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卷 22, 编号 5 (2020)


Nursing service management in Voronezh region in the context of healthcare system reform

Kryuchkova A., Vavilova O., Ponomareva V., Mukovnina N., Smirnova S.


The nursing management process is of strategic importance and closely interlinked with ensuring human resources. Nursing staff is an important component of the modern healthcare system, which has real opportunities to meet people’s needs of conceivable medical care. The healthcare system reform, which takes place in Russian Federation nowadays, requires the improvement of the current nursing system in order to educate professionals with secondary medical education according to modern requirements. To reform the nursing system, Voronezh Region Healthcare Department - as an executive healthcare authority - used all the available methods and techniques to impact the nurse services of subordinate institutions for available resources to be used in the most effective way.
Meditsinskaya sestra. 2020;22(5):3-7
pages 3-7 views

Nurses’ professional motivation as one of the factors polyclinic’s business-processes optimization

Kopyrina S.


Nursing staff is an integral part of polyclinic's team. This article presents an analysis of nurses' professional motivation. Improving the health system functioning depends on many factors, among which productivity is a key factor. Its improving can be possible only if high professional level of medical staff and a high motivation level of the employees is achieved. We believe that the nurses' labour motivation is that exact lever that will help to improve the polyclinics' work. And this article presents our recommendations about nurses' labor motivation.
Meditsinskaya sestra. 2020;22(5):8-11
pages 8-11 views

Experience of distance teaching at the Nursing Department in the COVID-19 pandemic circumstances

Akimenko G., Seledtsov A., Kirina Y.


Sociological studies conducted by the National Research University Higher School of Economics (NRU HSE) discovered, that only 12% students were receiving from their teachers and doing homework in e-form during the period of COVID-19 associated self-isolation circumstances in the spring-2020. On the basis of their own professional experience, research, and academic environment observations, the pandemic impact on the higher medical education system, the authors of the article analyze the ways the University operates in self-isolation circumstances and the ways of its possible response to potential future challenges. The study showed that there is a great need for the practice to take more significant place in the University’s study program. And it’s important to make it more flexible to meet students’ learning needs even for their selfstudy during extracurricular work.
Meditsinskaya sestra. 2020;22(5):12-18
pages 12-18 views

Professional and applied nurses’ training

Kalinchenko E., Ushakova I., Skvortsov V.


The nurse’s work belongs to the «person-to-person» type of jobs and, therefore, it is focused on contact with colleagues and patients, which implies the ability to establish and maintain business contacts, understand human relationships, show logical abilities, erudition and leadership qualities. The nurse profession is classified as intellectual work, which is characterized by the processing of a large amount of various information, requires memory mobilization, attention span, and is often associated with stressful situations. Thus, the efficiency and quality of nurses’ work significantly depends on their health status, functional and physical abilities. The important goal of professional and applied nurses training is the predominant development of applied basic physical qualities: endurance, strength, agility, reaction, flexibility. All this necessitates the arranging of physical education at college. The content of the Physical Education course should be focused on the developing future nurses’ physical activities. This article presents the main directions of professional and applied training of students of a medical college.
Meditsinskaya sestra. 2020;22(5):19-23
pages 19-23 views

The Issues of Nursing Bachelors’ education

Novokreshchenova I., Novokreshchenov I., Semikina N., Chunakova V.


The main result of the professional education of any specialist is the successful educational institution graduates' employing in the chosen profession and specialty. Providing employment opportunities for a young specialist depends on a number of conditions, including the availability of vacancies, the education level compliance and qualifications, the competencies acquired (in some cases additional knowledge and skills) with the requirements of professional standards. Medical institution managers of all levels should have an idea of the current changes taking place in the system of professional training of specialists for the healthcare sector (areas of training, qualifications, areas and areas of professional activity of graduates), including in order to avoid cases of refusal to hire young specialists. In order to determine the readiness for real healthcare to involve bachelors of nursing into the professional community, a questionnaire survey of physicians of health care organizers was conducted and their attitude to the preparation of these specialists for medical organizations was revealed. This article examines the position of healthcare managers, as representatives of the medical community, on the nurses' higher education. The problems that are typical for the adaptation period for practical Healthcare system to specialists of a new formation are identified. The article considers the opinion of the Healthcare managers as representatives of the medical community about the training of secondary healthcare workers with higher medical education. The study revealed typical adaptation period problems for specialists of new generation when they are involved into real Healthcare system.
Meditsinskaya sestra. 2020;22(5):24-28
pages 24-28 views

Features of endoscopic nursing in Russia and other countries

Pinina E., Pirigov S., Zarubina N., Karpova E., Kaprin A., Vodoleev A.


