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№ 6 (2020)


Role of neutrophilic granulocytes in the development of endometriosis

Astashkin E., Krechetova L., Krechetova L.


Contemporary literature data have been analyzed to consider the role of neutrophilic granulocytes in the development of inflammation as one of the leading pathogenetic mechanisms of endometriosis development. It has been shown that the idea of neutrophilic granulocytes in the innate immunity system that plays one of the central roles in protecting the body from adverse effects has now expanded. The neutrophils exhibit a diverse spectrum of effector (generation of oxidative radicals, release of granules and formation of neutrophilic extracellular networks) and regulatory (production of cytokines, chemokines, angiogenic and fibrogenic factors) functions, which is due to the existence of a great number of neutrophil phenotypes that have different receptors that determine their functional capabilities. When interacting with other cells of the innate and adaptive immunity systems, the neutrophils are actively involved in the development of inflammation. Taken together, these data highlight the new role of neutrophils, which is associated with the pathogenesis of endometriosis in early events, such as angiogenesis and modulation of the local inflammatory environment. Conclusion. The potentiated response to formyl peptide due to spontaneous neutrophil stimulation in pregnant women with preeclampsia suggests that their peripheral blood contain primed cells. This total response may suggest that the mechanism of stimulation of neutrophils due to their adhesion on the cell wall and to fMLP stimulation is different, additive in nature, and is carried out by different processes
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2020;(6):5-12
pages 5-12 views

Pregnancy problems in kidney transplant recipients

Pilia Z., Khodhaeva Z., Kravchenko N., Kirsanova T.


Pregnancy in patients after kidney transplantation continues to be an urgent problem due to the high risk of complications. The review includes scientific publications over the past 10 years (mainly systematic reviews and meta-analyses by foreign and Russian authors), which have been found in the Pubmed database and on other available search platforms: Cochrane, Web of Science, MEDLINE, and Google Scholar. It summarizes the existing data on the course of pregnancy, the nature of immunosuppressive therapy in accordance with kidney transplant function and gestational complications, the possibility of their early prediction for prevention and timely therapy. Conclusion. Further studies on the identification of the predictors of early-stage kidney damage are needed to reduce the incidence of pregnancy complications and to improve prospects for long-term graft survival.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2020;(6):14-20
pages 14-20 views

The syncytiotrophoblast of the placental villi in health and in preeclampsia

Shchegolev A., Tumanova U., Lyapin V., Serov V.


The authors analyze the data available in the literature on the role of the syncytiotrophoblast in the normal placental development processes and its changes in preeclampsia. They note the features of interstitial, endoarterial, endovenous, and endolymphatic trophoblast invasion into the uterine wall, as well as the stages of cytotrophoblast cell differentiation into the syncytiotrophoblast. It is indicated that the latter that lines the placental villi and is in direct contact with maternal blood is a major structural element and regulator of the functions of the formed placenta. It is emphasized that the most recognized cause of preeclampsia is considered to be surface trophoblast invasion into the uterine wall and defective spiral artery remodeling, leading to placental ischemia. There are literature data on primary changes in the syncytiotrophoblast of the placental villi in preeclampsia, which include ultrastructural, proliferative, and apoptotic impairments, and formation of syncytial nodules and capillary syncytial membranes. The role of syncytin-1 as a regulator of syncytiotrophoblast development and function in health and in preeclampsia is reflected. It is emphasized that starting with the invasion processes, any impaired function of the cytotrophoblast and syncytiotrophoblast can cause subsequent pregnancy complications, fetal growth, and neonatal diseases.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2020;(6):21-28
pages 21-28 views

The effectiveness of complex compression hemostasis in treating different grades of the placenta accreta spectrum disorders

Zabelina T., Vasil'chenko O., Shmakov R., Pirogova M., Karimova G., Chuprynin V., Shchegolev A., Ezhova L., Gus A., Boikova Y., Bychenko V., Uchevatkina P.


