卷 24, 编号 1 (2016)


Chronic pancreatites or pancreatic ductal adenоcarcinoma?


Based on a comprehensive histological, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural study, the authors have developed criteria of histologic differential diagnosis between chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma useful in doubtful cases, especially in core- biopsies and cryostat sections, as well as for novice doctors pathologists.
I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2016;24(1):6-18
pages 6-18 views

Reciprocal reactions to different amounts of increased breathihg resistance


Objective: to study the role of the components of the stress-realizing and stress-limiting body systems at adaptation to different values breathing resistance. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted on healthy individuals (126 men), aged 18 to 38 years old of both sexes. Inspiratory breathing applied resistive load value of 20, 40 and 60%Pmmax. We measured the performance of hemostasis, immunity, oxidative activity, stress hormones. Results: Inspiratory load 40%Pmmax leads to activation of the anticoagulating mechanisms, increase antioxidant activity, stress-limiting effects and immunosuppressive changes; load 60%Pmmax caused opposite effects. Conclusions: The increased breathing resistance 40%Pmmax activates the stress-limiting systems; resistive load 60%Pmmax causes activation reciprocally organized stress-implement systems.
I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2016;24(1):19-24
pages 19-24 views

Dynamics of cardiovascular system on the test of physical performance in children of young school age with vision defects


The article is devoted to the study the dynamics of the work of cardiovascular system in children of young school age with vision pathology of tests for physical performance. Study was conducted among 85 children, aged from 7 to 10 years: including 48 boys and 37 girls, in which found that blind and poor-sighted children lag behind the children of the same age in terms of pulse pressure, systolic blood volume, actual and relative maximal aerobic power. Pulse tolerance limit, on the contrary, is higher than that of healthy children.
I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2016;24(1):25-28
pages 25-28 views

Experimental study of the activity of the hydrogel against burns with antihypoxant


The article presents the results of an experimental study of the activity of the gel against burns with antihypoxant sodium poly(dihydroxyphenylen)thiosulfonate in a certain spectrum of doses. In the simulation of a thermal burn in male rats established that daily application on the wound once a day one strip of hydrogel with sodium poly(dihydroxyphenylen)thiosulfonate of size 1,5-2 cm with content 15 mg or 20 mg of drug substance provides high speed of epithelialization of wound for 16 days, unlike the control group and the intact, in which the complete healing is observed only at 29 days of the experiment. Applying of strip of cream "D Panthenol" of size 2 cm (the comparison group) provided a wound healing during the 26 days of observation.
I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2016;24(1):29-34
pages 29-34 views

Model development of HIV infection in the Republic of Tajikistan in the second decade of XXI century


The paper presents an assessment of the role of the transmission pathways in the development of the HIV epidemic in the Republic of Tajikistan (RT). Surveillance of HIV shows that in Tajikistan the deterioration of the epidemiological situation. As of 01.01.2015 in the country registered 6558 HIV-infected individuals (more than 1008 cases in comparison with 2013), of which: 4587 - 1971 men and woman. During the period 2002-2014 RT has been a steady downward trend in HIV transmission by injection: in 2004 - in 84,3% of cases of HIV infection occurred through injecting drug use, and in 2014 - in 48,2%, ie the specific weight of the transmission of the virus by the parenteral decreased 1.75 times. One of the significant factors of the spread of drug abuse in Tajikistan are drug trafficking and the presence of the drug industry in neighboring Afghanistan. Meanwhile, for the period 2009-2014 traced a clear a regular feature of the HIV epidemic in Tajikistan - a growing proportion of new HIV cases caused by unprotected heterosexual intercourse, indicating the activation of sexual transmission. The structure of the HIV pathogen sexual route of transmission was 26,5% in 2009, and in 2014 - 42,8%, ie, this figure increased by 1,6 times. Analysis of the features of the trends of the HIV epidemic in the Republic of Tajikistan and the comparative evaluation of the data obtained from similar works by other researchers suggest that both in our region and in the world in the second decade of the XXI century, depending on the importance of HIV transmission, formed a new model of development of the HIV epidemic.
I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2016;24(1):35-40
pages 35-40 views

Medical and demographic aspects of public health population of Sterlitamak city, Republic of Bashkortostan


Population health status of Sterlitamak city has its own peculiarities, which requires study and development targeted interventions on the priority issues of regional healthcare. In addition, it is advisable to use the capacity of the service dealing with the influence of various factors on the health of the population, taking into account characteristics of the region in order to study and contain the morbidity in the territory.
I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2016;24(1):41-47
pages 41-47 views

Hygienic estimation of the functional state of the organism of medical personnel of maternity hospitals


