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卷 50, 编号 3 (2001)



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Original Research

Urgent gynecology: a new look

Kulakov V., Gasparov A., Kosachenko A.


To improve the diagnostics and treatment of urgent gynecological diseases 1000 patients with the pathology were examined. 700 women were subjected to laparoscopy. The following structure of acute gynecological diseases was defined: 47% — ectopic pregnancy, 24% — acute inflammatory diseases of adnexa uteri, 17% — ovarian apoplexy, 7% — torsion of ovarian cyst pedicle, 4% — uterine myoma associated with the disturbances of alimentation of the ganglion, 1% — perforation of the uterus. On the basis of the analysis of complains, anamnesis, clinical symptoms and results of supplementary examinations the algorithm of management of patients with suspected acute gynecological diseases including diagnostic laparoscopy was elaborated

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2001;50(3):15-18
pages 15-18 views

Modern aspects of endoscopic surgery in gynecology

Savelieva G., Breusenko V., Kappusheva L., Aziev O.


133003 hysteroscopies (including3624 operative ones) and 8401 laparoscopic interventions were performed since 1996 to 2000. On the basis of rich experience the results of treating gynecologic pathology with the method of endoscopy were analyzed and the perspectives of its further development were determined.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2001;50(3):19-22
pages 19-22 views

Sacrovaginopexy with combined access and mesh-vaginopexy in the treatment of genital prolapse

Popov A., Gorsky S., Shaginyan G., Ramazanov M.


Comparative analysis of two modem methods of women’s genital prolapse treatment was carried out. Comparing close and some remote results of MESH- vaginopexy (97patients) andtransvaginal retroperitonealsacrovaginopexy with laparoscopic control (24 patients), the authors determine particular indications, advantages and expediency of the elaborated methods.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2001;50(3):23-24
pages 23-24 views

Comparative efficacy of various methods of infertility treatment in patients with external genital endometriosis

Volkov N., Bespalova Z., Bazanov P., Volosenok I.


With the aim of comparative examination of efficacy of different drugs and methods of endoscopic surgery in treatment of infertile women with genital endometriosis 548 patients were examined. Distinct advantages of combined treatment were revealed: surgical destruction of endometrial foci at the first stage and administration of antigonadotrophic preparations at the second stage. Maximum frequency of impregnation after such therapy was observed during first 6-8 months. By 11-12 months the index decreased to its minimum. So, it is reasonable to give up passive supervision after 12 months

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2001;50(3):25-27
pages 25-27 views

Does hysteroscopy promote tumor cell proliferation in endometrial cancer?

Urmancheeva A., Zel'dovich D., Shushania M., Safronov A.


Peritoneal cytological investigation was carried out inpatients with endometrial cancer, who were subjected to hysteroscopy before the operation (37patients) or were operated on without hysteroscopy. Comparative analysis of the data didn’t reveal the role of hysteroscopy in tumor cell dissemination.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2001;50(3):28-30
pages 28-30 views

Total laparoscopic hysterectomy

Kulakov V., Adamyan L., Kiselev S.


Basing on the experience of more than 650 total laparoscopic hysterectomies (TLH) performed by original technique, the authors express their own view of efficacy and safety of laparoscopic uterectomy. Detailed description of intrafascial TLH technique is drawn in the article.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2001;50(3):31-33
pages 31-33 views

Experience with laparoscopic hysterectomy

Aziev O., Bugerenko A., Sazonova E.


The experience of using laparoscopic hysterectomy for the period of 5 years is represented. 594 laparoscopic hysterectomies were performed since 1996 up to 2000. Indications and contraindications to this kind of operation were defined, optimal technique of the surgical intervention was offered. The analysis of complications was carried out, ways of prophylaxis having been elaborated.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2001;50(3):34-39
pages 34-39 views

Pathogenetically oriented endoscopy in the treatment of endometrial hyperplastic processes

Popov E., Niauri D.


The experience of using electro destruction of the endometry in 60 patients showed that the method practically doesn’t have any contraindications if applied for treating hyperplastic processes in endometry and helps to obtain stable therapeutic effect. It is reasonable to consider it particularly promising inpatients with relapsing endometrial hyperplasia resistant to hormonal therapy; in case of association with severe extragenital diseases electro destruction may appear an alternative both to hormonal therapy and surgical treatment.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2001;50(3):44-46
pages 44-46 views

Rehabilitation of infertile patients after reconstructive plastic surgery on the pelvic organs

Bakuridze E., Dubnitskaya L., Fedorova T.


The research aims at studying the effectiveness of plasmapheresis and ozonotherapy in treatment of women of reproductive age in early postoperative period after reconstructive-plastic operations. 110 patients with different factors of infertility who passed surgical laparoscopy were examined. All the patients were rehabilitated applying medicinal plasmapheresis (70 patients) and ozonotherapy (40 patients). The results of the study showed the advantages of these methods of treatment in comparison with traditional therapy (antibacterial and physiotherapy in comparative group, 72 patients). So, early rehabilitation of patients including medicinal plasmapheresis and ozonotherapy makes it possible to increase essentially the course of postoperative period, to stabilize adaptive reactions, to recover reproductive function in considerable amount of infertile women.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2001;50(3):47-51
pages 47-51 views

The value of endoscopic examination methods in infertile marriage

Korneeva I.