Aim. To assess the effectiveness of complex compression hemostasis in treating different grades of the placenta accreta spectrum disorders. Materials and methods. A prospective analysis included 127 patients identified as having placenta accreta (n=62), placenta increta (n=58), and placenta percreta (n=7). All patients underwent a cesarean section and metroplasty with complex compression hemostasis. Results. The blood loss volume was associated with the grades of the placenta accreta spectrum disorders making up 2943 (2039) ml, 1437(694.5) ml and 1187(632.6) ml, in patients with placenta percreta, placenta increta and placenta accreta, respectively. Conclusion. Patients with different grades of the placenta accreta spectrum disorders had statistical differences in intraoperative blood loss volume and transfusion volume. Complex compression hemostasis was an effective hemostatic surgical technique for treating different grades of the placenta accreta spectrum disorders.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2020;(6):30-36
pages 30-36 views

Plasma levels of soluble E-cadherin and the keratinocytes growth factor in intrauterine growth restriction

Krasnyi A., Khachaturyan A., Vtorushina V., Krechetova L., Kan N., Tyutyunnik V.


Aim. To investigate plasma levels of soluble E-cadherin (sE-cad) and the keratinocytes growth factor (KGF) in women with fetal growth restriction (FGR). Materials and methods. The study included 25pregnant women with fetal growth restriction and 19 women with a healthy pregnancy. Plasma levels of sE-cad and KGF were determined by ELISA. Results. In women with FGR, the plasma level of sE-cad was decreased (p=0.006), while the KGF level was increased (p=0.037). ROC analysis assessing the diagnostic accuracy of sE-cad and KGF showed the AUC of 0.74 and 0.69, respectively. A low plasma level of sE-cad in women with FGR reflects impaired mobility and proliferative activity of trophoblast cells. In growth-restricted pregnancy, higher levels of KGF, as a proliferation factor, may be associated with the activation of compensatory mechanisms aimed to improve trophoblast cell proliferation. Conclusion. Plasma levels of sE-cad and KGF in pregnant women reflect the underlying pathological process interfering with the healthy growth of the placenta and may, therefore, be used as markers offetal growth restriction.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2020;(6):37-42
pages 37-42 views

Risk factors for threatened preterm labor: a clinical and epidemiological study

Nazarova A., Malyshkina A., Nazarov S., Boyko E.


Objective. To identify risk factors for threatened preterm labor in modern conditions on the basis of longitudinal clinical and epidemiological study. Materials and methods. This was a continuous longitudinal clinical and epidemiological study of 1417 pregnant women of the Ivanovo region in the early stages of pregnancy. The survey included 261 women with a risk of preterm birth during the current pregnancy and 1156 women with normal course of pregnancy or other obstetric abnormalities. Results. The study revealed 25 risk factors for threatened preterm labor. The most significant factors are pregnancy following IVF, previous history of threatened preterm labor, uterine leiomyoma, previous history of threatened abortion and preterm labor, infertility. The present study identified the differences in risk factors for threatened preterm labor and spontaneous preterm labor. Conclusion. The findings on risk factors for threatened preterm labor can be included in information systems monitoring pregnant women with the aim of detecting groups at risk and timely decision making about the obstetric department where a pregnant woman should be admitted for the delivery.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2020;(6):43-48
pages 43-48 views

Perinatal outcomes of monochorionic multiple pregnancies with selective intrauterine growth restriction

Kostyukov K., Gladkova K.


