Evaluation methods of the effectivenessof human capital use in the organization


Полный текст


The use efficiency of organizational human capital is considered as a background of organizational added value implementation. The most known methods of the use effectiveness of human capital are discussed and analyzed.

Список литературы

  1. Rak, N. G. Technology of integrated management personnel evaluation / N. G. Rak // Upravleniye personalom. 1997.№10.(inRussian)
  2. Drucker, P. Efficient manager /P. Drucker. M.: Wiliams, 2007. (in Russian)
  3. Drucker, P. Tasks for management in XXI / P. Drucker. M.: Wiliams, 2007. (inRussian)

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© Yakischik O.L., Semenkina O.E., Kleshkov V.M., 2009

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