Vol 9, No 12 (1895)



Team E.


January 16, 1896 will mark 25 years of service of A. Ya. Krassovskiy as director of the St. Petersburg Obstetric Aid Establishment. On December 23, 1875, he celebrated the 25th anniversary of his professorship. In the course of half a century, the service of his sciences and humanity was marked by very many outstanding phenomena.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(12):1055-1056
pages 1055-1056 views

To the question of the volume of changes in the elastic tissue of the uterus in case of spontaneous ruptures of it during childbirth and pregnancy

Davydova G.L.


The question of the choice of one or another method of treatment for ruptured uterus distracted the attention of doctors in the last time from studying the reasons for them. Between the two to this day in the sciences, there is disagreement regarding these reasons, despite the fact that more than 300 years have passed since the description of Abulkasem [1]) the first rupture of the uterus, and there is still a whole series of ruptures of the uterus, for which we are not in a state to give a clear answer to the question of their ethology, despite the most thorough analysis of them both from the clinical and from the anatomical side.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(12):1057-1098
pages 1057-1098 views

To operative treatment of high vesicovaginal fistulas

Gubarev A.P.


All known difficulties, which sometimes come across when suturing high-located vesicovaginal fistulas, especially in those cases, when the upper edge of the fistula consists of the anterior lip of the vaginal part of the uterus.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(12):1099-1101
pages 1099-1101 views

The volume of complications during the healing of the abdominal wound: after the wounds.

Soloviev A.N.


Въ № 21 "Med. Review " 1892 and in number 1 "Zhurn. Akush. and Zhensk. sick. ", there are descriptions of cases of laparotomy produced in our private hospital since the day of its opening. There were nine cases in total. Zatѣm in number 11 “Med. Review " for 1894, the tenth case was described, which was of interest in the sense of the difficulty of diagnosis and complicated by an umbilical hernia.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(12):1102-1113
pages 1102-1113 views

To scholarship about the "months"

Zhikharev S.S.


All the theories of the old time did not rely on sufficient anatomical and physiological information about the structure of female genital organs 

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(12):1113-1165
pages 1113-1165 views

Antiseptics and asepsis in obstetrics

Voff I.A.


(Biblioteka Bracha, 1895, No. 7. Original article, p. 449). Based on the comparison of modern data, the author comes to the following conclusions

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(12):1166-1166
pages 1166-1166 views

A case of twisting of the legs of an ovarian tumor every time after the appearance of the first menstruation

Muratov A.A.


The reasons for the twisting of the legs of pedunculated tumors are still not fully established. Only some of the conditions are indicated, which seem to favor twisting.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(12):1166-1167
pages 1166-1167 views

To casuisticѣ foreign bodies in the vaginaѣ in women in labor

Popov N.I.


(Modern Clinic, 1895, No. 6-7, p. 68). In a primiparous, 18 years old, the author removed from the vagina the head from a honey candle holder with a stearic candle (actually ogarkom).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(12):1167-1167
pages 1167-1167 views

Haematoma s. thrombus vulvae et vaginae

Baklanov P.


(Modern Clinic, 1895, No. 6-7, p. 64).
Haematoma vulvae et vaginae, described here, met for the first time in the Kharkov Maternity House for the last 13 years (for 4012 births). It touches, 22 years old, primiparous.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(12):1167-1167
pages 1167-1167 views

Kъ uchіi about the prevention of infants in nursing

Soloviev G.A.


(Medical Notes, 1895, No. 12, p. 240). According to the author, the disease of the mammary glands in nursing women depends either on abrasions and injuries of the nipple, or on local stagnation in the gland of its detached.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(12):1167-1168
pages 1167-1168 views

Report on the maternity ward of the hospital of the Society of Kremenchug Physicians for 1893

Kudish G.I.


(Kremenchug, 1895). This separation has existed since 1890. His activity is developing rapidly. 122 women stayed in the reporting department on 4 regular beds

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(12):1168-1168
pages 1168-1168 views

From the propedeutic polyclinic for women's diseases

Dobronravov V.A.


(University News, Kiev. 1895, No. 9). The author gives not so much an account as an outline of the eight-year activity of his polyclinic in Kiev, in which he read lectures on the recognition of female diseases. During this time, 2881 patients visited the polyclinic

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(12):1168-1169
pages 1168-1169 views

To scholarship on the fight against postnatal diseases

Soloviev G.A.


(Medical Notes, 1895, No. 14, p. 267).
Paying tribute to the principles of the Preobrazhensky in questions of treatment of early life, the author admits that in the postnatal state it is not enough to adhere to these principles alone; here asepsis is necessary, at least relative.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(12):1169-1169
pages 1169-1169 views

Къ терапіи смѣщеній матки назадъ

Assumption V.V.


(Medical Notes, 1895, Nos. 12, 13, 14, 15, p. 233, etc.) The author thoroughly examines all the methods proposed earlier and now proposed for the treatment of posterior uterine contractions.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(12):1170-1170
pages 1170-1170 views

Rupture of the uterus during labor. Operation Porro

Rakhmanov A.N.


(Medical Review, 1895, No. 20, p. 22). 30 years old, pregnant 5 times.