The profound study of medical personnel working conditions of maternity hospitals made possible to conduct their hygienic estimation and find the degree of the influence of production process on the functional state of the workers organism in the dynamics of work shift and on the age aspect.
I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2016;24(1):48-54
pages 48-54 views

Comparative study of non-complicated painful shoulder syndrome treatment by glucocorticoid and anesthetic combination and the factor of interleukin 1 receptor inhibition (Orthokine)


The aim of the study was to compare treatment of non-complicated painful shoulder syndrome (PSS) by injections of combines anesthetic Procain (0,5-10% Novocain) and glucocorticoid Betamethasone (Dyprospan 1 ml) (D&N) and by injection of autologous conditioned serum with high content of interleukin 1 Pa receptor antagonist (Orthokine, OK). We studied proximate results within 6 months. Thirty three patients (18 males and 15 females) were included in OK group within age range 35-80 years. Seventy patients were enrolled in D&N group (40 males and 30 females) within age range 35-72 years without endocrine disorders. All patients were assessed by visual analogous pain score (0-10), underwent physical exam with palpation of painful points and examination of shoulder biomechanics by the original PSS severity scale, X-ray and magnetic resonance imaging of painful shoulder joints. Injections were performed in the maximally painful areas with inflammatory changes verified by MRI. Each patient of OK group underwent 6 injections with 4-6 day interval. The same interval was for D&N group, the number of injections were 3-5. In the OK group alleviation of pain and shoulder biomechanics occurred only after 3-4 injections with gradual improvement, whereas D&N injections relieved pain and improved shoulder mobility already after 1-2 injections without further enhancement of the effect. Side effects were encountered in 70% of D&N group patients, in 10% of them treatment was withdrawn. No side effects or allergic reactions were seen in OK group. The effect of OK occurs later, is less prominent, but tends to increase to compare with D&N injections, however, OK is more safe and tolerable and may be the technique of choice in patients with PSS and endocrine disorders.
I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2016;24(1):55-63
pages 55-63 views

The sexual features of bioelectrical activity of human brain on the base of spectral analysis of electroencephalography in a process of high-frequency (20 Hz) photostimulation


The spectral analysis of electroencephalogram based on fast Fourier transform is valuable to recognize the sexual features in a functional organization of the human brain reaction to unexpectedly high frequency (20 Hz) photostimulation. Photostimulation in the range 20 Hz to a large extent aligns the sexual differences of frequency-spatial organization of brain bioelectric activity of men and women. When performing a functional test with high frequency (20 Hz) photostimulation, as in background an electroencephalogram, saves a higher energy State, the characteristic brain women. The nature of zonal cortical relations becomes identical in both study groups, since it reflects the same behavioral process -an indicative reaction. There is a lack of a functional link between the left forehead and the left midtemporal lead wires, unlike similar derivations right hemisphere that, according to literature data, demonstrates the negative emotional perception of the stimulus.
I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2016;24(1):64-67
pages 64-67 views

Selection of decompression bile ducts in the treatment of patients with obstructive jaundice of tumor genesis


The paper studied the analysis of results of treatment of 349 patients with obstructive jaundice on the background of the pancreatic head tumor, treated at the Clinical Hospital named after S.P. Botkin in the period from 2010 to 2015. A study group included 159 patients who had biliary tract decompression performed by retrograde endobiliary stenting. The comparison group was 167 patients who underwent percutaneous transhepatic cholangiostomy under ultrasound guidance and Rg control. In the treatment of patients with tumors of the head of the pancreas and the phenomena of jaundice secondary to severe-stage method of treatment used. The first step was performed decompression of the biliary tract, thus reducing the jaundice, to stop the phenomenon of cholangitis, liver failure and to prepare the patient for the second phase - surgery. Analysis of the results showed that within the first 5 days from the moment of decompression of the bile ducts were observed significant difference in reducing bilirubin levels in groups 1 and 2. However, in the next 10 days had significantly more rapid decline as total bilirubin and enzymes of cholestasis (alkaline phosphatase) in a retrograde decompression process. Bacteriological examination of infected bile decompression observed in both the methods, however microflora bile patients during decompression antegrade more numerous and includes microorganisms skin and the environment. In applying the method of retrograde decompression of the bile duct postoperative complications is less than the antegrade fashion. In patients with obstructive jaundice due to periampulary zone tumor should be favored in a retrograde fashion when choosing a method of decompression of the bile ducts. In the absence of technical possibility of its implementation - decompression of the bile duct should be implemented antegrade manner.
I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2016;24(1):68-74
pages 68-74 views