Monochorionic multiple pregnancy is associated with a high risk for perinatal morbidity and mortality. Perinatal loss may be frequently caused by selective intrauterine growth restriction (sIUGR) of one fetus. Objective. To assess perinatal outcomes of monochorionic multiple pregnancy complicated by selective intrauterine growth restriction of one fetus. Materials and methods. A retrospective study included 196 monochorionic pregnancies and neonatal outcomes of 376 infants. The cases were divided into two groups: the main group consisted of pregnancies with sIUGR and the control group included uncomplicated twin pregnancies. The main group was divided into subgroups according to the classification of sIUGR. Antenatal period and neonatal outcomes were compared in groups and subgroups. The D’Agostino-Pearson test, Mann-Whitney U test, and Kruskal-Wallis test were used for statistical data processing. The differences were considered significant atp<0.05. Results. Type I sIUGR was revealed in 69.8% of pregnant women, type II sIUGR - in 20.8% and type III sIUGR - in 9.4% of women. The highest weight discordance was 51% and was detected in type II subgroup, the lowest discordance was noted in type III which was 26.3% (р<0.001). Antenatal mortality in group with sIUGR was 12.5%, its highest rate was revealed in type III subgroup (44.4%). Gestational age at delivery for sIUGR pregnancies was 33.1 weeks. Earlier delivery occurred in type II and III subgroups, at 31 and 30.7 weeks’ gestation, respectively. The weight of infants with sIUGR was significantly less than one in uncomplicated pregnancies. The incidence of neurological disorders was increased in group with sIUGR (24.3%) and it was the highest in type III subgroup (58.3%). Early neonatal death occurred only in the group with sIUGR (7.9%) and was predominant in type II subgroup (28.6%). Conclusion. Monochorionic twin pregnancy complicated by sIUGR is associated with a high risk for antenatal fetal death, as well as morbidity and mortality of infants. sIUGR type is an important factor which determines pregnancy outcome and neonatal period.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2020;(6):50-58
pages 50-58 views

Predictive value of critical disturbances in fetoplacental circulation in intrauterine growth restriction pregnancies

Kuznetsova N., Bushtyrova I., Zabanova E., Barinova V., Gugueva A.


Objective. To analyze the indicators of fetoplacental hemodynamics in intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) pregnancies and to assess the effect of fetoplacental circulation on the neonatal outcome. Materials and methods. The analysis of data was based on 138 birth records of women with IUGR who delivered infants with a weight less than 2000g. Results. The evaluation of the perinatal outcomes and their correlation with the disturbances of fetoplacental circulation revealed that the risk of neonatal death is three times higher if there are severe disturbances in fetoplacental hemodynamics. Conclusion. The results of the study have demonstrated the significance of regular ultrasound Doppler evaluation of fetoplacental circulation in IUGR pregnancies in order to control intrauterine fetal condition and improve perinatal outcomes.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2020;(6):59-64
pages 59-64 views

Hormonal sensitivity of endometrial polyps and the efficiency of LNG-IUD as a method of their secondary prevention

Chernukha G., Asaturova A., Ivanov I., Korshunov A.


Background. The Endometrial polyp’s (EP) recurrence rate reaches 20%, that indicates the necessity of new pathogenically oriented prevention method’s development. The aim of the study was to analyze the expression of sex steroids’ isoforms in EP and the eff iciency of LNG-IUD as a method of their secondary prevention. Materials and methods. 130 patients with EP were recruited for US-monitoring during a year after polypectomy, 27 of them were (treated) with LNG-IUD. 20 samples of EP, 20 - normal endometrium and 15 biopsies after LNG-IUD exposure were enrolled for assessing the expression of estrogen (ER-а, ER-в) and progesterone (PR-A, PR-B) receptor’s isoforms. Results. Expression of ER-в and PR-A in EP, which inhibit endometrial growth, was decreased, while PR-B’s expression, inducing proliferation - increased. The EP’s recurrence rate reached 17.1%, while in the LNG-IUD group no relapses were observed due to suppression of all ER and PR isoforms. Conclusions. The imbalance of ER and PR isoforms can lead to EP formation, indicate their hormone sensitivity and the validity of LNG-IUD as a method of their secondary prevention.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2020;(6):65-71
pages 65-71 views

The role of complex neurophysiological studies in diagnosing pudendal neuropathy in patients with pelvic organ prolapse and pain syndrome

Fomenko O., Achkasov S., Krasnopolsky V., Martynov M., Poryadin G., Popov A., Salmasi J., Belousova S., Aleshin D., Kozlov V., Fedorov A., Nekrasov M., Efremova E.


