卷 4, 编号 1 (2018)


The algorithm of structuring a large infrastructure project in the form of public-private partnership

Sokolova Y.


The Public-Private Partnership (PPP) is one of the most crucial tools for modernisation development of the state management system, a new concept of cooperation between the state and business. Therefore, it is highly significant to develop the scientific approaches to structural arrangement of infrastructure projects in the form of PPP. The first step towards this is the construction of algorithm of this process, which has been made in this paper.

The state is actively participating in the realisation of large infrastructure projects. A new legislative base, which regulates the priority of the infrastructure, is being formed. With the realisation of the planned projects, only a range of transport accessibility problems is solved. Whereas, the issues of development of transit potential of the country, the increase of transport accessibility of various regions, bolstering the mobility of population, etc. remain open.

An ambitious task to create an alternative transport “arteriole” through the Russian Federation territory may be solved by means of the Russian elaborations of the innovative transport technology on the basis of magnetic levitation.

In order to justify the feasibility of such a large project in the form of PPP, the structuring algorithm has been developed, which enables assessing the project at all viewpoints, starting from the moment of the idea of its realisation to the point of its operation, to determine the time costs, and other constituents of the process influencing the project.

The elaboration is based on a dialectical approach to the study of the innovative development, the application of scientific methods of the analysis and synthesis, classification, expert’s assessments, mathematical statistics, the geographical image of the data, which enable ensuring the reliability of the results and the validity of conclusions.

Creating instruments for structuring aims at exploring and expanding mechanisms of cooperation between the state and private business within PPP.

Transportation Systems and Technology. 2018;4(1):005-018
pages 005-018 views

Foreign experience in organizing regular pig-gyback service

Skorchenko M.


The economic crisis being overcome by the Russian economy, on the one hand, combined with the inevitable globalisation processes, on the other hand, brings to the forefront the economic efficiency of technical processes associated with environmental safety and the possibility of introduction into the world system. One example of effective use of innovative technologies in the interaction of transport systems in the world is the piggyback transportation.

Aim: The author has conducted the analysis of international experience of the organisation of the piggyback transportation in order to identify technological solutions suitable for efficient use in the Russian market of intermodal transportation.

Methods: To assess the efficiency of different technological systems, the author uses comparative analysis methods, inductive reasoning, system approach method. The author has also synthesised the world experience in the organisation of the piggyback transportation.

Result: The results of the analysis have revealed that the current economic situation in Russia allows the evaluation of innovative transport systems in the first place in terms of the possibility of rapid return, which draws attention to the most economical technologies. In this regard, the use of the rolling highway and Lift-on – Lift-off (Lo-Lo) piggyback systems seems to be the most rational at this stage.

Conclusion: Since 1990s Russia has made a number of attempts to organise regular piggyback service on certain routes. However, due to the lack of demand for this type of services in the Russian market at the moment, investing in the development of piggyback technology involves high risks. The experience of other countries shows that regardless of the chosen technology, stimulating the demand for innovative "green technologies" is not possible without the participation of governmental bodies. At the same time, the creation of the necessary methodological framework for the organisation of piggyback transportation in Russia is possible by virtue studying the multifaceted world practice of piggyback technology operation in the world.

Transportation Systems and Technology. 2018;4(1):019-042
pages 019-042 views

Original papers

Application of thermal accumulator with solid heat accumulating material as a method of cooling of life support and freight protection systems for vacuum magnetic levitation transport

Krasnov A., Zimenkova T., Kaznacheev S., Aksenov N.


Aim: The development of vacuum maglev transport implies solution of an important issue, namely, disposing thermal energy in an air free space. The application of the thermal accumulator (TA) with solid heat accumulating material (SHAM) or melting heat accumulating material (MHAM) as a cooling method for the life support and freight preservation systems (LSaFPS) of vacuum maglev transport is justified by impossibility of thermal energy to be transferred inside the vacuum tube by virtue of convection. Besides, when the accumulators are discharged at the destination points, the saved thermal energy may be used as an additional energy source, thus increasing energy efficiency of the transportation system as a whole.

Methods: In the work given, the authors have used the heat engineering calculation with the application of the similarity theory.

Results: Application of the life support and freight preservation systems (LSaFPS) of vacuum maglev transport will help in solving a problem of removal of excess of thermal energy in the conditions of lack of heat convection and also in increasing energy efficiency of the entire system.

