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卷 24, 编号 5 (2022)



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Dangerous hydrobiont - jellyfish

Kutsenko V., Kovaleva D., Bezvulyak E., Lustina O., Seliverstov P.


Jellyfish are the simplest animals that have lived in the oceans for 700 million years. They are 95% water, endowed with stinging cells containing a neurotoxic poison. Poison in 70 known species of jellyfish can affect humans. In most cases and for most species, the bite is not fatal, but can cause a person from mild skin irritation to excruciating pain. Often, with a harmless appearance, a jellyfish poses a real threat to human health, and in some cases to his life. Timely and proper medical care will reduce the manifestations of the toxic effects of jellyfish venom, and in some cases save the life of the victim.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2022;24(5):3-9
pages 3-9 views

Gde iskat' vitamin S 9

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Meditsinskaya sestra. 2022;24(5):9-9
pages 9-9 views

Bather’s itch or human duck disease. Myths and facts about cercarial dermatitis

Ledentsova S., Bolotina M., Parfyonova M., Seliverstov P.


Cercarial dermatitis is a worldwide disease (popularly called «itch of swimmers», «fever of bathers»). The number of outbreaks of the disease has been steadily increasing in recent years, including in the Russian Federation, which makes it possible to consider cercarial dermatitis as a complex, urgent ecological, medical and social problem. Cercariosis is caused by the penetration into the human skin of cercaria larvae (parasites of waterfowl - trematode worms of the family Schistosomatidae). Specific methods of diagnosis and treatment have not been developed. In order to avoid meeting with parasites, you need to carefully choose a place for bathing.
Meditsinskaya sestra. 2022;24(5):10-14
pages 10-14 views

Kompensatsiya za medkomissiyu

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Meditsinskaya sestra. 2022;24(5):14-14
pages 14-14 views

Brain and gut rhythm regularity and level of happiness

Shemerovsky K., Ganapolsky V., Kharin M.


The dependence of the level of happiness on the observance of the circadian rhythm of the brain (according to bedtime) and the circadian rhythm of the intestine (according to the habit of morning defecation) was studied in 156 young doctors (112 women and 44 men) aged 18-24 years. A validated questionnaire was used for weekly monitoring of bowel rhythm and setting bedtime, as well as for determining the level of happiness on a 10-point visual analog scale. A regular bowel rhythm with a stool frequency of at least 7 times a week (Euenteria) was found in 78 physicians (50%) and an irregular bowel rhythm with a frequency of 3-6 times a week (Bradyenteria) was found in 78 physicians (50% of respondents). It was found that 56% of the surveyed medical students did not comply with the regime of timely (up to 24:00 h) bedtime, and persons with euenteria were less likely to disrupt this rhythm than those with bradyenteria. In persons with bradyenteria, the absence of the habit of morning defecation was almost 3 times more common than in persons with euenteria. The level of happiness in individuals with a daily bowel rhythm and timely bedtime was 1.4 times higher than in individuals with a stool frequency of 3-4 times a week (defecation every other day) and late bedtime.
Meditsinskaya sestra. 2022;24(5):15-19
pages 15-19 views

The practice of using hippotherapy on the basis of the equestrian club «Battle» with the participation of medical volunteers from the Institute of Nursing Education

Demidova T., Terletskaya V.


Practitioners have repeatedly proved the effectiveness of the unique rehabilitation method of hippotherapy, which simultaneously has a positive effect on the physical and psycho-emotional sphere of patients. The article highlights the history of the emergence of the “therapeutic horse riding” technique, medical indications for its use. The preparation of a horse for work with disabled riders is described in details. It also shows their own experience of classes with sick children. Classes are held on specially trained horses with the participation of student volunteers from the Institute of Nursing Education. Active participation in the preparation of patients and their parents for classes, in conducting training, contribute to the development of both general competencies and personal development tasks in students.
Meditsinskaya sestra. 2022;24(5):20-24
pages 20-24 views

A nurse: personal characteristics contributing to a conflict

Matveychik T.


Teaching the methods of cultural cooperation between the nurses, their patients and their colleaques of various levels of culture, education, experience, age and personal characteristics is one of the ethical and moral problems of a contemporary medical team [1-3]. Teaching the basic principles of effective communication, rules of behavior in a conflict (ideally, preventing destructive interaction) is possible with joint efforts of teachers at all stages of receiving medical education [4, 5]. This was emphasized in the WHO report [6] and supported by the International Nursing Council and International Confederation of Midwives. The quality of health care is influenced not only by organizational, administrative and legal requirements, but also by personal characteristics of nurses, which are aggravated by the epidemiological situation with the Covid-19 pandemic [7-10].
Meditsinskaya sestra. 2022;24(5):25-29
pages 25-29 views

Nurse protection against parenteral infections in the workplac

Veretina N., Ostrovskaya I.