Objective. To assess the role of complex neurophysiological studies in detecting pudendal neuropathy in patients with painful syndrome associated with pelvic organ prolapse. Materials and methods. The study included 44 patients with pelvic organ prolapse and pelvic pain syndrome. All patients underwent a complex examination including physical examination, colonoscopy, defecography, sphincterometry and complex neurophysiological examination using stimulation electroneuromyography for the investigation of latency of motor nerve conduction (M-response latency), deep pudendal reflex (DPR) and bulbocavernous reflex (BCR). Results. According to the findings of the neurophysiological study, neuropathy in patients with pain syndrome associated with the pelvic organ prolapse occurred unilaterally or bilaterally in all cases. Neuropathy was diagnosed in 65.9% of patients on the basis of the increased M-response latency (in combination with changed parameters of BCR/DPR), and in 34.1% of cases this condition was identified only due to changed parameters of DPR and/or BCR. Conclusion. The neurophysiological studies have shown that neuropathy in patients with pain syndrome associated with the pelvic organ prolapse occurred unilaterally or bilaterally in all cases. Neuropathy was diagnosed in 65.9% of patients on the basis of the increased M-response latency (in combination with changed parameters of BCR/ DPR), and in 34.1% of cases this condition was identified only due to changed parameters of deep pudendal reflex and/or bulbocavernous reflex.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2020;(6):72-79
pages 72-79 views

Signaling pathway components of immune checkpoint PD-1/PD-L1 in blood plasma of patients with ovarian cancer and benign ovarian tumors: clinical and morphological correlations

Kushlinskii N., Gershtein E., Utkin D., Petrikova N., Kushlinskiy D., Shabanov M., Khulamkhanova M., Ashrafyan L., Stilidi I.


Objective. To analyze the contents of soluble programmed cell death receptor and its ligand (sPD-1/sPD-L1) in blood plasma of patients with ovarian cancer taking into consideration the main clinical and morphological characteristics of the disease. Materials and methods. A total of125 patients with ovarian neoplasms were enrolled in the study, including 94patients with ovarian cancer, 22 patients with benign tumors and 9 patients with borderline ovarian tumors. The age of the patients was 18-78 years. The control group consisted of 34 healthy women aged 18-68 years. Before treatment all patients were performed the analysis of sPD-1 and sPD-L1 levels in blood plasma using standard ELISA kits (Affimetrix, eBioscience, USA) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Measurements were performed with immunoassay analyzer BEP 2000Advance (Siemens, Germany). Results. The level of plasma sPD-L1 in patients with ovarian cancer does not differ significantly from one in the control group, while this level is significantly lower in patients with benign tumors than in healthy controls and patients with ovarian cancer. The level of sPD-1 in patients with ovarian cancer is increased as compared to the healthy controls (p=0.03). There is no correlation of marker levels with the histological structure and degree of differentiation of ovarian cancer. The level of sPD-L1 rises with the increasing stage of the disease (p<0.001); it is significantly higher in patients with ascites and bilateral ovarian lesions than in patients without ascites and unilateral lesions. The level of sPD-1 does not depend on the prevalence of ovarian cancer. Conclusion. The level of plasma sPD-L1 in patients with ovarian cancer correlates with the prevalence of the process and can be considered as a marker for monitoring anti-PD1/PD-L1 therapy. The clinical significance of sPD-1 is an important issue for future research.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2020;(6):80-88
pages 80-88 views

Iron deficiency states during pregnancy: prevention and treatment

Tyutyunnik V., Kan N., Khachatryan L., Baranov I.


