卷 4, 编号 1 (2022)

Pharmaceutical Sciences

Pharmacological potential of ligands to receptors of RF-amide neuropeptide system

Yakovlev O., Vengerovich N., Nikiforov A., Vakhviyaynen M.


The system of neuropeptides has a significant impact on different functions of the central nervous system, acting as a launching ground for the development of new generation drugs that have a complex therapeutic effect in mood disorders, nociception, reproductive behavior with minimal side effects, which is confirmed by the data of a number of preclinical studies. The review considers a promising neuropeptide system of the RF-amide family, which can become the basis for the development of new drugs, complementing the therapeutic possibilities of physiologically active substances with a more selective effect on certain pathological processes. The main groups of neuropeptides of the RF-system were identified: neuropeptides FF, 26 RF-amides, kisspeptins, prolactin-releasing and gonadotropin-inhibiting peptides. For each of these groups descriptions of biological effects are presented, including antinoceptive action, influence on the regulation of energy homeostasis, influence on reproductive behavior, etc. A number of non-peptide ligands for RF-amide receptors developed and available for research have been identified.

Pharmacy Formulas. 2022;4(1):10-17
pages 10-17 views

Historical aspects of legal regulation of pharmacy as structural units of large organizations

Perelygin V., Pokhvalenko E., Zolotareva N., Zharikov M.


Along with the development and improvement of the structure of medical organizations, much attention is paid to the drug provision of the therapeutic and diagnostic process in them, which contributes to improving the quality of medical care.

    Our theoretical research is based on a practical analysis of empirical data of regulatory and legal acts and documents regulating the issues of drug provision of medical organizations in Russia and abroad. Structural and functional analysis by the authors was used in the study of abstract and full-text databases published in digital online resources with materials of drug provision for medical and diagnostic work; infographics and scientific articles.

The study has revealed that a number of requirements for pharmaceutical activities of pharmacy organizations and modern requirements for drug provision for the implementation of therapeutic and diagnostic activities do not correspond to the dynamic development of drug provision for patients of medical organizations.

We came to the conclusion that, in modern conditions of the development of medical care to the population, in general, there are enough regulatory legal acts and documents for the organization of the work of pharmacy organizations as structural divisions of medical organizations. But, if we take into account the diversity of medical organizations, their profile, the possibility of changing the structure of medical departments, directions of medical care, then this may require changing the nomenclature of ready-made and manufactured medicines in specific conditions.

As the results of the study have shown, joint efforts of all stakeholders in pharmacy and healthcare, as well as regulators of pharmaceutical and medical activities are needed to develop standard organizational and methodological recommendations for medical organizations carrying out medical and diagnostic activities based on the best traditions of Good Pharmacy Practice (GPP) and the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP). At the heart of this work, in our opinion, it is necessary to organize experimental studies using functional mathematical models of pharmacy activity in a number of therapeutic and preventive medical organizations to digitalize the organization of drug provision in them with expert evaluation of the results by specialists of all interested parties.

Pharmacy Formulas. 2022;4(1):18-35
pages 18-35 views

Biomedical Sciences

Prevalence and survival of patients with malignant tumors of the thymus gland (C37) (population study at the federal district level)

Merabishvili V.


We have attempted to establish the patterns of occurrence of malignant neoplasms of the thymus gland (C37) and get some idea of the effectiveness of its treatment at the population level. This opportunity was presented to us in connection with the development of the Cancer Registry database at the level of the Northwestern Federal District of the Russian Federation, consisting of more than 1 million 350 thousand patients records with a population of more than 13 million people.

As a result of the study, based on the database of the newly created Population-based Cancer Registry of the Northwestern Federal District, to determine the prevalence, primary mortality and survival of patients with malignant neoplasms of the thymus gland (C34), taking into account gender, age characteristics and survival of patients. At the international level, we propose to divide the combined heading С37, 38 and separate С37.

        The material for the study was the database of the Population-based Cancer Registry with more than 1 million 350 thousand observations; standard research methods recommended by the International Association of Cancer Registries.

