卷 4, 编号 3 (2022)

Pharmaceutical Sciences

Phyto-stimulating activity of the paracetamol-containing waste biodestruction product

Vikhareva E., Mishenina I., Agafontseva A., Rychkova M.


Currently, the search for effective ways to dispose of pharmaceutical waste, including the use of microgerms, is relevant, which makes it possible to obtain products with new useful, in particular, phytostimulating properties. Our previous researches have shown that the product of bacterial destruction of paracetamol exhibits frank phytostimulating properties toward medicinal plants of the Lamiaceae, Plantaginaceae, Urticaceae, Asteraceae can be used as an inducer of accumulation of biologically active substances in them.

The purpose of this work is to investigate the effect of the biodegradation product of paracetamol on the amount of glycans, biomass, size and anatomical features of linseeds Linum usitatissimum L. (Linaceae family).

Materials and methods. The work used a product of biodegradation of paracetamol (PBP) obtained on the basis of the laboratory of alkanotrophic microorganisms of the Institute of Ecology and Genetics of Microorganisms of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Perm) from the pharmaceutical substance paracetamol with an expired expiration date. The study of the phytostimulating effect of PBP in relation to common flax was carried out on the basis of the A. G. Genkel Botanical Garden of the Perm State National Research University. The content of glycans was determined by gravimetric method. A comparative analysis of the anatomical structure of seeds was carried out using the Motic DM-111 digital microscope and the Motic Play and Motic Educator software.

Results. When processing flax seedlings of ordinary PBP, the amount of glycans in seeds increased by 6%, the total collection of seed biomass – by 20.5%, the size (length) of seeds – by 2% compared to the control (water). Biometric parameters of the mucous layer of seeds collected from the area treated with PBP increased by 10% the control in comparison.

Conclusion. The biodegradation product of paracetamol has a stimulating effect on the medicinal plant of the flax family (Linaceae) – flax Linum usitatissimum L., increasing the content of polysaccharides, the total collection of seed biomass and their size.

Pharmacy Formulas. 2022;4(3):10-17
pages 10-17 views

Biomedical Sciences

Morbidity, mortality, reliability of accounting, survival of patients with malignant neoplasms (ZNO) in Russia. The impact of the SARS-CoV-2-betacoronavirus coronavirus epidemic (population study at the federal district level)

Merabishvili V.


Since the second half of the twentieth century, active events have been held in our country and around the world to study the prevalence of cancer, form specialized medical institutions to provide necessary help to cancer patients. Over the following decades, a steady increase in the number of primary patients was observed, and a gradual decrease in mortality was observed, associated with the successes of anti-cancer measures. The outbreak of pneumonia in December 2019, caused by the seventh newly discovered SARS-CoV-2-beta coronavirus, quickly spread to all continents. At the first stage of the pandemic, panic was observed, outpatient and even specialized hospitals were closed. This had a significant impact on the organization of oncological services, in particular on the incidence, mortality of the population and the survival of cancer patients.

The aim of the study was to determine the impact of the newly emerged virus on the organizational problems of the oncological service, primarily on the incidence, mortality of the population and the survival of cancer patients.

Materials and methods – data of state reporting, data of the Federal State Statistics Service on the deceased, database of cancer registries of St. Petersburg and the South-West Federal District of the Russian Federation.

The results of the study showed the need for a thorough study of the problems of the development of cancer registries, determined the negative impact of the pandemic on the incidence of cancer, identified the maximum damage by localization, age groups and administrative territories of Russia. It was found that in general, the country had an undercount of about 100,000 cancer patients, and the quality of primary registration decreased by 13%. The greatest damage to the primary patients was caused to the elderly and elderly, especially in localities with a low mortality rate. A stable increase in one-year and five-year survival of cancer patients was revealed, as well as a negative (by –6%) decrease in one-year survival from 2019 to 2020. More complex conditions for maintaining databases for rural populations were identified.

Pharmacy Formulas. 2022;4(3):18-26
pages 18-26 views

Aspects of the problem of clinical trials of modern targeted radiopharmaceuticals

Rabinovich E., Savchenko A., Sukhov V., Perelygin V.