Objective. To investigate the efficacy of prolonged-release ferrous sulphate (Tardyferon) in the prevention and treatment of iron deficiency states during pregnancy. Subjects and methods. A total of 159 singleton pregnant women with mild and moderate iron deficiency anemia (IDA) were followed up. All the patients were treated with a prolonged-release drug containing ferrous sulphate 247.325 mg, calculated in terms of iron 80 mg (Tardyferon). Results. The main blood count indicators were lower in pregnant women treated with Tardyferon. After a treatment cycle, complaints of shortness of breath and weakness disappeared in all the patients. Moreover, a clinical effect was achieved after 2 weeks of therapy whereas hematological parameters became normal 4 weeks later. In addition, all the patients continued treatment with prophylactic doses during a month after delivery, as recommended in the instructions for Tardyferon use. Conclusion. Prolonged-release ferrous sulphate (Tardyferon) is highly effective in preventing and treating IDA in pregnant women, leading to statistically significant normalization of ferrokinetic parameters and blood counts, improving the general condition of patients, and reducing obstetric and neonatal complications.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2020;(6):89-96
pages 89-96 views

Bacterial vaginosis in the first trimester of pregnancy: microbiological and immunological indicators in the evaluation of therapy efficiency

Dobrokhotova Y., Borovkova E., Hertek S., Koroleva V.


Objective. To investigate defensin production in pregnant women with bacterial vaginosis. Subjects and methods. Seventy pregnant women with bacterial vaginosis (according to the Amsel criteria) were examined and treated. The investigators formed a study group of 40 patients receiving Tergynan for 10 days and a control one of 30 patients taking Hexicon for 10 days; the patients’ median age was 29.3 years. They performed a culture study of vaginal microbiocenosis, an immunological study of the expression of defensin genes by real-time reverse transcription PCR, and statistical processing. Results. The course of the first and second trimesters was not different in the groups. The control group of patients in the third trimester more often developed a threat of preterm labor and urinary tract infection. Delivery at term occurred in 97.5% of the pregnant women in the study group; preterm labor was seen in 10% in the control group. Recurrent bacterial vaginosis developed in 10 and 43.3% in the study and control groups, respectively. In the study group, the normocenosis persisted at day 30 after treatment and at weeks 34-36. Conclusion. The expression of defensin was substantially increased in the presence of bacterial vaginosis. Following 10 days, the level of defensin in the study group decreased 1.7-fold and persisted at day 30 and at weeks 34-36; that in the control group declined 1.4-fold; at day 30, the expression of the factor returned to the baseline values and remained until the end of pregnancy.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2020;(6):98-104
pages 98-104 views

New possibilities of therapy bacterial vaginosis: experience an antibiotic used concurrently with a prebiotic in bacterial vaginosis

Manukhin I., Balan V., Dobrokhotova Y., Krutova V., Kutueva F., Sakhautdinova I., Tapilskaya N., Fedulova N., Chernyshova L.


Objective. To evaluate the efficiency and safety of therapy for bacterial vaginosis (BV) with Lactogynal vaginal capsules and clindamycin vaginal cream 2%. Subjects and methods. Group 1 received clindamycin and Lactogynal for 7days, then only Lactogynal for 7days; Group 2 used clindamycin and Lactogynal for 7 days; Group 3 had clindamycin for 7 days, then Lactogynal for 7 days. After therapy, the patients were followed up for 15-24 days. Results. At 2 weeks after therapy, the clinical cure rates were 88.9% in Group 1, 86.4% in Group 2, and 87.0% in Group 3. The laboratory cure rates according to the Amsel criteria were 95.6, 93.2, and 93.5% in Groups 1, 2, and 3, respectively; those according to the Nugent criteria were 95.6, 90.9, and 93.5% in Groups 1, 2, 3. The PCR cure rates were 77.8, 61.4, and 69.6% in Groups 1, 2, and 3, respectively. The global assessment of clinical and laboratory efficiencies revealed that the total therapeutic cure rates were 66.7% in Group 1, 59.1% in Group 2, and 63.0% in Group 3. The therapy was proven to be no less effective in the study group (Group 1) than in the control group (Group 3). Conclusion. The trial showed that the regimen involving Lactogynal used concurrently with the antibiotic and that of sequential use of the former were comparably effective. The concurrent use of Lactogynal with antibacterial therapy to restore the normal vaginal microflora in the therapy of bacterial vaginosis can increase adherence to treatment, and, therefore, achieve its general effect.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2020;(6):105-114
pages 105-114 views

