卷 6, 编号 2 (2020)


Factors Determining the Success of HSR Building Projects

Volkova E.


The article reviews the world experience in the construction and operation of high-speed railways in terms of factors that determine the success or failure of such projects. Since the construction of HSR is often considered as a part of national projects on a broader scale, it is proposed to use as criteria for success not only commercial indicators, but also various socio-economic effects arising from their implementation.

The author classifies externalities that reflect the impact of HSR on the development of regions and cities and presents the results of foreign research on their quantitative and qualitative analysis.

Special attention is paid to the experience of China, since this country significantly differs from the rest of the world in terms of development of high-speed rail traffic. In this regard, the largest amount of representative data that allows us to identify the success factors of HSR projects can be found for Chinese projects.

The main scientific result of this article is a generalization of the existing experience of HSR construction projects and justification of the prospects for implementing such projects in the Russian Federation.

Transportation Systems and Technology. 2020;6(2):5-19
pages 5-19 views

Mobile data usage in urban transport research

Tregubov V.


The article contains a review of technologies for using the information provided by mobile operators in creating a transport survey and studying patterns of travel behavior. The literature review shows the widespread of using mobile communications as an effective source of information in terms of population coverage and data availability. In article described the domestic experience of using this information in custom information systems and presented the author's system of city transport survey.

Transportation Systems and Technology. 2020;6(2):20-33
pages 20-33 views

Tax monitoring – an effective environment for the internal control system of Russian Railways

Sivertceva E., Chibizova J.


This article describes how to improve the organization's internal control system by means of tax monitoring carried out in JSC "Russian Railways" with direct access to the company's information systems in real time for tax officers.

Transportation Systems and Technology. 2020;6(2):34-46
pages 34-46 views

Original papers

Calculation of geometric dimensions of the levitation track

Kim K., Veshkin V., Kron I.


Background: The problemto reduce the metal content of the levitation track is important when we create the transport systems with magnetic suspension.

Aim is develop the reasonable recommendations to choose the geometric dimensions of the levitation track.

Methods: we usedthe main provisions of the electromagnetic field theory and the aspects of the Fourier theory.

Results: the optimal values of the width and thickness of the levitation track are justified.

Conclusion: when we choose the width of the track we should be guided by considerations related to material consumption and the appearance of the side electromagnetic forces. The values of these forces are bigger the greater the ratio of the transverse displacement of the excitation solenoid to the track width. From the point of view of electrodynamics the value of the order of several centimeters we can consider as the upper limit of the track thickness.

Transportation Systems and Technology. 2020;6(2):47-60
pages 47-60 views

Diagnostics of frost water accumulation and technological regulation of the construction of the roadbed

Lychkovskiy A., Lutskiy S., Landsman A., Navrotskaya N.


The relevance and content of technological regulation of production processes with continuous monitoring of changes in soil characteristics in areas of high-temperature permafrost due to the extremely unstable state of the roadbed during the work are substantiated.

Aim: Formation of a technical and technological system that operates on the principles of direct and feedback between the characteristics of geotechnical structures and the parameters of construction equipment for the most efficient and high-quality production of works.

Methods: Methods of technological regulation for the purpose of reducing soil moisture at the stage of freezing water accumulation at the base of the mound being built are proposed.

Conclusion: The expediency of using opto-fiber cable for monitoring the state of the roadbed as a continuous sensor along the length of the route that can register changes in soil properties during the construction of Railways is shown.

Transportation Systems and Technology. 2020;6(2):61-69
pages 61-69 views

Justification for reducing the weight of the frame of the platform car for transporting containers in modular electric freight trains

Troitskiy P.


Background: The article describes the rationale for reducing the metal content of platform cars of a modular electric freight train (MEFT) due to the distribution of traction power across the composition and reducing internal kinetic forces in the train. The calculation of the volumetric model of the car frame under the action of the weight of containers and quasi-static load, the analysis of the distribution of equivalent stresses is made. The effects of introducing these types of wagons into modular electric freight trains are considered.

A railway train of locomotive traction is a complex mechanical system in which dynamic processes occur due to the traction force of locomotives, fractures of the profile and track plan, braking and releasing the brakes, different rates of pressure change in the brake line, and uneven resistance to movement of the locomotive and cars [1]. When driving the MEFT formed a much smaller amount of internal kinetic energy, allowing to reduce the load limit on the hitch and the frame of the wagons to transport more cargo with equal traction power by reducing the coefficient of tare of the train. In addition, running MEFT will improve the handling and safety of trains, reduce operating costs for passing train flows by reducing energy consumption for traction, braking, reduce the time for testing the brakes, the number of car, locomotive and crew hours. We predict significant (up to 7 times) reduction of loads on the coupling devices and the frame of cars, if the strength condition is met.