        The conducted research has shown the possibility to assess the prevalence and effectiveness of anticancer measures for rare malignant neoplasms. The specific weight of malignant neoplasms of the thymus gland (C37) among all tumors in the Northwestern Federal District is 0.02%, 5 times less than the occurrence of malignant neoplasms of the heart (C38). Attention is drawn to the fact that in recent years the accounting of this group of tumors has significantly improved in the Northwestern Federal District. There were no sharp differences in the structure of the male and female population in the values of registered cases of the disease among people younger and older than 60 years.

Pharmacy Formulas. 2022;4(1):36-45
pages 36-45 views

Assessment of human health and modern laboratory tests

Dorofeykov V.


A blood test for vitamin D(OH) reflects a person's overall health. Athletes in the winter season have a sharp decrease in the concentration of calcitriol in the blood. Taking cholecalciferol by athletes at a dose of 2000 IU per day allows one to maintain vitamin levels at a sufficient level in the body, which contributes to maintaining good physical shape and improving athletic performance. Level 25(OH) analysisD in the blood of elite athletes is useful for monitoring and correcting the intake of vitamin D preparations, requires mandatory implementation in the medical and biological support of national teams.

Pharmacy Formulas. 2022;4(1):46-50
pages 46-50 views

Biological sciences

Approaches to radiation situation assessment and prediction in the Baltic Sea

Savkina E., Sklyarova L., Podboronova A., Zharikov M., Perelygin I.


The review is devoted to the analysis of scientific publications, as well as regulatory legal acts and documents in the field of radioecology and radiation situation assessment in the Baltic Sea. To date, certain areas of the Baltic Sea are classified as environmentally unfavorable in terms of a number of harmful (polluting) substances that have a negative impact on the environment, including radiation conditions.

The article deals with two main aspects of radioecology problems: international and regional (Russian) within the Baltic Sea. Potentially hazardous objects and the main radioecological problems that are relevant at this time and require scientific and practical solutions have been analyzed.

The objects of negative impact in the course of the study were taken into account generally accepted four main components with different concentrations of pollutants: water, organisms and suspended organic matter, sediments and surface film.

Having studied and analyzed the statistical data of scientific research using the methods of generalized data processing, systematization and comparative analysis, a general conclusion about modern approaches to assessing and predicting the radiation situation in the Baltic Sea has been drawn.

In our opinion, improving the efficiency of systems for ensuring radioecological safety is relevant at the present time and requires a constant and comprehensive analysis of its state, which may allow timely assessment and forecasting of the radiation situation in the Baltic Sea.

Secondly, it is necessary to combine the efforts of the scientific community, public organizations and practicing professionals of industrial corporations from all countries of the region, which will increase the level of environmental safety of the Baltic Sea.

Pharmacy Formulas. 2022;4(1):52-60
pages 52-60 views

Biotesting methods for the detection of drugs in the aquatic environment

Kryazhevskikh A., Bardina V., Sklyarova N.


The article presents experimental data on the use of the biotesting method for the toxicological evaluation of tap water containing the antibiotic amoxicillin solution and the hormone 17β-estradiol solution. Different test organisms differ in their sensitivity to toxicants. Therefore, a series of biotests using different test organisms from different systematic groups: daphnia (Daphnia magna Straus), infusoria (Paramecium caudatum), and algae (Chlorella vulgaris Beijer) were used to increase the accuracy of toxicity assessment of solutions. It was found that of the selected test cultures infusoria were the most sensitive to the solution with antibiotic and hormone. The effect of amoxicillin in the dose range from 0.000078 mg/L to 0.000000078 mg/L contributed to the toxic effect of the test cultures in the following sequence in descending order: infusoria > daphnia = chlorella. In a toxicity study of water containing the hormone 17β-estradiol in the dose range from 0.00001mg/L to 0.00000001 mg/L, the sensitivity of the test objects developed in the following chronology: infusoria > chlorella. Daphnia (Daphnia magna Straus) were not at all susceptible to this class of drugs. Therefore, the proposed biotesting methods for the detection of drugs in the aquatic environment are a promising direction in assessing the toxicity of pharmpollutants in wastewater.

