卷 4, 编号 2 (2022)

Pharmaceutical Sciences

Evaluation of the effect of Cassia fistula L. extracts on the muscle contraction intensity using an ex vivo model

Ranadive K., Jagtap N., Jagtap P., Perelygin V., Zharikov M., Zmitrovich I., Sanjay G.


Cassia fistula L. is a Fabaceae representative that has long been used in traditional medicine. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of Cassia fistula L. herbal extracts in the form of solutions of a certain concentration on the smooth muscles of the intestine of the animal. The design of the experiment involved the identification of raw materials, their drying, grinding, extraction of soluble fractions, purification of aqueous, ethereal (diethyl ether) and ethanol extracts and their testing on the tissues of the ileum of the domestic chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus L.) extracted ex vivo.

The ethereal, alcoholic and aqueous extracts of Cassia fistula L. fruits showed to exhibit high relaxation activity compared to the control relaxation stimulants, whereas the leaf extracts showed a more modest relaxing activity. A similar situation was observed in testing extracts of young shoots, with aqueous extracts showing even more modest results, while alcohol and ethanol extracts of young shoots performed better than the corresponding leaf extracts, and the most modest results in terms of a dose sufficient for a physiological response was demonstrated by root extracts.

The initial assessment of the activity of Cassia fistula L. extracts makes it possible to identify as the most promising for further chemical study the pools of substances concentrated in the ethanol fruits extract exhibiting the minimum effective dose, in the ether extracts of fruits and bark demonstrating the shortest reaction time, and in the aqueous extracts of young shoots and cortex showing the highest percentage increase in the activity compared to the control.

Pharmacy Formulas. 2022;4(2):10-19
pages 10-19 views

Cardiac arrhythmias and conduction disorders in acute poisoning with cardiotoxic substances

Kruchinin E., Myasnikov V., Tyunin M., Yeltsov A., Yudina N., Perelygin I.


The study is devoted to the problems of poisoning by cardiotoxic diseases.

The relevance of the study was confirmed by the analysis of literature containing the following information: during recent decades poisoning with cardiotoxic substances while providing medical care to patients has become the main cause of premature death worldwide.

Currently, in a number of cases of poisoning several classes of compounds for medical and non-medical purposes with cardiotoxic effects can be found. The pattern of acute poisonings is highly dependent on different regions, especially in developed and developing countries, as well as in urban and coastal areas, and it also depends on socio-economic status, cultural practices, industrial and agricultural development in industry.

The results obtained during the study show that the toxic effects of various classes of cardiotoxicants include direct (effects on the heart, blood vessels or nervous system) and indirect effects of the poison associated with the presence of metabolic disorders (hypoxia, acidosis, electrolyte disorders), and the severity of the manifestation of the condition determination of urgent toxic arrhythmias, which worsen the course of the toxic process and most often lead to a sudden death, which is an actual study of mechanisms of toxic rhythm and conduction disorders.

The study shows changes in the electrocardiographic patterns and mechanisms of cardiotoxic action, which can be found in the structure of poisonings, their toxic doses (concentration).

The purpose of this study was to study the features of rhythm and conduction in case of cardiotropic poisoning.

In the course of the study the following scientific tasks were solved: changes in the electrocardiographic pattern and manifestations of cardiotoxic action, which were broadly found in the structure of poisoning, were established, and information about their toxic doses (concentrations) was summarized.

In our opinion, the knowledge of signs of poisoning, topical symptoms, mechanisms of formation of their effects is the key to the implementation of measures to provide medical care.

The results of the study include practical significance for the analysis and definition of various types of medical care in case of poisoning with cardiotoxic diseases of non-medical purposes.

Pharmacy Formulas. 2022;4(2):20-34
pages 20-34 views

Biomedical Sciences

Smoking and lung cancer (clinical and epidemiological study)

Yurkova Y., Merabishvili V.


Tobacco smoke is one of the dangerous exogenous factors contributing to the emergence of chronic non–communicable diseases and, first of all, malignant tumors.

