in the combustion chambers of solid propellant rocket engines. The gas path of the combustion chamber is divided into homogeneous sections, for which the solutions of the wave equation are presented. To determine the natural frequencies and distribution of vibrational pressures and velocities, the method of "stitching" acoustic fields at the boundaries of the cavities was used.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2021;22(2):302-315
pages 302-315 views

Design of the cooling system of a reasuble liquid rocket engine with three-component fuel

Belyakov V.A., Vasilevsky D.O., Ermashkevich A.A., Kolomentsev A.I., Farizanov I.R.


Currently, in the field of engine building, the development of three-component propulsion systems (PS) is a very promising task. Liquid-propellant rocket engines (LPRE) operating at the initial stage of launching a launch vehicle (LV) on a vapor of liquid oxygen + kerosene fuel and at high-altitude launch sites using cryogenic fuel (liquid oxygen + liquid hydrogen) are in particular interest.

LPRE that use three-component fuel have a high pressure level in the combustion chamber (CC) (up to 30 MPa) and temperatures (up to 4000 K). In this regard, arise questions related to reliable cooling of such engines, as well as ensuring minimal hydraulic fluid losses in the cooling path in order to further use the refrigerant as a working fluid for driving the turbine of a booster turbo pump unit (BTP).

The object of research is a two-mode single-chamber three-component liquid-propellant rocket engine, made in a closed circuit with generator gas afterburning. Oxidizing agent liquid oxygen, fuel RG-1 kerosene and liquid hydrogen. Cooling of the chamber combined: it consists of regenerative and internal. The regenerative cooling path is formed by longitudinal milled fins. Supercritical hydrogen is used as the engine coolant. Internal cooling includes a tantalum coating applied to the fire wall of the chamber in the critical section.

The article examines the problems of organizing the cooling system (CO) and the implementation of effective heat removal from the firing wall of a three-component rocket engine. Basing on the existing liquid-propellant engine cooling systems, optimal circuit solutions and measures are proposed in the RESEARCH to remove the thermal load in the most stressed places.

A mathematical model has been developed for calculating the CO of a three-component LPRE. The results of the design calculation of cooling using several calculation methods are presented.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2021;22(2):316-327
pages 316-327 views

Optimization the position of the spacecraft instrument panel mounting points based on modal analysis

Kolga V.V., Lykum A.I., Marchuk M.E., Filipson G.Y.


The paper presents the optimization of the location of the interface points of the spacecraft instrument panel using modal analysis, as well as a quasi-static calculation of the panel under study, confirming the effectiveness of the proposed changes in the panel design. The instrument panel is a three-layer honeycomb structure consisting of two aluminum plates and a honeycomb filler. Cellular panels have a number of advantages: a small weight of the structure, high rigidity, specific strength. Using finite element modeling, the range of natural frequencies and vibration patterns of the instrument panel was determined, which made it

possible to determine the optimal location of the panel attachment points to the spacecraft body to increase the lower limit of the natural frequency range and increase its carrying capacity.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2021;22(2):328-338
pages 328-338 views

Characteristics of low thrust liquid-propellant rocket engines testing process

Nazarov V.P., Piunov V.Y., Yatsunenko V.G., Savchin D.A.


Liquid-propellant rocket engines of low thrust are the main type of rocket engines for control systems of space aircrafts. The thrusters are able to work either in continuous or impulse regime, which is one of their main characteristics. The suggestion about engines` reliability should come from the results of tests which create real or greatly approximated to the real conditions.

The development process of thrusters takes into a great account the problems of bench testing methodic, technical equipment of test benches for creating the closest possible conditions to the space and the using of diagnosis methods and instruments for different physical researches and dimensions.

The ground test effectiveness depends on the level of imitation of real conditions and the level of attention to all working factors, that influence the credibility of reliability parameter estimation during the development. One of the most important questions in terms of testing effectiveness is the question of testing result accuracy and credibility. The testing process of thrusters mainly goes under the requested conditions of vacuum, created in pressure chambers.

To increase the effectiveness of imitation of the space conditions the paper suggests the using of pressure chamber, equipped with the tube screen with the circulating liquid nitrogen under required mass flow ratio. The impulse working regime creates instability of propellant moving in pipelines. The paper considers the methods of providing the dynamically similar characteristics of supply systems in propulsion systems as well as conformity of hydraulic, inert and wave characteristics of supply pipelines.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2021;22(2):339-354
pages 339-354 views

Section 3. Technological Processes and Materials

Conversion use of models of working processes of rocket engine turbine installations in the application to local power engineering

Abroskin V.A., Chernorot V.A., Kishkin A.A., Delkov A.V., Zhuravlev V.Y.


In this paper, we consider the concept of using methods for calculating and designing rocket engine power plants for conversion modeling of local energy in the Arctic and northern regions of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, with an obvious generalization to neighboring administrative formations with similar climatic and structural and logistical conditions. The proposed structure contains power generation units linked to both industrial woodworking waste and natural and industrial heat tailings, identified as sources of low-potential heat, as well as modern low-power reactor plants of block maintenance-free design. The unifying element of power plants is a turbo generator, designed with the use of unconventional, often waste and natural low-potential heat.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2021;22(2):356-370
pages 356-370 views

Structural-phase state and properties of hypereutectic silumin treated with a pulsed electron beam

Ivanov Y.F., Eresko S.P., Klopotov A.A., Rygina M.E., Petrikova E.A., Teresov A.D.


