An automatic device for measuring resistivity of the silicon four-point probe method


Полный текст


An automatic device for measuring the resistivity of single-crystalline silicon by means of the four-point probe method has been developed.

Список литературы

  1. SEMIMF-84. Test method for measuring resistivity of silicon wafers with in-line four-point probe [Electronic resource] // SEMI. Electronic data. Cop. 2008. Access mode : from screen.
  2. SEMI MF-81. Test method for measuring radial resistivity variation on silicon wafers [Electronic resource] // SEMI. Electronic data. Cop. 2008. Access mode: from screen.
  3. SEMIMF-1527. Guide for application of certified reference materials and reference wafers for calibration and control of instruments for measuring resistivity of silicon [Electronic resource] // SEMI. Electronic data. Cop. 2008. Access mode : from screen.
  4. ГОСТ 19658-81. Кремний металлически в слитках. Технические условия = Monocrystalline silicon in ingost. Specifications. Введ. 01.01.1983. M.: Изд-во стандартов, 1990.59 с.

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© Vladimirov V.M., Shepov V.N., Grinin E.F., Sergiy M.E., 2009

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