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卷 26, 编号 1 (2024)



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Topical theme

Early diagnostic, preventive measures and correction of congenital malformation

Nechaev V., Chernenkov Y., Eiberman A., Prokhorenko A.


Congenital malformations (CМ) occupy one of the first places both in the structure of childhood morbidity and disability, and in perinatal and early infant mortality. According to WHO, approximately ١ in ٣٣ newborns have malformations, that is, approximately ٣.٢ million children annually have some form of disability due to malformations. In this study, an analysis of the occurrence of СМ in the Clinical Perinatal Center of the Saratov region, an analysis of the prenatal diagnosis of СМ, as well as methods of prevention was carried out.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2024;26(1):3-6
pages 3-6 views

Iodine deficiency and modern possibilities of its prevention in adolescents

Kurmacheva N., Chernenkov Y., Gumenyuk O., Andreeva A.


Iodine deficiency is one of the most pressing problems of modern healthcare. Currently, there are 21 countries in the world where iodine deficiency in the diet of the population has been proven, but has not yet been eliminated. Russia is one of them due to the lack of a legislative framework for mass iodine prophylaxis in our country. The strategy for the elimination of iodine deficiency diseases on the scale of the Russian Federation is based on the adoption of a federal law providing for the use of iodized salt as a medium.

The strategy for the elimination of iodine deficiency diseases on the scale of the Russian Federation is based on the adoption of a federal law providing for the use of iodized salt as a means of population iodine prophylaxis. Currently, less than 30% of the population in Russia consumes iodized salt in their diet, while the target coverage in iodine-rich regions > 90% of households. In 2022, we conducted a survey of 269 adolescents aged 15–17 living in the Saratov Region and found that the share of families who regularly use YS for food was only 24,2%.

Most adolescents rarely eat seafood and do not take iodine-containing drugs, which indicates the ineffectiveness of the «voluntary» model of iodine prevention. In the absence of a federal law, the most important step towards solving the problem of combating iodine deficiency diseases should be the formation of a unified nationwide preventive process based on the appropriate regulatory framework in each constituent entity of Russia – the development and implementation of targeted regional programs for the prevention of diseases caused by iodine deficiency.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2024;26(1):7-10
pages 7-10 views

Nursing service in the healthcare system

The impotance of the follow-up deparments of the clinical perinatal center

Nechaev V., Chernenkov Y., Vologina A.


This paper presents data on the implementation of long-term medical monitoring, correction and prevention of specific disorders characteristic of children born with extremely low body weight (ELBW), very low body weight (VLBW) and intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR). Monitoring and analyzing the treatment results and subsequent development of these children plays an important role in providing them with the best medical care and quality rehabilitation. Regular monitoring and correction of body weight are important to prevent developmental delays and improve psycho-neurological indicators in the future. The long-term experience of the catemnesis department is reflected and the positive aspects of its work are indicated. The main diseases and problems that parents of premature babies may encounter are also noted.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2024;26(1):11-14
pages 11-14 views

Клинический случай

The course of congenital listeriosis in a newborn child on the example of a clinical case

Chernenkov Y., Panina O., Plokhotskaya L.


The topic of intrauterine infections in newborns does not lose its relevance from year to year. Listeriosis in newborns often occurs in severe form, leading to neonatal sepsis, often with a fatal outcome. Awareness of this disease will allow obstetrician-gynecologist and neonatologist to avoid mistakes in diagnosis and exclude congenital listeriosis at the birth of a child with manifestations of intrauterine infection. The aim of the work is to describe a clinical case of transplacental infection with listeriosis of a newborn. The analysis of medical documentation, the course of the neonatal period of a child with a diagnosis of “neonatal disseminated listeriosis” was carried out.

In this paper, using the example of the presented clinical case, the main manifestations of congenital listeriosis in a newborn child are described. The main content of the work is a description of clinical forms of pathology, in particular, listeriosis of pregnant women and newborns. Special attention is paid to the consideration of the diagnosis and treatment tactics of the disease.