Aim: To justify the possibility of reducing the loads on the auto-coupling equipment and metal structures of the frame of platform cars as part of modular electric freight trains by reducing the longitudinal forces in the auto-coupling devices due to the distribution of traction power across the composition.


  • special engineering methods for traction calculations applied to railway transport;
  • engineering and technical methods of calculation and design of platform cars;
  • finite element method;
  • a system method that allows you to identify various direct and indirect relationships in the analysis of the selection of frame structures of platform cars.

Results: We  justified  reduction of loads on auto-coupling devices and load-bearing frames of platform cars in MEFT. It is revealed that the decrease of axial compressive loads on the automatic coupler device with 2,500 kN in the car locomotive hauling up to 400 kN at the car the IAEG will help to alleviate the weight of the metal frame of the wagon-platform for transportation of containers and reduce packaging of the car is 1.6 t, by 7.3 %. The reduction in the cost of the car will be 76.8 thousand rubles, or 3.84 %.

Conclusions: The author offers a justification for reducing the weight of container cars-platforms of a modular electric freight train, on the basis of which it is possible to reduce the metal content of cars and transport a larger amount of cargo with equal traction power in comparison with a train of locomotive (concentrated) traction.

Transportation Systems and Technology. 2020;6(2):70-84
pages 70-84 views

Mathematical modeling of a strain gauge measurement system in MATLAB SIMULINK program

Raianov T.


Background: In recent years, modern strain gauge systems for measuring, which are used in automobile, railway, aviation, and ship transport, as well as in the pulp, paper, and metallurgical industries, have become extremely popular. These metrological systems provide accurate measurement in difficult operating conditions. The most popular among sensors are strain gauges, they are increasingly used in various areas of marine operations and legal proceedings. They are the optimal solution in the field of torque measurement.

Aim: The program creates a model of a strain gauge measurement system. Analysis of power output characteristics.

Methods: The article describes the construction of a mathematical model of the strain gauge measurement system. The MATLAB SIMULINK library was used for simulation. The work is based on mathematical modeling and is aimed at creating a computer-based strain gauge model. The output characteristics are analyzed. The accuracy of the software model measurement was verified by checking the convergence of the actual and measured values.

Results: A software model of the strain gauge force measurement system was created to create a real computer strain gauge measurement system. Output characteristics are obtained.


  • A software model of the strain gauge measurement system is proposed;
  • The output characteristics were studied and the measurement accuracy was checked.
Transportation Systems and Technology. 2020;6(2):85-93
pages 85-93 views

Simulation of the circulation method for discharging viscous petroleum products

Karpova T., Moiseev V., Ksenofontova V.


Background: In the domestic market, the consumption of fuel oil increases during the winter period, leading to higher prices. At the same time, the cost of inputs and the time for the discharge of viscous oil products are greatly increased. The duration of the discharge process is related to the physico-chemical properties of the fuel oil. Its viscosity depends on the temperature of the product itself and the temperature of the environment, which in our country averages –5.5 ºC per year.

Aim: Reduction in the length and cost of transport of viscous petroleum products.

Methods: The article proposes a new method for the carriage of viscous petroleum products by rail, ensuring that their fluidity is preserved without the use of thermal insulation of the boiler of the tank-wagon and the means for carrying the heating. Simulation models of the processes of pouring out viscous petroleum products for a traditional and new method of pouring in the circulation method of discharge of viscous petroleum products, which make it possible to estimate the quantity of resources consumed, are constructed.

Results: The work shows the peculiarities of the existing process of discharging viscous petroleum products. Simulation and functional-cost analysis of the discharge process were carried out under the circulatory method for heating viscous petroleum products. The results were compared.

Conclusion: In the new pouring method, the discharge process is similar to the summer period.

Transportation Systems and Technology. 2020;6(2):94-105
pages 94-105 views

The application of big data for the analysis of passenger flow on the high-speed lines of the Russian Federation

Kamenkov A.