To optimize the management of infertile women the estimation of efficacy of endoscopic methods of treatment (laparoscopy and hysteroscopy) in this category of patients was undertaken. With the method of retrospective analysis clinico- laboratory and endoscopic examination of2785 sterile pairs was carried out. The results of the study showed that endoscopic methods are not only the most important stage of diagnostics but also the first pathogenetically substantiated stage in treating female infertility. It became clear that half of the patients demonstrated from 2 till 5 factors in pathogenesis of reproductive function abnormalities that brings on the necessity of elaboratingthe algorithm of treatingparticular patients considering the disturbances revealed.
So, to increase the effectiveness of treating the patients in question, distinct standards of medical care should be put into practice.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2001;50(3):52-56
pages 52-56 views

Combined use of laparoscopy and hysteroscopy in the treatment of female infertility

Kira E., Ilyin A., Bezhenar V.


The experience of combined application of hysteroscopy and laparoscopy in treatment of infertile women is analyzed. An alternative technique of treating occlusion of the uterine tubes with the method of their transcervical recanalization using ureteral catheter is represented. The statement is made about the perspectives of applying combined hysteroscopy and laparoscopy in treatment of patients with infertility.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2001;50(3):40-43
pages 40-43 views

The role of diagnostic laparoscopy in the treatment of patients with ovarian tumors

Gulo E., Maksimov S., Shcherbakov A.


The aim of the investigation was to study the role of diagnostic laparoscopy in treatment of patients with ovarian cancer. The analysis of 480 laparoscopic operations, which was carried out on 42 patients with benign tumors, 29 cases of suspected tumor malignization, 67 patients with non gynecological pathology with suspected ovarian neoplasia and 174 women with established ovarian cancer, made it possible to define indications to laparoscopic operations. Using this method the authors managed to solve differential-diagnostic difficulties in 81,7% cases. The results of the investigation revealed the advantages of the method as to patients with benign tumors. This method is recommended for ovarian tumor and early recurrence diagnostics and also for morphological verification of tumor development. But the role of laparoscopy in treatment of malignant ovarian cancer, especially its early forms, still has to be further investigated.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2001;50(3):57-60
pages 57-60 views

Laparoscopic retropubic colpopexy in the treatment of stress incontinence

Popov A., Gorsky S., Slavutskaya O.


The results of treating urinary stress incontinence in women with the help of some combined methods are demonstrated. Original methods — laparoscopic retropubic colpopexy by lateral approach, MESH-vaginopexy, laparoscopic retropubic colpopexy — are analyzed considering the type of urinary incontinence to substantiate pathogenetically the prophylaxis of stress incontinence recurrence.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2001;50(3):61-62
pages 61-62 views

Endovideosurgical technology in the diagnosis and treatment of benign ovarian tumors

Tsivyan B., Maklyak A., Bezhenar V.


The article deals with the new possibilities of laparoscopic technique in diagnosis and treatment of ovarian tumors. The authors elaborate the criteria of differential diagnostics of benign and malignant ovarian tumors at early stages. The research is based on the analysis of 222 cases of different ovarian tumors. The authors state the necessity of rational preoperative preparation and obligatory screening in patients with ovarian tumors before and after the operation with the use of tumor marker CA-125.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2001;50(3):63-65
pages 63-65 views

Features of regional blood flow after endoscopic myomectomy

Niauri D., Harutyunyan A.


The state of regional blood flow in 65 patients before and after endoscopic myomectomy was studied using modem methods such as Doppler examination and color Doppler sonography. It was determined that blood flow velocity indeces obtained during the Doppler examination of myoma vessels and uterine arteries allow to estimate the morphological structure of myomas uninvasively and can be used to define the indications for conservative endoscopic surgical procedures in patients with myoma uteri. Doppler monitoring of regional blood flow during postoperative period makes it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of surgical treatment previously performed.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2001;50(3):66-69
pages 66-69 views

Markers of bone remodeling in patients with surgical menopause undergoing hormone replacement therapy with Divigel

Yureneva S., Smetnik V., Lyubimova N., Abaev V.


Twenty women with surgical menopause, 40-50 years of age, received hormonal replacement therapy with transdermic preparation Divigel during 24 months. On the background of therapy with Divigel we witnessed normalization of indeces of osteal remodeling—considerable decrease pyridinoline and deoxypyridinoline, and elevation of alkaline phosphatase. Mineral density of bone tissue in the group of patients with surgical menopause waslowerin comparison with control (p<0,01). Divigeltumedto exertprotective influence on the bone tissue inpatients with osteoporosis irrespective о f duration о f surgical menopause by the beginning of therapy.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2001;50(3):70-75
pages 70-75 views

Безопасностьометрия при непрерывной заместительной гормональной терапии 17b-эстрадиоло-эндопротезной заместительной гормональной терапии 17b-эстрадиолиин иниситисинисисиной

Bergeron C., Ferenczy A.