According to the results of our study, the authors’ point of view on the problem of testing of radiopharmaceutical medicaments, is reflected, taking into account the active modern development of nuclear medicine. In the context, the issues of the structure characters of targeted radiopharmaceutical medicaments (RPM) are considered from their development to the organization of clinical trials in Russia and abroad.

The characters of the fact that targeted ligands delivering active diagnostic and therapeutic isotopes to tumor cells do not have a biological effect by themselves, and the main active pharmaceutical ingredient, radionuclide, is used in the range of radiation doses allowed for diagnosis and therapy. In this context, the absence of the necessity for the first phase of clinical trials and simplification of the design of the second and the third phases is justified for diagnostic RPM. Approaches to clinical research of therapeutic RPMs are considered separately, taking into account the known pre-clinical and clinical results of their effectiveness and radiation safety. By way of a clinical case, scintigrams of researches of the effectiveness of imaging tumors and metastases are presented using various diagnostic RFLP by SPECT-CT and PET-CT methods, at which point we pay attention to the characters of carrying out clinical trials in cancer medicine of RPM with high-energy and the most promising α-radionuclides.

Pharmacy Formulas. 2022;4(3):27-42
pages 27-42 views

Biological sciences

Microbiological analysis of spring water in the Leningrad region

Bogdanova O., Chernykh T.


The article presents the results of microbiological studies of spring water sources of the Priozersky district of the Leningrad region, conducted according to the standards of the new SanPiN. The high interest of the population in the use of spring water as a source of drinking water is noted, an analysis of the modern research of foreign colleagues of spring waters using new molecular-genetic methods is presented. The value of using modern high-tech methods and traditional methods of sanitary-microbiological analysis of spring water is shown. Based on the studies conducted in 2021-2022 in two seasonal periods, a regular increase in the number of mesophilic microorganisms was noted when transitioning from winter to spring-summer, due to an increase in temperature and activation of the biota of soil and water ecosystems. The spring of the village of Romashki was recognized as unsatisfactory in terms of sanitary-microbiological, based on the excess of the norm for the total number of bacteria and the presence in the sample of generalized coliform bacteria. It is noted that the SanPiN recommendations on the quality of drinking water and microbiological control of its quality can be applied to spring and other types of underground water.

Pharmacy Formulas. 2022;4(3):44-49
pages 44-49 views

Information and Prevention

Water and its importance for human life and health

Lunegova I., Tyts V., Lopatin S.


Life is the most valuable asset that a person has. Throughout the time allotted to him, he seeks the meaning of his existence, makes plans, strives to implement them, creates and creates. And the main task of a person is to preserve this life, because it is priceless. Scientists have long established a direct link between the quality of drinking water and life expectancy. The rapid growth of the planet’s population in combination with increasing water consumption for household and industrial needs, agriculture leads to a global water crisis, which is manifested in a shortage of fresh water and its increasing pollution. In many countries, the question of providing the population with good quality drinking water is very acute, it has long been a subject of trade. The generally accepted scientific views on the role and importance of water for life and health, the main approaches to determining its quality in everyday human activities are revealed in this article.

Pharmacy Formulas. 2022;4(3):50-57
pages 50-57 views

Formation of water behavior as an element of lifestyle

Lopatin S., Tyts V.


Water behavior is a series of simple and complex actions related to the use of water and depending on the knowledge of the norms and rules of behavior in the environment, on the ratio of motivational and emotional components in a person’s life. Water behavior, participating in the formation of ecological culture, is an indicator and the most important tool for ensuring the environmental safety of the population and pharmaceutical production, which needs high quality water. It is noted that if drinking water is used in pharmaceutical production directly at individual stages or as a starting material, then regular checks of its quality at the production site are necessary. A certain optimism is brought by the measures that the leadership of Rospotrebnadzor of the Russian Federation has recently taken, aimed at improving the laboratory support of the service by equipping it with high-tech equipment to determine the safety and quality indicators of environmental elements, including water. One of the manifestations characteristic of most subjects of water behavior is the optimistic level of assessment of the state of drinking water supply sources and the quality of drinking water. The authors propose, when building the water behavior of a pharmaceutical production manager, to take into account a number of circumstances related to the chemical safety of drinking water: conducting an inventory and clarifying the list of chemicals that are in circulation on the territory of the Russian Federation and are potentially dangerous toxicants; creation of a federal database on the quality and safety of food products (water) produced and sold in the Russian Federation, including those containing priority chemical pollutants. The consideration of water behavior as an element of lifestyle allows, when modeling the water behavior of pharmaceutical production managers, to orient them towards taking measures to improve the chemical safety of the water factor by improving both water treatment and the laboratory control system.