Features of micronutrient preparation for pregnancy in women with polycystic ovary syndrome

Kuznetsova I., Gavrilova E.


Objective. To carry out a systems analysis of the data available in the literature on the methods of micronutrient preparation for pregnancy in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Material and methods. To carry out the analysis, foreign and Russian publications published in the past 15 years were sought in the international citation system Pubmed. Results. The investigators considered the pathophysiological mechanisms for reducing fertility in PCOS, including those associated with micronutrient deficiency and presented data on the benefits of taking vitamins, minerals, and other biologically active substances to increase fertility and to reduce the risk of gestational complications in patients with PCOS. They also analyzed the results of clinical trials, which showed the effectiveness of using myoinositol, folic acid, antioxidants, and other biologically active substances in women with PCOS during pregravid preparation. The data given provide evidence that the intake of micronutrients is necessary for PCOS patients during preparation for pregnancy.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2020;(6):116-122
pages 116-122 views

A differential approach to treating apical prolapse via a vaginal route

Barinova E., Damirova S., Aryutin D., Ordiyants I., Gagaev C., Zulumyan T., Ordiyants E.


A differential approach to treating apical prolapse is acquiring high relevance. The article reviews the literature, including randomized trials dedicated to apical prolapse treatment via a vaginal route. Much attention is paid to up-to-date methods for correcting apical prolapse by using native tissues and by applying mesh technologies. Intra- and postoperative complications are described The complex process of choosing a surgical intervention directly depends on the nature and severity of prolapse. Conclusion. It is necessary to take into account the general condition of a woman, her desire to save the uterus, as well as the preferences and capabilities of a surgeon. Knowledge of topographic anatomy, compliance with the implant placement technique, and an individual approach ensure the success of surgical treatment.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2020;(6):124-131
pages 124-131 views

New procedures for determining resection margins during organ-sparing surgery in patients with breast cancer

Zikiryakhodzhaev A., Volchenko N., Reshetov I., Rasskazova E., Tregubova A., Khugaeva F.


Breast cancer (BC) occupies a leading place in the structure of cancers among the female population worldwide. The number of breast cancer patients currently tends to increase in the 30-45-year-old group. Organ-sparing treatment (OS T) is recommended to improve quality of life in the patients. The operation involves the excision of a segment with a breast lump, but achievement of negative resection margins is mandatory. The latest data show that to achieve the purity of resection margins, indents of up to 2 mm and 1 mm are currently recommended for ductal carcinoma in situ and an invasive form, respectively. Despite the existing data on the safety and benefits of OST, 20 to 30% of patients with invasive or non-invasive BC usually undergo a reoperation. The increased number of repeated resections, and especially mastectomies, leads to severe psychological and physical traumas in women, substantially worsening the quality of life. It is important to correctly mark resection margins during surgery. The paper presents up-to-date methods to examine resection margins intraoperatively. It includes techniques, such as micro-CT, Cherenkov luminescence imaging, radiofrequency spectroscopy-based “Margin Probe”, and fluorescence imaging. The use of the most promising techniques and their long-term results are described.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2020;(6):132-140
pages 132-140 views

Delivery of a pregnant woman with placenta accreta and uterine scar after cesarean section with the formation of placental hernia. A clinical case

Barinov S., Tirskaya Y., Kadtsyna T., Lazareva O., Chulovsky Y., Kovaleva Y., Stotskaya T., Razdobedina I., Grebenyuk O., Shavkun I.


