卷 5, 编号 1 (2019)


Air Cushion Vehicle (ACV): History Development and Maglev Comparison

Ferreira H., Stephan R.


This paper will present the ACV working principle and a review of the past research developments of high-speed ACV trains and their efforts in countries like, Brazil, France, Germany, Italy, United Kingdom, and United States, and the low-speed ACV trains, revealing why the former did not match the expectations and failed, while the latter have been prospered and purchase a well-established market niche in short distance paths.

Finally, this study will promote a direct comparison between the two technologies, ACV and MagLev, with advantages and disadvantages of each one. The ACV development will bring important insights to the research of MagLev trains from a technical and economic perspective, learning with errors of the ACV, that did not enable any high-speed projects to flourish, and, on other hand, the comparative success of the urban ACV, as a complete commercial solution, like the MagLev trains.

Transportation Systems and Technology. 2019;5(1):5-25
pages 5-25 views

Evaluation of public effectiveness of the strategy for development of speed urban transport

Fedorova M.


Abstract. Assessment of public efficiency of rapid urban transport development strategy is the final stage in the formation of a strategy for the development of rapid transport.

The rapid urban transport development strategy is distinguished by the following main characteristics:

  • significant initial investment, which in some cases is considered as an objective obstacle to adoption and implementation of the strategy;
  • long timeframes for implementation of the strategy;
  • timing of the achievement of the goals;
  • use of financial resources.

These characteristics enhance the current cost of the project. The process of measuring the results a new transport project implementation is complicated, because a significant part of the results is of external character and is not subject to cost measuring.

The peculiarities listed above prove the relevance of determination of public efficiency rapid urban transport development strategy. Considering the specifics of the object of the research, the comparison of costs and results of innovative transport product implementation should be carried out within assessment of its public efficiency.

The aim of this work is to develop a system of indicators for assessment of public efficiency of rapid urban transport development strategy; study of existing public efficiency assessment methods, search for their advantages and disadvantages, and research into maglev technology advantages.

The system of indicators proposed to assess public efficiency of rapid urban transport development strategy, considers all advantages of maglev technology and prioritises it in selecting rapid urban transport.

Transportation Systems and Technology. 2019;5(1):26-41
pages 26-41 views

Original papers

The probability of the correct majority made decision

Voevodskii K., Strepetov V.


Aim: the probability of correctness of the collegial decision, which is made by a majority vote of some collective (board), consisting of an odd number of members is investigated, if the probability of correctness of the individual decision of each member of Board is known.

Мaterials and methods: Bernoulli scheme, asymptotic representation, estimation via geometric series, power series expansion, the formula of Wallis, a power scale of averages, average of Kolmogorov.

Result: it is established, that if for each member of the board the probability of correctness of the individual decision is more than ½, then with an unlimited increase in the number of members of the Board the probability of correctness of the collegial decision tends to 1. The asymptotic representation and a number of bilateral estimates characterizing the speed of this aspiration are obtained. For heterogeneous Board (that is a Board, whose members make the right individual decision with different probability) introduced the concept of collegial average as an average characteristics, which can replaced the individual probability of each member of the board with the preservation of the probability of a collegial decision. The existence and uniqueness of the collegial average are proved.

We derive a collegial inequality showing that the collegial average of some a set of numbers is not less than the geometric average of the same numbers with the equality takes place in the case and only if all the numbers are equal to each other. The collegial inequality serves as an analogue and complement to known set of inequalities establishing a connection between different averages (for example, Cauchy inequality for arithmetic average and geometric average).

Conclusion: thus, the results of the study fully meet the aim of determining the probability of correctness of collegial decision taken by a majority of votes under the assumptions. As a result we obtain an asymptotic representation and bilateral estimates characterizing the rate of striving for the correct solution. For a heterogeneous board, the existence uniqueness of the concept of collegial average as an average characteristics is introduced and strictly proved, which can be replaced by an individual probability of each with preserving the probability of correctness of the collegial decision. It is established that the collegial average is not less than the geometric average. Possible applications of the results obtained can be the quantitative evaluation of election procedures and the solution of problems associated with improving the reliability of recognition of weak signals of control sensors of various transport systems, including high-speed transport systems on magnetic suspension.

Transportation Systems and Technology. 2019;5(1):42-53
pages 42-53 views

The nature of voltage in superconductors with dynamic intermediate-mixed state

Antonov Y.


Aim: to describe scientific achievement providing the essence of the phenomenon; to confirm reliability of existence of DC electromagnetic induction using direct evidence.

Methods: experimental research into magnetizing superconducting samples. Visualisation of intermediate and mixed state of superconductors and movement of quantised threads of magnetic flux, the beams of such threads. Development of mathematical theory on the basis of fractal geometry and functional analysis.

Results:  The essence of the scientific discovery consists in the proof that the direct consequence of the formation of an intermediate-mixed state of superconductors and the movement of quantum magnetic fluxes threads, beams of such filaments and macroscopic normal zones is the phenomenon of direct current electromagnetic induction.

Conclusion: the discovery of DC electromagnetic induction has been made, superconducting topological electrical generators on the basis of DC electromagnetic induction have been built, that achieve high nominal parameters: 10−100 kA current, specific current load − 1 kA/kg.

Transportation Systems and Technology. 2019;5(1):54-73
pages 54-73 views

Institutional forms of promotion of magnetic levitation technologies and their implementation in the economy of the Russian Federation

Tretyak V., Lyakina M., Volkova E.


Background: Industry 4.0 involves transition from industrial organisation of production to the dominance of post-industrial technological paradigms. Magnetic levitation is one of the promising technologies of transport.

Aim: to justify the choice of institutional forms, which encourage promotion of innovative technologies (including magnetic levitation technologies) in the real economy of Russia.

Methods: to achieve the goal, such general research methods as analogy, comparative analysis, generalisation, hypothetical method, historical method, and system’s theory have been used.

Results: the relevance of carrying out fundamental foresight to determine perspectives of using maglev systems in the national economy has been substantiated. It has also been suggested that, in order to intensively promote maglev systems innovative projects, a special fund for their introduction into the real sectors of the national economy through civil institutions should be established. Finally, options, and developments in certain cases, of elaboration of target programmes initiated by the authorities are considered.

Conclusion: the realisation of the proposed measures through civil institutions and the authorities will result in determining the longer-term prospects for maglev technologies market development. The foresight project will provide opportunity to actuate the society on the issue of maglev systems development, considering differences between own interests of the groups involved, and to outline pixelated scenarios of the forthcoming future in terms of maglev transport as the product of the Industry 4.0 and transition to post-industrial technological paradigm predominance.

Transportation Systems and Technology. 2019;5(1):74-88
pages 74-88 views

Conceptual basis for assessment of effects of magnetic levitation-based high-speed transport systems projects development

Zhuravleva N.


New economy forms a new value of transport service, in which the cost of time is becoming the most important factor in substantiation of investment decisions.

Aim: the aim of the work is to form the methodological basis and procedures of economic substantiation of magnetic levitation based transport.

Methods: the research builds on economic laws (keeping integration and high revenues) describing a new economic paradigm, methods of analysis of reason-and-consequence relation between speed and maximum revenue. The conclusions are based on representative summary of data about investment, operational and organisational costs of existing and designed high-speed lines.

Results: design of a two-dimensional matrix of combination of maglev technologies with modular intermodal configuration, which enables building a scheme of economic assessment using rules of modular and architectural innovations’ combination. Consequently, the assessment process for transportation pricing from the point of view of maximum revenues for manufacturers and due mobility for population.

Transportation Systems and Technology. 2019;5(1):89-102
pages 89-102 views