Listeriosis is a disease with the absence of specific clinical symptoms in pregnant women, and therefore, difficulties arise in its diagnosis. If signs of ARVI are detected in pregnant women or an appropriate history, it is necessary to conduct a timely examination, including for lystriosis. Prevention of the disease includes informing the population about the path of transmission of infection, about the threat associated with the use of non-heat-treated dairy products.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2024;26(1):15-17
pages 15-17 views

Clinical case of congenital epidermolysis bullosa in a newborn

Shipilova L., Chernenkov Y., Osipova V., Starchikova T.


Congenital epidermolysis bullosa (VBE) is a group of hereditary orphan genodermatoses, phenotypically and genetically heterogeneous, characterized by the formation of blisters intradermally and subdermally on the skin and mucous membranes at the site of minimal pressure or friction. The frequency of occurrence is 1:50,000 and depends on the population. VBE affects both boys and girls equally. Inheritance occurs according to the autosomal dominant and autosomal recessive type. The pathogenesis is based on mutations in genes encoding structural proteins of the epidermis, which lead to lysis of keratinocytes and disruption of epidermal–dermal connections, resulting in the formation of bullous elements and erosion. There are four main groups of VBE, depending on the location of damaged proteins and the level of destruction: simple, intermediate, dystrophic and Kindler syndrome [1–4].

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2024;26(1):23-25
pages 23-25 views

Profession: theory and practice

The role of nurses in ensuring sanitary and hygienic well-being in health care facilities

Chernenkov Y., Prokopenko L., Panina O.


Sanitary and hygienic measures and strict observance of sanitary and anti-epidemiological measures are the key to the health of the population, especially newborn babies. Nurses play an important role in preventing the emergence and spread of infectious diseases. The nurse ensures compliance with the established hygienic standards, as well as conducts sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures, contributes to the interruption of transmission routes (disinfection measures).

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2024;26(1):18-22
pages 18-22 views

Anemia and its prevention in the practice of a nurse

Skvortsov V., Svetlichnaya E., Mironov A., Starova A., Tagiyev F.


Blood is a liquid tissue, continuously moving through the vessels, penetrating into all organs and tissues and linking their work together. In the body, it performs many functions, but the main one is the transport of oxygen. A decrease in the amount of blood for any reason always causes hypoxia, disruption of the whole organism and can lead to serious consequences. First of all, the work of the brain is disrupted, it ceases to function normally, which can cause severe nervous and mental disorders. Anemia is a pathological condition characterized by a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin and red blood cells per unit volume of blood. This article highlights the issues of diagnosis and prevention of anemia.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2024;26(1):45-48
pages 45-48 views


Clinical and virological problems of sudden exanthema in children

Grigorуev K., Kharitonova L., Nemtyreva L., Shustikova N.


The problem of sudden exanthema/children’s roseola, an infection caused by HHV 6, is very relevant in our country. Domestic and foreign experts are actively studying the structure of the virus, the features of clinical forms and course options, methods for diagnosing infection, co-infection with other herpes viruses. It has been established that the immediate environment plays a leading role in the spread of infection. A review of recent data on sudden exanthema makes it clear why healthcare professionals retain such an unusual name for herpesvirus type 6 infection. The underdiagnosis of this disease in our country is associated with a lack of knowledge and alertness on the part of doctors and medical personnel. Although modern clinical and laboratory criteria for diagnosing HHV-6 infection make it possible to quite convincingly diagnose the disease with a fairly high degree of certainty. If desired. The advantage is the use of a technique for detecting virus DNA in plasma and other body media, in combination with serological research methods. The article presents modern recommendations for the treatment and prevention of sudden exanthema

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2024;26(1):26-34
pages 26-34 views

Modern aspects of identifying and managing pregnant women with preeclampsia

Sakharova A., Markelova Y., Sokolova E., Sukhotina N.