Pharmacy Formulas. 2022;4(3):58-63
pages 58-63 views

Pharmaceutical learning activit

Latest technologies of diagnostics and treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Tyukavin A., Solomennikov A., Umarov S.


This lesson outlines the latest data on bone structure and physiology, as well as those related to the mechanisms of bone development and regeneration. The most common diseases of musculoskeletal system are caused by genetic and metabolic disorders, infectious agents, andmechanical stress, all of which are discussed. Innovative technologies for diagnosing osteoporosis (X-ray absorptiometry, quantitative computed tomography (QCT), ultrasonic bone densitometry, etc.) are shown. The joints diseases (arthropathies) followed by inflammation are highlighted. The basic principles of conservative and surgical treatment of arthrosis are explored. Different types of bone injuries caused by mechanical stress are thoroughly described as well as the latest technologies and equipment used in modern trauma centers. Basic orthopedic aids for disabled patients are listed. The main directions for improving the diagnosis and conservative treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, as well as methods for prosthetics of large joints are described.

Pharmacy Formulas. 2022;4(3):64-80
pages 64-80 views

Actual problems: discussion tribune

Molecular mechanisms of transport of substances across the blood-brain barrie as targets for pharmacological action. Part 2. Modern methods of delivery of pharmacological agents to the central nervous system

Litvinova M., Trofimov A., Shabanov P., Lebedev A., Bychkov E., Arseniev N., Tyukavin A.


One of the unresolved problems on the way to improving the pharmacotherapy of CNS diseases is the development and creation of technologies that allow drugs to cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB). The review discusses modern methods of drug delivery to the CNS. The advantages and disadvantages of the main pharmacological strategies for directly overcoming the BBB and an alternative to this are shown. New methods of drug delivery to the brain with damage (physical, chemical, etc.) and without disruption of the blood-brain barrier structure (small molecules, cell-mediated transport, stem cells) are considered. The prospects for the use of artificial nanosized drug transporters are discussed. An alternative strategy of pharmacological action on the CNS structures (intranasal route) is shown to be promising. Possible mechanisms of action of pharmacological agents on CNS structures bypassing the BBB are considered.

Pharmacy Formulas. 2022;4(3):82-96
pages 82-96 views


Joseph Afroimovich Sterin

Napalkova S., Okovityi S., Veselova O., Perelygin V., Dyomina K.


The article, based on unpublished sources from the Central State Archive of St. Petersburg, shows the main milestones of the life and scientific achievements of Joseph Afroimovich Sterin, who headed the Department of Pharmacology at the Leningrad Pharmaceutical Institute from 1946 to 1951 (currently St. Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University). I.A. Sterin began his scientific activity in 1926 and did not stop it even during the Great Patriotic War. From August 1941 to April 1942, I.A. Sterin was assigned the duties of the head of the Department of Pharmacology of the 2nd LMI. After evacuation from the university in 1941 to Pyatigorsk, he headed the Department of Pharmacology at the Pyatigorsk Medical Institute, and since 1942 – at the newly formed Krasnoyarsk Medical Institute. After returning from evacuation, since 1946, I.A. Sterin was confirmed as the head of the Department of Pharmacology of the Leningrad Pharmaceutical Institute, which he headed until 1951.

In 1945, Joseph Afroimovich Sterin defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences. I.A.Sterin’s scientific research was aimed at studying the mechanisms of muscle fatigue, developing the correction of methemoglobinemia, and evaluating the pharmacological activity of medicinal plants in Siberia. Part of the work carried out under his leadership was devoted to the pharmacological study of plants, in particular their antispasmodic and hypotensive effects, as well as the search for new antithyroid drugs – the relationship between the chemical structure of the substance and its pharmacological action was clarified.

The life path of Joseph Afroimovich Sterin is a wonderful example of endless dedication, courage, dedication, professional and civic responsibility.

Pharmacy Formulas. 2022;4(3):102-109
pages 102-109 views
