Methods of breast reconstruction after cancer



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More women are diagnosed and treated for breast cancer today than at any time in the past. New technologies in the treatment of breast cancer and breast reconstruction are changing morbidity and mortality realities for women diagnosed with breast cancer. This article reviews information on own experience in different methods of breast reconstruction after cancer.




Elena Bit-Sava

I. P. Pavlov State Medical University

MD, PhD, Associate Professor. Department of Oncology with a Course of Radiation Diagnostics

Margarita Belogurova

Pediatric Oncology and Hematology City Clinical Hospital N 31

MD, PhD, Professor. Department of Oncology with a Course of Radiation Diagnostics

Ruslan Akhmedov

I. P. Pavlov State Medical University

intern doctor. Department of Oncology with a Course of Radiation Diagnostics

Mariya Monogarova

I. P. Pavlov State Medical University

intern doctor, Department of Surgery


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版权所有 © Bit-Sava E.M., Belogurova M.B., Akhmedov R.M., Monogarova M.A., 2013

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