Vol 7, No 10 (1893)

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Materials on the question of the relationship between menstruation and ovulation

Mironov M.


Since Negrier in 1840 and Bischoff in 1844 pointed out the frequency of ovulation and the interconnection of this latter with menstruation, that is, with periodic, usually 4 weeks old, bleeding from the genitals, a number of researchers have tried find out the mutual relationship between these two phenomena.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(10):759-792
pages 759-792 views

An active method of treating miscarriage, used in private practice

Feynberg B.I.


In the era of brilliant results from conservative caesar section and from laparotomy during ectopic pregnancy, in the era of the revival of symphysiotomy, it would seem somewhat belated to re-raise the question of the expediency and safety of curettage of the uterus in miscarriage, however, cases of prolonged miscarriage, which I also used in private practice, cases in which women, due to the detention of deciduae verae, from 3 weeks to 31/2 months, bleed and were exhausted to the extreme, prove that active intervention in the treatment of abortion has not yet taken root, that a sharp spoon applied to miscarriage and now for many more it is a dangerous tool.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(10):792-802
pages 792-802 views

A case of incomplete separation of the hymen

Zabolotsky A.P.


Maria R.R. (Medical. Zhurn., No. 593), a peasant woman of the Novgorod province, married, 27 years old, was admitted to the Hospital Obstetric and Gynecological Clinic of prof. K. Ѳ. Slavyansky on September 10, 1891, about complaints of pain in the lower abdomen, difficult and painful urination, lack of blood for two months, constipation and loss of sleep.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(10):803-809
pages 803-809 views

Not a word about the preparation for childbirth of old, first-pregnant women

Vasten V.A.


It is well known that in old first-born mothers there are often irregularities on the part of forced activity and a slow opening of the uterus is observed due to the tightness of the sleeve part and the stubbornness of the external pharynx.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(10):810-811
pages 810-811 views

Meeting of obstetric and gynecological societies.

Slavyanskiy K.F.


31 members were present: Batsevich, Vasten, Vorobiev, Hermonius, Grinev, Danilovich, Dobradin, Dranitsyn, Zheltukhin, Zabolotskiy, Zamshin, Zmigrodskiy, Kakushkin, Massen, Misevich, Ott, Piotrovykovych, Porshnyakov, Radetskiy R.K., Rachinskiy, Rutkovskiy, Sadovskiy, Salmanov, Serezhnikov, Stravinskiy, Strogonov, Fisher A.R., Fratkin, Shverdlov, Shpyults, Yanpolskiy and 9 guests.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(10):812-814
pages 812-814 views

Административное засѣданіе 13-го мая 1893 г. (Созвано на основаніи § 34 Устава).




Присутствовали 30 членовъ.

  1. Читаны и утверждены протоколы №№ XI и XII.
  2. Подвергнутъ обсужденію вопросъ объ измѣненіи §17 Устава Общества. Въ обсужденіи принимали участіе А. И. Замшинъ, А. Р. Фишеръ, Б. А. Фишеръ, Н. М. Поршняковъ, Е. Ф. Бацевичъ, Н. И. Стравинскій, В. А. Вастенъ, В. И. Штольцъ и нѣкоторые другіе члены Общества.

Въ заключеніе предсѣдательствовавшій поставилъ на разрѣшеніе открытой подачей голосовъ два вопроса:

1) Согласно-ли Общество на измѣненіе § 17 Устава въ смыслѣ, указанномъ коммиссіей подъ предсѣдательствомъ В. И. Штольца?

Общество значительнымъ большинствомъ голосовъ согласилось на означенное измѣненіе.

2) Желаетъ-ли Общество принять редакцію 1-го примѣчанія къ § 17-му, данную коммиссіей, или оставить прежнюю?

Большинствомъ голосовъ рѣшено оставить прежнюю редакцію примѣчанія 1-го къ § 17-му.

Опредѣлено: ходатайствовать объ измѣненіи § 17-го; примѣчаніе къ нему занумеровать 1-мъ и прибавить 2-е примѣчаніе согласно формѣ, выработанной коммиссіей (см. Протоколъ № XII—засѣданія 22-го апрѣля 1893 г.).

  • Доложено предложеніе Русскаго Сифилидологическаго и Дерматологическаго Общества всесторонне обсудить вопросъ о врачебной тайнѣ для внесенія его на ближайшій съѣздъ врачей. Къ предложенію приложены постановленія означеннаго Общества по этому вопросу.

Для обсужденія избрана коммиссія подъ предсѣдательствомъ В. И. Штольца изъ членовъ В. А. Вастена, В. В. Желтухина, А. В. Рутковскаго и Б. Г. Янпольскаго.

  • Въ виду предстоящаго 9-го декабря сего 1893 года двадцатипятилѣтія врачебно-ученой дѣятельности Предсѣдателя Общества, К. Ф. Славянскаго, постановлено:

Избрать коммиссію изъ членовъ А. И. Байкова, Е. Ф. Бацевича, В. А. Вастена, Д. М. Кирѣева, Н. И. Стравинскаго, А. Э. Шмидта, В. И. Штольца и А. Л. Эбермана, подъ предсѣдательствомъ Товарища Предсѣдателя Общества, Д. О. Отта; поручить избранной коммиссіи выработать программу чествованія К. Ф. Славянскаго.

Предсѣдатель Дм. Оттъ.

Секретарь Л. Личкусъ.


Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(10):815-816
pages 815-816 views

106. Prof. F. Schauta. Ein Fall von Inversio uteri im 78 Lebensjahre (Arch.f. Gynäk. B. 43, p. 30). A case of eversion of the uterus at year 78.

Feinberg B.


On November 12, 1891, Prof. Schauta presented herself as a patient, 78 years old, suffering for about a year with a tumor that fell out of the genital fissure, temporary retention of urine and insignificant excretion of blood.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(10):817-819
pages 817-819 views

107. Meinert. Drei gynäkologische Fälle von Wundstarrkrampf. (Archiv, f. Gyn. B. 44, p. 381). Three gynecological cases of tetanus.

Feinberg B.I.


Mrs L., 30 years old, 4 years old married. After 3 urgent births, miscarriage in the 2nd month, in 1884. In September of the same year, ecochleatio uteri due to continued bleeding.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(10):819-821
pages 819-821 views

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