Clinical implication of the Hydrogen Breath Test for diagnosis of lactose intolerance and overgrows syndrome in infants



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The aim of this study was to estimate the diagnostic value of the Hydrogen Breath Test (HBT) in diagnosis of lactose intolerance (LI) and overgrows syndrome (OS) in infants with functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGD). 102 infants from 1 to 6 months with FGD symptoms were investigated by HBT with lactose, fecal microbiota were examined by culture and real time PCR, fecal calprotectin was measured. LI was found in 37 % FGD infants, OS in 60 %. Calprotectin level was 445 ± 28 mg/g in OS and 195 ± 27 mg/g in infants without OS. Microbiota was altered in all FGD infants with increase of Cl. difficile, St. aureus. Infants with LI got Lactase Baby, infants with OS-L. reuteri in infant formula NAN Comfort or in drops Rela Life. Both were effective in elimination of FGD symptoms. Calprotectin level and microbiota disturbances were better after treatment.




Yelena Korniyenko

Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

MD, Prof., Head of the Gastroenterology Department, Faculty of Postgraduate Education

Saida Kubalova

Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

Postgraduate Student, Gastroenterology Department, Faculty of Postgraduate Education

Marina Dmitriyenko

Association of Medicine and Analytics

PhD, General Director

Igor Dzhagatspanyan

Association of Medicine and Analytics

PhD, Director of the Development Department


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版权所有 © Korniyenko Y.A., Kubalova S.S., Dmitriyenko M.A., Dzhagatspanyan I.E., 2013

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