Endoscopy nurse is a unique specialist in healthcare system, which combines skills of routine nurse work and professional assistance for doctors in performing high-technology endoscopic examinations and treatment procedures with modern endoscopic equipment. For now, endoscopy is not only routine examinations of upper and lower GI tract. Novel endoscopy is fast evolving with modern technologies, such as high definition narrow-band imaging, confocal laser endomicroscopy and endocytoscopy, providing up to 1000 times magnification of mucosa. Moreover, endoscopic treatment procedures - endoscopic mucosal resection, submucosal dissection, endoscopic stenting and many more are widely used for treatment of early cancers and palliative care. Endoscopic nurse assists physician in all these examinations and procedures. Furthermore, in some countries, endoscopy nurse performs easy endoscopic examinations by herself. In most countries, but not in Russia, endoscopic equipment reprocessing performed by dedicated technical staff, not by endoscopy nurse. Unfortunately, in Russian Federation, in compare to other countries, there is no endoscopy nurse certification or professional guidelines.
Meditsinskaya sestra. 2020;22(5):29-36
pages 29-36 views

The issues of patient’s safety providing in giving medical help

Shkarin V., Ivasheva V., Emel’anova O., Simakov S., Skvortsov V., Malyakin G.


Patient’s safety as a part of medical help providing process is one of the mainest aspects in modern medicine. Reducing the risk of adverse events, related with its providing is one of the most important problems not only in Russia, but worldwide. The formation of a safety culture at the level of a medical institution should involve the integration of all participants of medical help providing process. And the nursing staff plays significant role in these processes. The purpose of this work was assessing specialists’ with secondary medical education attitude to the problem of ensuring safety in the medical help providing process, the main factors, that cause these adverse incidents, and the ways staff behaves in the situations, when these incidents occur (according to the original developed questionnaire). The survey showed that nurses do not fully understand the severity of the problem of patient safety and their important role in reducing risks in medical care providing. The main reasons of errors were identified, as well as factors that prevent the nurses freely admitting and discussing their mistakes in the professional environment, forming ineffective behavior model. There is also a low awareness level of experience (including international), in preventing risks in medical care providing. The results of the study allowed us to formulate negative factors that hold back the formation of a safety culture at the level of medical institutions, and to make recommendations for optimizing educational programs for nurses.
Meditsinskaya sestra. 2020;22(5):37-40
pages 37-40 views

Congenital anomalies prevalence in children: risk factors and patronage nurse’s role in preventing them

Mirzarzkhimova K.


Congenital anomalies are serious medical and social problem in the world. They doubled over last decade of XX century and played significant role in the structure of pathology and mortality in the infant, perinatal and children. Nowadays 1800 out of 10,000 children are born with congenital anomalies. Congenital abnormalities play a significant role in the structure of morbidity, disability and mortality. 40-60% of these anomalies have reasons? Which are still unknown. The term «sporadic the defect of birth» is used in these cases, which means unknown reason, random appearance and low risk for future children. For 20-25% of anomalies «multi-factor» reason is more likely -the complex interaction many small genetic defects and environmental risk factors. The rest 10-13% of anomalies are associated with the influence of the environment. Only 12-25% of anomalies have purely genetic causes.
Meditsinskaya sestra. 2020;22(5):41-48
pages 41-48 views


Trifonov V., Eiberman A.


The paper presents information on the etiology, pathogenesis, clinic, methods of examination and diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of the course of opisthorchiasis - helminthiasis from the group of flukes, affecting mainly the hepato-biliary system and the pancreas. Opisthorchisis (Opisthorchisis) - helminthiasis, affecting mainly the hepatobiliary system and the pancreas, characterized by a long course, occurring with frequent exacerbations, contributing to the occurrence of primary liver and pancreatic cancer. Opisthorchiasis is caused by two species of trematodes of the Opisthorchidae family: Opisthorchis felineus and Opisthorchis viverrini. Opisthorchiasis diagnosis, according to the clinical picture of the disease, is difficult due to the absence of symptoms and syndromes characteristic only for this disease. Great difficulties are encountered in recognizing the early phase of opisthorchiasis. The article provides recommendations for prevention measures in the focus of the disease.
Meditsinskaya sestra. 2020;22(5):49-52
pages 49-52 views

The nurse year

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Meditsinskaya sestra. 2020;22(5):52-52
pages 52-52 views
pages 53-54 views

Nagruzka vneshnikh sovmestiteley v lechebnom uchrezhdenii

Strantsova N.
Meditsinskaya sestra. 2020;22(5):55-56
pages 55-56 views