Hypereutectic silumin composition are promising modern materials of wide application (mechanical engineering, aviation, instrumentation, medicine, etc.). Disadvantages of hypereutectic silumin, significantly limiting their scope, are pores and shells, a large (about 100 µm) inclusions of the second phase lamellar and needle-like. As a result of the studies carried out in this work, the possibility of forming structural-phase states in the surface layer of silumin, the size and morphology of which can purposefully change in the range from tens of micrometers to tens of nanometers, is demonstrated. The irradiation modes that allow more than 5 times to increase the microhardness (15 J/cm2, 150 µs, 0.3 s–1, 5 imp.) and more than 3 times to increase the wear resistance (50 J/cm2, 150 µs, 0.3 s–1, 5 imp.) of silumin were revealed.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2021;22(2):371-382
pages 371-382 views

Prediction of formation of competing phases during the growth of Cr2GaC thin films on MgO(111)

Nazarov A.N., Nazarova Z.I.


MAX-phases are a family of ternary layered compounds with the formal stoichiometry Mn+1AXn (n = 1, 2, 3...), where M is a transition d-metal; A is a p-element (for example, Si, Ge, Al, S, Sn, etc.); X is carbon or nitrogen [1]. Layered triple carbides and nitrides of d-and p-elements (MAX-phases) exhibit a unique combination of properties characteristic of both metals and ceramics, which makes their application as various coatings in space industry very promising. Obtaining the desired properties of the MAXphases depends on the technological conditions of material synthesis. This requires thorough theoretical modelling of the elementsinteraction at the interface. Concurrent growth of competing phases along with the MAX-phase may occur due to the favorability of the formation of competing phases and also be promoted by lower energy interfaces with the substrate in comparison with a MAX-phase. In this work, we study thermodynamic favorability of competing phases and Cr2GaC MAX-phase depending on the chemical composition of the atomic flow. To study these compounds, it was necessary to consider the Cr-Ga-C system. According to the effective heat of formation model, each reaction of the formation of a certain phase can be characterized by enthalpy [2]. To find out the most favorable phases, it was necessary to calculate the enthalpy of all possible reactions. Thus, the task was to sort through all possible reactions between pure elements available in various ratios, in particular, in the ratio corresponding to the given MAX-phase stoichiometry, i.e. Cr:Ga:C=2:1: 1. Moreover, it is considered that the density of near-coincidence sites [3,4] for interfaces between MAX-phase, thermodynamically favourable competing phases and MgO(111) surface shows a role of the interface in the determination of the structural quality of the MAX-phase thin film grown on MgO(111).

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2021;22(2):383-390
pages 383-390 views

Manufacturing technology honeycomb core from polymeric composite materals

Rudenko M.S., Mikheev A.Y., Girn A.V.


The honeycomb core is an integral part of the spacecraft's sandwich panel. Currently, use of aluminum honeycomb core in sandwich constructions. The proposed technology makes it possible to replace the honeycomb filler material from aluminum with a polymer composite material (PCM). The main difference between the developed technology for the production of honeycomb filler by the RTM method is that corrugated tape is glued during the formation of the composite material. This is a separate process in the existing methods for the production of honeycomb cores from PCM. This paper presents the results of creating a prototype of a honeycomb filler by the RTM-method, a technological process has been developed.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2021;22(2):391-397
pages 391-397 views

The magnetic anisotropy comparison of polycrystalline and single-crystal Fe3Si films

Yakovlev I.A.


High-tech devices improvement requires development of technology and search for new materials from science. To date, the development of the magnetism research field has reached a very broad knowledge, which made it possible to create and study a variety of artificial ferromagnetic materials, which are already actively used in science and technology. The latest scientific knowledge shows that the same material in different states can exhibit different electrical and magnetic properties. So, thin magnetic films are actively used in modern devices. Physical processes in thin films proceed differently than in bulk materials. As a result, the film elements have characteristics that differ from those of bulk samples and make it possible to observe effects that are not characteristic of bulk samples. A film is a thin layer of a bound condensed substance, the thickness of which is compared with the distance of surface forces action; it is a thermodynamically stable or metastable part of a heterogeneous film-substrate system. Further study of film structures led to the creation and study of multilayer magnetic systems. In such structures, the presence of both various ferromagnetic materials layers and non-ferromagnetic interlayers is possible, and the multilayer systems properties can differ significantly from the properties of any system components. These materials also have many applications for practice, including radio communications and geological exploration. In our experiment, ferromagnetic thin films of Fe3Si silicide were synthesized by molecular beam epitaxy with co-deposition of Fe and Si. A polycrystalline silicide film was obtained on a SiO2/Si(111) substrate, and a single crystal film was on Si(111)7×7. The structure was investigated using the diffraction of reflected fast electrons directly during the growth process. The magnetic anisotropy of the obtained samples was studied by the ferromagnetic resonance. It was found that the polycrystalline film is characterized by uniaxial magnetic anisotropy, which is 13.42 Oe and is formed as a result ofobliquedeposition. And the magnetic anisotropy for a single-crystal Fe3Si film is formed to a greater extent by internal magnetocrystalline forces.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2021;22(2):398-405
pages 398-405 views

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