The aim of the study was to determine the endometrial safety of oral 17/3- oestradiol combined continuously with dydrogesterone in preventing endometrial proliferation. The low dose group comprised three 52-week (13 cycles of 28 days) studies (two of which were double blind) using a 17ft- о estradiol dose of 1 mg daily combined with dydrogesterone 2,5; 5; 10 or 20 mg daily. The high dose group comprised two 24-week double-blind studies using a 17ft-oestradiol dose of 2 mg daily combined with dydrogesterone 2,5; 5; 10 or 15 mg daily. Endometrial safety was verified by aspiration endometrial biopsies. Inadequate progestational response was defined as proliferative endometrium, endometrial polyp, hyperplasia and carcinoma. Endometrial protection was achieved with dydrogesterone at doses of 5 mg or higher combined with 1 or 2 mg 17^-oestradiol. So, 5 mg daily dydrogesterone appears to be the lowest effective dose to ensure endometrial safety in a continuous combined regimen with 1 or 2 mg 17p-oestradiol.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2001;50(3):76-82
pages 76-82 views

Endoscopic surgery in gynecology: state and development prospects

Кулаков В., Адамян Л.


In the clinical lecture the main principles of arranging endovideosurgical care
in gynecology are substantiated on the basis of the material of 17,5 thousands
laparoscopies and 10 thousands hysteroscopies. The detailed analysis of possibilities of endoscopic methods in operative gynecology is given. The peculiarities of laparoscopy’s application are depicted in cases of tube-peritoneal infertility, uterine and ovarian tumors, pyoinflammatory diseases of uterine adnexa, ectopic pregnancy, maldevelopment of female genital organs, stress incontinence in women. Perspectives of endovideosurgical technologies in gynecological practice are also shown.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2001;50(3):83-89
pages 83-89 views

Endoscopy in the preservation and restoration of reproductive function

Gasparov A., Volkov N., Nazarenko T.


The new method of radical uterine surgery combining endoscopic approach
and minilaparotomy is represented. 105 operative invasions on the uterus were performed using this method. Characteristic features of the surgical method, which was elaborated, are minimum blood loss and tissue injury, simple technique, low requirement of analgetics, fast rehabilitation of patients’ activity and capacity for work, using common equipments and materials.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2001;50(3):90-95
pages 90-95 views

Pain syndrome with genital endometriosis

Semenyuk A., Baskakov V., Pospelov I.


In the clinical lecture contemporary possibilities of endoscopic surgery in diagnostics and correction of reproductive health disturbances in women are demonstrated. Wide range of indications for laparoscopy in case of different gynecological diseases is shown, relative contraindications are determined. The authors analyze the effectiveness of different endovideosurgical invasions applied for treatment of women’s reproductive health dysfunction.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2001;50(3):96-97
pages 96-97 views

Current public health problems

Dmitry Oscarovich Ott — the foundator of endoscopy in gynecology

Ailamazyan E., Kira E., Tsvelev Y., Bezhenar V., Bezmenko A.


On April 19, 1901, at a meeting of the St. Petersburg Obstetric and Gynecological Society, Professor Dmitry Oskarovich Ott for the first time made a report on the method he developed for illuminating the abdominal cavity when performing operations with a vaginal access. He called the proposed method ventroscopy (ventroscopia; Latin venter stomach + Greek skopeo consider). The latter used terms such as celioscopy, abdominoscopy, pelvioscopy, etc. At present, it is customary to call the examination of the abdominal organs using an endoscope inserted through the anterior abdominal wall, the method of laparoscopy, and when the endoscope is introduced through the posterior vaginal fornix - cultoscopy.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2001;50(3):8-14
pages 8-14 views


Modern approaches to endoscopic hysterectomy

Volkov N.


The new method of radical uterine surgery combining endoscopic approach
and minilaparotomy is represented. 105 operative invasions on the uterus were performed using this method. Characteristic features of the surgical method, which was elaborated, are minimum blood loss and tissue injury, simple technique, low requirement of analgetics, fast rehabilitation of patients’ activity and capacity for work, using common equipments and materials.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2001;50(3):98-99
pages 98-99 views

Influence of endometriosis and some methods of its treatment on the quality of life of women of reproductive age

Konovalov V., Zvychayny M.


The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of endometriosis and some
wide-spread contemporary methods of its conservative hormonal and operative treatment on the life quality of women of reproductive age. 546 women, aged 20-40, were examined: 371 patients with initially diagnosed endometriosis, 64 — after conservative hormonal therapy, 111 — after efficient surgical interventions and 30 healthy women (a control group). The following conclusion has been made: endometriosis arising at the reproductive age greatly deteriorates the life quality of women as compared to the healthy ones but none of the studied methods of its conservative hormonal therapy and efficient surgical treatment enables its rehabilitation.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2001;50(3):100-102
pages 100-102 views

History page

At court service

Yakovenko T.


The article carries information about D. 0. Ott’s work as a Court physician. It
touches upon the events connected with the birth о f children in the Imperial Family. The article is written on the basis of the archive documents and the memoirs.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2001;50(3):103-106
pages 103-106 views