Pharmacy Formulas. 2022;4(1):61-69
pages 61-69 views

Microbiological analysis of the quality of tap and filtered water in St. Petersburg, taking into account modern requirements

Bogdanova O., Chernykh T.


The article presents new requirements for the sanitary and microbiological quality of drinking water with the justification of the introduced quality indicators. The modern requirements of the main regulatory and technical document regulating water quality - SanPiN were given and the possibilities of interpretation of microbiological indicators of drinking water quality were explained. The study of samples of tap water in the districts of Saint Petersburg and drinking water, additionally filtered with filters of different designs, has been carried out. It has been shown that microbiological monitoring of drinking water is extremely important for assessing its sanitary and hygienic well-being, since microorganisms are an accurate indicator of environmental pollution. Also, with the help of microbiological analysis, the high quality of purification, disinfection and water treatment of drinking water in Saint Petersburg has been confirmed. The high quality of the water obtained with the help of a stationary filter has also been noted.

Pharmacy Formulas. 2022;4(1):70-75
pages 70-75 views

Actual problems: discussion tribune

Environmental risks of the tetracycline micro pollution

Paramonov S., Zelikova D., Sklyarova L., Alkhutova I.


Review of environmental risks related to the use of tetracycline. Microcontamination with tetracycline has both medical risks associated with the manifestation of antibiotic resistance in bacterial communities, and environmental risks associated with changes in the transformation of the substance in ecosystems and the impact on biodiversity by inhibiting certain species of plants, animals and microorganisms.

Microcontamination with tetracycline antibiotics entails a number of environmental risks. Due to their widespread use, the spread of tetracycline antibiotics in the environment is global. The influence of tetracycline is observed in many objects. The distribution of tetracycline is facilitated by veterinary use, both directly and through the use of animal waste as fertilizer for crops and pastures.

As a result of the study, the following possible environmental consequences of tetracycline micropollution of the environment were revealed:

  1. violation of the work of bacteria included in the bacterial complex of activated sludge at treatment facilities using this technology, as well as during composting and affecting denitrification processes;
  2. impact on soil microbial communities by suppressing a number of biodegradation processes of the substance and changing the biodiversity of microorganisms;
  3. the risks of micropollution of plant communities with tetracycline supplied with organic fertilizers were associated with the inhibition of a number of root nutrition processes, species-specific for different crops;
  4. micro-pollution of marine communities with tetracycline is associated primarily with the effect on producers – algae and cyanobacteria, inhibiting their growth, secondly, to subsequent food chains through bioaccumulation in vertebrate tissues;
  5. the toxic effect of small doses of tetracycline from the soil on certain types of invertebrates was shown.
Pharmacy Formulas. 2022;4(1):76-88
pages 76-88 views


Igor Narkevich. To be continued…

Volgusheva A., Vorobeva S., Perelygin V., Zakonchinskaya N.


The article is dedicated to the fifty-fifth birthday of a remarkable person, Professor, Rector of the Saint Petersburg Chemical and Pharmaceutical University Igor Anatolyevich Narkevich. Little-known facts about his personal life and career have been outlined. Photos from his personal archive, previously unpublished, have been posted in the article. The materials presented, in our opinion, do not claim to be a complete biography of I. A. Narkevich. It is of a biographical nature and will undoubtedly serve as additional information about this creative multifaceted personality.

In the article, the achievements of I. A. Narkevich in studies, scientific and organizational activities successively from a secondary school student to the Rector of the university have been described.

The authors are confident that this life example will be useful for students and future leaders of organizations in the pharmaceutical industry in achieving creative and scientific goals in their work.

The article also contains materials on the directions and methods of modernization of pharmaceutical education implemented under the leadership of I. A. Narkevich, archive materials, scientific and journalistic articles, reports on the work of the structural units of the SPCPU, their projects and external grants, as well as records of personal conversations.

Pharmacy Formulas. 2022;4(1):94-103
pages 94-103 views