Transportation Systems and Technology. 2018;4(1):043-057
pages 043-057 views

Non-destructive methods of concrete quality control as factor in reliability of concrete and reinforced concrete structures in transport facilities

Belentsov Y., Kazanskaya L.


Aim: The development of theory and practice of construction science leads to a need to enhance the basics of design, construction and operation of concrete and reinforced concrete structures. Despite significant progress, there is risk of collapse of different structures at various stages of their lifecycle. Current state of construction industry leads to a need to increase the quality and reliability of buildings and structures under construction.

Methods: The authors have used methods of probabilistic forecasting in this work

Results: The development of methods of construction materials control, particularly concrete and reinforced concrete, leads to a gradual implementation of non-destructive control methods. To assess the change of confidence and reliability coefficients of designed structures, the authors have substantiated the transition to probabilistic rationing of strength properties of concrete and reinforced concrete structures using classes. Also, the authors suggest implementation of non-destructive control methods. However, non-destructive control methods have a number of drawbacks, the key among these being the decrease of confidence coefficient while preparing a calibration curve, which drastically affects the results of quality control. It is possible to solve the problem by creating a set of control tests including both destructive and non-destructive quality control methods. This will provide systems for collecting testing information of high accuracy.

Transportation Systems and Technology. 2018;4(1):058-067
pages 058-067 views

Active pulse television measuring systems for ensuring navigation of transport means in heavy weather conditions

Kapustin V., Movchan A., Zaytseva E., Kuryachy M.


This paper presents research results of the Active Vision Area, formed by the Active Pulse Television Measuring System in conditions of decreased transparency of propagation medium.

Aim: To increase backscatter interference suppression efficiency by the Active Pulse Television Measuring System for ensuring navigation of transport means in heavy weather conditions.

Methods: Simulation of Active Vision Area considering light energy attenuation is proportionate to the square of distance and attenuation caused by propagation atmosphere. Performance of experimental researches with the Prototype of Active Pulse Television Measuring System using Big Aerosol Chamber, simulating dense fog and smoke conditions.

Results: The designed model of Active Vision Area allowed estimating the changes of light energy distribution in the observed space layer depending on range of observation and transparency of radiation propagation medium. With equal duration values of the illumination and strobing pulses of the photodetector in conditions of dense fog, significantly big residual backscatter interference was revealed, maximum intensity area of the radiation reflected from objects was displaced from a distance of strobing delay. Illumination pulse duration reduction led to increase of backscatter interference suppression efficiency, improvement of image contrast and increase of accuracy of determination of distance to the observed objects.

Conclusion: The increase of backscatter interference suppression efficiency by the Active Pulse Television Measuring System for ensuring navigation of transport means in heavy weather conditions is a relevant task

Transportation Systems and Technology. 2018;4(1):068-083
pages 068-083 views

Selection of the oil terminal tank farm scheme by a set of criteria

Lyashenko A.


Aim: It is known that to simplify the process of transshipment of goods at the junction of different modes of transport, aimed at reducing the cost of transportation of liquid fuel, terminals are used, representing the capacity of different volumes (as cargo in this article means liquid fuel). The size of the designed terminal depends on many factors, but first of all on the mass of fuel to be stored due to inconsistency in the interaction of modes of transport with each other. In addition to this fundamental factor in the construction are considered and others, which in some cases may be important when choosing a terminal scheme. Such factors include, for example, construction costs, future maintenance costs, payback periods of the new terminal, etc.

Problem statement: The development of the new terminal scheme is connected with the solution of a multicriteria problem with an objective choice of the best solution possible. This article shows such a solution using the developed algorithm [3].

Summary: When considering fuel transportation with the participation of terminals, the objective method makes it possible not only to determine the best ways of transportation, but also to find the best schemes of their tank farms.

Transportation Systems and Technology. 2018;4(1):084-093
pages 084-093 views

Regulation of the supply of transit and de-construction of freight trains to the technical stations

Groshev G., Kotenko A., Sugorovsky A., Sugorovsky A.


The article presents the results of the application analysis of the "Regulation (alternate arrangement) of transit and remarshalling trains approach to the station, with account for the situation in team tracks" dispatching technique.

Aim: To substantiate the effectiveness of the “Regulation (alternate arrangement) of transit and remarshalling trains approach to the station, with account for the situation in team tracks” dispatching technique.

Methods: Simulation using the “Simulation of transport systems” (AvroraW) software package.

Results: The study revealed that the use of the "Regulation (alternate arrangement) of transit and remarshalling trains approach to the station, with account for the situation in team tracks" dispatching technique results in cutting idle time between operations, saving operating costs and in more uniform loading of station devices.