Background: Data that combines techniques and technologies that make sense of information at the extreme limit of practicality is called "big data." Big data contributed to a deeper understanding of the behavior of the features of many systems, and, in particular, the transport system. Big data from various sources with a different range of data scales is becoming more accessible to society. However, in the framework of railway transport, obtaining big data relevant for users, which are both private individuals and companies, is a difficult task, and data collection tools are scarce and their absence is an obstacle to an in-depth study of the patterns of human mobility. The informational basis of the study is the data on unclaimed Sapsan train tickets in the direction Moscow - St. Petersburg during the period February 19, 2020 - March 4, 2020. Information on unclaimed tickets allows us to analyze the behavior of railway users during their travels along the Moscow - St. Petersburg route in a weekly and daily breakdown for the period February 19, 2020 - March 4, 2020.

Aim: Analysis of the behavior of passengers of railway transport based on publicly available big data from the official website of Russian Railways.

Materials and Methods: The discovered daily cycle gives us the opportunity to conclude on the preferences of passengers and allows us to carry out further research in this direction, based on the results. The result of the study can be called finding some patterns in the preferences of passengers. This study is relevant for companies whose field of activity is associated with rail transport, as well as for companies directly involved in transportation. The data obtained in the study allow, using separate methods of intellectual analysis or applied programming, to perform A / B testing, build marketing strategies, optimize production and solve other problems associated with assessing passenger flow and passenger movement.

Results: A wavy diurnal cycle of maximum line congestion was detected, distinguished by two time periods: 06.00 - 09.00 and 15.00 -17.00. It was found that the lowest occupancy rate was during the working week. It was revealed that a higher occupancy rate - about 90 % - was from Friday to Sunday in both one and the other direction of movement. A difference in occupancy between train directions was also found. Trains moving from Moscow to St. Petersburg are more densely populated.

Transportation Systems and Technology. 2020;6(2):106-115
pages 106-115 views

Conceptual diagram of digital transformation of the operator company in the transport services market

Nemanova N.


Rationale: The Russian transport system is losing its competitive advantage due to the slow response to digital calls. Thus, for subjects of the market of transport and logistics services, it is relevant to have recommendations for adapting a business model when moving from an analogue economy to a digital one.

Purpose: To develop a conceptual diagram of the digital transformation of the business model of the operator company.


  • сomparison of the principles of the five business areas of the operator before and after the transition to the digital economy;
  • analysis of the behavior of companies in the transport market;
  • summarizing the results of the study and assessing the possibility of their application to other organizations in this market segment;
  • case method – “Development of measures for the effective development of multimodal transportation of the Asia-Pacific Region” (INTERTRAN));
  • an integrated approach is the search for new points (channels) of interaction with a dynamic network of customers through the implementation of industrial logistics projects.


  • the status of five areas of the business strategy of the operator company was determined before and after the transition from the analogue era to the digital one;
  • the conditions are formulated under which the implementation of the business process "sale of transport and logistics services" will provide the sales department of the operator company to develop "proactive sales";
  • recommendations are proposed for adapting a value proposition for the provision of transport and logistics services.

 Conclusions: The novelty of the proposed conceptual scheme for adapting the business model of the operator company during the transition from the analogue economy to the digital one lies in the initial definition of the stage of digital transformation of each of the five areas of the operator’s business strategy, and then in the selection of a specific digital technology for implementation in a specific business-process.

Transportation Systems and Technology. 2020;6(2):116-128
pages 116-128 views

Factors determining the formation of innovative logistics complexes

Manova V., Lebedeva A.


Background: This article discusses the development direction that the Russian Federation should follow, which is based on the experience of countries with positive results of the implementing of innovative technologies in the transport logistics complexes.

Aim: To identify and consider the most significant factors influencing on the creation of innovative transport and logistics complexes using the example of the countries of the European Union, which, first of all, include a high level of development of seaports as centers for arranging logistics processes and rational investment in the innovative components of transport logistics complexes.


  • Analysis of port structures, as one of the factors in the creation of innovative transport logistics complexes;
  • Comparative analysis of countries with different potentials for creation of innovative transport logistics complexes;
  • Study of the level of innovativeness of transport logistics complexes of the different countries by the point-based rating method based on an expert survey.


  • The authors’ interpretation of the concepts of the “transport and logistics complex” and “port transport and logistics complex” is given;
  • The distinguishing features of innovative complexes have been identified;
  • The most promising types of ports are determined for arranging innovative complexes on their basis;
  • The research of the efficiency of the logistics systems and the level of innovations in the port structures of countries with different potential for the arranging innovative port and logistics complexes is carried out


Based on the research results, recommendations are defined, which will help to increase the potential of the Russian Federation for creation of innovative port transport and logistics complexes through the investments in certain types of technologies and technical solutions.

Transportation Systems and Technology. 2020;6(2):129-144
pages 129-144 views