Background. There are rather small numbers of publications on the management of pregnant women and delivery in women with a uterine scar after repeat cesarean section and metroplasty. However, it is precisely these cases that are associated with a high risk of adverse outcomes, primarily massive bleeding and hysterectomies. The use of organ-sparing surgical obstetrical methods makes it possible to implement reproductive plans to the extent required and to prevent massive blood loss. Case report. The paper describes a clinical case of repeat surgical delivery in a woman who has a uterine scar after 4 cesarean sections and 2 metroplasties and demonstrates the efficiency of a combined surgical treatment procedure for placenta accreta. Conclusion. Combined surgical obstetrical techniques, such as bilateral ligation of the descending branch of the uterine artery, an external uterine assembly supraplacental suture, guided balloon tamponade by Zhukovsky’s uterine and vaginal balloon catheters, allow one to perform organ-sparing surgery for placenta previa and placenta accreta-induced bleeding and to reduce the volume of blood loss.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2020;(6):141-146
pages 141-146 views

Uterine fibroids in a patient with vaginal aplasia

Kondratovich L., Arakelyan A., Adamyan L.


Background. Currently, there is not enough evidence to choose surgical tactics for patients with genital malformations. The absence of a normally developed uterus or the presence of rudimentary uterine horns and a rudimentary cord does not rule out the development of the most common benign tumor of the female reproductive system, namely uterine fibroids. Case report. This paper describes a clinical case of a patient with uterine and vaginal aplasia concurrent with fibroids. It presents examination results, a differential diagnosis process, intraoperative photos and morphological data on distant masses. Conclusion. Using this clinical case as an example, it can be stated that the volume of surgical intervention, namely, removal of uterine rudimentary horns, would be expanded in patients with aplasia of the uterus and vagina during the first colpopoiesis.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2020;(6):147-151
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Wolffian duct cell tumor

Meshkova M., Mukhtarulina S., Goeva N., Volchenko N., Novikova E., Rubtsova N., Vostrov A.


Background. Wolffian duct cell tumor is a little studied and rarely found neoplasm. No more than 100 cases of this tumor have been described in the world literature. The tumor develops due to disorders in the process of embryogenesis. In the female fetus, the Wolffian ducts are known to undergo involution, whereas the low level of anti-Mullerian hormone allows the Mullerian duct to develop. However, when differentiation of female genital organs is impaired, the fetus develops neoplasms from the rudiments of the Wolffian duct. According to the WHO Classification of Tumors of Female Reproductive Organs, the neoplasm is presently called Wolffian duct cell tumor and is generally detected in the broad ligament of the uterus, fallopian tubes, mesosalpinx, and ovary. There have been single case reports of retroperitoneal Wolffian duct cell tumor in the lateral channel of the abdominal cavity. There are no clinical practice guidelines for the treatment of Wolffian duct cell tumor; therefore, a description of clinical cases of this rare tumor is of interest. Case report. This paper describes a clinical case of a tumor of Wolffian origin concurrent with stage IB1 cervical cancer in a 45-year-old woman. It shows the features of clinical and instrumental examinations. A morphological study plays a key role in the diagnosis of an ovarian tumor. An immunohistochemical study is a specified diagnostic method, which reveals no expression with antibodies to Inhibin, Vimentin, Calretinin, Chromogranin, CD-99, CD-10, WT-1, and estrogen receptors. The tumor cells focally expressed SK-7, EMA, andp-53, which suggested that the tumors of Wolffian origin are immunologically non-specific. The data available in the literature show that no expression with anti-CD-56 antibodies may indicate the benign course of the tumor. Conclusion. The clinical case under discussion shows that in the morphological pattern of the tumor, there are no necrotic areas or signs of invasive growth into the capsule; a low mitotic activity was found. In this connection, the tumor was regarded as apparently benign. It is recommended that the patient be followed up.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2020;(6):152-158
pages 152-158 views
pages 159-160 views

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