Purpose. On the basis of the hospital cancer registry created at the N.N. Petrov National Medical Research Center of Oncology (N.N. Petrov NMRC of Oncology), to analyze the differences in the specific weights of the risk of exposure to the smoking factor on cancer patients treated in the hospital with various oncopathologies. At the population level, to consider the dynamics of morbidity and mortality of the population of Russia, the North-Western Federal District (NWFD) and St. Petersburg of lung cancer patients, taking into account the impact of the coronavirus pandemic.

The material of the study is the created database (DB) of the hospital and population cancer registry, working according to international standards and statistical reference books of the P.A. Herzen Moscow Research Institute of Oncology (P.A. Herzen Institute of Oncology) and the N.N. Petrov NMRC of Oncology, questioning of patients in the hospital.

Results. Of the 47,356 patients treated at the center, 9201 or 19.4% abused smoking. The highest percentage of smokers was found among patients with laryngeal cancer (C32) – 66.67%, esophageal cancer (C15) – 53.20% and lung cancer (C33,34) – 51.08. The lowest proportion of smokers among patients diagnosed with uterine body cancer (C54) – 8.8% and breast (C50) – 10.1%. It was found that 52.01% of smokers smoked more than half, up to one pack of cigarettes a day.

Conclusions. Thus, the study proved a direct link between the smoking factor and the development of malignant tumors. It was found that more than 50% of patients with lung cancer are smokers. The proportion of smoking patients for other nosologies is significantly less, with the exception of laryngeal (C32) and esophageal (C15). We also noted an increase in the number of women who smoke both in the whole group of patients and in the group of patients diagnosed with lung cancer.

Pharmacy Formulas. 2022;4(2):36-42
pages 36-42 views

Biological sciences

Monitoring of the safety of plant-based feed by the content of ecotoxicants

Kalyuzhnaya T., Orlova D.


Currently, the issues of the safety of plant-based feed in terms of the content of ecotoxicants remain relevant and are directly related to the intensification of the agro-industrial complex and ensuring the food security of the country. Thus, when assessing the possibility of using plant feeds, great importance is paid to monitoring the content of such ecotoxicants as toxic elements, pesticides, pyrene-free, radionuclides and others.

The accumulation of ecotoxicants on the territory of agricultural lands determines the need for regular monitoring of their content, and in polluted territories - the use of a system of agrotechnical and agrochemical measures for their detoxification. The main danger of ecotoxicants lies in their entry into the human body and animals through food, including plant origin, and accumulative capacity. In this regard, issues related to the study of the content of ecotoxicants in feed and plants of agricultural lands, assessment of the degree of pollution of agroecosystems have significance and relevance.

Pharmacy Formulas. 2022;4(2):44-50
pages 44-50 views

Ensuring food safety in use antimicrobial veterinary drugs in agriculture

Orlova D., Kalyuzhnaya T.


Currently, the problem of antibiotic resistance is acute at the world level. As a result of unsystematic and uncontrolled intake of antimicrobial drugs into the human body, pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms acquire resistance to the action of drugs, and therapy is ineffective. Antibiotic resistance develops as a result of non-compliance with the course of treatment, dosage of drugs, as well as when antibiotics enter the body, residual amounts of which circulate in the external environment and are found in food. The use of antimicrobial agents in agriculture is of great importance. In 2017, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2045-r «On approval of the Strategy for preventing the spread of antimicrobial resistance in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030 and the action plan for its implementation» came into force, in accordance with which the SCAMP program was developed - a system for monitoring antimicrobial drugs. This program is currently being implemented within the framework of voluntary certification and provides for the achievement of the therapeutic efficacy of antibiotic therapy; reduction in the use of antibiotics; rejection of unsystematic and uncontrolled use of antibiotics for prevention, stimulation of growth and productivity; obtaining raw materials of animal origin and products that do not contain residual amounts of antimicrobial drugs; ensuring food security. A high role in the control system of antimicrobial drugs is played by digitalization in the circulation of food products on the territory of the Russian Federation, which makes it possible to control the turnover «from farm to table» and to nullify the cases of circulation of unsafe counterfeit products, and the registration of manufacturers in electronic systems and the assignment of a unique digital labeling of products will oblige manufacturers to comply with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation, including when using medicines.