Comprehensive treatment of patients with lower limb postthrombotic disease


The study was aimed to optimize the treatment of patients with the postthrombotic disease (PTD) of the lower limbs by means of a differentiated approach. 152 patients with the postthrombotic disease of the lower limbs were enrolled in the study. Depending on a clinical case, vascular bed patency (the presence and character of recanalization), valve apparatus viability, all patients were subjected to the conservative treatment or operative interventions combined with the conservative treatment. Laboratory and instrumental investigative methods were applied (Doppler ultrasound study, duplex angioscanning). Clinical efficacy assessment of the conducted treatment was carried out using a clinical scoring scale and a visual analogue scale (VAS). Digital material was statistically treated using standard packages of application software Statistica-10.0. As a result of the conducted research it has been established that carrying out operations aimed to eliminate the horizontal and the vertical reflux, use of wound dressings for the treatment of trophic ulcers as well as special treatment methods of ulcer surface in the comprehensive treatment of patients with PTD permits to reduce the number of septic complications, creates favorable conditions for the early closure of ulcers, reduces treatment time and permits to restore quicker the ability to work. One may achieve effective treatment results for PTD patients only using pathogenetically grounded methods with the elimination of reflux causes. The performed studies have shown that treatment of PTD patients should be individual and comprehensive; aimed to correct existing hemodynamic disturbances; restoration of the "muscular-venous" pump function; arrest of clinical symptoms and trophic disturbances.
I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2016;24(1):75-85
pages 75-85 views

Recurrent varices after surgery


The aim - analysis of causes and treatment of recurrent varices after surgery. Results of the study. At receipt of chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) of C2 was noted in 22 (38.5 %%) C3 26 (45.6%), and C4 in 9 (15.7%) cases. The vast majority of patients (n = 45 (78.9%)) were operated under general surgery departments of district general surgeons. Neoangi-ogenesis groin noted in 7 (12.2%) cases. In 8 (14%) cases in patients with primary operations were removed only varicose tributaries of the great saphenous vein trunk. Of the 57 patients, 6 (10.5%) had not revealed the presence of a remote trunk great saphenous vein in the thigh, and 4 (7%) cases marked by recanalization of the great saphenous vein trunk at the hip after EVLT. In 3 (5.3%) cases were identified long stump of the small saphenous vein. In 6 (10.5%) cases not removed at the trunk BPV tibia. In 3 (5.3%) cases were identified long stump of the small saphenous vein. In the remaining 23 cases noted the presence of varicose veins changed hypodermic pools large and small saphenous veins (GSV, SSV) (they are recorded in 9 cases residual varicose veins). Of the 57 patients, surgical treatment performed in 54 observations, surgical tactics depended on the location and cause of relapse. In 10 cases, resection of the stump of GSV/SSV and ligation of its tributaries. Just 10 patients made stripping the GSV trunk at the hip. In 14 patients we performed EVLT of trunk of the great saphenous vein and miniphlebectomy of tributaries. Conclusions. RVD in most cases is caused by tactical and technical errors after the initial operation, as well as the progression of the varicose veins and requires a differentiated approach in the treatment based on the study of venous hemodynamics using duplex scanning.
I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2016;24(1):86-90
pages 86-90 views

Classification criteria of chronic pancreatitis


This is the analysis of the most widespread classification of chronical pancreatitis and the results of retrospective distribution of 120 patients. In our article the review of the main actual classifications of chronic pancreatitis is executed. Our own classification is presented. The authors suppose that the volume of the surgical intervention in most cases is determined by morphological alterations in the pancreas. The most important changes are affections of pancreas parenchyma (criterion “P”), large cavities (criterion “C”), and widening of Wirsung’s duct (criterion “H”). Such king of morphology is evidence for transferring a patient to a surgical department. Its assessment together with clinical signs determines expediency of operation. The method of surgical treatment depends on the localization and the combination of morphological changes. Existence of the positive criterion "Р" in combination with a constant or recidivous pain syndrome demands performance of a resection of a head of a pancreas. Existence of a large extrapancreatic cyst assumes preliminary mini-invasive treatment with the subsequent assessment of a condition of a parenchyma and expressiveness of clinic of pancreatitis. Expansion of the main pancreatic duct - the criterion of "H" refers to the need for wide opening duct during resection of the pancreas. So, the choice of surgical technique in a particular clinical situation depends on many factors, but in most cases, the amount of operation is determined by morphological changes in the pancreas. We created the classification considering morphological criteria. Efficiency of this scheme confirms the analysis of the remote results of surgical treatment of patients with chronic pancreatitis.
I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2016;24(1):91-97
pages 91-97 views

Influence of enteral insufficiency on the acute pancreatitis development


Improvement of acute pancreatitis treatment requires a detailed study of the accompanying pathological changes in the body. In our study, we carried out the analysis of a number of parameters characterizing enteral insufficiency syndrome accompanying acute pancreatitis. The relationship between the severity of enteral insufficiency syndrome and endogenous intoxication, immune deficiency was identified.
I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2016;24(1):98-102
pages 98-102 views