The article is devoted to the results of a study of nurses’ protection from occupational parenteral infections. The study examined the risks of infection by parthenteral infections for nurses, the use of information education to prevent occupational infection by parthenteral infections, self-assessment of compliance with measures to prevent occupational infection by nurses and workplace organization in healthcare organizations in Moscow. This paper will also discuss the problem of HIV/AIDS and viral hepatitis in the workplace, and will describe measures to prevent occupational contamination with blood-borne viral infections in the workplace.
Meditsinskaya sestra. 2022;24(5):30-38
pages 30-38 views

Ukhod za bol'nymi kak lechebnyy metod

Kristman V.
Meditsinskaya sestra. 2022;24(5):38-38
pages 38-38 views

Peptic ulcer and helicobacteriosis 39

Skvortsov V., Skvortsova E., Belyakova E., Ponomareva A., Matveev N.


Peptic ulcer is a chronic relapsing disease characterized by the formation of a defect in the wall of the stomach and / or duodenum. The incidence of upper gastrointestinal bleeding is 30-150 per 100,000 adults per year, and in most cases they result in hospitalization. In 68% of cases, people are over 60 years old, and 27% are over the age of 80 years. Mortality from PU continues to be high (5-10%, up to 15%). The cause of occurrence is a combination of predisposing internal (genetic markers, microflora) and external factors. A significant contribution to the development of peptic ulcer is prescribed by the bacteria Helicobacter pylori. At the moment, as a conservative treatment, it is recommended to focus on antibiotic therapy in order to eliminate the pathogen and reduce its pathological effect on the wall of the affected organ. Of the available spectrum of antibiotics, metronidazole is considered the most suitable, since it has high activity against Helicobacter pylori when administered orally, efficiency in short courses of treatment, high bioavailability, good penetration into organs and tissues.
Meditsinskaya sestra. 2022;24(5):39-43
pages 39-43 views

Possibilities of combined use of the skin and soft tissues ultrasound and laser doppler visualization in hematoma diagnosis and monitoring in patients with COVID-19

Borsukov A., Gorbatenko O., Venidiktova D., Tagil A., Borsukov S., Kruglova A., Kurchenkova V., Ahmedova A.


Relevance: coagulopathy is a serious complication of coronavirus infection (COVID-19), while the use of anticoagulants is a mandatory component of patient therapy and is associated with an increased risk of hemorrhagic complications and hematomas of various localization. Objective: to evaluate the effectiveness of the integrated use of high-frequency ultrasound examination of the skin and laser Doppler imaging in the diagnosis (detection, assessment of the condition) and monitoring of hematomas in patients with COVID-19 with the involvement of nursing staff in the study. Materials and methods: in 2019 - 2022 the study was conducted of patients with confirmed coronavirus infection who are being treated in an infectious diseases hospital with subcutaneous hematomas (soft tissues), including 37 women (56%), 29 men (44%), mean age 48±3.5. All patients were examined according to a single diagnostic algorithm, which included 4 stages: Stage 1. Examination of hematomas by specialists (infectionist and surgeon) with a conclusion (n=66). Stage 2. Examination of hematomas using an ultrasound linear probe with a frequency of 7-13 MHz (n=66). Stage 3. Investigation of hematomas using a high-frequency (48 MHz) ultrasonic probe with the evaluation of standard parameters with the measurement of the pixel index (n=66). Stage 4. The study of hematomas using laser doppler imaging with an assessment of the rate, perfusion and blood flow concentration in the study area (n=66). The patients were divided into groups according to the hematoma development (with or without complications). Results and Discussion: to assess the effectiveness of using a comprehensive diagnostic algorithm, we monitored the trend of natural development of hematomas in patients with COVID-19. Correlation of data of high-frequency ultrasound diagnostics corresponds to r=0.86; laser Doppler imaging r=0.76; complex diagnostic algorithm r=0.91 (sensitivity 88%, specificity 91%). Conclusions: high-frequency ultrasound examination of the skin and laser doppler imaging can be used in combination to detect, assess the condition and monitor the development of subcutaneous hematomas in patients with COVID-19.
Meditsinskaya sestra. 2022;24(5):44-49
pages 44-49 views

Drug-induced liver damage: collisions of the drug-liver tandem in pediatric practice

Kharitonova L., Grigoriev K., Bogomaz L.


Peptic ulcer is a chronic relapsing disease characterized by the formation of a defect in the wall of the stomach and / or duodenum. The incidence of upper gastrointestinal bleeding is 30150 per 100,000 adults per year, and in most cases they result in hospitalization. In 68% of cases, people are over 60 years old, and 27% are over the age of 80 years. Mortality from PU continues to be high (5-10%, up to 15%). The cause of occurrence is a combination of predisposing internal (genetic markers, microflora) and external factors. A significant contribution to the development of peptic ulcer is prescribed by the bacteria Helicobacter pylori. At the moment, as a conservative treatment, it is recommended to focus on antibiotic therapy in order to eliminate the pathogen and reduce its pathological effect on the wall of the affected organ. Of the available spectrum of antibiotics, metronidazole is considered the most suitable, since it has high activity against Helicobacter pylori when administered orally, efficiency in short courses of treatment, high bioavailability, good penetration into organs and tissues.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2022;24(5):50-56
pages 50-56 views