This article explores the importance of early detection and systematic monitoring of pregnant women with preeclampsia at the stage of consultation in the antenatal clinic, management of labor and the postpartum period. The authors, based on their experience working at City Clinical Hospital No. 52 in Moscow, consider the features of diagnosing this complication, methods for monitoring the condition of patients and effective pregnancy management strategies to prevent possible complications (such as eclampsia and HELLP syndrome). The main emphasis of the article is on the importance of prenatal screening, regular assessment of blood pressure, protein levels in the urine and other clinical indicators during observations at the prehospital stage and in the departments of the maternity hospital. The results and recommendations obtained provide valuable information for healthcare institutions and medical personnel monitoring and managing pregnant women at risk of developing preeclampsia. Preeclampsia is one of the most dangerous complications of pregnancy, which can lead to irreversible consequences for the mother and fetus. One of the key factors for success in the treatment of preeclampsia is early detection and dynamic monitoring of patients at all stages of pregnancy. This article presents aspects of identifying preeclampsia at the stage of antenatal clinic, maternity hospital and the role of midwives in this process.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2024;26(1):35-39
pages 35-39 views


The study of the relationship between school children’s sleep duration, quality learning and school performance

Shiryaeva Y., Ostrovskaya I.


The article presents the results of the analysis of the relationship between sleep duration and the quality of learning of material by pupils in grades 5-9 of a comprehensive school. The analysis of the problem allowed to reveal the consequences of sleep disturbance in the context of schoolchildren’s academic performance and well-being.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2024;26(1):40-44
pages 40-44 views

Education: problems and solutions

The use of modern educational technologies in the training of midwives and nurses

Ponkina N., Savina L., Sizova T.


The article presents the experience of teachers in the training of future midwives and nurses and substantiates the need to use modern educational technologies in the educational process. Currently, the problem of training highly professional and competitive medical workers with secondary medical education in the labor market is becoming particularly relevant, since the requirements for the level of professional knowledge, skills and abilities of medical personnel are increasing every year. The main task of a teacher is not a simple transfer of knowledge, but the motivation of students to take initiative and find ways to apply the knowledge gained in solving various problematic tasks, the formation of a specialist’s personality capable of constant self-development. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that today’s students are representatives of the “digital generation”. These are people who cannot imagine themselves without the Internet, smartphone and social networks. “Buzzers” are more difficult to assimilate and remember information, because all the information is on the Internet. Many students do not know how to build and ask questions based on the material they have read. In the classroom, the teacher must comprehensively ensure the quality of the educational process using modern information technologies and active learning methods based on the principles of “learning through action”, which necessarily imply the development of independence for students. The more active the learning process, the more zoomers are involved in it. The insertion technique or technology of active reading helps students to understand, comprehend and remember the information received.

The use of various technologies in practical classes in obstetrics and gynecology that immerse students in professional activities, such as: solving situational problems, case-study, performing manipulations according to an algorithm, conducting role-playing games and lesson conferences, allows you to set an incentive and simulate the conditions for the formation of a specialist’s personality in teaching a future profession.

The participation of students in the organization and conduct of role-playing games increases their creative activity, contributes to the formation of professional and communicative competencies.

The modern educational technologies used by us in the educational process make it possible to lay the foundation for the professional competence of a specialist, to activate the cognitive activity of students, making them active participants in the educational process, which contributes to improving the effectiveness of professional training.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2024;26(1):49-52
pages 49-52 views


Children’s psychological resources to cope with psychic trauma

Solovyeva S.


The paper includes a review of the consequences for the child’s personality that follow from a psychic trauma that generates feelings of helplessness and dependence on others. There is a discussion of the psychological resources that the child develops in the process of his or her personality formation, as well as a discussion of the psychological defence mechanisms and coping processes that allow coping with hardships. Relationships with family members, mother, first of all, play a special role in the development of the child’s mental well-being.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2024;26(1):53-56
pages 53-56 views