The amylase test significance in the prediction of mortality of patients with necrotizing pancreatitis in the first three days of the disease onset


The results of indicators blood amylase (160 studies) in the first three days of the beginning of a destructive pancreatitis in 149 patients in order to predict early mortality in the first 72 hours of onset. It was revealed that the enzyme values above 749 IU/L predicted an early death (sensitivity -Se. - 72,7%, specificity - Sp. - 71,8%). A more accurate forecast is based on a multifactor model cumulative effect of amylase, serum sodium concentration and the relative number of lymphocytes at the level of the associated criterion more «-2,52» (Se. - 71,4%, Sp. - 83,2%).
I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2016;24(1):103-108
pages 103-108 views

Some features of the white line of the abdomen, as the harbingers of post-operative hernia


The article discusses the study of morpho-functional features of the white line of the abdomen and their role in the etiology of postoperative ventral hernias. For this purpose, the analysis of available literature sources over the past 13 years was performed. Our own research was also represented. It was determined the influence of different factors such as sex, shape of the abdomen, the morpho-functional structure of the white line on the incidence of postoperative ventral hernias.
I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2016;24(1):109-115
pages 109-115 views

Results magnetic resonance spectroscopy on hydrogen in patients with metastatic lesions brain


In our work, we were examined 18 patients with metastatic brain lesions. The resulting data provide an opportunity to study with the help of magnetic-resonance spectroscopy of hydrogen identify specific changes, occurring at the biochemical level in tissues of metastatic tumors compared to the contralateral unchanged substance of the brain.
I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2016;24(1):116-122
pages 116-122 views

Social characteristics and quality of life of patients seeking surgical care dental


Social factors, as well as health have a direct impact on the indicator of quality of life. Since the efficiency of the medical service affects the quality of life of patients, the physician must take into account social factors in their work. Quality of life in dentistry based on filling special questionnaires. The most acceptable and commonly used is the OHIP-14 questionnaire. In the literature there are few studies devoted to the study of quality of life of patients dental surgical and social characteristics, and in our country is completely absent.
I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2016;24(1):123-128
pages 123-128 views

The chewing efficiency determining method based on application of original computer program using multivariate data analysis


The paper presents a methodology for determining the chewing efficiency by using the developed computer program, created on the basis of multivariate data analysis. This method allows to explore the chewing efficiency by means of occlusion scans obtained on wax. The accuracy of the chewing efficiency estimation using the computer program is compared with modern functional chewing probes.
I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2016;24(1):129-133
pages 129-133 views

Special features of protocol of enhanced recovery after surgery in colorectal patients


In a review article describes general positions and the scientific justification of using of protocol of enhanced recovery after surgery in patients who underwent resection of the colon. Also discussed in detail different views and results of randomised studies of using this protocol and all of the most "controversial" elements such as mechanical preparation of the bowel, abdominal drainage, the principles of controlled infusion therapy, and others. All findings allow us to evaluate the result of using of this protocol in colorectal patients.
I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2016;24(1):134-141
pages 134-141 views

The role of pathoanatomical departments in improving medical education (literature review)


The article discusses the relevance of formation and improvement of clinical thinking in the primary and subsequent postgraduate continuous medical education of clinicians. The article provides the rationale that the post-mortem examination remains the "gold standard" of post-mortem diagnostics, and the frequency and relevance of intravital pathoanatomical diagnostics (biopsies) only increases every year. Examines diagnostic, expert and methodological functions of the pathology service in modern medical education and health care in General.
I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2016;24(1):142-148
pages 142-148 views

Some bioactive coatings of implants (literature review)


The article considers possibilities of improvement of properties of coatings of implants through the introduction in their composition of germanium and diamond-like carbon components. Analyzed biological properties of inorganic germanium and its compounds. It is noted that germanium in the composition of the calcium phosphate coating of implants has a positive effect on the processes of osseointegration.
I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2016;24(1):149-154
pages 149-154 views

The urgency of the problem of adhesions in the pelvis, its consequences and the role of undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia in its development


This article describes the prevalence, diagnosis of chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS) and negatively reflect on the quality of life of patients. Pelvic peritoneal adhesions are one of the most important causes of CPPS (17%). The mechanism of occurrence of adhesions in the abdominal cavity and peritoneal reaction to the action of various stimuli is not completely disclosed but the tendency to the formation of adhesions, is a variant form of undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia.
I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2016;24(1):155-160
pages 155-160 views

Sutulov Lev Severianovich: by the 110-anniversary


The article presents some milestones of the life and scientific work of the famous scientist of histology, the Rector of the Ryazan Medical Institute, Professor Lev Severianovich Sutulov.
I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2016;24(1):161-162
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