30 лѣтъ, беременная 5 разъ. При правильномъ, повидимому, теченіи родовъ, вскорѣ послѣ отхожденія водъ внезапно прекратились схватки и появилось изъ влагалища кровотеченіе. Послѣ момента разрыва черезъ 4 часа приступлено къ чревосѣченію. Плодъ и послѣдъ лежали свободно въ брюшной полости. Матка (т. е. тѣло ея) держались только на задней части шейки шириной въ 2—3 пальца. Эта часть перевязана и матка отрѣзана (послѣ наложенія лигатуръ на широкія связки). Культя вывернута во влагалище; каналъ ея закрыть сшиваніемъ брюшныхъ поверхностей. Дугласово пространство дренажирована марлевымъ фитилемъ, выведеннымъ въ нижній уголъ брюшной раны. Онъ удаленъ на 4 сутки. Послѣ операціи больная лихорадила, перенесла pleuro pneumoniam и выздоровѣла. Предшествовавшіе роды всѣ оканчивались при помощи оперативнаго вмѣшательства. Размѣръ таза: 29; 28; 25; 16,5; діагональная конъюгата 9. Н. Какушкинъ.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(12):1170-1170
pages 1170-1170 views

A case of ugliness, surplus lips

Goshkevich M.I.


(Doctor 1895, No. 37, p. 1044). In 35-year-old women who gave birth and did not represent any deviations in the constitution and nutrition of their body, the author found on the perineum, on the transverse finger below the posterior end of the genital fissure, two leathery, pigmented , semicircular, similar to small lips, folds, located symmetrically on both sides of the perineal seam.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(12):1171-1171
pages 1171-1171 views

Haematocele retrouterinum

Zalusky I.A.


(Yuzhno-Russkaya Meditsinskaya Gazeta, 1895, No. 41, p. 545). The patient, after a seven-week delay of months, with a rise in severity, appeared hemorrhage in the uterine space.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(12):1171-1171
pages 1171-1171 views

Къ вопросу о полномъ удаленіи матки при міомахъ

Fenomenov N.N.


(Врачъ, 1895 г., №№ 42 и 43, стр. 1171 и 1206).

Краткимъ очеркомъ современныхъ способовъ лѣченія фиброміомъ матки авторъ устанавливаетъ преимущества хирургическаго вмѣшательства при этихъ новообразованіяхъ.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(12):1171-1772
pages 1171-1772 views

A case of vaginal extirpation of a cancerous-born uterus

Smirnov N.I.


(Medical Review, 1895, No. 20, p. 715). The case does not represent any peculiarities (the patient is 37 years old; cervical cancer), ended favorably.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(12):1172-1172
pages 1172-1172 views

About the exfoliation of the uterus through the vagina according to the Doyen'a method

Varnek L.N.


(Doctor, 1895, No. 38, p. 1051). The author removes a small uterus according to Snegirev's method (Proceedings of the 2nd Congress of General Russian doctors in memory of Pirogov, vol. 2),

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(12):1172-1172
pages 1172-1172 views

Два случая эклампсіи во время беременности

Paoli G.


(Annali di ost. E ginec., Agosto, 1894). De Paoli reports on two cases of eclampsia during pregnancy: in a woman who was multiplying for 8 months, and in a young woman of 22 years old, who took the first socket, who developed eclampsia. seizures also on the 8th month, with which a block was found in the urine in a huge amount.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(12):1173-1173
pages 1173-1173 views

The use of electricity for the treatment of amennorrhea

Torre L.


(Annali di ost. e ginec., 1894, Maggio).

Изъ краткаго историческаго очерка, приведеннаго авторомъ, видно, что еще въ 1755 г., de Наеп примѣнялъ электричество при отсутствіи мѣсячныхъ, затѣмъ Alberti (1764), Fridenthal (1864 г.), Whittakier (1874), и за послѣднее время, появились сообщенія Nitol, Labbé, Massin — по этому вопросу.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(12):1173-1174
pages 1173-1174 views

A case of amenorrhea due to postpartum uterine superinvolution in double didelfus uterus .— (Annali di ost. E. Ginec., October, 1894) .— Uterus didelphys, superinv. postpartum uteri, amenorrhea

Team E.


Dr Schiavoni reported one case of abnormal uterine development. In May 1894, in the obstetric-gynecological institute prof. La Torre was admitted to Teresa # 21, complaining about the lack of regulation for 6 months after a miscarriage at the 6th month of pregnancy. She began to menstruate 14 liters. and the type of regulation was not correct.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(12):1174-1175
pages 1174-1175 views

About etiology of eclampsia

Tibone D.


(Annali di ost. E Ginec. Settembre 1894). The ethiology of eclampsia is very extensive, and over the past years, new works and reports at scientific congresses have appeared in the literature (Bonn 1891, Bruxelles 1893).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(12):1175-1177
pages 1175-1177 views

My laporatomic work

Mangiagalli L.


Annali di ost. E Ginec. Marzo 1895). Chrevosuchenia.Prof. Mangiagalli reports on the laporatomies made by him for various diseases and divides operations into three groups: surgical, obstetric and gynecological.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(12):1177-1178
pages 1177-1178 views

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