Conclusion: The results of the study will contribute to improving the efficiency of dispatching control of operational work.

Transportation Systems and Technology. 2018;4(1):094-104
pages 094-104 views

Use of express container train as optimization method of rubber export carriage

Shklyaev A., Pasynkova Y., Sivertseva Y., Saks N.


Aim: The article is devoted to the issue of optimizing the export carriage of synthetic rubber produced in Russian, using the service of express container trains.

Methods: The analysis of volumes distribution of synthetic rubber production between the main Russian producers was made and an alternative option was proposed for the delivery of the products of the largest plant for the production of this raw material to foreign countries. To assess the economic efficiency of the carriage variant by express container trains, a comparison was made with the most commonly used method of rubber transportation by transport costs.

Results: Based on the results of the calculations, it was found that when transporting rubber in containers as part of express container trains, significant savings in transportation costs arise.

Practical significance of the work: The relevance of the proposed variant is due to the growth of cars production and the development of container transportations in the world. As a result, the transport component is reduced in the final cost of production, which allows suppliers to be more competitive in the market for the production of this raw material.

Transportation Systems and Technology. 2018;4(1):105-118
pages 105-118 views

Efficiency of introduction of the energy management system in Russian industrial companies

Gorbunova V., Puzina E.


Aim: The purpose of the study is to present an overview of national and international energy management systems and suggest activities to enhance the quality of the realisation of the energy management systems in Russian industrial companies.

Methods: The authors have used the description of the energy saving and energy management systems directions under research, the analysis of the qualitative properties of the energy management systems in use, structural and functional method for the development of the general structure and stages of functioning of the energy management systems.

Results: During the research, the authors have revealed the necessity to unify separate directions of the energy saving policies of Russia’s industrial companies into the energy management system that is a subsystem of the overall enterprise management, combining the company’s strategic goals, energy auditing, training personnel in energy saving and energy efficiency enhancement, energy resources recording system, the formation, realisation and monitoring of the energy saving programme, and automation of the energy saving and energy efficiency enhancement activities.

Conclusion: The realisation of the suggested measures will enable forming the conditions for the transition to a large-scale implementation of the energy management system, that fosters the realisation of the state policy in energy saving and energy efficiency enhancement.

Transportation Systems and Technology. 2018;4(1):119-137
pages 119-137 views

Training of specialists and development of design regulatory framework for Russian magnetic levitation transport systems

Shmatchenko V., Plekhanov P., Roenkov D., Ivanov V.


The article deals with the issues of training of specialists and development of design regulatory framework for Russia’s magnetic levitation transport systems.

Introduction: The development of maglev technologies in Russia requires solving the task of training specialists and developing the design regulatory framework for the magnetic levitation transport systems (MLTS). The MLTS related specific issues, namely traction, levitation, lateral stabilisation, power supply systems as well as overall safety, should receive special attention.

Analysis: The maglev transport technology is a further development of a conventional “wheel-track” technology, employing the linear motor and the magnetic levitation system (electromagnetic, electrodynamic, the permanent magnets-based system, and combined types). Each type of MLTS possesses its advantages and limitations, which points at the necessity to justify the choice of an optimal technology.

A crucial issue is to choose (develop) a linear motor for MLTS on the basis of the four related aspects: electromagnetic, thermal, mechanical, and the cost related one.

Another significant issue is the overall safety provision of MLTS. The elaboration of the quality management system should be carried out in accordance with all stages of the life cycle of the wheel-track transport, which is specified in EN 50126, EN 50128, and EN 50129.

Methodology: The methodological base of training specialists and developing the design regulatory framework should become a systematic approach. The necessity of the application of this approach lies in the variety and complexity of physical processes of MLTS. The development of the project and working documentation of the design and construction of MLTS in the territory of Russia should be carried out in accordance with the active Russian legislation, which specifies the application of Special Technical Regulations for new technical systems.

Conclusion: As of today, it is reasonable to develop the training of specialists for MLTS on the basis of the qualification upgrade and professional retraining programmes of the engineering staff, who already possess the fundamental railway education. All the necessary expertise and competences are available at Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University. For many years, the university’s specialists have been working on the development of the maglev technologies in Russia both on the basis of their own researches and on the study and generalisation of the national and international experience. They have also been developing the projects of the design regulatory framework for future MLTS.

Transportation Systems and Technology. 2018;4(1):138-154
pages 138-154 views