Pharmacy Formulas. 2022;4(2):51-58
pages 51-58 views

Actual problems: discussion tribune

Molecular mechanisms of molecular transfer across the blood-brain barrier as a target for pharmacological action. Part 1. Structure, function and pathology of the BBB

Trofimov A., Litvinova M., Schwarz A., Kosheverova V., Lebedev A., Arseniev N., Tyukavin A.


Biological barriers play a key role in maintaining the integrity and functioning of the body at all levels of its organization. The barrier function at the cellular level is based on the hydrophobic properties of the cytoplasmic membrane, which provide selective permeability for various substances, depending on their chemical properties. At higher levels of organization, from tissue to organism, the barrier function is based on intercellular protein complexes of the plasma membrane, which form paracellular diffusion barriers and separate internal and external fluid media, which is a necessary condition for the development and functioning of each organ. The blood-brain barrier (BBB) plays an important role in maintaining the function of the brain. The review reflects the main stages in the embryonic development of the BBB, as well as presents current data on the morphological and functional features of the organization of the BBB, including molecular mechanisms that mediate the barrier function due to the complex participation of vascular cells of cerebral microvessels, as well as gene expression of enzyme complexes, active and passive substance transport mechanisms through the BBB. The high transport selectivity of the BBB is an urgent problem for the delivery of drugs to the brain. At the same time, it is equally important to improve the principles of pharmacotherapy for the correction of impaired BBB functions in various types of pathology of the nervous and other body systems. This review aims to convey to the developers of modern targeted drugs new information about the molecular genetic mechanisms of the transport of substances through the BBB, as well as to draw the attention of specialists in the field of precision medicine to the problem of violations of the barrier function of cerebral vessels in neurological and other diseases of a modern person.

Pharmacy Formulas. 2022;4(2):60-69
pages 60-69 views


The life path of A. M. Khaletsky

Narkevich I., Volgusheva A., Vorobeva S., Perelygin V., Dyomina K.


Many brilliant scientists, professors, whose life and fate were directly connected with the history of the university, worked at the St. Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University.Our national pharmacy owes their talent and enthusiasm.

Based on unpublished archival records, the article reconstructs the biography, professional, scientific and social activities of Abram Mikhailovich Khaletsky, a well–known chemist, professor, Doctor of Chemistry, who made a great contribution to the development of Russian science, who for many years worked as the Head of the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry of the Leningrad PharmaceuticalInstitution. A graduate of the Medical Department of Kazan University, a student of Academy A.E. Favorsky,he took an active part in the reformation of the educational process of the LCPI. It was A.M. Khaletsky who proposed a new form of appraisal of pharmacists at that time – the defense of theses, the first of them were performed at the Department of Organic Chemistry. Among the scientific achievements made under the leadership of A.M. Khaletsky: studies of isomeric changes of keto-alcohol, technology for the production of standard galenical preparations, the method of isolation of β-sitosterol, improvement of hormone technology and the search for new hormonal drugs, and many others. Actively promoted the integration of scientific developments in the pharmaceutical industry. Research by Professor A. M. Khaletsky undoubtedly enriched the theory and practice of organic and pharmaceutical chemistry, made the contribution to the science of the relationships between biological structure and activity, replenished the range of medicine with new drugs and methods of their analysis.

The article provides information about the work of one of the oldest departments of the Leningrad Chemical and Pharmaceutical Institute - pharmaceutical chemistry during the leadership of A.M. Khaletsky (1950-x).

Pharmacy Formulas. 2022;4(2):76-84
pages 76-84 views
